u i r. si h i2 PROFESSIONAL CARDS PHYSICIANS DR. A. L RICHARDSON, Physician and Surgeon.. Oflle over Hllt'a Dm 1 8 lor. OnV Phone Black Ufi ( Main PboM M N. MOL1TOR M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ' Corner Adam areaae and Depot Bt. Ufflo Main 0 ' "' Uomiimuet Ua.tt (8 WILLARD SMITH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Pboo Mala 71 Leola bslldlna, oppoalh Hoaraf Hua OIBee Hours, I lo ,Tto8 ; BACON & HALL, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Otnoe la Folr bulMlDg, Main IV. C. T. Bacon, Residence M.lu 18 , : 'U.K. Hall UtaUItatK Main 61 DkS. BIGGERS & BIGGERS Physicians and Surgeons O W Blga-an, at. U. Ueo. U Blwiar, M. I) . Telephone Office Black IXil . Realdeuo Main 90 Qftloe' Rilalon Bolldlns; over J. it. Berry'a tor. Realdunee on Madison Ave, eeumil door wcat of former resldenee, tit, Ci. W. lilac era luttlRAHUK - OKKliON PMauioBal ealla promptly attended lo day or l-hi. DENTISTS RE AVIS BROS. DENTISTS ' .,; j - uom Hoiemar Bonding Offlee. Black 81 Haaldene Black 111? C. B. Cauthorn DENTIST " . . Oino Over Hill Druif, at or la Grande, Oregon R. L. LINCOLN DENTIST Up (lalre, Uot Adama avenue and Depot ML ,. Phone fed ll:il VETERINARY SURGEON Dr. R A CHARLTON VETERINARY SURGEON, Office at A T Hill's Drug Store La Grande, Oregon Phone 1361 Ketideuce phone red 701 Farmers' line ' 6S DK. W. T. DJWNE8. f VITBBINAKY 8URUKON AND . ym) T.UCUTI8T LmTI ordrl a id Itealdenc Cor Cross Drug star - - 6U1 and I it - Thirty five years experience, beat of reference - lurnletied ;7. ATTORN EY8 CFAWF0RD & CRAWFORD f Attorneys-at-Law 1 LA GRANDB. f N. Illce In 'volar Iwlldlni. OBKQON J. W KN0WLES Attorney and Counsellor S .: " ' At Law Offleeia RaJeloa Balldlng TbaaaUa LaUrandeOr. a, 4, 1 T. W UUaaaa . ' a. O. W llllama f WILLIAMS BROS. ""mOUN EY8-AT.LAW I . OnVa la Halatea Bulldlnt Fbooe 1O5 ... La OrQdur. TTrpfCKLER """ CMI. Mlnlnj. Irrigation Enjlncctinj and '. Surwyln . tEatliul Flaaa, UiMttTponlflcalktna, (Woe 1110 Adams Avau,wllli Jolin h. Uougli ' ' - la UBAHUa. Oaauoia - Lodge Directory. SAULKM L Unaoa Aine sa r o a. rue(. nary Huadar Btht la. aw ol i' ball at 8 y n VMObm bnttbera Invited k. aUooii. 1.A, MaUiU. W.tf. i. K. foltock, W.b ' IOO I La Orauua imso. Ho rru a. lr hall ry Baiurday nlht. VlaltUig Uiu tni eordiaUr lavt to attend. ... Oaaalary plat can be at Model Ken tauraut. Janwa Moaa, N U 1. R. Hnooka, Bee. ' i TAKENl AMFalkNf No 81, k a O. r suwu mtmj tm and Uilrd I burwUra In th aknta In Odd rellowa ball. Vlaltlnn pui Uulie alwaya weleiuna I. H. auook, U f. lUmui taUuna. Bnrlha ' J TSTSV'aiI UKH Hop. ChP.r K, a.MsUeaMedaud aortb Wedocaxla m . ahawltuTwiH ' sImob T.ni,.lo 1 ' " . ' ' Mertie Aklrlcli, W M r ataiyilw-aralek. i' e"v Am and Ibird W.duTKr of.tbr i uo.ll.aiTo.O.r H. All vlaiunf aelvb- 'f . . ...11.11., tnw.La.1 l(a BltCwKI. bora are t IMNuaaii,' " .7 a at Job Hall, Clark. IW aa.MsaiHia w v sKtRatXTKIUJ Of AMKKIOA Oonrt Max! MartSuMo IB Bte Tbwwlar aishlln 1 1 Hnttbart are Invito! lo altaad, . or r orwj niiaoB. tibial kaor. CeWIIII.oia.Hu.fW. Board ifTniaUa-.U l Wa8era, John Mai aodMaalMit H'tnt . . .r. ..niritnuillS a'KNT Nit Si K. U. T. M kKUHaaiil and third Widnt-adaye twh Srullu liL O. V K. all. Vtaltiua kutahl. wt"" O T WFIHENBaMtotU, Cut. ttOX SJitOWi, tMoora .tvr 1 ' La Grande Evening Observer Currey Bros., Ed's and Prop. Published daily 'except Sunday Monday, Sept. 4. 1905. Entered at the Post Office at La Grande, Oregon, a Heoond Claa ail Matter. One year in advance $6 50 Six months in advance. .. .3 60 Pei month .' 65c Single copy 5c ADVKHTIAINCI KATK8 . Display Ad nlm furnished apon application Utca) reading notion 10c per Una Oral uaer tloo, se per tine for earn abuenl Inser tion. Kemlullon of condolence, 5"rer Hoe. Card of thank, fie per line. ' FENCELESS YARDS Tbe coming ol the cntnenl walk in Ibe residence dubriois nl tbe oity .a followed by tbe abuliahment ol tbe fence from around (lie banclsome residenoes. This ie one of the first steps io tbe change from a country town to a t iiall city and a change that should he welcomed. Few people imagine the inveatmenl in felloes around city property io La Grande. ThnnaamL nf , pended tbas every yer and in tbe More money that would bava other wieebeen put in tenets will in the inure be placed In concrete sidewalks. The coming of the fencele ss yard means tbe exit of the town cow Tliet oun no longer be allowrd to roam bb streets permitcoui-ly while th. bertier is blocks away. The rigbt. ol the oitisens mutt be rerpected and the eows kept np until they are to br driven direct to their pastures. V Thera is no doubt of tbe fact thai the robin is tendiog to become a serious pat in fruit growing commun ities. Agriculturalist A few of our oit zene are advocating paved stieets. It sb .uld be remem bered before paved streets oan be made a suooess, a sewer system is absolutely otccessary, ' There is no question bo, the many Aaldsof el'elta now being r nod in this valley is largely du. to the in oreased dairy intereats. ' Cfarapere hhoul I make an extra tfforl to keep their flres under control. Few people realist the awful damsgee done by forest fires in this state each sum mer. Union county will have at least two prize herds on exhihiticu at the Lewis md Claik fair this month. Mr Martu: of Indian rreek will have a herd of Jerseys and E J Donrad who reaides a few utiles north of this city will havt his registered herd of Hereford on exhibition. A vinegar factory would have saved thousand of , bushels ol apples thai were rendered uaele a by the wind etmm that visited the several counties of tbe Inland empire last week. The Ingham Vinngsr Company will have ite plant at Medlord, Oregon, in operation In lime to handle all tht apples which orchard!! in that seo tion may wish to sell to it. The ca pacity ol tbe faotory will be 600 bar rels per day. Tbe prior paid for appl. will be 4 per ton. The farmers of Union county certainly- have been lasted with ideal wthor during harvest and they have ben improving every minute of it I ia reported that there are about tbirtj mtor.inea working about lourleen h lurs every day G. E. FOWLER Truck and, Transfer Wood and Coal Phone 1611 All order given prunit alUntiou. tp ft LABOR DAY This ii tbe day to be given over o the cause of lelor. It bat b o 8 t atide ae a bnlsda? ep-cially devoted to emphasizing the dignity of labor, remiadiog all claws ol the import ance ol fie toiler enJ tbe necessity for makiogtbe oouditiootof bit employ, meot at arivan'agsou as possible. Labir day was cbserved in tbil city by tbe bank, and the goveroraeit and county offief 8 .. . Union ooooty eoj ya tbe honor ol being rated aa tbe tbiid eouuty 'o tbe state! being tbe greatest employer ol labor. Tbe onlv two counties whicb a u ploy more labor are MultononuU con ii t , w'uori include Hie city of Poitlaud, and CUokamai county. The latest fad io ti.e m lliner do miio i Ihe introduction of a mirror on tbrt inside of tLe crown of tbe'hat This will enable tbe wearer to do many things when tbe bu is removed that she could not otherwise accom plish. Besides getting a look at ber front hair, be will be able to survey tbe scene at ber back in the theatre or church, and none can set a limit to the spoiling ol plot that niay be ao oompliihed through tbe device. Bois 8 ateamen. !f n ilviRRT? THEN CALL WH. REYNOLDS The transfer man. He will take that trunk to the Depot or your home in less time than it lakes to tell iL Wagon always at your nervice. Charges moderate. Day phone B 531, night phone R 12. A TRIAL ORDER MEANS A CUSTOMER All that the Seattle Grocery Co. asks is that yon give us a trial order. If we cannot please we do uot want your trade. A satUQed customer is a pleased one and we try to please. The best groceries for the - least money. This is our motto aud a trial otder will be a demon stration of how well we succeed. SEATTLE GROCERY COMPANY ZUNDKL a LAWSON. MEAT CHEAP But not Cheap Meat Having purchased the Bock A Thomas shops and also the ttull Market, we are in position, with the threo shops, to furnish our patrons witu choice meats at a less price than if we hod ouly one shop. It is not our intention to raise the price of meats, but it is our intention to reduce the pric i, and thereby hope to increase our tnul. A trial order will couviuce you of the assertion. Grandy& Russell . TrIREE SHOPS Adams Ave. bet. G randy aud Depot, Adams Ave, bet. Elm and Fir Fir Str. bel. Let. Jefferson and Adams Ave. Main 50 Main 78 Main 70 BRICK BRICK Brick furnished iu any quanity or any style. No contract too small or too large. See samples of our pressedlhriek. GEO. KREIGER. La ( rande, Oregon. 1 Indlcastion nt-ariy uva .- . I. is., .u.n more or ! and is ot en the J. R. OLIVER. UNION COUNTY ABSTRACTS Farm Loans a Specialty I Beat equip ed abstracter in Union c-unity. Many years experiences with the Union county records "gives me a great, advant age. It is folly to pur chase realrstate without Grst securing a proper abet i act. An abstract from my oflice will rliw the title just as il si;iears on the otticial record. ). R. OLIVER,; LA GRANDE, OREGUN Room 31, Sommer Billg. -VISIT THE- Lewis and Clark EXPOSITION To be held at Portland, June I to Oct. 15, 1905. TAKE A TRIP TO CALIFORNIA Through the Williamette, Umpqua and- Rogue River Valleys, of Western Oregor, pass Mt. Shasta, througi the Sacramento Valley to the many famous resorts on tht line of the SOUTHERN PACIFIC HI. Fir beautilully .illustrate, booklets, descriptive of Cali fornia resorts, address, W. R. COM AN, Gen. Passr. Agt. Portland, Or. MM Union PiciTJf v DKI'AKT t;u1,U'oK KR0M No a Halt Lake, Dener, KL Nol 8:50 pm Worth, Ouialia, Kan- 6;fjam No 6 aaa City, St. Louia, Chi- No 5 : a. m. oa-o aud baak BuiO 1. in No 1 Portland. Oallca. Pen dleloo. Walla Walla, No!i Kaytiin, I'liiuvruy, col . 6:Mant. fi Moaoow, Miokaue. . os-.,. nd point vrat ami "l"P"1 norlk utSiukar.e I'ortlaoJ, Dallea, Hen- tllvluii, iWlilla, W Ml MOS lula, LewUton, I'ollai, No Mino, Walln, War B imn. uer, Spokane and olhtr H: l0am iwiiita east auil Ui.rlli via Hpokaue No. K laland lily, Alutl, Iro Ualljiex. blcr aud . ;m. ( oit- No HI ceiil ne tiona at tln.u w tt. hunday .u-c lor oluU InWal- 6 p ra u:15am own. Ureati Hlaanwia between I'orllaud aud Han Pranuaeo every fiv d iya. . K.T. WOOBK. Aat. :vou If vi r ll.'kola rrnrt and Kloiiian.lr K111I1 l.luenl Ihe tturld" J I Hie IViiv.t I jlnp "Sieiilf UKOAUM', t'ttore nra ao Mifitif aeenir nil 1 v rn,i llnior intereNl aU.un ih. U n oa.len and Utimr I lat 11 1. ueverlm-omeatiraaoiue Ilc.aiareitaliia; rant, write ;for Vnr. . t.r-:!juair,,yUfc-t,M W C McBRIDE, Agent, 124 Third St. 3ortlard Qregc ShWbal Sept 2- typboo-t M ftryTy'yntrTFyyv'fMJryiMfitnHrfiMMM'' TWO PIECE SUITS t . . JWaTI6. Men's two piece suits grow comfort nor gentility deirand The vest hs no function when the thermometer says 99 j Double Brested styles in a varity of patterns, you'll find there's NOT AN OUNCE of superfluous cloth any where, while Ihe graceful linea aud natty appearance of the garments are up to our usual and excellent standard $7.50, $9.00, $10.00 and $12.50 Is Witt price range, accompanied by our regular guarantee ASH BROS. li,AlAAilAlililiiiliiillilllillUI8llltiii,i1f I 500 ACRE FARM FOR SALE This farm ia only 15 miles from La Grar de, on the Elgin branch of the 0. R, & N. Railroad, at the Rinehart spur. It will make several good homes, and will be sold in small tracts if desired. There are three different young bearing orchatds, and two good houses on the place. In a good school district free from debt. Terms easy. Address, HENRY RINEHART, ' ' SUMMERVILLE, OREGON. Or call at the farm for full particulars. ' I ICE CREAM SODA It will pay you to walk a block to get the best Ice Cream Soda It costs no more. We are -better prepared than ever to stop your thirst and RELIEVE THAT TIRED FEELING. We have only the best crushed fruits and. pure rock candy syrups. Our ice cream is made from pure cream and is the best. Let us show you. A. T. Prescription Druggist m LA GRANDE IRON WORKS ' ComplcteMachin Shops andJFoundry General Blacksmith, Horse Shoeing'and Wagon Woik, Manufacturer oi'TheJFit.gerald Roller Feed M ill m m MX 3. FIT.G ERALD, 1-HOfJRIETOi; The Colonel's Waterloo Colonel John M Fuller ol Honey (irove, Texa, nearly met his Waterloo from Liver bud Kidney trouble. In a rectnt letter, lie .aye: as nearly dr-ad. of tl.eee complaints, and, al though 1 tiled my family doctor,-be did me no good; ao I got a 6O0 lottle ol rour grat Klectrio Bitters, vvh.cb (iin-d me. ( oonelder them the best lueilii ine on earth and tbank Uod who Ksve you the know ledge to make them." olil, and giiaraD'.eed to cure, Dye. Ipeia, HiUousnres aid Kidney ti"aa-tl by Neaiin I'rug company lrugiit8, at boo a bottlo. Why sutTer with headache, oonatipa lion, etoniH.li, kidney sod liver troubles, lnn Hollla'er'a Kocky Mouulalii 'lea cure you? No moiiey wanted unless you are cured. ii cents. Tea o Tablets. Newlin Drug Co, if UUlMIW in favor constantly. Neither - i a vest for summer wear 3 OUTFITERS TO MANKIND HILL LA GRANDE. OR Strikes Hidden Rocks tiWb.ePJ3onr,llP of helth ktrlketsi the hidden rocks ot Oonsamption. Pneumonia, etc , yoa are lost, if you dn't get belp from Dr. Klng'a New Dihoovery tor ronsumption 1 W MoKinnoo, ol Talladega Uprioaa, AU.. rites: "I bad bran ver 111 wmJ Pnennionia, under the oare ot two doctor, bat vias getting no better when 1 U-gnn to take Dr. King's New Discovery. The first doss gave) roller, and one bottle cored me." Bar cur lor sore throat, bronchitis, coughs and colds Guaranteed at Newlin Drng 1 rial bolt! free, Cs.i t you eat, eleep or work? Bad llveiT llciliater'a Kocky Mountain Tea makea 1I0H, red blood, givra strength aud healtn. . Cuiss wban all others fail. No core no pay. adoenta ra or Tablets. Newlin Drug Co. ! LUPIUUiX w m 4 v,