La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, September 13, 1905, Image 1

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Showers snd Tbaader Storms Tonight
rid Tommoro Cooler -
Said to Be On Account of Peace Terms
Baron Komura
Start Home Mow
Serippa Meat Aaaoeiatlon.
, London, Sept. IS Tb feeling ia
gruwing here among tbe Japenee mem
Jwra of the diplomatic Corpe and the
Citltsos here that tbe battle ship Mik
i wa destroyed by fanatical de-
Wmtm, r ' i-.., o
c'wboa leading dootrine was siuide,CMr,1y postponed but
; rather than dishonor. It le generally
lh leellng among the lower oinaaes at
, lt that tbe Ja aiiese peace term are
jfmoat dlahooorable and that the crew
1 see willing to are the graod ship sink
f rather than remain inactive beohnae
J; tbe conc lusion of peace which reflected
no credit on her magnificent victories,
f In mbetsntiatioa of thia theory it la
pointed out that there was rety little
i com! nstible aboard tbe tattle ahip,
v yet I ho flames were bresking out in
aeveral places and spread ao rapidly
r- that they could not be extinguished
X It la also pointed out that tb maga
tinea are to arranged that thev could
have been flooded yet th.iplolon
ii took place an boar alter tb fli was
fi st discovered and It Is thought likely
that tbe fanatic bad accomplices.
k Waahi-igton, Sept 11 Tbe American
naval attache at Toklo officially report
v4 the deetruotioa of tbe Mikasa. He
asya that tha oaaae of tli flr cannot
i b determined nntil it Is raised.
New Vork, Sept. 13 Heron Komura
Wanted 25 Salesladies '
Wanted 10 Salesmen
Wanted l (Jiuli Buys
Wanted 4 Bundle Wrappers
i j : Apply at once at
'"' V
A man ma? forget what lie paid for bis clothes, but he'll
' never forget how they looked, bow they filled, and bow
they wore. Our faultless clothing saves men paying
made to order prices nd the unpleasant feeling of wear
ing Ihe ordinary ready-made. Yea, we'''l be ready to
abow you any day.
Very HI-Cannot
I U very ill at the Waldorf Aetor - Or.
francie Delafleld waa called from his If
' vacation in Virginia to attend him,
lit say tbot he ia In the tint stage of
typhoid. Komnra la of frail physique
I and the ravine of the 'disease are
the majority
of the suit will go a planned:
Until Or. Dels Held taw the patient
today tbe Baron inaitled upon going
home Dr. Flint and two nureea had
been engaged and a private car wa
being prepared to or oat the continent.
Deli-Held ' vetoed tbe .arrangement
and said that Komura must not leave
bis apartmenta. Delafleld is expeotrd
to niak definite announcements thi
evening, whether or not it la typhni'l.
Sato says tb chief's temperature
varied last night from 09 to 1(12 and
deolarea that be himself will catch the
next steamer Dr. Pritchard, wbo
Brat attended tbe Karon says that he
holds the opinion that it la Inflama
tlon of the gall bladder and declares
there is no dsnger.
It Is said tint tbe Baron grieved
ovsr the reports of the ftellng against
him in Japan and fell eaay victim to
disease. It I known her that b
only arranged peat terms at tba
direction of tbe Mikado.
Oyster Kay, Sept. 13 Tbe Presi-
dent receive! tbe following from tbe
Ruatian peace envoy Witte Juat pi lor
to hi departure from the United
Slates, "l)n behalf of my fellow work-
Fair Department Store
..litlli.ll.i.,l,.,t.f, - l
era I offer my heartfelt thank to yoo
to the government and to the whole
nation lor their cordial welcome upon
my arrival srnd the uniform ootirteay
during my sojourn, the memory of
which wilt live ia oar heart forever."
Four Witnesses
By Serippa New Aaaoeiatlon)
Portland, Sept. 13. Four wltneeee
were examined in tbe Williamson land
rand oaee.' The testimony ia praotio-
ally the same as In tbs previous trial.
Faked an Interview
Sorlpps Newt Association.
Oyster Bay, Sept 13 -The President
in a letter repudiate the alledged In
tervlew cabled tbe Petit Pareino and
recablrd to New York and publlabrd
thi morning. Charlet Richards and
the correspondent of tbe I egad re,
wbo sent the alledged interview,
seenrrd an andlenoewltb tha president.
They talked personal matters and tbe
visitors said they merely wished to
pay their reapecte as they passed
tnrongh tbs country from war. 'lbs
leitet to Rioharda ia a scathing dentin
elation of his methods and declares
!.e matter printed purely a falrlca
tion. Tbe president said he con
sldered the a-tloo of Richards
thoroughly dishonorable. ,
By Serippa News Association
New Fork, N. 7.. September 13.
Vrederiok Cromwell, treasurer of
the Mutual Llle, aid la view ol tbe
immense assets, the amount of capital
iiaudled It was neoessary that tb In
surance eompanie handle snob syn
dicstes as bad teen revealed by the in
quiry and said that tbe aetata of tb
mutual ran ovr a hundred million
annually . To handle and Invest autb
normons sum it require om agency
through which ths Investments could
b made and that it wa absolutely
impossible to biy securities In such
great amounts through brokers and
said that they Invested In mortairea
for eafety. This left three . hundred
and Qty million to be invested some
where elae. The syndicates offered
only the channels for the said hundred
million Invested In mortgage. Hughes
led tbe wltnaas through a maas nf
transactlooa and pinned him down to
the point where they learned that the
rMutnal waa a heavy lotar in the Nat
ional Navigation syndicate.
Bcrlpps Newe Ataoeiatlon.
warninxtoo ept 131 be buresa of
manufacture leaned a bulletin today
wnicn ataiee cnat Japan according to
reportelntbe Orient has eatahllahed
teamere In South America en she osn
secure cheep wheat from Argentine.
Rioe eating la tiring away to wheat
Tbia means muoh to Ibe growing coun
tries wbo are expjrtere.
Surprise the Natives
Soripne New Association.
Pekin, Sept 13-Alioe Roosevelt
and party are sight seeing todsy. To
morrow she will be granted an
aadlence at the Imperial palace. Tbe
Chineee wbo have been aceuitom)d la
i he ceremonious vlaltt of Europe a
princestee cannot understand tba on
oataUoue laformaliliaa of tb vlilt.
Serippa New Aetociri'Ou
Cleveland, O., 8ept. 13 John W
Conaldin of Seattle, and the theatrlo
I manager! ol tbla city today arranged
for a cltcnit of 60 or 60 theatrea of tb
country in an eiolnaively vaudeville
circuit. Two and one half millions of
dollars are Invested.
Blown To Bits
.. , .... i -,
. . Sortpp News Association
Clarksburg, V Sept J3 David
Hacker, bia wile, and , horaea and
wagon we blown op In an exploslou
of forty quarts otnitroglyi-erineha was
banting. Nothing bat the axle of tie
wagon was found
More Fever
BySoiipps News Aaeosiation -Jackson,
Mies Sept 13 roar case
ol yello fever were report) d today
Tbe ton of Hamburg la quarantined.
In Louisiana
(By Hnrlppa ft ewa Association) ,
New Orleana, i font 13 At noon
there were 14 new cas a and two death
Shut Down Mill
? Serippa News Asaooiation.
Prnvo Uub, Sept I3-The diretora
of tbe woolen mill announoe that the
mill will beshutdown Indefinitely on
soennntut the high prloe of wool.
The Institution is on of the oldest In
dustrlea in ths state. ; t y. '
More Cholera Cases
' Scrips ' Newt Aaaociation
wn, oep u ruteen new oases
of onolers and four : deaths were re
ported today,
Chicago Market.
Sorlpps News Asaooiation
Chicago, Sept 13 -The market cloaed
today as follows: Wheel, 82: oornM,;
Voted, Bonds
A special election wa held at
ugene Monday on the question of
authorizing the city council to Ittue
binds for tbe purpose of providing
municipal eyetant of water and light
work. Tb ballots were arranged for
voting on light bonds and watr bond
separately, and the . vote wat
Light bonds D0t for, 1C3 sgainst.
Water bonds-DOl for, 1H. againat.
mere has been mucb argument on
tbe question lor some time past, snd
tbe question baa aroused a good deal
or luterett, but the vote oast was not
much more tb-in half of a fall vote.
All the preliminaries have not been
acted npoo and the measure ia in the
bands of the city council. ' , Tbe
oouitoil bus the authority to floBt
bond and build and operate light and
water work for tbe city.
At the Court House
Hint wat died today by Mra Mary K
Carroll, administratrix of tha ttaU
of " J M Carroll, deceased, n :aloat
Jame Hutchinson, administrator of
tbe estate ol William llntchlnaon, to
recover the an m of $1000 and Interest
for legal er vices rendered the latter
eettle by J M Carroll during hi life
tlma. ......
A default and decree aaa filed In
the matter of J I) Stater plaintiff ver
sus J K liaker in a suit to recover ,120
and co.ts fur itnt of a pieee of land
for vatturage.
A suit was Bled by Patterson A ICp
plnger of liaker City against Joseph
MoUrary to recover I1UI.C2 and ooet
for goods cold tbe defeadant at liaker
A sail to recover mony wee filed to
day by the Wright Merc. Co ol Un
ion against O Lamb ol that place.
W R Sargent, today as attorney for
the plaintiff, tiled a anlt for dlvone
against r'rank Zeenar for Katella M
Davis Keener.
J II MoKennon today fl'ed suit to
recover money for merchandiae eold
to tbe Ormond Lnmber company of
Ueiix, Sept 13 U P. Kama was
drwgged to death thia morning while
driving from Adams to llslix. Mr.
Vayoe drove over to Adamt laat night
to vleit bla brother, who It la the
grocery etore at that place. This
n imlng he started .back to Helix.
II a took some wire along, Intending to
r- pair the barb wire telephone line on
his way back to Helix. He was eeen
t stop once and make some repairs
whtre the wirs bad become . d'tai h'd
fnm tbe fence. . About a mile and a
th bnd, not far from Uarger'a place,
0 of the Oerking boys who was
bulling grain, saw a team walking
along tbe road with , what teemed to
b a large bieut hanging against one
Ireland dragging along the road,
v hen heorme np he waa bonified to
find that It was the body 'fa man.
Almost every bone wes b okeu and
bis bead fearfully mutilated. It Is
supposed that he got ont of tbe boggy
tq repair the 'pbone line, when tbe
team became frightened, and started
to run Hs had on a heavy ulater
whlub taogbt In the hub and aa tha
wheel revolved around tightly draw
lug hie body up close to tbe wheel
with hla head hanging down upon tha
ground He ia a relative of D. t;.
fUchaideon, In whose geueral tuer
ohandise atore he worked for a year or
more. Hit parents realde in Canada.
lie waa very popular in Uellx and his
daatu I sincerely regretted. ,
Crank Visits Teddy
By Sorlpps News Ataoeiatlon.
Oytter Hay, Sept., 13 Isaac
Sohainas, wbo y h I an agent for
a coal firm wa arreated thia morning
while trying to tee lb Prerdent
Schamaa aayt he is trying to see the
Preaidaut and have him arrange a
nnlvertal price for roal the world over,
He contend that the Prealdent main
tains an an unholy alliance with tbe
coal dealer and aids them to keep
tha . prloe of coal op the hlghnet
poaslblo point. Sohamaa Is being held
by the authorities tohjeot to an In
vestigation regarding bis tanity.
There are many preparations that will relieve
headaches, but a great many of them contain
dangerous drugs and those who take them often
become addicted to their use-slaves to them, In
fact -which is more disastrous to physical con
dition than the headaches. '
Instant Headache Tablets
Have none of the bad features and when .taken
according to directions are harmless, but they do
effect a quick cure. Are warranted and cost but
" '
25c a package. Try them. ,
You might as well use our telephone for ordering druvr
store gvHvis as for ordering groceries, We want - telephone
o'dersand have a way of delivering gotxls quickly. Try
it some time and 5ee how we hustl. PHONE RED 81
Sorlpps Nws AsaoclatloB . . ...
Chicago 111 8epil3 Tbe railroads
are taid to be employing nonunion
men to taks thrt place of tbe Irslgbt .
handler in event of a strike kstag de
clared. It is believed that both aides -
are endeavoring today to prevent a
strike, as tbe freight handlers appoint'
ed a committee this afternoon tooon-
fer with the manager. i: "J ' i
All Broke Up '
Borlpi New Association
Wooatei, 8spt. ' 13 Attorney Star,
ling oloeod bis argument In behalf of
h!s ol lent l apt. Taggart thia morning
and aaked that the two boy be given
hit parent and that Ura. Tagger t
would be prrmitud to visit thsm. Mrs,
Tsgg.irt for h Bret tlm broke dowa
and had to be assisted from tba room.
Mtny spectator Including Taggart
hlmstdf wsr lo lar while tbe elo-
quint allortey wi-s jleadlng" --
Seasonable goods as
well as Staples always
on hand.
North Fir Street
i X A .
. if