La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, September 08, 1905, Image 1

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    j todavuws my
jl Showers and Warmer Tonight.
Tomorrow Showers
& mmm Observer
rsf line Nt . ! ! X "" 1 ,
American Japanese Figure in the
"b Dissatisfactn
f bcrippsNews Association.
.Toklo, 8ept. B. Tba , municipal
council hat paeeed resolutions de
nouncing tba terms of peace and ad
vceatea tba abandoning of tba treaty
A r!ayed diapa'oh says tUt rioting
we reeum.d Wednesday night and
that ao attack wit mud a on tbe resi
dence of tbe miniiter ol Home Mfiarie
Eight dentin and eight hundred ar
rests are the result j ,
fannner Elected-
Sbripns -flews' Association
Pentrar Sept, 8.-Tha OAK cleotion
tod a, until alter the nominating
peeohea weie made, looked a though
Tanner would have a walk over. Tbe
opposition showed strength when bal
loting began at llo olo.k this morning
The caadtd tea for commander in
obief were Tanner of New York, Broin
ofUfiiu, and Barton of Missouri.
Brown of New fork' led Id tbe election
baring 1800 vote mora than Kiowa.
Tba election of tbe Womans belief
Corps waipoaponed nnUI . this - after
noon Mrs Fi table of Gali'ornia ia In
the lead. ,
aUonsanolia'wasehoaen by tbe G A
R lor the uext meeting plaoe,'
Still Condratulatihtx
ly Scrippa Newa Association
Oyater Bay. Sept -r The emmtmr
of China baa aent liia oongratalattons
to tba President tor bla effort in se
curing peace, which waa accompanied
by a oo'afrom the .empress dowager.
Trial Opens
I (Scripps Newa Association )
Portland Sm 8 The rpm ng ar-
At Utile Prlcmgs.- - .
.-.i .School days will booh be bPre, ami we have m tl
spet in', pn parutions, and olfer a very comjiltfte stock of the
little school nece88ities, for your choosing, at. the. gtuullest
of small pricings. ' v
, Tuhlels oi all kind.s tiled
and ut ruled, for pen and
f.e. nil, in tiies lor el
rquiremeiiiB. d wu lo jC.
A specially geueron
sized pencil tablet... 5 C
' Pencil fiee with tablot
of 10c and up.
Lead pencils with erasor
2i ceoU.
Faber wood -covered slate
pencils 1 cenl.
:.v. .
, Scholars bard wood pf n
and pencil cabinets 5 ami
10 cents.
Bog of di awing crayons
28 c rayon? with bolder 6c.
Indellible od copying
pencils 5cenl9. '
10n penboldera 5 cents.
s .wt.i , j
J -""lull I hill i -
j San Francisco, Sept. 8. As tbe Jap
ansae society if this nit nl.niilnn
ruoiibtcr maaa meeting next week to
protest against the action of their gov
eminent In sanctioning tte Portsmouth
treaty, tbe police Intend 'to keep a
cloee watoh on the proceed logs,' fear
ing that the spe-ches to be delivered
that night might atir op the little
brown met to do aomethlng desperate
Todio, 8ept 8-.At Kob List ntght
tba Hiatus of Marqitii lto wa drag
ged through the streeta alter being
uitiii uuwn from irs peaescrai
gomeota ol th Cnngieaxman William
o trial fir.Mut i liia mnpnlnt anrl
tbia aflernoi n the Federal grand jory
returned an iidiotmeot against Van
Gemier, co defendant with William,
ton and Charles Hniith . the sheriff ui
Crook county who i eharged with
conspiracy t intimidiue Laik 11 o'
and John 8 VVutkind, . two govern
m ut witnesses.
To Brazil
Scrlppe News Association
Washington 8pet 8 Vice-president
Fairbanks today announced that Pen
Geld had been com miiaioned to goto
Brai 1 to report on the commercial re
latione with thi country and booth
America. ,
File Denial
By Scrippa Newa Association)
Washington. Sent 8 Th
oar linea today BleJ with the Ineratata
Comm.'ice Comrniesion, a denial that
tbe coinmiesiyii hns jurisdiction over
refrigerator chargea and deolarlog It
not a commm carrier or railioad agent
. For boys and girls
All our ichoitl sbt'ts pre
made from the best stock
and ' we jjuarnnlee tbmi
solid inside and o tt. '' We
carry the, shoe aw.rded;
hightet pr zi l the St.
Louis Fair The prices
re very reasonable.
Boys' School Suits.
lu two and three pioce
Ruits. Loug and short
pants New ariivals, in
the newest and mo-t war
lamed styles ind cloths
Price fratn $2.50 up.
Buckfkin N 1, all Tor wear
The knowing ones pro
nounce them (tin lip-t boys'
stoefcirg on the market.
TRY A PAIR, 25 cents.'
wi j i.i wji af
Towns Wiped Out
borippa News Aieoeiatlon.
Roma Sept. 8 ehvk.
in tba province) of Calahrla, in eon th
em Italy, wblcMs anbject to earth-
qoakee, have caused the death of one
hundred Urea and foar towns hare al
moat been entirely wiped out. The
prison at Monte Leos at Oalabrla col
lapaad killing aeven. The irreateet
damage ia at bt. Kaetlon, near Aacea-
oan, wiiera it Is reported that a great
many people are buried In the rnina
and almoat arary houee In several Til-
lagea Have been deetrored. "
Borne, Sept. 8.-l)etaila of the
eartbnaka at Calbria indicaU that
the cesaalltiea were enormoaa. Up to
tba present time It is known that 317
are dead and hundreds inju-ed. Re
ports are coming In which lay that
that many yillaeea were deatroved .The
shocks ware felt at Naples, Caatella-
mare and Florence. . ,
Rome, Sept. 8 The king la prepar
Ing to go to Calabria to visit tba die
trli-t stricken br earthauakea to
sopervlae tbe relief work.
: Borippa Newa Association. ;
San Francleoj, Sept. 8 I' waa an
nounced tbia morning by Manager No
lan representing Nelson, that tbe aide
bet of $10,000 has been declared oil and
that tbe pnrae will be aplit on tbe
forty eltty ptr cent basis. The an
nouncement cauaed great enrpriae to
tbe fane aa It waa assign d in tbe ar
ticles that for tba (30,000 the wlnuer
abnold take all Judging from the
advence aeat aalea, tba loeer'a and will
be a small fortune
Iiritt acknowledged thht Nolan told
the tru b when each aocusid tba other
of being reaponaible fur tbe chanm of
article. Britt says ha waa obliged to
oensent to the changes or there would
be no fight. Nolan said that rather
than disappoint the public he consent-
d to make the change at Briti's
earneat request. Nolan departed for
the Nelaon camp this morning without
seeing Jeffries bnt he still instate that
the forfait aball be deposited to Inanra
square deal on lb part of Jeffries
not admits that be might accept Jeff
ries after a conference
Hun Fieni-isoo, 8pt. 8 Desuitn tbe
uncertainty created by the squabble
over a re eree, erry train, le loaded
with light Una. The arrivals from
the enst arc greater than when Jeffries
and (.'orbstt foujht bare. - They bad
ataited btfore Nolan issued bia antl
Jeffiies ultimatum and brought theii
wads with them, but wb.-n they had
"wlaed up" . to the situation tbey
obangel their mioda ubout betting
and aa a result the pool rooms are not
beta worked to de'tli. The record of
tbe wagers remain tbe aame 10 tq 7.
Thronge cf . vlaltora vi ited both
camps but there was a email rw rd as
neither man did anything 'other than
light llml.erliiff un. Oim of l,.n'.
earJy risJiora was George filer, tbe
veteran referee and critic, who looked
tbe Dane orer and pronounced him in
perfect condition (or flhL Nelaon
took a-lUbt j u on tbe road this mo-n-I
g aid later did a little, rhadoe
Britt'a program' wa prartlcally tb
aame. Tbia afternoon filer visited
bim also. The Oehtera will ba no
early tomorrow morulog and after
snors wane ai weigh in. Neither will
partake of food until that ceremony
takes place which will be at tlanj
corbett'a place.
Nelson figures on being about two
ounces underweight and Britt expects
to weigh under 133 pounds by oni
Ran Franoiaso, Sept. 8. -Jeffries ar
rived laat night fro. L Angeles ai d
this n orning said:
"1 never b ck out i.f anr"propositloi
and wi'l not change tbia time. Tbere't
nothing left foi me to do bat to act at
refer e and I'm going to d'j It. Tt.i
public and tbe tao principala will ge'
a square deal at my baode. Tbl
al'erooon I will see Britt and Nelaon
and come to an anderetaadlng with
them sa to the rules under which the)
will fight.
ecripps News Association.
t Petersburg Bept 8 The streets ol
Badu and fthuaha are atrewn with
mutilated bodies and doaeoe of towes
are burned, the inbabi'ants mssaacred
and hungry woaoea and children hid
ing in cave. Former Gjvernor of
Caucasus, now aa aide to the Oar,
aara the war between Rusei an I Oao
casus will be birder to end than the
forroor rebellion beciute formerly tbe
Armenians aidd t'. e Government are
now divided. The nnmvuixed Tartar,
Georgians and Ar miant are against
the civilised Gborgune as Hiisky.
R-for ma were..'' advooxted "... several
mootxaogo and bad they been gianted
tbe trouble would have been averted.
Winter quarter. 4r- -many Uueaeoka
hsve been "ptovided fu "'tbe'vitlagea su-
rounding TearHoe H and a olone
guard will te tu.iiiuiued about tbe
Imperial palacn. ;
After Grafters
, J Soripps Newa Association
Wasliington. Sept 8 The war de
partment baa Issued special luspee
tlona of the depot including rian
Francisco and reattl, Tbia action
baa been taken on ucoouut of the stait
ling grafts discovered in the tjchuyl
kill arsennl at I'hila.lelpbia. .
Washington, DC, 8pl. 8. Morrla
Huaoh ia to be criminally proeaotei
by the department for alleged irregu
larities In connection with the furniih.
ing of cape and stoves to the 'armv.
Civil aotion is also to be brought
against lilm on tbe completed contracts.
Investigation ia also to be made at the
supply depots in Seattle, 8a n Francis
co and other placea. ,
Brings Big Suit
Scrlppe News Association. -
Milwaukee, Sept 8.-Pfeister this
morning - brought suit for half -a
million dollara ' against Harry B
Mi rick, editor of the Pree Press,
District Attorn MoGovern, Aaslstaut
District Attorney Cochema, Special
Aaslstaiit Goff, H A Uppham, J 11
Tweedy and othera fo'- conspiracy to
rulo him. He accuses not only libel
hut declao e they secured an indict
ment of larceny charge intending to
1st the cloud bang by never bringing
the cat-e to trial. Tbe case oonios out
ol tbe long fight made by i'felster
sgninat Governor La Kollett
Prevents Fight
By Horipps News Asaociation
Wooster, Hept. 8. Taggart (bla
morning averted a fight betw en tbe
rival lawyers who became aniry over
the manner In whloh the armaments
ahoald be commenced Tiiey v artel
for each other when Tagsart p'epped
in between and held his attoru-j- until
the other had left-the-rooim
New Equipment
. Hy-cripps News Assooiaiicn .
Ch oto, .ett 8, HI15 rtith the
conuloslon of peace negotiations at
Portsuiouth and ibe early ratification
f a treaty between Russia and Japan,
Cbe Chicago A -Northwestern is under
stood to have ordered ruabei to com
pletion a large or ler for new equip
meal for tbe Overland Limited, their
crack everv-day-ln-the-year-train be
tween Chicago and San Francisco,
rhls is in izpeotation of s -large vol
ime of i rallio to and f rum the PaHfio
coast, due to the Immedlute commcro
ial expansion that is anticipated.
Employed Children'
(Scripps Ne Association)
Uh Angeles Sej-t 8 Welg'btmaii
muh, manager-oi the Los AngeWr
raicb ol the Califinia Frutl Cf-
ry A-oociation, was atre'td this
noimrg charged with eu.loying
ohilil Ubor. Cruelly is aleo chs'g
in tbe warrant which was cbtaino I ny
number of labor organisations.
i 1 ... - , ,
Couldn't Spare Him
Bygoiippa News Asaociation
New York 8ep 8 E D Randolph.
tre taurer of ib New York Life Ioaue-
nee company, was a witneea before
the legislative committee today, rx
plamed bow Vioe-Yreaideot George W
t'erkios got f30,000 a year until 1900
when bis sMary jumped to f 75, 00.
hto use Morgan wanted bim in 1901 to
j in the Morgan firm. Rather to lose
him entinly tbe New York Life naid
hire 25,OW) for special services in ao
. i -
, .0 expiaineo
art V dot at i i u rtl . !
many details ol the salaries of high
i fflcials and aid thai the list luhmhV
Ud ol tbe salaries ol the oflioera weie
o wreot. No lists of tbe minor officers
were submitted. .
Randolph said W E Ingersol, vice
president in charge of the European
business receives i0,0o0 annually.
B R Perkins, the 3rd .vice president,
admitted to ba tbe brother of O W
Perklni. Randolph explained the de
tails of handling tbe finances of ibe
company. He said the sub commlt'ee
consisting of Perkins, Wo dhury,
I.angdon and Randolph were given tbe
c. :cr::.ct:. ; tic zz.'.i
the company generally became one of
the parties of tbe new syndicates but
tbey frequently disposed ol seoarltiea
at a profit
Spanish War Veterans
Horlppa News Association.
Milwaukee, Sept. 8 Tbe oonvention
of Spanish War Veterans, this after
noon nominated for commander lu
cid of, General George Moulton, of
Chicago and Charles Miller, of Ohio.
The election will take place tomorrow
Shawmut Suspected
Horlppa Newa Association .
Philadelphia, Sept. 8. The steam,
ship Shawmut from Port Tampa, was
put into quarantine 40 miles below
this city. 1 he health nilicerr fear a
suspicious Ulnexs of a number of the
crew believing it may be yellow fever.
Wnnted 25 Salesladies
Wanted 10 Salesmen
Wanted lo. flash B iys
7 Wanted 4 Bundle Wrappers
Apply at once at
If you have any second hand school books
to sell you'll gain by bringing them In with
out a day's delay. - If you wish tp buy
. . .. . '..
You will get bottom prices and the pick of
the best ones by buying at once. We have "
to turn these books quickly to come out
even and urge you to attend to this at your
earliest opportunity, nothing can be gained
by waiting. , 4 :
We have a superior line of everything in
school supplies this year and are prepared to
make it worth your white to see us.
1 NEWLIN ' DRUG Cojj" ; '
FIELDS Scripps News Association
Goldfleld, . Sept 8. What la
i P"nocea ny mining experts to be
itbe greaUst discovery of gold in the
I.. . .
history of mining has lust been made
at Bullfrog on the property of tba
Bullfrog Extension Mining oompany,
adjoining tbe scene of tbe first disco v
ery in that district. ' Tbe ore assays
82 pure gold, the nearest approach to
this dlaooverv belnv In the iMhalla
mine In Criunla Creek which aaaavad
70 per ceut. One piece of rook brought
ia weighed HO pounds through which a
seem of gold could be seen with the
naked eye. It te from one eighth to
one fourth of au inch in thickness
.f..i d;4
. (Bcrlpps News Asaociation)
Stockton Sept 8 Fearing thai the,
train men would lake tbe body from
her, Mrs Abe Oou tier' concealed, the
fact that her youngest child, ' a babe
of 14 month, was dead and ear.iad
the remains in her arms from Reno,
Nevada, through Stockton to Carters.
S tte. and the three children were on
tbeir way fnm Wiroonein to Carters
-o no the father. He did not know
of the death of the child until the "
mother laid tbe body on the bed and
sobbed out the pitiful story, ' " '
' ' '' Tl "III
; Steamer Wrecked, v
Bcrlpps News Aaaoclatlon.
Portland, Ore, Sept. 8-Tbe steamer
Klibnrn wss wrecked this morning at
Coos Bsy. . . ...... '
Department Stor o