HEATING STOVES AND STEEL RANGES ESTABLISHED 3655 The La Grande National Bank Report of condition, Aug 35, 1905 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts'. $5815,244 86 United States Bonds 25,000 00 Real Estate Furniture . Fixt' 17,700 00 Due from banks and U-S.tres 69,958 ci Cash on Hand , 33,622 20 Total $73 152507 LIABILITIES Capital Stock ............'..100,000 00 Surplus : 20,000 00 Undivided, profits.. ..r....... 32,254 39 Circulation 25,00000 Deposits 554,270 68 Total $73ii5,07 OFFICERS AND UIRECTORH George Palmer, President. Geo. L Cleaver, Assistant Cashier. J. M. Berry, A. B. Coniey F. L. Meyers, Cashier. W. L. Brenholts, Assistant Cashier F. J. Holmes F. M. By rkit With ample capital, large experience and unsurpassed facilities, we offer you absolute security for your deposits; and solicit your banking business, piomising you courteous treatment and every liberality consistent with conservative Banking. LADIES' OVERCOAT SUITS We have 25 colored heavyweight pattern whieh are milablt for Udici' winter Oveicoab and which we ire wiling at tort to get them off our hands The price range fioui $2 la $2 75 a yard for 60 Inch wide, all wool, imported good We are alio in a poiltfon to male them up in the latctt styles at a riasonablc prices. SUIT CLUB WINNERS Jack Hillary. . - $35 Suit New Club Ed Wright. . . $35 Suit Old Club - ' ' 4 i AAj. ANDREWS Haberdasher and Tailor UMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878- JMU11UB KUK r'UBL.ICATION . U. H. Lund Offlua, L Urande, UieKOn JUDj ST), 1UU6. wltb Hie pmvtlonH of tlieaot tf Cong row. or of tba railroad toW P Guullri Mr Kolb ol Feodletoa it in tba city Ibis week visiting ber mother, Mra B Walters . . - Ladiea wbo read adrertMemenU should look at Al Andrews announce ment io today 'a paper. John Matheson returned tbla eaorn fiom Portland wbaia be baa been on a business and pleasure trip. JT Longler. mailer mechanic ot the O R N Atblna shop, la in tba oltr thli week on a bailiieaa trip. Mr J FLtley and, aoo Sidney Baynea, returned last evening from Portland where they have been attend ing tba fair. ' Matter Carl Waltera who baa been visiting bia grandmother aod Pendle ton and alao the expoallion', baa re turned borne. TbeOommereial Club have let the contract for the painting of their building and the laying of cement walks around their property. Rev and Mra J 0 Walker came over frou. Union tbie morning and are gaeets of Mr and Mra Edmund Bobert- on. Tbey will return tomorrow even ing. ' Mr and Mn W V Hendricks retnrned laat evening from Portland where they expoaition Tbey epent Sunday at the beach. I Dr Moore la busy at bii practice again pleased to aee all thooe wbo wish to consult or be examined accord ing to the drugleaa method of treat men. Among those wbo came borne thie morning from the fair were County Clerk J B Oilbam anil mother, Mra John Hall and Deputy Bheriff Tom Jnhr.ion. A J Show and wife and I J Bsze, left for Talaa, Indian Territory, thia morning where tbey will maka . their home. Mr Show eo'ld hie home north T have Just received my fall stock of Heating Stoves and Steel Ranges, all cizes, and pri :ea in ' proportion. ' If you are gsing to need a Steel Range or Heater call and examine them, g THE CELEBRATED MAJESTIC STEEL RAIMCL I also have a nice lot of lanterns, shot guns, titles, and ammunition. MRS. T. N. MURPHY, Hardwire and Crockery. J line a, IsTHL entitled "nart for the aule of limner inuua in itieHtatea or Utlirornia, (Ire gun, Nevada, and Waalilngton Territory," m extended WmiII I lie Publ lolMid mihif. hvm-t orAiiKUHt4, 1WCJ, Maiyl. Colby, of fortUnd, I 4 . ... .. .1,1- .,,. eonniy oiMuiummKh Huusof onron. bu , the paet aeek, will return thia even rNV,s;,VoV'rhompr;,7r,ri!,:7r.: home d'D- Uteh m- iswKHNW'i Nr.r-WHit hwu NK', oompanied by ber aona Horace anil ortfectltiu m, In Township Ho, 4, Houi.li n., Ami will oiler proof lo show that the land oiiKiii i more vaninnie iur iui llinoer or I d..- I Ik. 11 1 Mra. Mary Marriott, who baa been vieittntr her brother Mr ti Ferrln, (or Brnoe Ilendrlcke, tba 11 yeer old P. Hendrioki waa aeverly Attorney Engine AihwiU spent yea terdiy lo Elgin - where be went on legal buelneie. Mra. D Fitzgerald baa retnrned from a visit to ber f jrmer borne in Dayton, Washington. Manager Osburn, of the Pacific States Telephone Co., left yeaterday morning for Portland on account of the serious illoeea of hie fat bar. L B Hyatt, who Uvea on La Grande rural delivery No. 1 has just returned from Walla Walla, where ha conveyed the family ot Mr Fred York, who after ependirg the winter iiwre may vuuuiuuo to make It tbeir heme. J D McKennoo and ion Baymond lelt last evening for Portland where tbey will visit the fair.. Thia morning they were followed by Mr McKennon and danghter Etuel and Mra' MoKen non'i mother. : Mia Willian Prxbstel and grand ion, Winfield Eckley, returned this morning from Portland aod Scappoee, At the latter plane they viaited Mrs Mary Neealey who was there visiting lier daughter, Mrs Witts. Tbe Elgin public ech'Kil openel Monday with a tojal of 2CI aobolara, about forty nioie than the first days' attendance of last year; Furni'bed boose to rent. Mra Znber, Inquire of Choppers Choppers Ready For Business WITH A FULL LINE Of FEED, HAY AND GRAIN We are rendy to buy all kinds of hay and grain, and pay highest market prices. KM. OLIVER , Slater iBuildino: . JEFFERSON AVE Main 57. lone Uihii for wcrloulturul DurooiieH. mid to extHliliKli her ellin to Hald liinil bvrore the ' mnn nf UfwlMtor Hurt Winwlvur at I. rinml. " goi.,ou KriiiKy, the iUi dny ofKapt lum,. ! burned yeaterday while expfrimentlog Hhe iiHinee iw wltnai: William Y 1 , , .j . StldrJ or ferry Ore, JaniMC MuliilyrM, of ' gun powder He opened a Auvitllili.lllM.rMniiHiili.iiiiliii.aflvnnw.tv tli Sh llnv. inrl tntlihAft m mHtnh to it. above dmirtiicd iud ure retiueHted to file i.j n..,h. .... .vniiutail your ei ending will be ricordrd by your llielrrlaluiii lu thin oillw on or bulora aaid Aa ne leanfO ovrr tne powar expioaeu, . .. . l5lli day of Hcptcnibcr, lm. All Wr,dmtn of the Wi rid Choppers are rio,"pled to be at Elki ball on Wednesday night promptly at 8 rclock as there will be chips (lying, Coma with juur axes well shrncd; sa TREASURER'S CALL FOR COUNTY WARRANTS Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned, Treasurer ot Union Oounty Oregon, baa ianda on band with which to pay all ooauty wairante wbiob were presented and endoreed by the (,'oon y Treaaurer peior to the 13th day of Jane 1900. Dated at tba treasurer's ollloe in the city of '.a Grande thia the ll)th day of May 1905. No Interest allowed after aaid date. John Frawley. Treaanrer of Union Conn iMiiMjat3r WE MEED THE MONEY And in order to gather in a considerable bunch of the noodful within the nut few days, we will offer the following Hues at real bargain day pricea. All rockers will be sold at 25 per cent reduction A'l couches at a twenty per cent reduction. All mattresses at a twenty percent reduction. AH crocker at a twenty-five per ceut reduction. Steel ranges, the bent in town, so cheap that you will wonder bow we got them'. Complete line of New and Second Hand Goods . The La Grande Pawnbrokers Phone, Main 4 aeverly burning his face and band J ability to produce chips and dispose of and aioging off moat of bia bair. Ilia tbem. Do n t stay away or you will eyea are not thought to bay beta regret it. Injured. J iC RIGHT, Oleik Camp No 169 RSLLISTER'S flacky Mountain Tea Nuggets A laiy Medioins for Buay Faoplt. Brings Qoldea Haalth and Kbv1 Vigor. A rpclfle for CoiwtfrMtlon, Indlpwtlon. I .Ire snit Kidney Troubles. I'lmplp. Eczema, Impure niooa, tuvi Hreath, KliiKRiiiri Rowela, lieala'li and Hacluwhe. Il'g Rocky Mountain Tea in tab. li t form, ! cent a box. Genuine made by UoujsTca Dauo Cohpamt, Hwliaon, Wla. SOLDFX NUGGETS FOR 8AU.0W PEOPtf WHAT Will you bave for your dinner today T l'oo may anawer thia question aalla faotnrily by dining at THE MODEL restaurant, the old standby. Our cooking la a paragon of perfec tion, onr food faultleaa and oar eer vioe rapid and oourUoue. What mora can we ray, except that onr prlcea are popular? We give a regular dinner for 25o Coma and try It. - You will not need the eenae of bunger to enjoy it IVI ODE L RESTAURANT J. A. AKBUCKLE, Prop. OPEN DAY AND NIOHT We mi.- a-eekly Meal , Tioketa Caxh '$4.50 limliTrmiTigBimc i?,iie ttirm.viuM mi maim. a(vwJigMgj BAD BLOOD . INVITES DISEASE The Mood supplies nourishment and strength to every part of the body when it is rich, pure anil healthy. When from any cause it laconics diseased or weak it cannot supply the nutriment the system nerds, and the liody is unable toresut the diseases anil troubles that are constantly asaailing it to break down the health. I have uaed B. 8. B. and found it to b an excellent blood purifier and tonio. My blood wa weak and Impure, and ai a reault my ayaiem became very much run down and debilitated. I lot twenty cr more pound in weiicht, had no appe tite and wan in bad ahnpe. Seeing-B. 8. 8. udvertiurd I beiran ita nse, and am well pleased with the reaulta alter using II inr aoma little while. My ayatom and aenerul health have been wonderfully built up, and I nn not heaitntn to civ B. S. B. ttio credit, for it. H. MARTIN. Warren, U., 00 Second Bt. Rheumatism, Skin Diseases, Scrofula, Catarrh, Old Sores, Malaria, ContaLnimi Blood l'oison, etc., are the results of bad or diseased blood, and until thia vital fluid is cleansed and made pure, strong and healthy, these diseases will continue. The greatest of all blood purifiers anil tonics is S. S. R. It has bevii curing all diseases of the Mood for more tliau tortv years by KiiiR down to the very root of I . L. - e . ,i - iiic uiiiimu, ioiviii out an Mnsoua and impurities and building up every part of the system by its fine tonic elTect. S. S. S. cures Rheuma tism, Skin Iis eases, Scrofula, Catarrh, Old Sores, Malaria, Contagious Illood l'oison and all nthf bltxid troubles, and cures them perma nently. S. S S. is the acknowledged kintfuthliMMl tiiirtfiers and the greatest of all tonics. Ilools on the different dis eases, ami any medical advice you may wish will te given without charge. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, 6a. DISSOLUTION SALE AT THE PURELY VEGETABLE. CHICAGO STORE s For 20 Days Commencing t eptember 13 a3CSS3