La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, September 05, 1905, Image 1

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Fair and warmer tonight
Tomorrow increasing cloudiness.
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(Observer Special)
The Dalles Sept k-Ooe of the largest
timber transactions during the past
Tsar was closed when Robert. Smith
and F S Stanley of Portland pure baa.
- d the entire intereat of the Davenport
Lumber Company of Hood River. To
gether with the DaTenport interests
tbey purchased 200,000,000 feet of .Urn
ber on landa that were owned by B F
Laoghiin ol this olty and other. A
new company will be organized by the
capitalists, end the Davenport com
pany will pass out or existence. The
name ol the nw cc.-spiu , ue not
been decided, .
Assaults Son
8cripps Newa Association .
Kenawortb Sept 6 PHer Asliton, a
, retired Chicago millionaire, is in jail
here accused of murderous aasault up
on bis son John, during a doum party
at thn Asbton summer home at Camp
lake. The son In balieved to be dying.
According, to the guests, the elder
Ashtnn who is aged fifty.- quarreled
with his wi'e. The ann interfered and
the stabbiDg followed. Ashton ran to
toe -club lio'.iteand held bis pursuers
at bay and li d to the woods where he
was captor. .A by I he'shenfT.
Attempt Lynching
; By8cripie News Association)
, Butte, Sept. .5. An attempt was
made thla morning by 200 men to
break into the ronnty' jail and lynch
. Janes Barnes, who is being held for
the murder of Patrick Hanley Hunday
morning In the the melee 25 shots
were flrd b :i i.l a. The deputies
held the masked weu at bay and the
police dispersed them after an hour's
work and gaardtd (he prisoner the re
malnder of the night.-The murder of
' Mauley was cold blooded. .
. xt Little Pricings. , .
School deys will oon
opt oiiil pripurations, and olfor
little Pfh'onl necessities, for your choosing, at the smallest
of t tr ull pricings.
. Tablets of all kinds ruled
andtuiruled, for pen and
pencil, in sixes for all
rtqu) eineniB, (K wu to j,
' A specially geueroti'
sizt'd pencil tablet,.. DC
' Peucil' free with tablet
of 10c and up.
: I ead pencils with erasor
21 cents. ;
Fa ber wood-covered slate
pencils 1 cent.
Scholars hard wood ' pen
and pencil cabinets 5 and
10 cenjs.
Box of drawing crayons
23 crayi)8 with holder 5c.
Indellihle and copving
pencils 5 cents'."
. JOo peLholders Scents.
uraa-.u I'.iil ml
(By HcrlppaNews Association.)
San Frauclsoo, Sept. 5. With only
four days rema ning before they enter
the ring, tfritt and Nelson are both In
good shape and are practically down
to the weight speoiOed. The Question
of referee ie alone to be settled. Kel
son sajs Jeffries canuol referee and
will bold-oat for Biler to the end.
Slier arrived at Salt Lake thia morning
and will referee the Scbneok-Wlllle
fight l here tonight and will arrive here
Friday, there being no doubt of bis
acceptance. Uritt refused to have Mm
bellevlnic that he can induce Nelson to
agree to have Jeffries in case they can
make arrangements with the ex cham
pion in regard to feea.
The betting continues this morning
teu to seven, Brltt being the favorite
Many small enders are laying small
b .t'.z f .loo liuir no big wsiers
are recorded as yet The seal sales
are heavy and the receipts are the
greatest ever drawn by a Sao Francisco
fight -
Jeffries wired this morning that he
wonld accept a thousand as a fee for
refereeing the fight althooah he de
manded two thousand at first,:
Third Trial Begins
' , Borlpps News Association .
" Portland, Sept 5. Before Judge
William Hunt of Montana. In the
federal district court the third trial
of Congressman Williamson, his co
defenilanta, Van' Getner and Marion ft
lilggs, charged with conspiracy . to
suborn perjury by Inducing eutrymen
to swear falsely regarding timber and
laud entries, began this morning. The
session was occupied by securing a
jury. The prosecution promises new
facta which have been unearthed to
strengthen the case.
No Succor Came
Vancouver, B O Sept 5 The rising
tide drowned an Indian woman an1
four children on the sand beads at
the month of the Praeer Hirer. Their
boat was upet, bat they manage I to
reach the beads. There (or hoars they
anxiously scanned the horizon in hope
of rescue before the tide oatue np, but
no hueoor came and the waves engulfed
them. ."' i
be here, and we have made
a very complete stock of the
For boys anl girls
All our icliool . shoes are
made from the best stock
and we guarantee them
solid inside and oat. We
carry the shoe awrded
highest prize nt the St.
Louis Fair The prices
are very reasonable.
Boys' School Suits.
In two and three pioce
suits. Long and short
pants New anivals, in1
the newest and most war
i anted styles snd cloths.
Trice frera $2.50 up
Buckskin No 1, all for wear
The knowing cues pro
nounce Ihem the beat boys'
stocking on the market.
TRY A PAIR. 25 cents.
After Days of Parley Russia and Japan
Airce to Lay Down Their Arms
Signed at 3:45 p. m.
' Borlpps News Association. - :
FortamoQth, 8ept. 5. The envoys,
their suites and guests gathered at the
navy yard this afternoon at 2:30. The
flrst business to be perused was the
acceptance and signing of theprootocol
acre) np"-. Zii. T uvwjaya meet
ing It is expected that it will be
four o'clock before the treaty Is
signed. ' .
Komora and staff go to boston to
night to visit Harvard, college tomor
row Takahlra, Bato and the minor
Japanese go tomorrow to join Komura
from where tbey will proceed to New
Vork The Russians will go to New
York touight on special train,
Portsmouth, Bept 5 The summary
of the peace treaty agreed upon by
Russian and Japan Is as follows:
Article 1 The re establishment ot
friendship between Rnssia and Japan.
Article 11 The recognition of Pre
ponderance ot influenoe of Japan In
Korea ' -
Article 111 That Manchuria shall
be evacuated by both. ' ' . . . ,
Article IV The rights acralng to
Russia Jiy territorial leases, Port
Arthur and Ualney pass entirely to
the Japanese. The rights of private
persons remaining Intact. ' ...
Article V Both promise to put no
obalaoles Id the way of China la her
development of Maocora.
Article VI In taking the branob
line, Japan aoqulrot tte mines on her
Article VII Both agree to make a
junction of the.two railroads.
-Article Vlll Roth roads shall work
without obstruction.
Article IX Russia cedes to Japan
the south half of Sakhalin.
Article X Russia has certain rights
on southern Sakhalin. .
, Article XI . Russia grants fishing
privileges in the I'obothk and Berhiug
seas. .
Artiole XI Both nations engage to
r.Dew commercial treaty. -
Article XU1 Both nations agree to
release prisoners aa soon aa the ex
pensea of keeping the - are paid for.
Article XIV That the tieaty shall
be made in French and Gnlirh.
Article XV That the treaty ahall
be signed by both monarchs within 60
dayo after the envoys sign.
Twoothtr articles provide for the
evaoution to be completed within 18
months and that the boundary halves
of Sakhalin be definitely marked by
the commission.
Pirate Lands Skins
(Serlpps News Association)
Victoria. B O., . 8ept. 6 The
schooner Oarmonoita, the pirate craft
wbioh has been raiding the sea islands
nnder the command of Alexander
McLean, the sea wolf, reached the
Claquot on the west coast of Vancouver
island Monday with 679 skins to this
port from which she sailed on her
famous voyage. After landing the
hunters snd transferring the skins to
the steamer Qaeeo City, for trans
shipment to Victoria it Is alleged that
she was watered and re riot ua led and
then tailed for an unknown destination
Lightning Strikes
(By Horlpps vews.asooiatlon
KiobfieM TJtab Sent 6 During a
celebration of the Utah traveling men
here yesterday miming, lightning
strnck in a crowd watching the races
Alto Beao was killed, and Dwighi
Bea. is a.:M nnennscious. His cloth
ing wa tripped off. 800 people were
thrown down and stunned. Ths tesms
stampeded through the crowd, Dum
ber ol people being hurt. The people
thought it wa a dynamite tiplotion
at flrst. Among those badly hart are
Doris Ntln, Thomas Brown, . Mrs
Rasmuiseo and number of ohildrsa.
Bt Petersburg SeDt. 5-A nnmher nl
the liberal manufacturers are planning
great reception fot Witte. showing
their appreciation ot his eflorta . in
Drinatnn .boot r--:c. xa - ena,
leading to the TroUki bvld- and
wine's house has been named In hon
or of the envoy . The call for the re
ception haa caused thou and of wo
men to ,give thanks, for endlns
war so their husbands and anus may
return. :
Christ lana, Bept. 5 The Internat
ional Law Association lo session here,
oables Roosevelt thanks for his efforts
toward peace ami otTers his eongratul
tlons npon the successful outcome of
the Portsmouth conference.
Portsmouth, Bept. 5 The peace
commissioners and suites went to the
navy yard In carriages The civilian
members wore frock coats and silk hats.
The naval and military attaches were
in full dress uniforms It rained this
morning just aa the hotel was rearbd
but it soon ceased, the fog lifted and
the sun came out.
Portsmouth Bept 5 At SjHS this
afternoon the treaty was signed. The
Russians went in automobiles, Plan
oheon carrying two copies of ths
treaty covered with a Mack alligator
portfolio. Dr Matron, feeling indis
posed from the strain of treut draltino-
did not attend being the only one ol
tne suit not attending. He attended
the thankogiving aervloes however
Bishop and Mra Potter arrived for
the service. All of the Japauoee ex
oept Bato who went In a cab, entered
automobiles soon after the Ruaaians
left the conference room.
As soon as the treaty was Signed a
messenger appeared at a window and
waved his band . Immediately a aalute
of 19 guns came from a batter)
stationed for tha. purpose. The
American, Rnsalan and Japanese flags
were run to the stab: of the building.
Secretary Pierce at once communicated
the news to the President by telephone
a apeolal wire having been prepared
for the purpose. The President
expressed his gratification and
requested the secretary to extend his
heartv coogratalatians to each of the
Cholera Rages
Bcrippa NaTs Association
Berlin Sept 5 An oillcial bulletin
announces eleven new cases of cholera
and one death, a total of 77 caaes and
24 deaths. A few cases are reported
throughout the empire, Additional
physicians have been assigned to fight
the plagae. .
on tne Mormon temple at La
de IS progressing ranldlv. the
brick work being completed, and a
large force ol men being employed on
be the most imposing building In
eastern Oregon when complete. One
ol its principal features will be the
accommodations fot a large choir,
which is alwaas one of the chief
attract inns of the Mormon churches,
East Oregon I a ii.
Boycott Subsiding
Mfahlngton Bept 6 Consul Genera
Rodders at Shanghai cabled the slat.
department uuder yesterday' date 8"
follows: "Northern trade is opening
aud the boycott is apparently subsiding.
Field Married
Scripps Neva Association ,
London, BeptB. The - w.eddlng ot
Marshall Field, the merchant king of
Chicago, to Mrs. Caton, took place
today at St. Margarets Westminister.'
It was a quiet affair only -about twenty
guests witnessing the ceremony. Can.
non Itanso-t officiated.'' The bridwore
French gray crepe de rhene and carried
a boqaet of orchids She wore a
brooch ot pearls aud diamonds and
huge pearl earrings. Mr. Field wore a
tiny American flag In hlr buttonhole
the bride unattended was slven bwst
by her brother in law Augustine F.driv
of Chloago. Marshal Field Jr., son ol
the bridegroom, acted as b-st man.
Alter the-ceremony the part tinned
the marriage register and" then Dro-
ceeded to the Clarlodon for the wed
ding breakfast. .
.u utcr earners
(Scripps News Association)
Port land Sent 5 The business
session began today of tha national
association of letter carriers. Among
other questions to be acted upon le
the change - ol rate lor the mutual
benefit ot the association. The organ
Izatlon proposes to lound a borne for
the sick and superannuated letter
carriers. The reports of the o 111 mra
and oommittlee were reoelved today.
Carnegie Library
Eugene Sept 5. A meeting of the
Carnegie library committee was held
last evening at the First National bank
The plans were gone over aud these
together with the specifications will
be .ready for the contractors by the
middle of the week. '
If you have any second hand school books
to sell you'll gain by bringing them In with-
out a day's delay. If yoii wish to buy
- , ' ' ' ' -; '" " . '' : V ' ' 'j r-
You will get bottom prices and the pick, of '
the best ones by buying at once. We have
to turn these books quickly to come out
even and urge you to attend to this at your
earliest opportunity, nothing can be gained -by
We have a superior line of everything In
school supplies this year and are prepared to
make it worth your while to see us. .
at - a . -
r w w wrrrawpPF'er
Offers customers the best of everything in the
Rt$, PROVISIONS. ETC., at prices as low as in
ferior goods can be purchased. Good things to
eat cau always be had at HIE CITY GROCERY 1
; AMD BAKERY. If your appetite "goes back" on
you, visit our store and you are certain to'find
something that will please your palate.
If you haven't been trading with us, why dot
give us a trial order? We can please you;
Once a customer always a customer.
P0LACK, the Grocer.
BySoripps News Association
Denver, Sept 5 The second section
ot the Burlington fast train Is reported
to be wrecked near Brush seventy
miles from here. Three are reported
killed and flrteen injured. The cause
of the wreck was a freight ran Into
passenger train. The rear oar of which
was the private car of 'Rainbow"
carrying a party of eastern eaoluit.
u Kuiuauot ot Col R. L. Duval
of the Red Mountain Mining Co. The
oolored porter was Instantly kilted
and the oolored oook was so had If in
jured that be soon died One passen
ger was also killed. No others In the
private oar were killed. Those In tha
cars ahead ot the private oar earned
to sorter tne worst, One chair car
and two pullmans In the center of tha
train were ditched Among the Injured
are M Bcbuby, ol Cbllliootbe and, a
man named Brennaman of west Virgins
Continuance Granted
Scripps News Association v
Chloago III. Sept 5 The ' Indioted
heads ol the members of ths pscklng
companies appeared before Judge
Humpaiey of the federal court this
morning and asked for a continuance
until the iBtb whioh was granted.
AIM mi