I I CFESSIONAL CARDS PHYSICIANS DR. A. L RICHARDSON, Physician and Surgeon. , fflceor. Hill's Drog Store. Off rhonc Black 1(62 Bee Main Phone M N. MOLITOR M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Corner Adam avenue mil Depot HU timet Main Heeldenee Main (B La Grande Evening Observer Currey Bros., Ed's and Prop. SIDEWALKS NEEDED Published daily except Sunday Tuesday, Sept 12, 1905. Entered at tha Post Office at La Urafide, Oregon, aa Second Cli ail Matter. WILLARD SMITH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Profit' Mala TI . . liwlalillllDf,oppuiltf Hommer Hoe OrBoe Hoot, I la 4, 1 lo I .One year in advance 1650 Six months in advance. . . .3 60 Per month 65c Single copy..,, 5c BACON & HALL, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Oflloe IB Foley building, Mala It. C. T. Bacon, Keaideoce Mala 18 At. K. Hail Reeidine Maiitl DkS. BIGGEKS & BIOGERS Puylcian aud Surgeon O W Bigger, M. I. Ueo, L. Bigger. M. O Telephones Offloe Black 1J21 Ilesldene Main SO OrCoe Katatou Building over J. M. Berry's tot, lusldene oa Madtaon AVa, second door weetof 'onner residence. Dr. U. W.rilggtre LaUKANUK - OKBJON Profuawnal ealla promptly attended to day or night. DENTISTS REAVIS BROS. 4.J A. . OAee Hommer Building Offlaa lltack 61 Kealdane Black 1111 .,.' ADVEKTIH1NO KATEM IMapluy Ad mlea furnished apnn application lxxl rending notice 10c per Una Aral n lion, jc per tine for ML'haubHqnanl Inaer- lion. . , Reolullouofconi1olnee,5Cterllne. Card ot thank, 6c per Una. WILL COST JAPAN C. ECauthorn DENTIST Office) Ovr Hilt DrugStorai La Grande, Oregon R. l. LINCOLN DENTIST Up autre, Coi Adauia avenue and Depot HU fnoue Rid IIM VETERINARY .SURGEON Dr. V A CHARLTON VKTEKINAUY 8UHQEON, Ottice at A T Hill's Drug Store l.u lrirl Itrno-iin Phone l.'tBI Keaidence phone red 701 Farmers' line 58 DK. W. T. DJWNE3. VETERINARY SURGEON AND , DEMTIST iMVaordne al Ked Croaalxug ature Healdeuce Cor 6tn and 1 at TUIity Bv. yeara eaiiurluuc, beat of refureuci furulvlietl ATTORNEYS tkAWr0rU.& CKAWFUkli Attomeys-at-Law LA ORAflDE, ORKOON like la Foley bulldlrg. J. W KNOWLES Attorney and Counsellor At Law OOce in Kalaloa Building Phone 154 la UraudeOt. H. T. llliame ' . ' A. C. W Mtam WILLIAMS BROS. ATIOHN KYlS-AT-LAW i yrtke la Balaton aulldlug rboneiOjl LaOraode.Hr. L. A. FICKLE R Civil, Miiunj. krijition EnjirKtnrfJ nd Surveying Eatlmatva, Plana, aud HpeelHtol Ion. CWina In r"oey bmldiug La uhahub, oaiwoM Lodge Directory. kvAULKf La Uraod. Am aso t O K meow every Sunday allil la al ol 1' ball a I ui J.ATItAtuU, W. J. B. PullOcW. W. n. ; m . t tA Ha ia niMi, . (hear nail every Saturday umht. VlalUug lueiu era cordially Invited 0 attend. ...... CeaTlorJ ilt eaa be eea at Model Kee- . Jamn Woaa, N ti 1. R. Bnooka, Bee, luaui illfMINTNo II. I. O. O. r. aaaaamety tretandltalrd l ltumdaya In the ohJ Talwaye welpoioe I . U. auouk, c 1. aVi renew nn"-' m" KaBTKHM BTAH OK Hod. t!hap..r tl al wa Ue nvad aud fciurtu Velueaday - 0Ul nrmT- ia.rt SdAataT W M Mary A JlVyWm atd T ttlrd W.Pd.,Tl of the IToilkllTo. U.r. Hall. All lal....g nel.li aSrauelyv John Ball, Clart. BHBK2TKHH Of AathJilCA Coert Maid alArtoaTlia ta mU each Thursday night Ir BKHhert ere melted to attead, K oi r aaii. xiUaon, hlel HUngrt. C H William. Kin, (We loardefTrlaH-l.l" htairer. Juau 41 ejadrietner ,K,,,," KRIKNIWH1PTKNT NO ' - K. O. T. M r ' .a a.,M4 VVaitkaaaulavVa) tfetb'h Tbe lack of the power ol eelf oontrol n biied by a guod Dumber of people a Japan, by their tmtoui conduct on receipt of tbe new tbat a treaty had beeu algued by tbe accredited nipl- mate of Japan aud Ku-.eia, because tbe term ol p'Joa did not luit them, wilt coal th people io tbat eouotry muob more than iu tbeir haute tbty comprehended. The cot will cot be directly iu cath, but ia lot of repute Up lo the unfortunate lioton acta referred lo, perbapino teople on earth tood bigbur in theistimation of man kind for palrnlifm, gulf control and practical wndom tha.ii the Japaueae. ThU r putaiion we. won by it bravely accepting tin challenge to deadly en counter by a warlike nation eix tioiea larger io populatiou and resource!, and then to thu aurpriee ol all, eo con ducting Its naval aud land lotoee aa to be tbe acknowledged viotora. Tbe western p o le thought at tbe eiinmencenient cl ihe war, the Jap anese were novice in modern war- sbip and in tbe handling thereof, but al ita close tbey !taroJ their mistake, lor uo wart hips in modern or ancient timet were ever handled better than the little biown men hand I'd and fought their ships. History cannot cite another instance in any war, where so laige an army aa Japan raised, equipped, armod, pro vided for and drilled, waa carried ovir teas to a foreigu land and posted in front ol tqualiy large land forces ol tbe enemy with suob a oomplete cut- lit in eaob and every detail, for arms, ammunitions, olotrnnR, food, camp iquipmenis, liospital appliance aud tranaportalion, as the Japanese armies hail in Manchuria. Hiudent of the art of war, wheu they came to the obapter On Logistics, ' that branch of tbe military art embracing a detail for moving an supplying arioiea" can uo where find a better or ratler as good an example to study a the way Japan moved and fed her army in Manchuria. In a large number of the bttilia ihat Caesar, A hi antler the Great, Na poleon, Washington, Scott, Taylor, Jacksoo, McLeltn aud Client fought, tie meu were ragged and hungry. Japau wa the first to demoustr.-te hat with proper foresight aud atieu- tioo io detaile, armiee can be moved and aotive campaigns carried ou witb- iut lbs at. Idlers suffering for IikkI and itther supplua. Had the people of Japan retained tLeir irdiuary good sense, sell cjnlrol ou receipt ol the news of the treaty, ibe world oouid tee no 11 iw iu tbe cbaraoler and aptitude ta prevent it run taking and maintaiuitg a lof'.y poi-itioo among the great powers ou earth, a position no fickle and spas modic people, whatever rkil and vn tuei they may poeesa!an long bold. The tduoatioo of the Annrican ciii seu it never fioished. Tbe primary election law and the Initiative and Referendum are both new suhjaots tbat were not mentioned in the school books on Civil Government when the present voter went to school. G. E. FOWLER Truck and, Transfer Wood and Coal Phone 1011 All order given jMiujt alUuliou. With th coming of winter special paint should be takes by tbe propeity owner of tbe city to build watts afcd repair those tbat need it in many cases badly. A few board would cover up dangerous bolea and make aa other wise dangeiou stretch of walk safe for pedestrians and more aightly lo tb eye. . Another important need la more walk leading to tbe court bouse. Tbe volume or business transacted tbere daily by tbe cit tans of tbe city and out of town visitor is immense, and a shorter route than np Fourth street bould be planned. 4 side walk lead lag up to tbe building from either Fifth or Slztb streets, - should be built before Winter weather comes, a block or two taved mean much io many cttes to those whose time it. valuable and a abort route to the court boose would be appreciated. Hve )ou ported yourself on tbe primary eleetion lawt Uncle Chaonoey Depew bat not yet made a single alter-d inner speech since bit rrturn from Europe, Seventy-five per cent of the school teachers of tbe United States belong lo tbe feminine gender. A fellow who hat been oritioised by 1. nAltnw n Irsfmi ..mw.'mm a. n - - r -r . . , -r plied to lawyer to know how to break op the paper. He wat told to buy the paper and run it six mouths. He wat obarged f S for the advice. Centennial hotel Under new management. Board and Boom 15 per week, cash. Meal 25 eta. Hpeolal rate famished monthly patrona. No. 1117 Adam Ave. Phone No. 1161 r Mr. W E MUR'JUISON. proprleto. A TRIAL ORDER MEANS A CUSTOMER All that the Beattle Grocery Co. asks is tbat you give us a trial order. If we cannot please we do not want your trade. A satisfied customer it a pleased oiie aud we try to please. The best groceries for the leuet tnouey. This ia our motto and a trial oider will be a demon stration of how well we succeed. SEATTLE GROCERY COMPANY 2UNDKL A LA WHOM. MEAT CHEAP But not Cheap Meat Ilaviug purchased th Bock & Tlioiua shops aud ulso the Hull Market, we are in position, with the lhre j shops, to furnish our pairona with choice meats at a less price then if we had only one shop. It i not our inteutiou to raise the price of meats, but it 'u our luieiition to reduce the prio , aud thereby hope to increase our trade. A trial order will convince you of the assertion. Grandy& Russell TrtR.EE SHOPS Atfams Ave. bet. randy and Depot, Adams Ave, bet. Elm and Fir Fir Sir. bet. let. Jefferson and Adams Ave. Main 50 Main 78 Main 70 BRICK BRICK Hrick furnished in any yuauity or any style. No contract too small or too large. See samples of our pressedlrick. GEO. KREIGER La (irande, Oregon . J. R. OLIVER. UNION COUNTY ABSTRACTS . Farm Loans a Specialty Best equipped abstracter in Union county. Many years experiences with the Union county records gives me a great advant age. It is folly to pur chase realrstate without first securing a proper abstract . An abstract from my office will show . the title just as it appears ou the official record. ). R. OLIVER, LA GRANDE, OREQJN Room 31, Sommer Bdlg. NEW SHOP We have purchased ihe I. Harris Meat Market nfrrtb of the railrr ad and are now open for business. We make a specialty of fresh and cured meats. Use your telephone, call up Main 16, end we wili de-liver-your order promptly any time during the day. Harris Meat Market Brooks & Rohr Telephone Min 16 Sacred heart Academy La Grande, Oregon 1 his institution is conducted by the s sters of St. Froncis, and affords excellent educaiinnal ad vantages, Classical, Literary aad Scientific Courses are taught, aleo Music, Drawing and Paint ing according to the latest methods. Pteparing young iHtties for the profession of teaching a specialty. (Jlasces will be resumed Sept ember 5. for terms and other , particu late, address Sister Superior To Taxpayers. Notloe Is hereby given that the Board of Equalization will meet at the office ot the ooauty clerk, at the coorthoate, Iu La Grande, Oregon, on Monday September 25, l!K5, and con tinue in session for 6 day. a Dated at La Grande, Oregon, thia 1st day of September, 1906. J li MORTON, Assessor (or Union count). TAKE NOTICE rhor.e Ked 971, Old Town store f r wood (30 day time given). Cht-ut Urooerie and Provisions In the city. New slock and tull Jlne of teed. Dated La Grande, Ore., July 2G. Sept I E J ATKINSON J. L MARS, Contractor and Builder Dealer in Building Material. La Grande, Or. Drop a line, naming aoik, and I wil give the rightjprioe. NOTICK KOK PUBLICATION DEl'AKTMKNT OK THE INTERIOR, U. d. UuiU Office, 1-a tlrande, Omrnn. Annual . li.t,. N.ilire la hereby given 1 1 ml tin. rolliiwiug naitie! aeulw htu rlUil uotlre of ta lei Intention In n aa. Uiml proof ill auppurt of hla rllh), ml Ihut luid oriHif will bu made bWorw tl,c Kvt r end Ittlvrr of the U. K. Ijiml Ditli-e, nt l.ittliaii.le.On'Kn, i.o (H'toherl, Unit la: It. K No vwa, wn A. cn.wuur, of ?'i'.liii,K:v"iif,,r T"- tt.f naniia the tnllowlna' wltnmu to j hie conimuotia rvalilenco 0oii and ruitiva ; tlon of aaid laud, via: H, u llumeti, J. K ' Aul.len, A. ). hulllvau, Minnie Limn) ell ol ' blai tey, iJfaaToa. t K. W. Davla, R.,laler !1 I THE CITY GROCERY AND BAKERY "I Offers customers the best of everything in the line of TRESH VEGETABLES, FRUITS, GROCE RIES, PROVISIONS, ETC., at prices as low as in ferior goods can be purchased. Good things to eat can always be had at THE CITY GROCERY AND BAKERY- If your appetite "goes back" on you, visit our store and you are certain to find something that will please your palate. - - - - If you haven't been trading with us, why not give us a trial order? We can please .you. Once a customer always a customer. - - : - POLACK, the Grocer. - PHONE, MAIN 75." t JTEWAWM OFEM,v HOUSE 15. H. BTBWARO, Proprietor and Mgr ONE............ MERRY WEEK .....ONE BEGINNING MONDAY, SEPT. U PRESENTING Cora King Swain i AND COMPANY In High Gassed Report oire. lack swain Theatre Co. A Popular Company t Popular Prices, 10, 20 and 30 cents J Monday Evening ; "The Silver Dacr,, MATINEE SATURDAY ' 1 Scuts ou sale at Jay Van Hureu's 3 ICE CREAM SODA 5 . i , ,: It will pay you to walk a block to get the best Ice Cream Soda It costs no mow We are better prepared than ever to stop your thirst and . RELIEVE THAT TIRED FEELING. We have only the best crushed fruits aad pure rock candy syrups. Our ice cream is made fiom pure cream and i the best. Let us show you. A. T.' HILL Prescription Druggist LA GRANDE, OR 5W HENRY &l OAPR FUNERflL DIRECT 0R5 LICENJEb EMB1Lf1ER5 Lady assistaLt Calls answered day and nigbt. Phone No. 621. & J.O Henry, residence 664 $ J. J. Carr, residence 386 e-.e La Grande Oreg m m a on B Farm For Sale 89orea, GO in alfalfa, free running wster, 600 fruit trees, good seven room home, ichuol house close on Rural delivery, on phone line. Heie is a hurni.n aud ycu are dealing di rectly with the t.wner Call or ad dr.es, 0 TETERHON Lsild Creek I Grande Free IUimI Delivery No 2 8-2C, Hollister'a Kocky Mountiln Tea never tail to tone tbe atomaob, regu late the kldneva. olininlalo iha Hear and cleanse tbe blood. A great tonic ana muscle produoing remedy.' 35 pente, Tea.or Tablets. Newlin Drug Co. Incredible Brutality ,' . It would have been lnoredib'e brutality if Uhas F LomberRer, of Syracuse, N Y., bad not done the beat he co,.hl for his tottering sou. "My boy," be (aye, "cot tearful gsBh over bis eye, to 1 applied Buoklen's Armoa Salve, whion quickly herded It and saved his eye." oiood for barns and nicer too. Ouly2io at Newliu Drag Co. drug store. HELP WANTED Wanteil 2o Salesladies Wanted 10 Salesmen Wanted 15 Cash Boys Wanted 4 Bundle Wrappt rj Apply at o'uee at y Fair Department Store JlronMS IIIW KIBKN Ba.UOh.lt, Cau. ioX atUXJII, Hroord Keir