La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, September 09, 1905, Image 5

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Wanted 25 Salesladita .
Wanted 10 Salesmen
Wanted 15 Cash Boys
Wanted 4 Bundl Wrappers
Appljatonoe at
Fair Department Store
Nice Cosy Five Room Brick Dwelling just building, will
be completed Sept 15th All modern conveniences, Easy
Distance from Business District, School! Churches and
'J ourt House. Will make the price, and terms very rea
sons ble.
. ye Room Modern Cottage nearly new, nicely located,
and we know price and terms will suit
Five Room Cottage in nice part of town, at a very rea
sonable price. .
Yon cannot afford to pay rent, when with a small amount
of money to pay down and monthly payments about the
same as rent yon can soon own your horns.
We have started many on the right road, let ns start you.
Will build yon a house according to your own plans.
Will loan you money on your property.
Xa Srando Snvntmcnt Co.
Foley Hotel Buildiug La Grande, Oregon
Sanitary Steel Folding Couches and Springs
direct from the factory at lowest possible prices
Iron Beds,.., ...regular 3.50 now $2.65
Steel Coil Spring regular 8.50 now 2.25
8anitary Steel Couches regular 14.50 now 8.00
Hard maple frame, woven springs,. . 8.00 now 1 95
Hard maple frame, woven cots 2.75 now 1.75
Linoleum, only ,60c per yar-l
' Home furnishing Bargains-
Phone Redjliei .
Highest Prices Paid for Second Hand Goods
We have secured a Urge Government contract and are
in a position to handle all the first calss Timothy Hay
you have to offer.
We are contracting for all Kinds of produce, such as
Potatoes, Apples, Pears and Prunes, which We arc
shipping in car load lots.
We are buying all kinds of grain. As soon as you
are ready to sell come in and see us. You have the
goods and we have the money.
Oregon Produce Company. 0
JULIUS ROESCH, Proprietor.
Largest Brewing Plant In Eastern Oregon
Ask for La Grande Beer and get the Best
Rev. Mower
The broad.Dio ol brotheriy loe
nd good will wa certainly exempli
fied in it failed Is it evening at the
Mtthodiit oburcb in tbe expression ol
welcom xUndeJ to the Be H H
Mower tbe dw pastor, end bit fam
ily. ' ......
La Oread year ago, howvr,
brok away from the tradition al ner
rown that waa carried down from
tha bigoted age, and biethero of the
various denominations bar worked in
unison along common Una for the
uplifting of the umm, -
A vary intereatiog program waa p re
lented, presiding elder J DUilliUn
responded to "On Behalf of the DU-i
triot." Frofetaor H J Hockenberry
on "On the Local Charch"; "City
Minister" waa tha topio aaiig' ed to
Rev O H King, pastor of the Central
church. The aabjeot pieeented by
Be Edwin B Haye waa "Fraternity"
which be defined a brotherly love.
Unexpected conditiona prevented fi.v
Day of the BaptUt Cburob from tpek '
ing on "Cooperation', and "Denom
inational Unity" waa tba topio preaect- i
J L . w mm nil. . ri 1 . i I
ea oy jm u n uidds oi sue o idhii
The kind spirit of weloome a re
flected by each speaker waa not a mere
phraseology of word but those preaect
were deeply impressed with tbe idea
that permeated ail ol tne apeakeie ui
their one common purpose in life, for
the redemption of man through the
blood of the Lord Jeaoe Christ.
At tbe conclusion of tbe various re
mark wbioh were diapsretd with
musio inolnding a beautiful duet by Mr
and Mis 8 O William. Be Mower,
while overoome witb tba ganeroua ex
pression of welcome, . responded in a
manner that convinced all that he
oame here with tbe purpose of putting
bit shoulder to tbe wbiel and do hi
After tbe program, the two hundred
or more people enjoyed a aocial bour
daring wbioh relreshvenU wen serv-
d and it wai quite eleven oolock be
fore good night waa aaid. It waa a
meeting that will long be remembered
for with such freedom of speech and
unity of action among tin pastor of a
oity the ii of La Grande, it mtan
much toward oontinnal advancement.
At tbe last aeeitlon of the Legale
latnre eome radical change were mad
In the compulsory education act and
tb truant act of the poblio school
, The portion ot tbe new act to which
particular attention la oalled are aa
follow: ..'.
Sec S No child under the age of It
year aball be employed in any work
or labor ot any form, for wags or
other compensation to " whomsoever
payable, doting tbe hoar ben tbe
public schools ot the town, district or
city In which be or she resides, aball
be In eeion.
Sec. Attendance at school aball
be compulsory upon all children be
tween the age ot 8 and 14 year, in
all oitlea, town and village In tbe
tat ot Oregon, during tbe whole of
the school term In the oity, town or
village In whioh the cbild resldaa, and
upon children in auoh city, town or between the agea of 11 and 16
year who are not employed In some
lawful labor. - ' ,
Beo. 11 Any peraon or corporation
who ahall employ a minor oontrary to
tbe provisions ot this act, or who
hall violate any ' ot tbe provisions
thereof, aball be guilt; of a miedemean
or and apon conviction thereof " ball
be fined In a aum not leea than $10
nor more than 125 for the 11 rat offense.
nor leea than $25 nor more than $50
for the aecond offenae, and be imi.ris
oned for not lea than 10 nor more tban
30 daya tor the third and eaoh exceed
ing offense.
Beo. 12 Any parent or .' guardian,
who (ball violate any of an previa
iona ot this aot or who shall allow
any child under their care or ootitrol
oontrary to the provlslona of this act
hall be guilty of a misdemeanor and
nwon convlotion thereof ahall be fined
net leaa than 5 nnr more than 123.
Health Report
The health report for the three dl
strlct ot Union county, forth month
ot August, give a total of three cases
of tuberculosis, four ot typhoid, and
one of dlptheria. Tbero rn five
death and eeven'oto Mriue. Two
birth and one death at Union, ah lie
there were eight births and two deaths
at La Grande and the same ntunbur
at Elgin. Tbe foregoing figure indi
cate that while yon will live longer at
Union than either of the other place
yon might not attend ao many birth
day partiea, each month. tjooot.
Well Pleased
W. I. Dlahmaa and family returned
Mouday frjm a trip to tbe Lewi and
Clark fair. Mr, Diahman says they
Injoyed a very pleusant trip, and that
tbe Fair la simply great. He also
tatea that Union county baa a very
good exhibit In comparison with other
oountiea of the state. Mis Maud
Victor accompanied them on tba trip
Elgin Recorder.
Cattle Contracted.
Ontario, Sept. 9 A band of liOOO
bead ot Grant county rattle tor feeders
have been contracted for delivery at
Ontario on October 1. The price for
wbioh the cattle were contracted was
2.75 per hundred weight, the oattle
to be weighed here . Tbia is a slight
Increase over tbe price offered tot
feeders or beef a few week since, and
la an indication that the cattle market
has an upward tendenoy.
Seed Wheat
I have at my place oear Iowa school
house, five miles north of Island City,
on Uural rree Delivery No i, a
limited quantity of ' tbe famous
Haitian Turkey Bed wheat, suitable
for seed wheat, which I will eell at a
reasonable price. I bava found this
wheat to be splendid yielder, having
harvested two hundred and seven aaoka
off of tea aores. I have found it to
mat proof andNH itanda np well.
This last point waa demonlatrated dnr
Ing the recent wind atorm.
This wheat la a good weigher. By
aotoal weigh I tifld that It will weigh
one hundred and forty pounds to tbe
sack. It Is a well known fact that
ordinary wheat will only weigh abobt
one hundred and twenty,
H. Vebrs
Contractor Injured
Mr Harris from La Grande, wbohas
been busily engaged in building a sal
mon hatchery on the Wallowa river
several miles below this place, met
with a serious accident a short time
ago. He was on a acaffoldiog puttiug
tbe oornioe in place when without any
w rning the staging gave way, and
threw him violently to tbe ground
whioh wai a considerable distance be
low. A Mr Harria is quite an elderly
gentleman, the injuries sustained are
very serious and at present confine
htm to hi bed. A soon aa he gain
sufficient strength he will be taken to
hi borne in La Grande. Wallowa
Shoots Officer
Omaha 8epl 8 Albert Jackson, a
patrolman, waa shot lat night
through the leg by a man believed to
be Pat Crowe, the kidnapper of Ed lie
Cudahy, during a running fight with
polioe office' wbo were endeavoring
to oaptura him. He made good hia ea.
Admiral Retired
Borlppa New Association
Bremerton, Sept 8 Rear Admiral
Barclay was today retired from bit
command at the Puget Bound navy
yard on account of reaching tbe age
limit.. His successor will be captaiu
Burwell who baa not yet arrived ,
Lost The Soap
Biegle Eaton is mournlnit ths loss of
a nice batch of soap, and. incidentally,
a cow. The soap waa lying Idly by
by when boaay began fooling around
and got a taste of It. It ewmed to be
a little strong, but she liked it, and so
ate the whole works. Tban tbe soap
got busy. It waa a regular Jonah for
that cow. Thing had gone ao far with
that eoap that there was only oue
thing to do So it began to eat the
eow Within ten hour boaey'e cool
had departed from tbe eartb, and still
the eoap at on. People aay there la
nothing left of tbe remain but tbe
bonea, and tbey are going last. We'd
like to tiny a cake of that eoap. We'd
like to feed It. to a subeoriber or two
Iteewater Tim.
Mrs 11 Drake ha opened a dress
cutting sobool at E CMoora'i stb and
Q streets. Learn to dralt your own
patterns "Tailor system1' Call tor
terms and particulars.
strong boy fourteen years of sue
wishes a plate ta atop where he can
work for bis board and lodging and
attend sobool during tbe wiLter,
Boy is willing to work and baa neat
appaaranoe. Address H Vehra, R b
D, No 1, l-a Graude, Oregon.
WANTED Two girls wanted to learn
sewing. Call at Mrs. Porreat's
Millinery store.
Plain, Plaid and Striped.
Large, warm and Comfortable
School Stationery, Book Straps, School
Caps, Millfner and Veilings.
La Grande - Oregon
The largest line of Carpets ever brought to the city. More
arriving daily. Pretty floor coverings, 25c a yard and up.
5: ., . ; a ; . . , .- - ; ,. .. V. .
1 Special on go carts this month
- Hardware and Furniture
Yes, of course we have
watches, tbe 'very best
watches made. We aleo
have Clocks, and every"
thing in the Jewelry line
Old Jewelry mad to look like new Repair work given prompt
Clock taken ear ot attention.
A fine Lot of
Wall Paper I
Selling the Same Way
10c per Roll and up
Painters, Paper Hangers and ' Decorators.
$." 6 4S33?4Q
) LAKitN & INUKKIC, rTops,- )
S First class turnout, fur-
C t ..-.'.--5--.- niehed dav or nieht.
Special accomodation for
commercial men. fc
4 -V":rfefe-;J-:
' 1 ! '
j Best service guaranteed M
Hornea boarded by day, J
n vwat v a mjwmwuj
) ' )
A Rigs furnished for partieu, funerals and picnics. The v
best carryall in the city. .
M Gjmplete Machine, Shops and Foundry
O General Blacksmith, Horse Shoeing'and Wagon Work,
Pi Manufacturer of The Fitzgerald Holler Feed Mill m
St! - . . , i-ROHRIETOF " K I
i i aii ijfi i" i"vai ii iai " a-: ki i'Wif 'Mr- ' iia -r-f - i-r- ---'c-- -.v-