I i.H ' i i aaatMMraaTaK. mawmmmw Good Outing Flannel Per yard 5c Standard Prints Per yard 5c l!pWN:j 1 f :f i. i r t I 4 SCHOOL TIME AG A IS Are the Children Ready For lit? You know they vvill need a, few Jittlc Extras to ' start witlH-STATIOMRY, SUPPLIES, A NEW HAT OR CAP, SHOES, HOSIERY, DRESSES, SUIT, ETC. j .ii 1 .i,. WE HAVE THEM ALL, AND AT i viljn it'; RIGHT PRIGES THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY, 1308, 1310, 1312 Adams Avenue. Largest Store' Smallest Prices ' Good School Shoes $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 Cood Pencils, Rubber Tiped, Ic Large Pencil Tablets, . .. 5c Best Pens, Per Dozen, SfCESRascass: 8c MriX O, Swaokbammor ,! b ,beu quit. 411 tba past . week Soont,, ,,, , 'Chae. Jonas, formerly of Union, baa baeo. appointed postwaaler at LutgeO', Oregon. .f , BO, Bilker of Elgin, .formerly ,of thi city, baa puxohaaed, a haUiotereSt in, Wm 8baw'a cjgar lauory . ltl . ,Mia Bete le . Holiua, stenographer In, tbe United States Ind, Offlcr, , left last evening (or Portland for a few day el " ." ' -"' "" " - t -'- .... .til?,. ,...!!,, I, J-rank Nasely formerly of LaGrawle Ore' , was In tbe ' cltv 'yesterday'.' He is'coutemplatirig making hia' borne In tbe Walla Walla vklley. Wall "Walla 0u loo. " ' ' 1 11 ! ! .,.t- P M Dalby ,' or La' (3 Hods w.i W vis itor In the city yesterday attending to bnelnees Inter att.ifcCtTforaTIt a A danjAWtrwatiborn'' to MP and I venous i. nn..v f I.'... I k .1.. I - ' i I ' vauivn gi f raikuniv -vu r II" I . mi J . . . . . , I . in morning GRANITEW ARE I have just received a nice lin of granilewaro, three dilfereut colors ti aeleet from. 1! you aee it you will wautto1 try some it. I also have a (uice line of . '.. r , CARPENTER TOOLS, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, SASH-DOORS AIVD SHINGLES, first jlrade ,.' Io not forget about, my guni tod . ainraunitioo. -GUNS. TO RENT- ay Hrptembrr lit. iiie niayor eiiil inemrrMMJlUMtry I Paiivnu hill." tl.a muunn . ami load turned over and omght Mr. Cook nn Cotincll antf lever al ltl,a , have ,ari ranged to visit theaprioj whicb. tbla SentSr Waiter ixrua vhoU In th vatTey looking after his large and ru led Intareata in tbla, valley and oitr OUR NEW SUIT , CLUB Starts TONIGHT Be one of the lucky ones to have your name on the list. Watch thli space for Suit winntfi Lot Snodjrata $35 . Suit lut Saturday' New tuit club itart Sal. Sipt. 9 Our new fall patterns are In so the win ners will have a splendid assortment to c-; pick from. '." V . J . - AIj. andeews Haberdasher and Tailor ; . 4 4 Ready For Business WITH A FILL LINE Of FEED. HAY AND GRAIN ; We hre ready to buy all kinds of hay and grain, l) '; anc' P.y bighest market prices. : ; ; K- y oLiyER ! Slator Buildincr . IEFFERSON AVE Main 57. WE NEED THE MONEY And in order to gather in a considerable buuch of tbe neodful within the nut few days, we will offer the following linea at real bargain dny prices. AH rockers will be sold at 25 per cent reduction AU couches at a twenty per cent reductiou. All mattroBses at a twenty per rent reduction. AW crocker at a tweuty-ttve per cent reduction. , Steel ranges, the best in town, so cheap that you f ' will wonder bow we got them. Complete lincf Ne w and Scc.H Hand The La Grande Pawnbrokers " " Phone, Main 4 GROCERIES FROM THIS STORE ARE ALWAYS NICE, , AND FRESH Seasonable oodsV as well as Staples always on hand. QEbDEBRif North Fir Street 1 CANDY Now is the time to think abcut the scrt candy your Children have been eating ; , If you buy candy from' SELDER You need . not worry about it, for our candy is made upon , scientifio principrls aiid it is all pure. A trial order will convince you as to its merit. SELDER, The Candy .- Man Music School Resumes The U Oraml Hobool of -nair cow manoeaS.pHl. All ihun wlahlrg 0 atodr will apply at one and engage tbelr leaaona. Tboae coming Brst win hava tbe beat boura. UVUVV ,11. iiiiiniifuiun il,. . Conaiderable iotereat It being, taken by tbe oitizena . In tbe. . new omient oroaa walk that la being placed , across Adama and Klin street. ; m " QTh lluion , exierimental farm exhibit at , the Lewis and Clark fair, line recently b ea over hauled aod rnmideled by Supt Georie Gamaile and Is s till to lie the beat feature of the Union County exhibit. Mrs If O West and dHtighters ieft tbia morning for Weieer where tliey will vlelt frlenda and relatives a few days. "' Rev Van Nuya of PHiidleton, arrived tlila morning to attend tbe funeral of tbe late C Kalaton. Miss Edith Willis i xpeots to leave Mobday morning for Walla Walla where aba noes to atteod Whitman college. " The I'rogser Ilulletin' ol this week records that O W Neaaly formerly of thia city, hua been elected councilman to Ull an unexpired term. . i ' Bflfnenber Hie La Grange publio scLoola open f r the neaiona w irk u xt Mouday morning. Mrs Marl, Bean ol jSiagara, P1U, N V, and Mrs Angeliud F Klton ol Ark!. ta Cl."have jn arrlvif lo visit wi-h their tister Mrs J H Cillt." ' "' ' - -'. I ... ...ill. ft ,11 o - ,( J A. B Oilloway, traveliug managtrid lha Bla'te McFall paper ooiupan, tif Portland Oregon, who haa twto ff bis territory the aat two months taking bis vacation, ia a La Grande cslli r 'o- day.."'" ! ft Frank Baker, a railway conductor oi Pocti:o Iduho, ia in tbaoity looking for a situation expecting to locate here. u . . e State , Conference i Tbi atate conft reuie if all of tbe wards in Oregon of Ibe Churob of ibe Latter Day Puinta, convened tbia morning at their bouse of worship in tbia city Apwtlo llyrum M . bmitb. aon of Preaidaut Josepli d ntth, ia preteut aa la also KMor Keaoh of (salt Lake. Two meetiona a day are being bald, one In tbe day and one iu tbe evening. The exen isua tomorrow are expected to be ijtereating and a special feature will be tbe alining in the morning and ifternoon aeasioo New OK &N Sidetrack A new tide track .1000 feet long la bidng bo.lt on ttie O B. i N. half ay between Union and IVi tiona, on what ia known aa Telcoaeet hill, lu order to allow traiua to meet ou the hill It ia It) ml loa frfcm Tei Union and often traina ar irHti .i layed In waiting for auother train to ollmb the mountain and by meeting half way up tbe bill much valuable time will be aaved iu the rush. It is possible a section home , milt here, also -Kat Oreg.mlau MRS. T.H N. MURPHY, , , . Hardware and Crockery. Baeante!5r'efiAiuBs3saji cms Accident while Cbancr ("ook i banling wood dowo tbe L.dd der the load: ' Mis Wm. liaoton.'near city aie devegnap Mtl( tjoJ whose readenoe tue accident took . .T.. . ... ...... "I nU.d l.lanhrtiiul in A I... ..w. Tn place, telephoued to Attorney ' Tnrner Oliver, ttating the facts and advancing the information that tbe did not think that Mr. Oook would survlvs the ao tuueut very mug. mi. cni IZiCZ oummnnicated with Dr. N.; Wolltor who is low with the injured man. It Is to be hV))ed that the doctor will find that lha injured UiauV Jti Uot'ao badly hurt at Mrs - Itanton thought. Mr. Cook waa la tbe employ t. of Mr. Llge Oliver at the time tba r cciilent iH'Ourred. " ' ' '" "' " '- ' Centennial hotel i '." llader new management. j' Board and Koom IS per week,' caah. Mealt 215 cts Hpeoial rates furoisbed monthly patrons.' No. 1417 Adama Ava N Phone No. Util ., , , Mrs. W E MUROHiaOM. proprietor Goes To ,Fris ' 11 P Kennecwnobaa been eoglneer oo the Kaiuafa helpers of thsX) KAN for tbe uaat three ysHrs, will resign bis poaitiou on Keptember , 15, and go to Ban 1'ranVisoo',' where he wlll 'taks' a pAition as chief engineer in th PuJIh', Brewing company's brewery at-' 1 that place. New Turntable1 .The O R & N company will build a new turntable at North Powder to accomodate the helper engine which runt beiweentbat rtatlon anTeloiaset At present the helper matt, "back" (to North Powder or' get around " it wyo" wlroh tak.it considerable tiii.e i " f- MiBt CarrieGermwi, wbi baa been visiting tbe exposition, and alto, tpent a few weeks in tan Francises, return ed home jcster.Isy and is the guest of Mn Ham Tucker. '" 4'' 1 " y ! J'"' :V x i AS A STARTER I Suppo )roa try aome Blue Points or a chowder. After that go dowo tba list and aelect tba tempting tblnga ws havxon oor bill of far and when ouve fluished dining you'll feel like king. There's no bettor plao ta ioe than , 4 AT OUR RESTAURANT n ,Wj have tbe latest of everything tbe market affords, and know bow to oook and eeours It , Bring your wife down, ah wants a bange and it won't coat moot). Opto evenings. M ODE U I ( I REiTAURANT h J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT , We ee.. weekly Meal . .A Tickets Caah 54.50 I NO POISON No Spoiled Fruit By using . Economy Jars there- is no danger from Zin Poison, Ihe fruit being in a vacum, willkeep for ever. ; i : t These Jars are to be had at BAKER BROS. Ngj Phone Main 29 J 1 " " " " 1 1 1 - - i , , , t a i I fell rril j S M WE BUY f Married BUTTKUFIKLD UI.M In Union oa Thmaday Hept 7th IU05, by Kev Walker. Mr C N BullerHeld nd Mrs Uvioa Ulm. HALINU HAkRlB-In Uoion on Tlmrs!ay8spt7th l!Hi. Mr Oeoar Sailing and Mist Anna Harris. Married BUrfEKFlELD t-UMMKK In Flgin Wednesday 6th, Mr Adron M. lulterfleld to Mra Pearl bummer. Doors -Sash, Shingles and Lumber In large quantitiea direct from factories and mills l a a yearly contract pri ce, and while we pay the ' I owes pr.ee, we get the best gooos, and can-ord ' I g ell. t figure, that others buy for, theX !iv- I ig our customers the benefit ,ff wholesale pmeT STODDARD LUMBER CO. A' Tff iale by Wew7tn iZ,' IaW-u' Xht W height of ah, ' fel