WATCHES? Yes, of course we have atcbea, tbe very bet watches made . We also have Clocks, and every, tbing in the Ji elry Hue J. II. PEARL Old Jewelry made to look like new Repair work given prompt Cloaks taken ear of attention. TWO SPECIAL BARGAINS 13 acres adjoining (own, can be irrigated, Price, for cash, upon application. 420 acres near Cove, all fenced, good outside range, 160 acres fine for fruit or grain, well . watered. Fine place for horse ranch. . Price upon application mCa Srande Snvestment Co, Foley Hotel Building La Grande, Oregon IRON BEDS Sanitary Steel Folding Couches and Springs direct from the factory at lowest possible prices FOR CASH Iron Beds . . .regular (3 60 now $2.65 Steel Coil Spring ..regular 3.50 now 2.25 Sanitary Steel Couches regular 14.50 now 8.00 Hard maple frame, woven springs,. . 3.00 now 1 95 Hard maple frame, woven cots '. 2.75 now 1.75 Linoleum, only 60c per yard Home furnishing Bargains F. D. HAISTEN, Phone Retliei .' , Highest Prices Paid for Second Hand Goods Political Pot-Pie (Union Republican) beer much eboat tbe new primary law these day, and nolo (be warmth of the band grasp of t',e rotptctlve candidate. Several lawyers have their rode, op for the proeeoQtlng attorneyship, and there will be a lively so rap for tbe democratic nomination, with a proa pectlve split after nomination la made. I am under tbe imprvaiion that can didates for the legislature will have the warm end of the poker at the neat election Tbe legislative right will be fierce." Thot. Johnson is said to be after the office of sheriff on tbe demooratie ticket, air. Pcnngton's time expiring wlih this term by limitation under political rale. The republicans have a strong man for tbe offloe and will un dertake to placa it la tbe republican elaea In June. " Tbe offloe of county olerk Is" an ob ject of eovy among offloe bnn'ers, but I note Jimmle Qllbam'a 213 plurality over a popular field, and figure that be j !---- - - me I U 1.. A aeoond term. ; JOUlU lusn nw...y Tbe county recorder's office baa been NEW SHOP We have purchased -he I Harris Meat Market north of tbe railroad and are bow open for . business. We make a specialty of freBh and cured ' meats. Use your telephone, call up Main 16, and we will de liter your order promptly any time during the day. Harris Meat Market Brooks & Rohr s ,- Telephone Main 16 Inil m 1 V, PT Is I ROUGH A ND DRESSED L U MB E R Mouldings, Eto. We have a large stockjof Buildingjmaterial always on hand in the yard at our Mill. We deliver in any quanity to any place. PRICE AND QUALITY GUARANTEED. M'KINNIS BROS." Vergere Phone . v Summerville, Oregon M i k M M Beautiful Women. Pump cheeks, flushed with a aolt glow of health and a pureoouiplextloo, make all womeu beautiful. Take a small dose ot Uerbtne after each meal; it will prevent constipation mid belp digest what you have eaten. 50o. Mia. Wm. M. Stroud, Midlothian, Teias, writes. Mar 31, 1901: "We bava used Herbine in our family for eight years, and found it tbe beat medicine weererueed foroonstipatiou. bllioua fever and malaria " 3uld by tewlln Diug Co "spotted" by a La Grande' man, and Mr. Proctor is to be given a race tor the nomination. Elgin having had two officers, re oorder and commissioner, It la now proposed by some of oar La Grande friends to offer the oommlaslonerabip to North Powder. Methlnks I ean see an undercurrent of county teat flght in the change. John Fraeley baa made a good treasurer, but there will be another republican candidate and a democratic candidate for bis official moccasin a. Two election., primary and regular, will be enough to satisfy the most vloltnt anti-oonventlou crank. .People do not like to be called away from business too often, even to attend an election. My old friend, Judge Harrison, will undertake to be re-elected upon; his finanoial record. Ha ia opposed to Lewis and Clark appropriations, and points to the debt reduction ai ao evidence of bis prowess as a part of tbe connty oourt. Glancing over tbe politioal field, I note tbe possible candidacy of J H MoLaoblan for sheriff, and John Ken nedy lor clerk, on the demooraetlo ticket, from tbis distance it would seem tbat there will be candidates "to burn" on both sides ot the politic al dead-tins. ' " I can see some things to commend and some to condemn sloes tbe seat ol government was moved to La Grande aod may deoide to specify later. ' I understand tbat W B Sargent of La Grande would like o be county jui'ga tosuooeed Judge Harrison, aod there are otbeis who might be induced to make a similar sacrifice, "one of whom I am wbicb," but modesty lor bids the announcement at this time, I am now preparing a tesponss to my country's oall in event tbat a nom ination should come my way; but if H. A. Read. Oisco. Texas, writes, lnot. will he nlnaaeJ to turn it nvnr Ln La Grande, Oregon lhisiiia.itution.i8 conducted by the a sters of St. Francis, and affords excellent educaiionul ad vantages, Classical, Literary aod Scientific Courses are taught, also Music, Drawing aud faint ing according to the latest methods. Preparing youDg ladies for the . profession of teaching a specialty,"" Classes will be resumed Sept ember 5. , - For terms and other particu lars, address Sister Superior Sprains. neless t and after using stveral remedies tbat failed to (" relief, used Ballard's Snow Liniment, and was cured. I earnestly recommend it to anyone suffering from sprains." 2o, 60o. tl 00. bold by Newlin Drug Co. a stronger pull. Always ready to serve tbe dear people, lam. With Muoh aspect, A KICKER. K q IN A HURRY? - THEN CALL WJV iETNOLDS The transfer man. He will take that trunk to the Depot or your borne in less time than it takes to tell it. Wagon always at your service. Charges moderate. Day phone B 631, nigbt phone B 12. Notice to Dairymen 1 will rent my dairy farm of 80 acres M miles east of La ttrande fo-a term of from three to five years, Hay enongb raised on tbe place to feed '25 or 30 cows, hummer pasture enough for same number. Plenty of running water wbiob never freezes. Price (10 per acre. M BAKER, CM Town NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION DEPARTMENT Or THE INTERIOR, U. B. Land umce, La, Grande, Orcitnn. AiiKUht H, lwn, noiine neriy Riven that the following named settler tins flltnl notice of lili Intention tu unki final oruofln autioort nl hi. tli4ii nd that uid proof will be made before the luviiicr ana neneiver or tue U. . L.nnd vli: H. K, No StW, Haul A. 1'n.wner, ot He nnmta tbe following- wltnettw to prove nim vuoiiunoua nwinencti doou and cultiva tion of said land, via: H. I-. lliirnetl. J. K Aulden. A. I. Hulllvau. llinuie all ol oiarauy, vrKOQ. K. W. Davis, Regliiter Will positively cure any case of .(idney oi Bladder disease not Eseyond the reach off medicine. Wo medicine can do more. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE strengthens the urinary organs, builds up the kidneys and invig orates the whole system. IT IS GUARANTEED TV0 SIZES 50o and $1.00 Z SOLD O RECOagEHDED BY . A. T. HILIs Druggist. Pmid Stoni and Srml With Excruclatln Paint A. H. Thumes, Mgr. Wills Creek Cos! Co., Buffalo, O., writes: MI have been afflicted with kidney and bladder trouble for years, pass Ing gravel or stones with excruciating pilns. Other medicines only gave relief. After taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE tbe result was surprising. A few doses started the brick dust, like fine stones, etc., and now I have no pain across my kidneys and I feel like a new man. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE bat done me $1,000 worth of good." lo Qthir Rimady Can Compart With It Tbps. W. Carter, of Aehboro, W. C, had Kidney Trouble and ane bottle of FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE effected a perfect cure, and he says there la no remedy tbat will compare with It. CARPETS CARPETS The largest line of Carpets ever brought to the city. More arriving daily. Pretty floor coverings, ' 25c a yara and up. SPECIAL ON GO CARTS THIS MONTH W. H. BOHNENKAMP, Hardware and Furniture ; f 9 FLEECED BLANKETS . Hain4 Plaid and Striped. , ' Large, warm and Comfortable School Stationery, Book Straps, School Caps, Milliner and Veilings. E M WELLM AN & OO La Grande - Oreoon if; , 1- The Eastern Oregon Agricultural f Association OCTOBER 3 to 9. INCLUSIVE RELAY RACE FOR LADY RIDERS Ladies only, Purse $3.50 CONDITIONS Of RELAY RACE There must be three starters. Riders must go four miles euch day, changing horses every mile. Race begins Tues day afternoou. Best total time for 20 milea, wins First Money, $200; $100 for Second; $50 for Third; Unlrya for ibis race required to give name of rider, and deecripiion of the four horses they will iide, and file Hi j bhuio will! tiie secietary. After the race sul- L- 5 Mi ni ton hcirros will be allowed except in case f acci- .' dfii.t, Hiid then on the decuion of the judges. Riders will V ' benllowf.! two attendants for their mounts, and will eafrh IT X ( liuve ii j'a'lilot k to bold four horsee, lo assistance will be t ' allowed in mounting. Horses for relay race will te on ' X t piouiids before uoou of Oct. 2, for inspection by judge?. f tim k permited prereediu the week of fair at hours f? prescribed by trura manager. No entrance fee. Entry to tbis race will close Sept. 20, FRED J. HOLMES, Secretary. r.,ir,. f.,r iliii. rncfl will be taken oulv at riders risk. Tbis i .. .. ... , . V astmciation will. use all precaution to avow acciaeuts, dh j v, ill m, t e rcepoiisible therefor. I'j. Head The Daily Observe'.