La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, September 04, 1905, Image 1

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ir " . .. - . - . ' '
Fair and warmer tonight
Tomorrow Increasing oloodineea.
LaDow, Block owned by Mayor Matlock
I A Complete Ruin
Pendleton, Sept. S Fir this morn
ing gutted a portion of the Matlock
Taylor block, doing damage which
wag not estimated at the time tbe
Trlbane went to pre. This is the
block known at tbe old La Dow, block.
Bhortly after I o'olock in the nnrniDg
the nlirht rlwW nf h Onl.lon P1
Hotel who wat standing la front of the
hostelry, on tbe sideelk hear J and
felt an explosion which was so heavy
that be says It created Jar where be
wai (tending. Almost instantly flames
bnrat from tbe baildlng aoross tbe
street and be tarnen lo an alarm of
The - Bra ' department tarned ont
promptly, bat seemed to be - disorgan
Ized end it was some time before water
was thrown npon the flames which by
that time, bad galued alarming pro
portions. After a bard battle tbe
conflagration was gotten under control
but at 246 there was still a large blaze
which threatened great damage.
The . explosion which evidently
ceased tbe con 11 igration is nnexplaf n
able, no one being able to advance a
theory e'enr as lo wbat oould have
exploded In the iortion of Ibe building
where , tbe bfaze first burst forth.
From appearances it is believed that
the flxmea flrat broke nut in the P
dleton Cigar factory or the la.k of
riaizoeoer-s raoai market. Mayor
Matlock Is of . lite opinion that tbe
cigar factory was the) starting point.
Howard A Swingle's office, as well
as the rfgar faotorv, is . totally de
stroyed and it Is cnderstood that many
valuable tap i ':ns were horned
Tne loss to this tire lor A. J. MoMul
len, who owned tbe cigar factory. If
not known, but Is expected to t
. Over $75,000 Is tbe value placed on
At Little
- Fchoo d ya will soon be here, and we have made
special preparations, aud olT-r a very completo stock of tbe
little school nect-fsities, for your choosing, tit the smallest
of small pricings.
Tablets of all kinds tulcd
and unruled, for pen and.
pencil, in sites for 1'
requirements, d wn to jC
A specially generoti'
sized pencil tablet,.. 5C
Pencil free with tablet
of 10c and up.
Lead pencils with erasor
2 J cents.
Faber wood-covered slate
pencils 1 cent.
Scholars hard wood pen
and pen il cabinets 5 and
10 cent?. v
Box of thawing crayons
23 crayons with holder 6o.
Indellible and copying
pencils 5 centa.
lOo penholders 6 ceuts.
the building by Mayor Matlock, and
be ataiea that there Is not over J5,000
Insurance. This is the valuation and
insurance of the whole block and it is
thought that tbe loes to the owners
will be about 125.000 on tbe portion
that ia destroyed. There will bea loss
ntl. ..... IW.t--. 4 m
the portion of tbe block which waa
burned, but tbls cannot be eat i mated
Some damage is done to tbe Uma
tilla Meat company, but tbe place was
not gutted and mncb of tbe stock was
removed by the crowd. -
Everything in ononeotion with the
fire in the Matlock-Taylor bo.ldine
point to incendiarism. People going
to lodge in Secret Society ball early in
the tvenirg noticed that tbe fire door
between 'the part, of the build'.ngat
the extreme went, and Ibe one next to
it, closed,' a thing that baa not
been done beloro in years, and tbe
first explosion heard, la learned to
have been a lamp wbicb a bystander
dealaree waa harlrd from a window in
the back ol the building. There is tin
clew to the inoendiary. . r
Taggart Certain
Bcrlpps News Association
Wooser, Pept. 4. That the argu
ments In the Taggart divorce rase will
bereaobelby tomorrow noon seeuie
certain. ItJa said (bat Taygart ia so
certain that he will be awarded the
custody of tbe boy that I e has mrfde
partial arrangeraeoia, (or a' retldete
in Oolambna where be is to be station
ed. " Mrs. Tangart is equally . sure of
gnttlng the custody of the cb Idren aud
bis made arrangements for tblr care
in-a private school in Chicago,
t For boys and girls
All our reboot shoes are
made from ibe best slock
and we guarantee them
solid inside and out. We
carry tbe ahoe awarded
highest prize at tbe St.
Louis Fair Tbe prices
are very reasonable.
. Boys' School Suits.
In two and three piece
suits. Long and short
pants New ariivals, in
the newest aud most war
lanted styles and cloths
Price frm $2.50 up
Bucktkin No 1, all fo.r wear
Tbe knowing ones pro
nounce them the best boys'
stocking on the market.
TRY A PAIR, 25 cents.
Terrible Slaughter
- Fy ttcrippe News Association (
81 Petersburg Sept 4 Advices from
Caucasus state that a revolt broke out
on an enormous scale. Tbe details
are meager but tbe casualties number
5000. Tbs vioeroy cables that be la
unable to cope with tbe revolt. '
Less Damage in Cove
O M StacktsBd, the Cove orrbardlet,
was In the olty today and says that
the wind storm of last week did less
damage to the Cove fruit than it did
in. this section. In many places but
five per oent of tbe fruit was blown off
the trees and In a few cases assign as
one quarter waa lost.
Thrice Nominated
Mayor Eugene F.. Sobmlts of 8an
Ftancieco, ' baa been " unanimously
nominated by tbe nnion labor party,
for the third time.
Boripps News Association.
Oytter Bay, Bept 4 -President
Roosevelt baa received from tbe em
peror of Japan, Ibe following message
of thanks and appreciation for the part
played by I he President in tbe nego
tiations which resulted in a cessation
of tba hostilities lu the far east:
Toklo, Sept 3, 1905 Tbe 1 'resident:
I have received with giatlflcatlon your
message of congratulations conveyed
through our plenipotentiaries and I
thank you warmly for It. To your die
interested and unremitting efforts In
tbe Interests of peace and humanity 1
match tbe blgli value whloh ia there
due and assure you of my grateful ap
prestation of peaoe based upon prin
cipals essential to the permanent wel
fare and tranquility of tbe far east
Portsmouth, eept. 4 -With the
work of engrossing the treaty complet
ed the way la olear (or the signing' of
tbe tieaty, M Morrta for the Japan
ese and M Ronjesvenski for the Husslana
who had the woak of engrossing in
charge, labored most of the n gbt in
getting the doounient lo shape for
Heal action.
Portsmouth, Sept. 4 Assistant
Secretary of btate Pieroe called this
morning with the special red tape
with which to tie the Russia Jap nese
treaty. He waa informed that the
engrossing waa completed.
' Washington, Sept. 4 Cbsrles F
Moore, of Colorado, for 10 years a
clerk in tbe postotfice "department, baa
con leased to taking taiiroad tickets
Irom letters in the dead letter office
and baa been dismi,sed.
Besides taking railroad tickets,
Moore is also aooused ol taking. for
eign stamps Irom letters and selling
them. He was in charge of the minor
branch of tbo dead letter office and re
ceived a salary of 11400 a year.
Many letters which reach tbe dead
letter office contain railroad tickets
1'beae are kept on file foraoertiin
lime and then delroyd. In his con
feasion Moore said there was no chance
of tbe ticasts reachiog the persons for
whom tbey wers intetded; that tbey
bad been paid for, aud be thought be
might as weil reap the revenue Irom
tbe .
The inspectors missed tioVete from
onvelors marked to contain them and
traced the theft to Moore. When con
troutod with tbe evideucebe eouieieed
nd when the case was laid belore
tciir.g Poeimaater General Hitcbeook,
be was dismissed. It ia said al tbf
poU fries department that Moore will
not in proaeouted.
Cholera Spreading
Boripps News Association A .
Berlin. Sect 4. The rholeia altna-
tion Is growing worse. Tbe disease le
spreading. Eighteen new cases have
been reported from the provinces of
a. vwvjij ui oiioaia, in rra.t8.eV. .
Report Revolt in Japan
By Boripps News Association
London Sept. 4-Th Ontral News
ye u is reported in Koine that a
revolution has started li Japan.
supposed to have been caused by dis
satisfaction with the peace terms In
well informed circles here the reports
are regarded as absurd!
To Paralyze Russia
By Boripps News Association
St Petersburg 8eot 4 The -Novo
Vermis declared todav that the Amnrl.
can-Japanese alliance waa established
In order to paralyse Russia in Asia.
The boyoott on American goods be
ing brought by the Chinese iu retalia
tion for not being allowed to dump
their coolies and so called merchants
In the United States, la not bothering
Ihe La Orande Milling company a
particle. Tbelr big mill ia grinding
out en a donble shift a large order for
tbe Oriental markets and also filling a
a large number ol Inland market ordera
At present only old wheat Is being
ground as the new wheat must under
go tbe sweat before suitable for mill
ing. Tbe mill baa about 12,000 bushels
of old wheat on hand ao Is aaaured
plenty o( grist until the new crop is
ready to mill. i
Vary little new wheat is In the ete
vator as yet, as the farmers cannot
spare tbe teams to liaul. When the
8ret rush of th res!, Ing Is finished tbe
teams can be spared and large loads
will roil in dally. More wheat ia be
ing received In Island City and Alieei
where tbe threshing Is more advanced.
Bcrlpps Nsws Asrociation
Pueblo Col Eept 4 The first seotlon
of tbe 6anta Fee passenger train No 9,
carrying hundreds olOAK eioursion
1st was wrecked one mile east of
Boone, about 3:25 this morning, forty
pssseogers were Injured. The wreck
was oauaed by tbe tank of the exgine
leaving Ihe track. The train was go
ing at such a high rate of sted that it
was impossible to stop before two en
gines and firs coaches overturned, a
wrecking train was lent out from La
Junta -aud Pueblo. Tbe Santa Kee
train was brought over the Missouri
Paoltlo tracks. ' .
Umatilla Refuses '
Psndlstoo, Or , Sept. 4 -Tax Agent
Morrow of tbe O.-K. & N. csmpany ap
peared before the conntr board of
equalization today and asked that the
assessment of the road be lowered
Irom $12,000 a mile to IS, 500. The
request waa denied.
Men's Rights
Una a man a light to spltT auks an
exchange, and then proceeds to answer
the q'istion tbosly: "You bet be baa,
and a right to breath, a right to live,
and a rlwht to express bis opinion; a
rUht to kick and a right to work, also
a r'ght to vole and a right to ay
I axe, and to And fault with everybody
and everything he don't like Mat'
has a whole lot of rights, but Ik
should exercise them all like a gentle
man, "
Seven Heroes Give ' Lives That Compan
ions May Be Saved
-, Rorlpps News 'Association
Bayfield. Wis., Kept. 4 Eleven of
tbe crew ol the steamer fievoua were
drowned when tbe boat was wrecked
on tbe 8nn lalrnd reef lu I.skeSoperior
rriday night, ttileven others were
rescued including several members of
the crew and four women. Seven of
the dead offered their lives as saorifloe
for the rea',. Of tbe twenty two on
board tbe vessel of those for whom they
'gave their lives, four are dead. Tbe
rest reached tbe shore after night after
being buffeted by Ihe waves. Tbe
party was U hours In cutting a road
through the northern wilderness to a
To Restore To China
Sorippa News Aesocir tloo '
Pekio Sept 4" Tbe Chinese kov-
ernment Is engsged in an endeavor to
open negotiations with Germany and
England tor she restoration of Kiao-
ohau and Weibia Wei to China.
If you have any second
to sell you'll gain by bringing them In' with
out a day's delay. If you wish to buy :
You will get bottom prices and the pick of - 1
the best ones by buying at once. We have
to turn these books quickly to come out
. even and urge you to attend to this at your
earliest opportunity, nothing can be gained
by waiting. ' . '-' '.. ;.' '"'.'
We have a superior- line of everything In
school supplies this year and are prepared to
make it worth your while i6 see us. ' '
', , , mn um mm , fl isSMMgeMsMalBMMMavaM avawaiiaiaiai in '
usees , ttttlltiniMt.iinu
Offers customers the best of everything in the
RIES, PROVISIONS, ETC.. at prices as low as in-
ferior goods can be purchased. Good things trj
eat can alvays be had at IHE CITY GROCERY
AND BAKERY. If your appetite "goes back" ' on
you, visit and you are certain to find
something that will please your palate.
If you haven't beentrading with us, why aot
give us a trial order? We can please you.
Once a customer always a customer,
P0LACK, the Grocer.
place of safety.
Those who gave their Urea for their
comrade were: Capt. K McDonald, ol
Northeast, Pa , Louis Durwln, first
mata of the Media and avaothera wImmw
names are unknown. ' Pour others were
probably drowned.
On Friday tbe steamers ran Into a
storm and the boat started for shatter.
In tbe course they struck a reef and
those drov ned volunteered to remain
on the boat while tbe others tried to
reach tbe shore. When last seea tba
men on tbe broken vessel were waltlag
for help to come to them.
New York Storm
. j . Sorippa News Association
Utloa, N Y., Bept. 4 One of tbe
worst storms tba t baa ever visited the
central portion of the atate swooped
down npon this section last night, re
sulting in a damage that will exceed
200,000. .. - , .
hand school book