1 z AV S NEWS TODAY Fair and warmer tonight :: Tomorrow Increasing eloadineaa. I; GRANDE EIKG OBSERVER VOLUME IV LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY. OREGON SATURDAY. SEPT. 2J905 NUMBER 260 THE FIRST ! DRAFT The Beligcrent Armies Have Established a Peace Zone AWAIT SIGNING OH TREATY Bcrlppt Newt Asportation Portsmouth, Sept.. 2 The first draft of the treat; baa been completed. E. B. Cuts, of the state department and John Sullivan, of the poet office de partment ' arrived this mora rg to work on the engrossing of the treaty They say that if the treaty does Dot exceed ten pages they will have It engrossed in two days by working sixteen boors each, While the treaty oonsistsof fifteen articles it la under stood that some of the articles are very brief. Enroy Wilte ban accepted the in flation of the Metropolitan clob to attend a banquet during bis atav in New York. Ue will afterwards go to Chicago via ol Niagara and Unlfalo. . The mooting of tbe envoys is ' called for this aft' i noon at tbe hotel. Uie to be a mere formality, probably to sign the protoual of lues lay's meet- . PRACTICALLY COMPLETER Portsmouth, Sept. 2. The meeting of tbs treaty framera adjourned at 12:45, Denoison says that afew minor points remain to be adjusted but tbe treaty has been practically completed for the inspection of the envoys It it understood th it at this afternoon's .meeting the df--- views of the phmeing will le iiarutonized. v. .NO WORD' FROM JAPAN Denniton announced in response to an Inquiry that no message had been received from the emperor of Japn for SCHOOL NECESSITIES. At Little 1 Fchool dyi will soon lie here, and we have made special preparations, And offer a very complete stock of the little ethool necepsitiee, for your choking, at the smallest of small pricings. ; . .' TABLETS. Tablets of all kit.di ruled and unruled, for pen and pencil, in, eiies for al' rtquirtiDenU, d wn to 5C A specially generou sized pencil tablet... .OC Pencil, free with tablet of 10c and up. Lead pencil with erasor 21 cents. . . Faber wood-covered slate pencils 1 cent. Scholars hard wood pen and pen il cabiuets 5 and 10 centf. . Box of dmwiug crayons 23 crayons u iih holder 5c. Indellible and ' copying pencils 5 cents lOo penholders 5 cents. TREATY COMPLETE ! Ave days and admitted that tbe draw ' ine of tbe armistice on Friday was taken by tbe Japanese on their own responsibility . , NEUTRAL ZONE Gunshu Pats, Sept. 8. The first intimation of tbe agreement between the peace plenipotentiaries was printed in todays issue of the army organ Arrangements were made for neutral zone between tbe two armies pending the aignlng of the peace treaty and dispensing with foreign military at taches and arranging tbe roraial leave taking of the commanders. St Louis Storm By Horippt News Association fit Louis fiept 2 A heavy rain and electric storm today oauaed much damage. Lightning demolished the front wall of the borne of Frederick Brockaclirritt stunning two of tbe children. Four new flats were ruined a id a number of homes unro fed ard much other damage bas been done. Decline to Accept By Scrlpps News Association) . Constantinople, Sept. 2 Tbe Porte has replied to tbe notts of six rmbate let declining to accept' tbe scheme proposed by them for the financial oontrol of Macedonia. The powers ill insist on. the acceptance of tbe eeh me. Pricings. SCHOOL SHOES For boys and girls All our ichool ehoes are made from Ibe best stock and we guarantee them solid inside and oit. We carry the shoe aw..rded highest prize at the St. Louts Fair The prices are very reasonable. Boys' School Suits. In two and three piece suits. Long and short pants New ariivals, in the newest and most war lanted styles end cloths Price frem $2.50 up BOYS' HOSE. Bucktkiii No 1, all for wear The knowing ones pro nounce them the best boys' stocking on tbe market. TRY A PAIR. 25 cents. TAGGART TO BE TRIED (By Scrlpps News Association. ) ; Wooater, Sept a Whether or not be wins bis dlvoroe, Taggart must stand trial by court martial. . An offloer says tbe court martial is await ing the result of tbs divorce. Many Die of Cholera eorlppe News Association. Waabingtoa Sept 2 War department reports two deaths among troops from obolura In Manila. !,PTH'1 !V SWV--W. Berlin Sept 2 It is announced that twenty three oatea and seventeen deaths from cholera in Ceimaoy up to noon today ' CASHIER ESCAPED FROM JAIL Sorlpps Newa Association Kuabvllla Ind. Sept 2-Ollver Jones, formerly cashier of tbe Arlington Bank, at that place, ai d who Is serv ing time tor embezzling ten thousand dollars, and two other prisoners saw ad their way out of jail this morning ana escaped. Jones left a note tint log tLat be expected to reooupe and pay bis creditors. Educational Congress Scripps News Association. Portland, Sept. 2. "Colleges and Universities" was the subject which received the attention of iho National Educational Congress todav. Preal. dont W F Ktsr.of tbe University of Washington, presided, and Prof. P L Campbell, of tbe University of Ore gon, . delivered sn address entitled ' Education and tbe State". Tbedls cusalon was opened by Preaident Pen rote, ol Whitman C'olUge, Walla Walla Ue was followed by Preaident tiamnel McUone, of Lindsay University of fenn. He took for bia euljeot "Edu cation for Efficiency and tbe demands of Modern Business." Fair Graft. (By Scripps Newt Association.) Portland, Sept. 2 Tbe atate com missioners of the Lewis & Clark ex position, rant tbia afternoon' to in vestigate tbe charge of graft which bas been made against II. B Hardt, secretary to director Col. Dosch. ilardt waa superintendent of exhibits at tbe Omaha exposition. Among bis aoc user t is Edwin Uotewater, editor of the Omaha Bee, ' . nex c Tuesday. Portland, Sept. 2 Tbe federal grand jury adjourned until next Tueadty, owing to Monday being legal holiday. No Indictments will be made publlo until thut time. Refuse to Resign. Ociipps News Association Washington, D. C. Sept. 2- Fireman Oscar Rleketts, an employe In tbs government printing olllee waa dis charged today for "Insubordination." Rickets alleges that Public Printer Palmer violated tbe civil service rules ty demanding bis resignation by fail ing to make speolflo allegations against himself and Foreman bay,' of tbe job division, and tbey therefore refute to reslgu, and will submit the matter to the commission and the Frer ident. It Is intimated that tbe trouble aroae over tbe introduction of certain true setting machine. Dynamite And Murder Sorlpps News Assoelatloa Tiliis Russia Sept 2 Tbe report has reached Ibis place tbat tbe town of Ibutba is !b flames and tbat troops are ru bing tithe eeene. Tbe proper t, Ol Prluoe Munnreoi in the Dusbet k is been destroyed by dynamite and Princi KriatofT waa murdered near GUI. AIRSHIP FAILED TO COMPETE 8orlpps News Association. . Portlacd Sept 2 Tbe alrahlp Gllatie failed to make a flight . today In com petition with the City of Portland, on account of an accident. Tbe latter ascended but we carried by a strong wind ont of sight over the Columbia river and baa not been sighted for the past two hours. Portland. Sept. 2., 3:30 p m. The air ship Portland came down Ave miles from the tyirlb end of the city with a bole in the gaa bag and the steering gear broken, . Not So Bad (Sorlpps News Association) Denver, Bept. 2 The receiver of the Denver Savings bank reports that tbe assets will pay seventy five per oent of the depositors olaiina. Hunting Accident (Scrlpps Newa Association) . Great Fall, Mont , Sept. 2 Tbe open hunting season here was marked by the aooidental killing of Frank Gen siere, son of tbe well known Monarrb merchant. Tbe gun waa discharged while olunbing through busbea The wound levered an artery and he bled to death. . Chicago Wheat Bori ppa News Association. , Chicago, Sept. 2 Tbe wheat en the Chicago board of trade today at seven ty nine and five eigtbt oents, and corn at fifty two and seven eights cents, oats at twenty nine and a quarter oents. California Pioneer Scilppa News Association Ventura, Sept. 2. Col. Spencer R Thorpe, a wealthy reaident of Los An geles was found' dead along the road aide near Moore park early this morn log. Death la probably due to heart disease. lie wat a prominent pioneer. SULTAN SAYS MUCH Paris, Sept. 2 The government ad dreeted tbe Sultan of Morrocco with another pre einptory note today. Tbe note says tbe releass from imprisoned, tbe Algerian oitizen, bouzBin it not so lllclent and demands a payment of Indemnity, tbe p'inlahment of Cald, who may arrest, and a public apology, ff all demands are not granted coerols measures will be adopted, Statesman's Views Scrlpps News Association Vancouver Bept 2 2 Bristol a mem ber of parliment of Toronto" has. re turned from the North where be view ed tbe silver deposits of Windy Arm, near tbe White Pass railroad and says tbat Colorado will be excelled and tbat this will be the greatest mining earup in the world. Trains Collide Sorlpps Newt Association St. Louie, Sept- 2 Two Iron mountain trains collided near V.lm. yor, and the eonduotor and brakeman wtre killed and two passengers serious ly injured. A later report aUtes that four passengera were killed and a nnmler were Icjnrtd. May Be Worse By Sorippe News Association Chicago Bent 3-Presldent ilarner of tbe university of Chicago went a Battlt Creek, Mioblgan this morning to stay two week. Tbia aires rise to rumors tbat bis condition Is worse POPULATION OF . MASSACrlUTTS The population of tbe state of If assa chneetts is 2,998,958, according to a preliminary report made today by tbe ata'e bureau of atatlstlolana This Is ' an Increase of 403,775 over 1805, when the last otDolal oeusiis wss taken. Host on 'a population la .603,508, an inoreate of 86,078 Id the past ten years. ' , Another Grafter Scrlpps Nets Association Washington, Sept. 2.-Ctiarlea Moore of Colorado, who tor the past teu veara hat been clerk in the poet olUce de partment, bat been dismissed.. Ue Is oharged with taking and attempting to redeem railroad tickets which came to tbe dead letter office. RECEIVES WIRELESS 800 MILES By Sorlpps News Association New York Sept 2-Tb.e steamer Lor raine, arrived today and the captain states that he received news by wireless telegraphy white eight hundred miles at sea. SAVING WHETHER YOU BUY OR SELL If you have any second hand school books to sell you'll gain by bringing them In with- out a day's delay. . If you wish to buy SECOND tiAND SCHOOL BOOKS You will get bottom prices and the pick of the best ones by buying at once. We have ' to turn these books quickly to come out even and urge you to attend to this at your earliest opportunity, nothing can be gained by waiting. We have a superior line of everything In school supplies this year and are prepared to make it worth your while to see us. -Jnewlin- DRUG CO. If Milne Mtl THE CITY GROCERY AND BAKERY E. R0LACK, Prop. Go to the !ity Grocery and Bakery for groceries, fresh fruits and vegetables. . ' FRESH BREAD, CAKES AND PIES, EVERYDAY Give ui a call onetime and you willbe;8are and coma again. We krep the bust and freshest ?f everything the market affotds. GERMANY OBJEGTS TO M ARLIN Scrip, Ntwt Atai ciatioa) London, Sept. 8 It ' baa become known -that the German govtrament baa objected to the oontloutac in office J. H. Martin, a former war correspon dent who Is now ronaul from the France. Miller is said to have writu many articles during bia oareer whloh Germany did not Ilka, among then waa on alleging that German waa In a plot to put a figurehead on the tnrone ot Samoa, It la alleged tbat the article caused the Samona to rlaa againat Germany, Proclaim a Strike Bortppt News Aisoclatlon. Revel, Russia Sept ' 2 A general strike hat been proclaimed here at an outcome ot political movement meas ures which had been takea to nrevant disorder. . : ; . . Johnson Killed (Sorlpps News Association) Gleodive. Mont., Gept 8 V E Jobneon, son of county assessor AN Johnson, one ot tbe beet known young men ot this city, was instantly killed while learning to be a brakso ao. , , HIMIMIHI ' Hi