tW ' :" "z' .- - . H $75,000 WORTH OF HIGH GRADE MERCHANDISE To be Distributed into the homes of the people for less than the actual cost of raw material by THE FAIR iatch for big Red Canvas Front $75 in Entire stock of La Grande's greatest outfitters Jn Clothing. Shoes and Dry Goods to be sold in the following ten days, ft Sept, 15; Saturday. Sept. 16; Monday, Sept. 18; Tuesday. Sept. 19; Wednesday. Sept. 20; Thursday. Sept 21; Friday: Sept 22, t Grande. Look for the big red canvass front at THE" FAIR DEPARTMENT. STORE. La Grande. Oregon. Owing to oujf " Men. Women and Children, which are now coming in. and pushed for room, we are forced at this f" their goods, to throw upon the market this mighty sale which w i . positively cease in ten day THE JJU distribute their , entire $75,000 stock into the homes of the people in ten days. The building will be closed Monaay ana .luesuay iu i stock of Dry Goods, Shoes and Clothing for Men, Women and Children, and will Open for Ten Days; , ; -l" ' 1 tll" THE FAIR rRP A K TMRNT S MEN S SUITS Sweeping bargains ia Men's Ultra Fashions bio suits. 'All go at about one-balf tbeir real value. .This will secure lor you choice of many pat terns of men's - good durable units, made np of good and strong fabrics of merit and fashion . A fine suit of clothes, ill to match. This suit is positively worth $8.00 "or your money refunded at . any time during the sale. . . ." 4V A line suit of clothes, all to match. This spit ia positively worth $10.00 or your money refunded at any time dufiug the sale.. D.yO idea's fine suits in Cheviots and and Scotch Plaids, worth $10 00 and up to 912.50 or your money relunde I at any lime during the sale , if not satisfactory O.yO Men's splendid suits in Velour Fin ished CaeBimers, all eiies. These suits are positively worth $14.00 or your money back. . .yO MEN'S SHOES, Men's single and double sole, lace and Cougress ShoesjLondon cap, ex tension oles, every pair positively guaranteed for good wear, , $2 25 in this gigantic Bale. . . I.Oy Men's shoes for business wear thai, means service and comfort; all the il. 1 crt newest suapes, worm u.uv, in this gieantio sale.". l.yO Men's dress shoes, made from select box calf, Vici kid, best workmanship and fiuish, McKay sewed, every pair i j 11 guaranteed,' acuaujr O'Jft $3.50, in this gigantic sale. . . ..i0 We oiler the best shoe on the market fn iIia nrir.p. certainly eaual to any $4 and $5 make, latest toe style, in all the latest leathern. 1 hese snoes com 1 pare with the most expensive shoos made. All go in this gigan- o tic se it for yO MenVbeav work shoes worth $1 60. gigantic sale price yOC MILLINERY. Ladies' ready to wear hats, worth up to $2.50. sale price yOC Ladies' reany to wear hats worth up to $4, your choice at l.yO SHIRT WAiSTS AND WRAPERS. 65 dozen extra good quality white and colored shirt waist, worth from $1 up to $12.00, 8ilen, -f fto price from 39C to .V T.oift.' while aprons drawn thread border, worth 50c, gigantic sale price. 26c Fall widtn taoie on ciom, . ,.n, m caln nrioe ner vard IOC HV1M1 f ( MARK THE DATE MARK IT WELL Wednesday, Sept. 13 3 12 c Fnr" milM and milcj of Calico, Ginfthams. Unbleached Mu.Un. Shettini and thousands of , sept. AAA Worth of Dry Goods, Shoes and Rcady-to VVcar; Clothing for ',UUU Men, Boys and Children; Tailor made Suits, Skirts and JacK- " otc- Mpn'Q i adiPA9 Mip.and Children's Shoes to , be sold our building at less than OF FALL AND MEN'S SHIRTS and UNDERWEAR. Here is an opportunity never before offered in shirt bargains ; It is to be understood that we carry oniy me highest grade furnishings in La fir a nAtx One lot men's and boys' fancy 'dress shirts, worth Ko ana ioc, :fi gigantic sale price... ...... JOt Men's shirts in ail sizes, negligee All neat, refined, this season s pat terns. Light and dark grouuds in Bedford Cords. Madras and Percale. The regular selling price was J 75c, now. ..... .. ... yv A ' hi? number with pleats, some without, retail everywhere for 87c $1.50. now One lot men's fine stiff bosom sold regularly lor $1.50 and 2. Bale price ' shirts,' 49c Hundred dozen of high grade under wear, all will be placed on sale for TEN DA fS at proportionate prices. Men's heavy ribbed shirts and draw ers, worth 95o, gigantio sale price yC Men's heavy fleee-lined shirts and drawers, worth 75c, gigantic . sale price ; 4'C . MEN'S PANTS. Every color, every shade, and every latest style of Worsteds, Cassimers, ClHy?, Cheviots, in plaids, . checks, stripes and plain; all go in this sale at less than cost to manufacture. Men's pants, good, strong, durable material, well made, worth . $2 00, this sale. I.Oy Men's latest style Cassimers and fancy Worsted pants, ia all shades and pretty stripes, all sizes, regular price tale at I Oy Mn" nantH. Worsted'. Cassimeres and Tweeds, nestly made, all sizes, wnrth $3 and $3 50; gigantic t no sale price.. l.yO Fine, fancv and Dlam Wrstea pants . t Aa 1 . . . . that regularly sola ioi i anu $4.50 gigantic sale price L.Oy BOYS' SUITS AND PANTS. Boys suits, worth u to $4 50 . ft in this gigantio sale.... l.yO Boys' suits, worth np to $5 00 2.69 iu this gigantic saie. 9C for bays' pants, regularly for 35o 39C f boys, panU. regularly for 75c. 59c tot boys' pants, regularly for $100. all ages, sold all "ages, sold all ages, sold Fare Paid One Way to Each Purchaser of $25 or Look for . : ' j ....... . . a Tk A "rV TTTT7 Waawur sach and arery purchaser abi OUR GUAR ANT Eh &wjssfift Look for the Big is. mm '.1:;. cost of raw material tor WINTER MERCH A.NPJSE MEN'S and BOYS' tiirtniiSiiirGS. The big sale of Furuiahiugs .for men" and boys includes all the most desir-. able grades of underwear, neckwear, dress and fancy shirts. hosiery handkerchiefs, collars aud cuffs and hundreds of knick-knacks that come under . this head This ruthless slaughter of prices will soon make short work of this magnificeut stock.' A genuine, sacrifice ' sale with the lowest prices ever named." Scan the prices closely, and wbtn you come you will he surprised at tbe remark ably tine quality of the goods we are offeriug you . Men's handkercnieie, worm 3c I7c :9c 10c, only ... . ..." . . . ... Men's handkerchiefs, worth 15c. only Men,s haudkeichiefs," worth 30c, only ........... .'. .... Men's suspenders, worth 25o. 9c i9c only Men's suspenders, worth 85o onlv .................. Men's suspenders, worth 75c, only Men's 80x, worth 10c, only.. Men's sox, worth 15c, only.. . Men's box, worth 25c, only. . Men's sox, worth 35r, only . : Men's neckwear, worth ; 35c 39c 4c 7c He I9c 19c ;4ic 94c only Men's neckwear;, woith 75c only Good, heavy Denim overalls, worth 75c, this g:gantic sale Boys' good 25c suspenders, in thia ortwftntio gale . 5c Men's fine hats, all shapes, styles una colors, worth $2,00, gigantic , Bale price. ...........:...'.'.. yOC o o ........ , .i i ' LADIES' SH0ES.V Over 2.00U pairs, very finest of . fa'l season's goods, baud sewed, lace or button, all weights of soles, French kid; Patent leather, Russian; calf, etc They are far the bent of aDy shoe ever brought to this market, and they come iu all sizes and all widths, $2 50 to' $4. Come and pick thetn out in this gigatio sale for from -. $2.69 to......... ......... yoC Ladies' fine Vici kid shoes, button aod lace, Paris toes and patuut tip worth $3.00, at this gigantio t iQ sale ...I.40 Baby Bhoes, sizes 1 to 6, worth . 75c, at this gigatic sale 4$C Misses shoes, sizes 11 to 3, worth up to $1.50, in this gigantio t (f sale My W. umm aaeh and ew! porchasar abwlote satiHfaotloa t Ws guarwite. v.rr garnant, ' wa aaaure aaco aoo ewy puiviwr hnw n DarcbmA aDoaMBfaotonr for tov' IPS -cl'V IB fiid it tin ! icn uays. 1 UKE; la Cc!cv.' W- a : few of the. "Many Thusands of Bargains ;; , a to be naa. , , rins, paper tor . . . . i. . Dressing combs,' each... 8C. Embroideries, per vdit . ."" 3C Wire hair pins, per package . : . i 1C 1, i. i ...1.:... n.Aa.1. run size neavy wuiw ururfipnu. Extra good quality Huck towels 4C 80 seller unbleach muslin per yd 4C Best quality calico,-all oolor?, yd 30; , Yard wide light percale per ydw '7C Dress ginghams; per yd. ; ,. 1. .-j- 5c Imp'd French Mercerized satoeo 23c! Extra quality ladjes', hlack" hose GC' Children's liose. all sizes. . . . . . ... 4C Sufty pitis. card, :. . .' IC Hooks aod tyes, per card ...... .; IC ' : " RIBBONS! RIBBONS! No 60' fancy 'Kililtiiim, worth 40e, now.;...'.:.v-:'k.i.. All silk Taffeta Bibbon, all colors, N 5, was 8i, now. . . All silk ;'i ffeta JJibbon;1 all colon,N 7jwas 9.', All si'k Taffeta'Ribbon, No 80 was 40 uow iKiXkfiii" . I9C .4c 6 c oi!9c ' Boil spreads .. worth , $1,25, gigantic sale, price . . . . ..... . . Bed spreads 4 worth i $1.76, 78c 98c cricrantlO Bale Price . . . . . bo . . - . ., "-..r SPECIALS. -r": 1 lot Men's coats aud vest?, worth up to 112 00. gigantic sale ; . q price .'. . . :i kV..i . , y., M' u'a heavy lined Duck coats ft worth $3 00, sale price,. , yC Men's single vests worth $3, .;. jv o-iffantio sale price... : . -yO Full size heavy Cotton Blankets worth $IUU, gigauuosaie t,c; -a . price ...... . ........... yC Extra heovy, Wool Blankets worth $4. gigantic is.ile price Z.Oy price worth One lot la lies' con eta, 19c 16c 78c 39C 39 c ); eieantio sale price 3. ..... Pill w slips, 46x36, worth 25c gigantic sale price..... Ladies' wrspj ers, worth $1.25 at.,. u; Children's lrerses, 8ues'l tdU worth 75c,! 8 le price. . .... . . Children's drsf 8 'arzes 6 to l4.worth tl, sale price.'. '. .'. . Ladies' Black Satin under skiris.worth $1.25, Ble price OC . S !- -t- ; r B tys caps -worth 25o at . Men's CnvaB -gloves, worth 10c, gigautic ftal-i price;". . . . OC 6 spo' ls bea. thread.'. 25c over. :$:p.:;.r,?ri the BigRedaCanvass front Ib.boDie, nurkedm plain flgnra. ONK fRICB TO Sale Positively Opens-Sept. 4 A. I. PRICES WILL REACH THE ' LOWEST LIMIT AT THIS GIGANTIC SALE of dress goods and Clothing for men, Boys and children, and thousands of other articles carried in Department Stores. Entire Stock of THE FAIR to be sold in Ten Days. LA GRANDE. SEPT. 13 to 23 fLtmti SS s to d0wn and re arrange this mommoth ' ,2 , A W't-'-. ukain I LADIES' JACKETS and SKIRTS. . ... 1 -I . LI L I - ford, well made and neatly finished throughout, worth $6,00, at o no 1 tais gigantio svla. O.yO ' Ladie'jackets made of English beaver .. aud Veuitiau cloths, in black, oxiora and castor, satin -sleeve lined, ; ths very latest styles, worth $10. . at this gigantio sale.. 4V Ladies' titilor-iaade jackets, silk aud Batin lined throughout, high ultra fashionable effects, ' iu Venetian broadcloths and Kerseys, castor, tan, black and blue positive- ly worth $15, gigantio sale..? O.Oy Remember 1,000 other garments we cannot mention. Children's and Misses' jackets, rang ing in price from $1.90 up. A large stock to select fiom at a .savin? of over one-balf. , L'idies' hiih-grade walking skirts, latest fall and winter cloths and stylet all shades, corded, plaited, kilted and 'tucked,' flaring bottoms, all lengths and colors." This gigantic sale. . . 98c,$ 1.48 1.98, 2.93, 3.48 , 4.98, 5.58, positively worth from 3.00 to 16.00. Ladies' tsilored suits, worth $10, gigantio sale price, . . . . . Ladies' tailored suits, worth $16, gigantio sale price. . . . . . ... EXTRA! EXTRA! . Ladies "handkerchiefs worth 598 898 2c 10c, in gigantic sale Ladies embroidered ; positively worth 15c, handkerchiefs, iu this , 6c gigantio sale. .............. , Women's and children's fast hosiery, worth 15c, in this gigantio sale black 6c l iX1J nisacnea mane luraw, ,. i worth 75c, gigantio sale. .... 5Z' C Soft English bleaohed muslin per yard....'..............1 42.C 1 ace curtains worth $1, . ' 'gigantic sale price...... ... OyC inderweaTiTosiery. ' Women's and children's fast black . hosiery, made with double heel and toe, worth 15c, in this gigan . , tic sale OC -' 1,000 dozen silk Lisle and fancy hosi ry for women and children, at less than actual cost of material. Woman's vests and pants, silk taped, elso ll-eced ILed, worth 50j, in this gigantic sale........ lyC Women's vests and pants, silk (sped, 1. :.. . v.:. 72x40 hhached made sheets, J:. 1 1 i . . .... . . ' oy v dozen silk, wool and Hundred 1 of UOtbfiU TrOlO DIUJUH mutkjy 4 L Let nothing keep you awayl The hour is sct the date you' know. The greatest sale ever held in Oregon opens at La Grande. Wednesday, Sept. 13 FOR TEN DAYS ? ALL. 3, fv Red Canvass Front hnlf of other aoods at this mmmwmw At 9 a. m. jgigantic Sale 7