La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, September 11, 1905, Image 1

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    amm NEWS TODAY
Partly cloudy. Occasional Threatening
Tonight and Tomorrow
v - i : . -
" Boripps News Aesocistion -Fortlend
, , 6f pt 11 Congressman
Blnger Herman, through hit attorneys
pleaded not guilty of the Indictment
charging him with land fraud eon
piracy, after' Judge Hunt had over
ruled the demurer.
I In the WiUUmtoa trial Campbell
Oanoan (are the earn evidence that
ha bad on the previous two triala and
admitted that be bad made an agree
ment with the delendanta to take np
government land with the rxpei tatinn
of traueferiag It over to the defendants
Coming Home.
Sorlpjie, News Association
1 Washington Sept 11 Ool Ohsrle
Edwards caMe ttday. that tbe Taft
party will sail from Nagasaka tor Kobe
tomorrow, Ihenoe to Yokabania where
the w.ll attend a dinner by the Tea,
guild and will tliea stii for Ban Fran
ekoooa the S7ih. '
Honored Witte
boripps News Asaooiatiou.
;We.t Point 8pt 11 Envoy Witie
and Am'aarsdor Rouen and suites vis
lied the West Point arademy today
and were honored with a salute of 19
fans ss tbey aseeoded tbe fiver in
MnHsn's ystob Corsair. The Japan
ese navy and' military attaches were
here earlier o the day.
t J k Romlg, and family passed
through the oity this morning from
Portlsrd to their horns at Baker City.
Wnuted 25 S,iBladies
Wanted 10 Salesman
I Wanted 16 Oaali B iys
v Wauled 4 Bundle Wrappers
? . Apply at once at ....
Fair Department Store
Quality is
A man mar forgei what tie paid for hia clothes, but Le'll
never forget how they looked, how they fitted, and how
they wore. Oor faultless clothing saves men paying
made to order prices and the unpleasant feeling of wear
ing the ordinary ready-made. Yes, we'''l be ready to
show you any day.
"f ' " clothiers
Require Many Troops
' Bcripps News Association
St Petertburn, Sept 11-Advicee
from Tlflia aay that general Alihanoff
has been ordered to proceed to the
district of KoUie and artillery to re
atore ordr. It ia alia mnnrUil that
80C9 Aiarabed tbrouKh the vllllaxea of
the Oreaghoir disti lot carrying red
flaga and shouting revolutionary eeuti.
mente The govern ment baa aeot the
geueral lvaubof to Kale a to Investigate
be conditions at C menus
Big Strike
Sorlpp News Association
Warsaw. Sept. 11 As a result f
tbe execution on Friday of Kaspsbak,
the smplojeea in all of tbe factories
in tbe oity struck today. Troops as
patrolicg the streets and many arraata
aro being made.
S M W tM A tm
. . . . . w ,
Scripps News Association.
Oyster Bar. SeDt. 11 -.The Print
dent la talking isthmian affairs today.
The board of cosaltlog engineers
lnnched with him. A number of vis
itors, indudlnn tl.e foraiun
por.dents who bad been at Portsmouth.
called at Saga m or Hill.
To Arrange Armistice
(Strlpps News Aasorlatiou)
Bt. Petersburg, Sept. 11. Maior
ueneral Urgtnovaay, quarter master In
General Llnevitch'e staff, has been
nam' d plenipotentiary to arrange en
armistice. General r'akuahiuia for
tbe Japanese baa alao been named.
' Relief Mission
Boripps Haws Aaaociatlo.
Mooteleons 8ept 11 Kiqg Victor
arrived today and visited all the places
damaged by the recent earthquakes
and offered all possible relief and n
pressed sympathy to all of the inbsb
i tanks.
vUlrtr ' T"' 2 " 10
visit ine aprings that aie being de
vaioped by I be cltr, with a view to
aaoertaln whether or not a sufficient
supply of water can be secured for
munioipal purposes and to lavestlgate
other springs in tbe aama violnity.
A little less thsu one year ago,
through tha suggestion of Water
Superintendent Oilman, the late J. II.
Oburih took an option on thi eighty
acres of land upon which four springs
that the city are now developing, for
tbe sum of S3000. This uptiou sipires
iioveuiber nrst with tbe intention of
permitting tha cttv to Invastiaata nt
in case it deolded to buy tha land tbry
oould secure it at the Bitarea la tbe
option plus the 1 100 which the option
ooei mm
Several weeks ago the ooouuil appro
priated aw to be used in tbe develop
ing or these springs and tl e result
eecarea aucn an increased now thatjat
uo iunuu 9mv more was voted
In oaae tbe water committee raw Bt to
n it all. .
These four springs are now flowing
a little In excess of BQ.COn uiinr.a
aauy and all who have vialtt-d these
springs and have examined the forma
tion and lay of tbe ground feel
warranted in believing, thai the
sent supply can be greatly increased.
inia opinion is shared bv man .J nnr
bualnras men and Drobert o
have taken tbo trouble to Mra .null
viaii ineao springs. - i
Aside from Ueei)elM-eblnh a
known aa tbe Folk springs. Hr. Kolk
is the owner of the land, there are
many more. One on tha FMlii
, m . -'
Poe noas 33.1WU gallons within
twenty four hoars and RO (jit krmeug.
bat hat with a iftiu wn.v
- wsaw IllUff
water could be ae ured
miles above the Folk farm nn h.
Clark plaoe. there ara four aitplnffa
which combined flowe about is am
This ia certsinlr the vear tn' Hni
perpetual flowing springs, to illustrate
Mr. rlartimess who accompanied tha
party yesterday did so with tha lrtm r
showing tha oounoll a large kpring,
which ha thought they knew nothing
of. At one time it wae considered
practical to run a wood saw from tbe
power furnished by thle nrl. a. hnt
one could faardlv lUlSffina lha inrnrli.
oa Mr. Hartlmess' faoe sitae
vne party away op on tbe bill side to
And tbat it had simply dried an Ibis
season ana ints 1 trua nf tn.n.
springs, j or that reason Ibis Is an
exceptional season to find surlnaa th.t
atano tbe lest of diy seasons
By tbe time of the next meatlna nf
(tie counou oonald rable more develop
mem work will have been accom
plished and It ia orobahla th.t
deflulte action will be taken, whether
or not ina oity will bar tbe property
and bring the water to thU rlr
Careful eati mates have not vet been
made but it la bought tbat lrss tban
115,000 will buy tbe property and
bring tbe water to tha .city,, whlob la
aount two miles distant. The whnL
tblog resolves Itself down to the fact
mat u tbe supply of water is there,
ins city snouid lose no time In becotn
Ing possessor of It Tbe present
supply of 99,000 is over twice as moib
aa this oity is now using for douie.tlo
purposes, not Including Irrigation
Those in yesterday's parly ware:
Miyur Slater, Councilman Reavis,
Kennedy aad Bohneneamp, Water
Superintendent 11 U Oilman, Civil
Engineer Li. A . Piokler, M. L tusey,
9. If. Hartlmess aad Geo. U. Carrey.
Missouri's Governor
Oivemor Folk and stsff started fron
Ksnsss City, Mo, on Saturday night
tbs 9tb, for tbe Lewis and Clark xpo-
tion at Portlanl Ore, where arrange
neat are bing made for his recep
ton on the 14tn. He will pass throng I
La Grand probably tomorrow.
Murdered Husband
By 8orlppe News Aaeocistlon
Butte, Sept U-Mrs Wm Frost sliol
and killed bar haaband. a w all Iiiabi
mining man at home this morning In
a fit of Jealousy. 8ba claims she fear
ad that ha was colnx to Injury bar i
men have crossed tba frontier
, Not Anti-Foreign
Boripps News Aeociaton.
Oyster Bay, Sept. ll.-Grlscoia.
minister to Toklo oablee Violence to
few foreign attacks oa Christian
ebarohee oould not be considered to
indicate a general Mnti.fn.i0n . ..m
christian feeling. The totmer was In
cidental and the Utter le due to a
eporadlo antagonism to tbo Kueeian
churrh Some native christians in the
Ibow an
American fla. k- .
newspapers duiinc mans mnnth.
had aroused their expec tations so It
was but natural that they were d.s
satlsfled with the terma ol . tha .
Tha sentiment in tbe armyi navy and
tha nobility is more conservative, oix
Toklo newspapers have been snpi.ressrd
Merthil u continue and will for
sometime to insure qilet. Iu'tbe
meantime the legation is being goa-d
ed by twelve soldier.
l"atal Mistake
Sotipps News Associr lion
New York Kept ll-Tbe . floor of a
wrecked rar w.iloii was torn off the
heavy tracks loboggnU down over
passengers who bad been hurled and
strewn along an liiclimd plane, made
by parts of tha -ar fiom "the struoture
to tbe streets ireult.d in some being
killed and ucarly all In the path were
injured (J A Jackson, a switobman
has b.en arrested aooused ol bavlna
turned the switch after the tint r.r
bad passed . It is alleged that ha bad
mistaken the 8th avenue train for
another and turned the switch for It
to turn into anotb r. teeing hie mis
take when the Brat oar had passed he
turned the switch back, whlob caused
tba wreck. ' ,
1 Alice in Pekin
By Bcripps News Association
Pekin 8ept 11-The Alloe Ronaevalt
party arrived at Taka. A diatlaguisb
ed party of oltlcials and dlplotuates
have gone to escort her to Pekin.
Injuries Serious
Cbsney Cook, who was mentioned
in Saturday's parJer as beini seriouslv
injured by being csugbt nndr an ovir
turned load of wood, has been hrouEh'
to tbe oity and is at tbe new hospitsl
ior ireatmens. , His injuries wer
dressed by Dr Holitor af tbe home ol
Wm Baoton at Ladd ereek, where the
accident look place, who repurta that
ha tuir-red a OJUiiiound fraotura nl
tbe right arm and sustained serious
in sroal injuries, lie is reported to
be somewhat better tbis morning al
though not yel entirely out of danger.
He is tbe first surgical osse to be
brought to tbe new hospitsl.
Worst Feared
Boripps News Associitlon.
St. Petersburg, Sept. 11 Cnmtuunl
catlon has been cat between bare and
Baku and it is fearsd tbat ths situation
is worse than ever -
Battle in Caucasus
(By Hcrlppe ISsws Asaooiati.-n)
St. Petersburg. Sent. 9 A Ivlnai
this morning report a battle I . tween
toe larters and Armeolas and ir, least
1500 ware killed.
Store Burglarized
8 metime between Saturday night
tod Mondoy morning some unknown
person or persons Utter M Qaddes Uror
tote and took 12.00 from ths oaeb t il
and a quantity of clears and rami.
- "
from the cases. Evidently it waa the
work of novices of boys, snd tbo wok
seamed to be tbat of one unskilled
Criminal Docket
When circuit court convenes on the
second day of October Judge Keklo
will be occupied with the disposal of
six criminal eases, tha principals o
of whli-h ara now being cared for in
tha county, jail They ara :
t'lxok Howard, charged with hunr.
Kay of a bozoar; B M Hulls, aasanlt
ti kill: James Brandett. assault aiiih a
langerons weapon: 11 C Brown, aaaan t
with a dangerous weapon; John Triti-
betts, larceny of a horae, and Vrt
Mo Bride charged with tbs same erlme
to Join jcrowd; killing aw i
Bcripps News Association.
Washington, Kept ll-The official
report of Minister Gammera at
Tangier confirms the report of the
unsettled coedltione at Morroceo,
winch says that tribes are Bgbting lu
bis' Immediate neighborhood, the
TnKiir trlb againxt Ralsolll.
Minister Giimmere was returning from
tha moaiitaina where be went to
ss ape tbe heat in Tangier The out
laying diatriot being unsafe, owing 'o
tbe Indecision of the attitude or tbe
wornt features of tha situation. State
department ofliolala expeot Inter
nstiooal isterraution to fc boooui
panted by oompltoationa which are
certain to arlee on arc , nut of tha
jealousy between Franoe and Oeruiany
regarding Horrooco
rWolberg Dead
BySdiipp News Association
Pensacola, VU , fopt l.A Wol.
berg, tbt eonsul in tbis city represent
tog Norwsy and 8weden died this
morning. Tha , Indications ara that
his death was caused from yellow
fever. An autospsy will be held.
Would Not Accept
Scrlpps News Association. "
Toklo, Sept." 11-The Mikado has
declined to accept tha prouTered realg
nation of Yoahikawa, however It ie
believed he will aocept-the resignation
later, '
Berlin Cholera
Sorip,s News Association .
Berlin. Sept. 11. Sixteen Dew oaaea
of cholera and six deaths were report
ed up to noon making a total of 170
cases with 68 deaths. Oat of seven
oases at llroinberg there are five deaths.
Bitter Taunt
Porlpps News Assoomtlno.
Berlin Sept, 11 It f stated that
Tut key protest to Russia against tbe
managers of the Armeuiana in Uineu.
us Is regarded the bitterest taunt aver
administered to Russia.
There are many preparations that will relieve
headaches, but a great many of them contain
dangerous drugs and those who take them often
become addicted to their use-slaves to them, In
fact-whlch is more disastrous to physical con
dition than the headaches.
Instant Headache
Have none of the bad
according to directions
effect a quick cure.
25c a package. Try them. ' ,
You might as well use jour
store gooas as for ordering groceries. We want telephone
o-dersand have a way of delivering goods quickly. Try
it some time and see how we
Elevated Wreck
By Boripps News Aseooiation
New York Sept 11 A eat of tba ele
vated train plunged Into tba street
tbis morning on 9ih Avenue aad 32
8treel. Six were killed aad about 26
injured. Fonr died in tbo hoeoilal'
j since tbe wreck and otneia are expect
ed to not survive.
Tbe car was packed with workirg
people enroute down town, when tba
first two ears rounded Ilia curve safely,
but the third, oa account ol improper
ly set brakes, led tbs struotura telling
on and wrecking a drug store below
Tbs fourth and fifth cars remained i n
tbe track. Tbis is the first aocident
on tba elevated railway ia the city. '
More Yellow Fever f
(Sorlpp News Arsoclation)
. New Orleaus Sept. Il-Twenty new
v mum v jm.n mwm ttmmm Immm (VMM
ed np to noon with no deaths reported
Suit Filed V
Puitwaa filed today ' by tha
Amalgamated Sugar Company 'againat
NF Newell and wife, Ida Newell to
recover money on notes.
reasonable fioods as
well as Staples always
on hand. '
North Fir Street
features and when taken
are harmless, but they do
Are warranted and cost but
telephone for ordering druj
hubtK PHONE RED 81