La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, September 01, 1905, Image 1

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    r r
Tomorrow Increasing oloadiness. .
' vni iric nt r ' :.. . : -
: J
.straw - -
Agrees to Armistice lut nit Effective
Until Treaty Signed
New York, Sept. -1 Tbe subway
tavern, opened li months ago with
addressee t.y Bishop Potter nd the
singing of the Doxology at midnight,
oloeed its doors as a "sanotiBed saloon"
At reformed' saloon the place hit
not paid running expenses. Today the
saloon will be transferrer! to a man
wno baa eonduoted a restaurant on
the premises. He will take down the
' water wagon" sign and will conduct
the plaoe as an ordinary saloon.
Cholera In Prussia
Soripps New Association
Berlin Sept 1 Fourteen rew uses
ol ebolei a were reported today in.the
various parts of Prussia, aDd the
spread ol the disease is gradual it is
thought prjbable that many new cases
have not been reported 10 the authori
ties. No new oases were reported at
Hamburg today and but one death at
Meerieoweider. Tba authorities state
that there is bo reasou (or American
fear's. ' '
PROBABLY Will sm ON TliFsnw
By8oiipps News Association
' Portsmouth Bepi 1 The Pre"'"
the signing oF !) r ...
rv -1 . J
o denooiitrAtidf
I ' " wat
I w bs ounferenes room
. PortfBioaih. Kami i tk- o
' ; .doslrsd I that trnos should go luf
uiuKcuaieiy 0Qt tbt Jtpanese
but it should sot bteoiDS q
niil tbs former treaty of pd
i V signed. The Ru.sI.ds
' jtsldsd and the snmnsloas site
ITlf Swlsmatlon ot an armistice to
li effect immediately ia beta
itisp br the envot l at hotel Went
id, without spec ial formality and
ndsatonce cabled to the cotn
; .. ittrs o( ths respeetire sraiics.
'Hmoutb, Sept. l.-The armistice
, inialion was sljned at high noon.
' ' annot be transmitted to Tokio
Hse neither of the tables are
.log Plnce Japanese government
Itommauh ate the naws to General
aa, it is just possible that history
repeat itself and a greHt battle
'ft lie fought aftvr the armistice bas
": ''ej arranged.
a,'frasIitnton, D 0 , sept. 1 -Edwin
'"lusa, an expert penman of the
Canal Question
i ! licrippa News Asrociation
Washington, D 0,Pept. l.-Elnsnt
engineer of Europe and America meet
her today at the eall of the President
to make Investigations and recommend
stions as to tbs type of canal across
the Isthmus ChairmaoShontc greet
ed the members and in a short address
he outlined the work of the meeting.
Recommendations have not all been
received, bat those yet fo be made will
forwarded to tbe canal comuilgaion for
examination. The final conclusion
will be made by -the President and
Three Hundred Thousand Dollars Worth
of Property Goes Up in Smoke
A HMssntsd Ibat an agreeaent I
"vw w UUU DfiOUnf )Ut-..U w..l, nuVmonAn.
- " uiu lllu a lu uinnn w ixisauvLiii
Washington DO 8ept 1 Tbe ao
tboriiies hers state thai tbey do not
fear importation ol the cholera from
utiruiapy, as iney say that heretofore
(be German offioials have been able to
control such epidemic. Tbe marine
hoepital authorities state that ebolera
is easily controlled.
Circus' Stranded
Grenoble, France, 5ept 1. The re
malntng destitute persons belonging
to tbe stranded MrCaddon's American
cirens are In a pltable co dition. The
management ot the clrcua ' has ' not
transmitted funds fur their mainten
ance or repatriation.
bte department, was tent to Ports-
( sill not go into ereot natil tb
. ifceos trifsiy bas besn sigus.l,
ipamiy aisplsased a:
...-mi we were foraad td i tb. hi t; atovatnn as ,oon a.
n. maod that tbs armlstiosshol j 3e returns to Washington on account
effective until' after tbs tf ityf K'"' triumph in securing peace
signed is that It limited S rnli between Russia and Jpo.
MOtVfti ot the Russian-Japanese trsaty.
..fc-.u 'f i Washington D 0 8pt 14 move-
. " J .I. : .1 nsent i on loot to tender President
j - ..i. i
j cu prevented actual host tie
os armies resdy for imnii Us
. .omptlouof hos'' Hatc ms
m Isl statemeui ilut It ivoc 1 ut
nto effect until after tbe f (otl
been aotaally sigosd i
First Death
" Scripps News Association.
Pensaeola, r'lo., Sept. 1 Tbe 8rst
death caused br yellow fever was to
da when W. . Adell suoonmea.
1'ortsmootii, Sept. 1 , 0 : s , ,- So Dew casei sre reported today.
Another oppo)
purchase goo
low figures i
Our bargain
colored, plain kjf fancy silks.
iy offered to the public to
2j!e merchandise at very
cone week we will place on
sirters our stock in black,
Scripps News Aisoolation. .
. Washlng'oo, Sept 1 Tbe offioial
are all discussing the president's
acbteveinent in the peace proceedings
and the relations tbey will have In
the presidential candacy the next
election. One high official who bas a
trained observation . said: . "The
American people will have an awful
bard time to keep from nomlustiog
and re-electing Roosevelt In 1908.
Thr stock ot candidates have dropped
off since peace bas been declared.1
Many others share this same official'
belief .
v No One Killed
(By Hcrlpps News Association
Memphis Sept 1 Governor Davis
and Attorney General Rogers did not
shock each other Ust night at Griffiths-
vine Arkansas, as per arrangement.
but Governor Davis in speaking of tiie
affair this morning said, "Kill you I
One could take aoorncob with a light
ening bug jipon one end 'of it and
make you jump into Mm Arkansaa
river." . -
Scripps News Association.
McReeeport, Pa., Sept. 1 A large
fly wheel In tbe national tube works
bo rut today, killing seven men and
injuring ten others. '
Chicago Wheat
. Borlpps News Association .
Chicago, 8ept. 1 The wheat market
olosed on tbe Chicago board pf trade at
sevenf y nine and one fonrtb oente. oats
fifty three and three elghta, and corn
at twenty five and a ball cents.
i Special
1 Jlioch black TaEfeiij. twular vnlue 90 cenU
A I Special
, rr yfi incb black Gretfaaiei, i-eenlar
V ina l io. ppec
k , 4 id 8atin Doc
', 4 koeci
value $1 tO
$1 60
reiultr value
21 inch black Snlla Doclieas, regular
24 inch black Satin Wulm, regular value $1.25
19 inch black Satin IDithess. retrular value $1.00
- . . ai "
23 inch Pean
Special . . . .
20 inch Peau
- Special . ...
19 inch Peau
iuchj Block TilTa, regular ,' value $1 50jJ
1. 19
1. 10
1 10
Soie, regular value (1.60
, regular value 1 1 1U
We, regilar value ll.PO
PehColoied'TatDa Silk, io all the leading
i . t iks in alUUmoat wanted patterns for
F"'7, "wU eMrt waiat soils, regular
. llU.l00andll.25: Special ....
vide. 6petls
Maine Fires
(Boripps News Association)
Bangor 8ept I F'resl fires io north
of Arostock county threatens to be
bad as it was two years ago. One
town baa already been swept ' out ol
ex stance and another is threatened
Hundreds ol fires are raging.
Goes To Japan
Scripps Newa Associatloo
Boston Sept 1 The Globe this after
noon says that it ia enabled to 'state
with authority that William U OV
Oonoell, bishop of l'ortland Maine,
has been appointed to be pope as
pa pec y representative to jHpan bn an
Important diplomatic mission, from
Vatican to Mikado immediately upon
tbe oooolaelon of peace.
Soldier Gets It
tioiipps News Association
Jackson Miss. Kept 1 Private
Murray Sc-balty, a national guard man
who baa been on quarantine guard
service, contracted yellow fever today
lie ie the first soldier on the coast to
contract tbe disease.
Killed His Brother.
Boripps Newa Association.
Butte, Moot., Sept. 1 John Cobbell,
a ball breed blackfoot Indian, who
brofaghl in by officers this afternoon,
charged with morderlng bisbrotber,
Thomas Oobbeli at Cutback. Cobbell
declares that be killel his brother io
order to save the family from being
annihilated as be was erased with
liqnor and ran about attempting to
shoot tbe whole family.
Soripns News Association
.Oyster I Bay, Sept. 1. Minister
Ronbklll from' China .sends the
following "An Imperial edict states
that the friendship between tbe
United States and China is tried Ie
verely by boycott and urges the people
to peacefnlty await tbe action of both
governments. It says tbat the boycott
system is wrung and commands the
viceroys ot. tbe government to take
effective aotlon and that tbe govern
ment will hold them responsible.
Printer's Strike
Cbicaeo 8epk I Tbe strike of union
printers against members of tbe Cbi
csgo typotbetae became general tod iv,
Bight lrge shops have arranged
truce with the union agreeing to re
main neutral and not employ non
anion men. . . ,.
Twri a
WttlCK rKUiN 1
; By Scripps News Association
I'urtlnml, Sept. 1 Portland was
again vlsltek by another d'sastrous
fire today. This tlm? the fire wss in
the manufacturing district, and despite
tbe attempts of tbe tire department to
quell the flames tbe St. Johns Lumber
company's mills snd yards were de
linked ss were also the wcod yards of
tbe Oregon Fir Lumber company and
the yards and stock ot the Peninsular 1
Wood company. Tbe loss Is estimated
atone hundred thousand dollars. , Tbe
origin of tbe fire is not known at . this
time. ,
Tbo. fire which is still consuming
property despite thj herolo work ol
the department, is prsotically three
fires. The first fire Was tbe one whioh
burned Montgomery d( ok on the feast
i.i of the river, and a large ware
hoiKe. Tbe warehouae was soon eon
turned, but a stiff wind wss binn ing
at the time and the sparks were car-'
ried serosa the Willamette river setting
fire to tho Eastern and Wrstrn Lum
br oompaniea yards and mills. 'I be
loss is even greater than at first re
ported. " ''
- 8:30 p m. , Fire started in tbe old -
elevator baok ot this Paolflo elevator at
noon and spread toll B A N Albina
dock, burning treaties and railway
adjacent and a dozen flat cars, com-
pletoly connaming docks and ool tents.
The fire was not onder control at 2
O'clock. The total damage Is a quarter
million dollars Tbe elevator dock
loss Is $50,000, ORAM dock 150,000,
contents mostly flour and feed stored
for shipment. The6rs on west side la
still burning though thought to be on
der control. Tbe dry kiln of tbo
Western Lumber company Is destroyed.
Higher Agriculture
,,8cripps News Association"' "
Portland, Sept. 1. The teohnioal
and industrial education was discussed
at tba national educational " congress
today. Tbe aedress. on "High agri
cultural education", waa given by
president E A Bryan, of the ashing
ton agricultural college. Howard A
Rogers of New fork epolce on onr
future development. -"
Just Make Believe
Scripps News Association
. Wooster rVpt 1 Cross examination
of Mr Taggari ended at norm today.
This morning more letters from her to
the Captain were introduced l con-
trad ioi tba allegation that her io;- lor
her husband died after the incidents
at Fort Leaves worth and Manila.
Tbeje letters ware written afurbsr
return from the Philippines and wen
all extremely affectionate. Mrs Tag
gart said "I was j'tat trying to make
bim beltvve I still loved him."
' Soripps Nswm Association
Butte, Sept. 1 Uolled mint
workers for the , district embracing
Montana and Wyoming, iti conference) '
with mine owners at llelsns, Montasa
agreed to maintain tbe prevailing
scale of wages another year.
Karlstad Sweden Sept 1 The first
meeting of the Swedish and Norwegian
delegates appointed to consider terms
of the dissolution of the Union of
Sweden and Norway wss held here to
day. It was decided the conference
aball be secret. ., , .
County Wins Again.
Pendleton, Sept. 1 Motion for a
reheating of tbe tax case of Umatilla
countf aud Oregon Kallw A' Naviga
tion company, has been denied In thf
eopreme eouit. As soon as a mandate
ia granted District Attorney Pbelp
will take up tbe matter of collecting
the sum of over 110,000. wbkb lb
road owsa tbe county,
In tbls action tbe railroad denied
(hat tbe tax las made prnnsrly and
one contention waa tbat tbe O. U &
N. company did not necessarily mean
he Oregin Bal'way & Navigation
compioy. Tbe only recourse left the
road will be filing a auit in equity,
easing tbat the taxes' te reduced--
Pendleton Tribune.
If you have any second hand school books .
to sell you'll gain by bringing them . in with-
' : . . ' - ' (. "' ' V
, out a day's delay. If you wish to buy
You will get bottom prices and the pick of,
the best ones by buying at once. We have'
to turn these books quickly to come out
even arid urge you to attend to this at your
earliest opportunity, nothing can be gained
by waiting. .
We have a superior line of everything In
school supplies this year and are prepared to
make it worth your while to see us. , '
1 1 NEWLIN : drug::coI
AM sim mi l -
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