7 ,f0 :') 11 mm, AuiifluoiilMcint n 1 t ,, pm-AV gyo, raon K( Halt Uka. Dm. Vt. Mo I , enseal Wurtii, Onuui. ki m ' Not MaCltjr.Ht. lxwfai, Cbt- Mac " I fetai m. oacoaud aaah ; i, kdwaat I ' ' ' l-'tt PorUuuL Dilbi .--.; ' dlotua. Wall Wall. Haytoar, PoiiMror. Cut- fcMem. ( S??W' Hl!,imo! Mpm i ana poiuu cm and K . ;r i awl, rieapvkace , ;, i "i fortlaad, LhillM, , JViv I" 1 , llol.m, OmUIU, Wai- ' J " nati luia, Lewfctoa, CoJf.i, Ma ... Muncow, Wallnce, Wr- ' ' 4.av nw, Mpokai aud other IJOaai . I.a i PoloU Hl and Bonn "' . rla fromae , ; . ; . - ' ' No.! Islaod City, Allodia J ' ' J Dally tx- cr and iiu. um. Boll ) wpl ie. ilona c kltcu wlta Buoday t clur poloula W I JO a at iireaa Moauiera between I'nrtland sad ama UnwMM every ave d y a. ,- k ' i .it f. I I'. ill f. Visit the- SLewis and ; Clark .EXPOSITION "Tb-be held Portland ..June I to Oct 15, 1905. . TAKR A TRIP TQ CALIFORNIA , , Through the Williainette, , V Umpqua and Rogue River ' t; Valleys, of Western Oregon; ; ,u pass Mt. Shasta, througl' ,; ,f the Sacramento Valley to tut-" many famous resorts on, tbe line of the - '- '-o-'. JTh'ti you want GOOD " PRINTING Call 'Phon, Mo. 1371 ., 7 rifitiite i '- - t - aw, J That Satisfies 1 ' Cohere i difference between printing' that "will do" and that .which ia the kiud you really want, t - ' ; We make a epeeially ol pleaaicg, aa we bare the equipment with' , which to produce good' printing and printera who naderatand the art of printing. ? There ia no order too s email lor too , large to w'; - reoeive our ; e a r e i u 1 t' ' attention. ' " ' . ; .' , v W print anything Irom poatera to rteiting vy'lxj -i THE. OBSERVER 1- J 31 ;f -r beautifully tillustratof I ' booklets, descriptive of Cali a fornia resorts, address) : ' T' W. R. CX)MAN, Gen. Passr. Agt , Portland, Or. : ; Strikes Hidden Rocks ; WbttD roar eblb ol ' balth atrtkaa tb hlddaa Moke ol Oouamptloa, Pasomoait, U.t yea ere lost, it yoa don't (t halp from Dr. Klng'e Nw Dlkoovary for t'ODtampUon ; J W afokMaaon, ol TaUadoge bprloia, AU.a wriuw: "I had baaa ity 111 with Pneaatonia.: aodar Ui eoro of two doctors, bat vra gatUng no batter wrni Dagmn to tate ur. King"! Hew Dleoovory. The flret doee gave relief, end oao bottle en red me." 8are cure lor aore throat, brooebltli. oongbi aed eolda.- Guaranteed - at Neolln Drag Co'e. Drag etore, prioe 60a ead II. TrUl bottle free . y - , t- , . , (. , YOTJ ' VVILL HE SATISFIEL' ' Ii'LVr"" "';" ' the Denver aad Mk Mramia HaUi4 k tue "Hoaulo Line ui I lie world" i ,3 -; : 11 KOAUSE ' J nara art n ninr ancnln iit , rn-' and ' n potnlaor llilaraal aUm lb In, , . navar beeomw Uraaum ' , irrouareaolnc 'aaL wrlUUbr for. S3Url 'Ku.rc. ""V W C McBRIDE, Agent, 124 Third St Vportlard 1 Oregon Why euffer with beadMhe, eonetlpa tlon, etoaauh, kidney end liver trouble, wbea UoliUter'e Rooky Mountain Tee will oore yoa? Mo money wanted nnleee you are oared' so oenie, ion o TftMeU ' The Colonel's Waterloo Colonel John M roller, of Honey Grove, Tazea, neerly met bie Waterloo front Liver end Kidney trouble. In a recent letter, be mya: Ml waa aenrly dead, of tbeee eomplalnte, and, tboagh I tiled my family doctor, be did me no good; to I got a 60o bottle of yoor great Kleetrio Bittere, which cored me. I oonilder them the beet medicine on earth and tbank Uod who gave yea the knowledge to make them." Bold, end guaranteed to cure. Dye. pepela, Btliouaneae , and Kidney Diesaoe, by Newlin Drug company dragglata, at 6O0 a bottle. . . Show Ut Night ..' The perlormanoe of "Down , on tbe rarm" laat nlgbt by the Mack Bealn Theatre oompanyifolfllled every pro- mile made to the publio that It waa f uony and poeeed merit. Every mem -1 bar of the cut wat worthy ol apodal mention and thoee who (tarred were Mark 8nain aa bl Hiekme the over grown hired man, Letter Howard aa Profeeaor Timothy Dawaon, and Doro hy Vairfas aa Mabel Ualitead and Oore Swain aa Both Walton.; Si HU kina, though, ooenpled the center and almoet tbe whole ol the stage dar ing tbo play and It needed but Ida toothless amile to evoke laughter and his lined to proUaco hybterioe. , Tbe abeent minded profeeaor too, I waa juit aa funny aa he waa .Monday night ,a the tramp. . Tonight tbe company la billed to play 'The Little Minister", in which MaudTtdami haa starred in.- Their eoatomet are' eaid to be a duplicate and tbe eoaoery very fine, Tbe com pany cany their own acentry made especially for their different playa , - , Still Indignant V i - i i i Y ' fieri ppa News Association. .Toklo. Bept 13 Anti peace demon stiatlons oontinue in come of tbe ' pro vinces last night, Troops were called to reetore order in Yokohama where tbe popolaoe made an attack !on the pelioe. " ' ' ' " ' ; r Earthquakes . Soripps News Association. Borne Bept' 13 Three J' earthquakes are reported to have ooenrred In Coz ena. - . m --- -- . " - - El . U " ROUGH AND DRESSED I'rL U M B E R b -We have a large stock of BuNding material alwys 01 0' hand in the yard at our?Milll We ; deliver; in Ju quanity to any place; I 1 f PRICE AND QUALITY GUARANTEED. i McrCINNIS,BRQS (U ..,-.,?.:,., . , Vergere Phone v ' " j I Summerville, !,.; ' Oregj A . . . ', i - a LUMBER '.r 1 v RETAILED AT- WHOEESALE PRICES 4 Better.Lumber and Cheaperthan" it iosoldJin S J) UC-raadi" ;Ws Dclivcit to tgu. UiZmx: Professor Stabbed ' Athene. Tenn " Bept J3 Professor Albert Watohenberger was cat to death by Erneet Powers, a pop)' In his School. Watchenbercer hn.l at- 3 tempted to chastise tbe boy, , Oen't yoa eat, sleep or work? Bad llverT Ualliater'a Booky Mountain Tea makea rloh, red blood, gives strength aud health. Curee when all othere fail. No cure no pay. 86 cents yUg'Tea or Tablet. Newlin Drug Co. Drag Co. Giant Dead Nashville, Tenn, Bept 12-Bud Rogan, tbe Tennessee negro giant, is dead at his home In Gallatin. Rogan was 8 feet 9 inches tall His hand were 12 inches ia length and his feet 10,4 incbaa. t i ... V I . "The man who loves his wife the most b not the one to let her roast'! Georgia Judge Dead Atlanta lUa. Sept ' 13 Judse f J Simmons, chief of the supreme court of Georgia, died today, aged 56 years Startling Mortality Statistics show etartllng mortality from BlinanHinltia anil uit prevent and core thee awful diseases, mura ib juss one rename remedy, Vt. I King's New Life Pills. . M fUnnery, of 14 (Justom House Place, CMcrko, aaye: "They have no equal for Con atipation and Biliousness " 25o at JNewlin Drag Co. druggist. Thete itot days, in kitchen overheated by a a weltering ! , atove Cat out the family wauh day. Send your laundry I tens. Saves wood, time and energy. Don't burn up a a lovely disposition. Send your linen, all of it to n . ;a.b. c. STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE js Main 7 ' lULaGwaie. Oregon. awwe)e RED FRONT LIVERY BARN Wm. Smith, Prop, Safe and reliable rigs furn. at all times. Special ac comodations furnished to com mercial tra velem, Phone. 3-5 WM, SMITH FEED STORE Hay, Giain and feed. Free delivery to all parts ef the city. Mountain trade a specialty. Thone 1961 Hone, harneaa and wagoni bought aud Hold a- T017AKDS J2) jy mm I L " . -r""p " wtoi away. ia kidney trouble in one of its worst forma . 1 wnrr 1 if 1 1 11 1 1 'v Tt tttSFzSrrS ,l"J!Fx2t th nonr orsrans and builds up the worn-out tissues of the kidney so they wpertorm thair functions Drooerlv. Healthw fcMi.! v W W wwaaeajnaaawl wtVUUH trmMr.?)!!,"' Blns of Kidney or Bla KIDNEY CURB at nnn l Wii n,M . ,11 fatal malidy. It U pleasant to take and benefits the whole system. y Prevent Tea caa dJlIHrai, i0, fcwC,"n After Four Years. a-T S 2SS?2!"Xn f a B. Burhan ef CarllaU Center. J v . kottle of the artaTaiW upon iSeUg? U fZSTZE ZZk.T. !h, 1 M "Mr.Jy Sntuan law le - - - twIJ gf T t. FOLEY' 'tSDHAVOJtU aSmaMbel " - Elaaay i - Two Clzas. 60 Cents and $1.00. nz scld a Kc:rm:iD by zzzzt r . ' '""PP"rM. i am clad to . .k.. Oag aavaaava.- aaaa rnn or any or thoM trmntora dHn. .Tl e MaedaT toeeUe. ' ""a, (rem Grande Ronde Lumber C S . (' ' PERRY, OREGON. SUMMER FRUITS Until further notice we will be able to furnis customers with the verylbest I Black Caps Black Berries Red Raspbef Peaches Peach Plums e " And.all'other seasonable fruits, iresli from th and tree r NEBRASKA GROCERY . ST0R f) Ooi. 1' ir and Jefferson Sla. 0. RALSTONJ 500 ACRE FARM FOR SAL This farm is only 15 'miles from La Grar de, on th hranoh af i.lio O P Jk TJ i.:i j i , A,.iuur,mU at lue lonenaa It will make several good homes, and will be sold ij tracts if desired. There are three different young orchards, and two good houses on the place. In. school district free from debt. TermB easy. ; . . Address, HENRY RINEH ART' J SUMMERVILLE. OREG 9r call at the farm for full particulars. Keep Cool- ir jou have'no'other way call on the I T LA GRANDE LIGHT AND POWER -. ,' " ' i i ' and s nre an " " " ""! Bates and nil prices . will be explained at the office ; r 'A i Electric ". i . H ,