WE BOUGHT CHEAP f OR GASH A fine Lot of 0 Wall Paper Selling the Same Way Gheap 10c per Roll and up STANIELS & JARMAN. Painters, Paper Hangers and Decorators. SUMMER FRUITS Until farther notice we will be able to furnish bur - customers with the very best Black Caps - Black Berrks Red Raspberries J ' , Peaches Peach Plyms And all other seasonable fruits, iresh from the vine ' 'and tree ' ' " ' y NFRDAcifA r.onrpov CTHDC ) Coi. lir and Jefferson 8ta. 0. RALSTON, Prop. f ST. LOUIS LIVERY AND FEED JSTABLE p LARSEN & NORRIE, Props. 2 r - ' --. -r-; 1 91 J 1 :-lh&J First class turnouts fur 5&&?&? nished day or night. B.....M commercial men. UL raj iar.-TT 'F'' jtll BeB 8erv'ce guaranteed to 2SQPiil Domes boarded 'by day, g ft4""vtAB' week or month. week or month. Rigs furnished for parties, funerals and picnics. The ?! beet carryall in the city. 2 Keep Cool If.jou haTeJno other way call on the LA GRANDE LIGHT AND POWER CO. and sature an Rates and all prictts will be explained at the office Electric Fan "The man who loves his wife the most. ' Is not the one to let her roast" These hot days, in a kilcben overheated by a sweltering stove Cut out the family wash day. Send your laundry tc us. Saves wood, time and energy. Pou't turn up a lovely dispotitiou. Send your linen, all of it to 'A. B. C. steam Laundry PHONE Main 7 La Gran Je, Oregon. EMINENT MEN ARE COMING TO LA GRANDE, OREGON, .... . . , . , ,. One Day Monday, August 28 DR. GLNN & CO. OF SAN FRANCISCO These Eminent Electro Medi cal Physicians and Surgeons Will Visit the City. ' AND WILL BE AT THE SOMMER HOUSE This being so advertising trip to in troduce a New System of Treat . ment, tbey will give to til corameno log on above date Consultation, Adviof, and all Medicine neoeaaary ' to complete Cur Absolutely Free. ; , , ... It will only be expe:ted of all pa . takinar advantage of this effer to ttKte to their friends the remit ob tained by tbia new iytf m of treat ment. Tbey treat ALL KINDS OF CHRONIC DISEASES AND DE FORMITIES. It ia very aeldom that ailing people have the privilege of consulting auub renowotd apecialiaW, who aie in con tant attendance to Wail npon yon, diagroae your oaae, and give yon tba benefit of their medical knowledge. There it no experiment or gueee work. You will !e .told whether you, can be enred or not. - II your caae it curable they will treat yonj if incurable, they will give you nuo'i adviou a to be be netioial to you. Tbey treat deafneis with an entirely new method. Hearing reatored to many at onee. Catarrali iu all ita va ried foima cured eo that it will never return by breaking up the cold-latching tendency by ELECTRICAL IN DUCTION of medicine. Men uttering from Qnueral Nerv ouanexa. Weakness,' Loet Merrory, Strength, Weak Back, Kidnev Trouble Rheumatio Pain, Lumbago, Poiatioi, Torpid Liver, Indigestion and Dye prpaia here can find a cure that per tnanently reitorea them to their ori ginal strength ard manhood without loading their atomaob with poisonous medicine. ' It you have weak lungs or consump tion do not ful to be examined. Their new disoovery of kataphoreeli in paralysis, aud all diseases of the nervoua sys'em, including EP1LEP8Y andSf VITUS DANCE, ia a Godsend o suffering humanity. Medioal men taud amazed at the marvelous curt that are leing effected wherever tbia system ba been introduced. Tbuu and who have given op all hope' of being cured now bave an opportunity j of a lifetime, to consult, without charge, doctors of a national reputa tion. Renumber their knowledge of medicine combined with tlectrioity givea them control of Jiseaaea that othera do not possess. If you bave weak eyes, headaches, or dixiioesi, tbia sew system will oure you quick Don't fail to call on these eminent ptoialiels, as a visit coats you nothing and may saveour life. I If you auspeot kidney troubles, take a two-ounce vial of your urine for o iem:ol and microscopical analysis. Qo early as their offices are always crowded, ii jou are improving under your family physician, do nut go and take tip their valuable time. They wish to give each one plenty of time, but oannot listen to- long s lories not pertaining to your casev Tbricln l the iioor alik tratdj ' 't Eyea Examined FREE By ar Expert Opibamolugist- , If your vision is: not good or yon have eye iquint," headache, dikaine, nervoua and can't are fine f riot or to do fine work, eyes pa n or water, call on ue and whwOI ha'p you out of your eye troubles with a pair of gtaeaes that are ground to fit you correctly by an eye ep'ciafist of mer1. ' ... . Women wbo suffer from the many nervoua derangements and aila peoa. liar to tbeii sex quickly cured without an operation by tbia new method, i ' Out of five hundred cases of Rupture treated last year by their iodr.otion method there were cured 83 pti cent without an . operation - or dettntio -from business. ,-..., N B Cancers, tomors, wena, goi tres, all blood, ekiu and aoalp diaeaaca cured by tbia new method. Piles- Cured in a abort time witnout the knile. They make a specialty of all obronio diet asee peculiar to either sex, and oure where othera fail. Tbia is a treatmedt that can be tired at hoi a. .1.1. : -,,t Remember, not one cent will bj charged for all the medioine required to make a permanent oure to all ttiote nmmmnn, ti,eir new jjn, 0( trwi. ment on tbia, their " firs advertising trip. ,, . i. . . ' Notice Harried ladies must be ac companied by their husbands. -' : Office Hours: ..- ' Frtm 9 a. m. to 4 pr ta. : Regular visits made. , Remember the Date and Location. Take Notice 1 All persona knowing : ;thejiselvea Indebted to the lata firm ot Bock and Thomae are requested to' oalt at the old atand A the market : where they will find Mr tl W Thomaa or Miss Cora Harding wbo will make aettle ment. .; - ; ... . . " : . G W Thomaa. Spoiled Her Beauty Harriet Howard, of 209 W 34th at., New York, at on time had her beauty spoiled with akin tronble. She writes "I had Salt Rheum , or Eczema for years, but nothing woulJ cure It, un til I naed Bucklen'a Arnica Salve." A quick and auie healer for cute, burns and sores. 25o at Newlln Drug Co drug atore IN A HURRY? .THEN CALL Wfl. HETN0LD5 The transfer man. ' ' ' . ' ; ' ' ' j ...I .... He will take that trunk to the . Depjt or your home iu less time tbau it takes to tell iL Wagon alwas at your service. Charges moderate. Day phone B531, night phone R 12,. JliAGER & KEITH CONTRACTORS Cement Sidewalks and Foundation worK given . prompt attention. - ' ' Cellar and Cement work a Specialty. . Estimates cheerfully furn ished. All work guaranteed to stand the test. Refer ence furnished. .. , Office at Foley Houre. i ' 0LASSiriED . DVERTlSi!MrINTS ' ' ' Real Estate Loans, Any amounts on City and Country Real Eataie. Loans eloaed promptly, as soon as title ap proved.' r-.s ; i 5 1 jJi (iRANDK, IN VESTMENT CO. WANTED A position by a cooipeUnt man. Kookkeeplng or clerical work preferred. Inquire at this office, tf FOR SALE White Pomerenlen Pup ' plea at Hotel Foley Barber "shop. Warning WANTED Housekeeper immediately. ' 'Apply at the offioe of the Western Union Telegraph Co. i ' U si r ll t, Parties having a good fresh milch cow to dispoae of may dad a boyer by calling at tbia office. FOR BALE Brick veneer ' house on Peoond street, two lota. Inqulie F. .. K. Noordhofl, 2107 Second Bt , . 8 2tf Notice la hereby given that anyone found dumping refuse of any kind oo any of the property belonging to the La Grande Real Estate Association will be vigorously proeeouted. 1 Tbia property Inolodea all of the ti . i i mini l . . . mverniie uio wiiiiaujaoa aaaiuune to La Grande. v LA GRANDE REAL ESTATE A8&'.i 6 13 U Win. Miller, Preat . FOR RENT FurnUhed housekeeping rooms la suite 'ot two, three and four. Inquire, phone B'ack 601. NOTICE - We pay highest ' Market prices for cniensua. naui i" 7'T! VA ot. At our Warehouse on Jefferson Ave.y .I i. :' ' OR Cash Co. It your paper is not delivered as you think jit should be, 'please notify the ffice and I be mistake wille rectified. FURNI8UED RU0M8-Nicely furni shed rooms tor rent. Corner ttb . and main st i " ' "'" " '8 18 tt Reward A reward of 160 will be paid by the Grande Ronde Stock Grower Protect ive Association for the arrest and con viction of anyone for stealing stock in Union; county. ' i -.' I f Signed by the Secretary I r i - t ! a a . ' vvihviiiiiui ,a . wvs j j I Under new management. , Board and Room 15 per week, cash. Meals .6 eta. . Hpeoial rates furnished monthly pstrona. No. 1417 Adams Ave Phone No. 1161 " , 1 Mra. W E MDROH1SON. proprietor. I To The Public We take this mean of publicly ex pressing to our friends and patrons the appreciation wnicu we feel to thm for their patronage and many acts of kindness whloh wt bave received at their band, j During the four years which we have been in business In this city and oounty have meet with such pleaaent rec ption that we feel under special obligations to the citizens ot tne brande Ronde Valley. Again thanking our friends and patrons we are lours very trulv GRAINING AND : ART DEC0RAING Why hot ge t your painting dons wall when you can bave It cheaper than it ..i.... . . . i j i . taitsa lur iub averaiie uauoer ao apoi It? Get need to having nice woo uuiDuiun vj tut, luiiua w juur. aweu iK. EKK shell and velvet . glosa, "mirror polish" eto. ' S D Kinney can grain up your old painted rooms aud make the wood like fine, quartered oak furniture 1433 Adams Ave. La Grande Or BookvC Thomaa I OREGON PRODUCE CO. gl We are in eke market for immediate deliveay, 560 ions" Si of first-class Timothy Hay. w 1 M , . . rS We are contracting for all kinds of produce," such as J Potatoes, 'Apples. Pears and Prunes, whirh w ar m .li-,-. . .... snipping in car ioaa lots. t ! .. . ' . 4 - 1 ' n are ouym an Kinds of grain. As soon as you are ready to sell come in and see us. You have the P Jtoodi and we have the money. ' ' v ? ' ' - I Oregon Produce Company, I ! Dissolution Notice '. Notice ia nersby- given . thai ."th partnership of 9 Ball 5and James Russell heretofore existina under th flrm name of J F UuU &Sio bat tbia day Men dissolved by mutual consent. All bills due the firm are payable to J H Russell Who will receipt for the same and pay all. the bills against this firm. ; :-.V'-- 1 . i' Dated at La Grande, ' Oregon, this the 16th day of August,' 19o5. ; ! . . JAM Ed RUHSPLL, ' ' -..'! ?w ' ,;!-,. BULL V- NOTICE FORBIDS ; ! The Diatrlet School Board of Pchool District No. (One, of Union County Oregon, will receive op to 13 o'clock Noon of Ansust 30. 19ns. kin. - furnishing all material for aud con struction of. an eight room aehonl building aooordiuir to nlana nH ucauuna on Die with A O Williams, echool clerk All bids to be left with .School clerk and" fkAVtm nun liwl - u.:iL vuewiMa-u W1LU certified check lot: ten per cent of bid. nuiiuing to be completed by Jan 1, 190(3, - Board reserves tha rinht Jectaoy or all bide. 5 A C WILLIAMS, Bohoui Clerk. TO WHOM IT MAY cnnv.. The nuderalgned bae aold ' IU Mtl Markets, aud til It, property In aud about La Grande, Oregon, to Ursndy Russell, who will bereall.r the same Under ao(h firm name, rrad M, llock retires from further or eonnecUoa with the closing up of the old business, and G.' W Thomaa HI collect all elalma due or o.in. .i.. company, and will p., iu ,Wu itiee. ' TUB HOCK A THO-IA8 COMPANV 1 " fa nrli. i .. ' j, nn puraiion. 1 f, ByG. W. Tbom.., ' :.; ' It. Book and v. .h ' . f' 8 'hoe, all the Ktook'holiiar 1 When von want a pleasant laxative that ia easy to take and certain to act, use Cbemberlain's 8toinaoh and Liver tablets r'or sale br Newlin Drag to . . ( Summer Schedule The summer schedule of the Astoria 4 Columbia River Railroad has been inaugurated between Portland, As toria, Gearhart and Seaside in con nection with special round trip excur sion tickets to all Clatsop and North Beach points, and trains leave Union Depot at 8 :00 a m, . daily and run through direct, arriving at Astoria at 11:30 a m, Gearhart 1S:20 p xa and Seaside at 12:30 p m. 'the Portland and Seaside Flyer leaves Union Depot everv Baturdav at 2:30 p m, arriving at Astoria 6:60 p at n hi.tiu, Gearhart 6:40 p m and Seaside at 6i0 p m. . .. , In connection with tbis improved lervice, special round trip season ex cursion tickets are sold f i ou Portland to all Clatsop and North Beach oointa . . . 1 -t l A .. .. ... ibicui B.uu ior sua round trip, good for return passage until October 15th. Special commutation tioksta. eood for five round trips, are sold from Portland to same points lor $10.00, good to return until October I6lh. - Saturday epeoial round . trip excur sion tickets from Portland to all Clat sop and North Beach point on sals every Saturday at rate of $2.60 for round trip, good to return Sunday. Tickets sold from Portland to North Beach points are issued in connection with the O R & N steamer from As toria, and baggage is transferred to and from depot and steamer dock at Astoria free of cbarire. and all tiakata sold by the O R A N Co fTom Port land to Clataop and North Beach points, are interchangeable and will oe aonored on trains of tbis company in either direction betwMn pn.i.n and Astoria. ' Tioketi sold at all 0 R A N atatl.ma and paasenger wishing to go to points on Clatrop Beach should so sjjesify, in ordsrto avc id contusing this popular resort with tuat of Long Beaob, Web, wuion i readied onlv bv kii .i a toria," thus causing delays enrout. roraaaitional Information addr... C A Stewart, Agent, 248 Alder St Portland, or J O Mayo, Of 4PA; Astoria, Ore., and ssk for 8eaida Souvenir for 1905, containing !0 bean, tiful half tone views of Columbia river nd Clataop Beaob scenery. LA GRANDE SCHOOL PROF. DAY. Prindnle. moc nAv TkLi --"so-swarn ., , .7 . ssnslcalln .UutlonalnthasuU. Dnrlng td. : , er nearly roar thousand leeaona o M. t-k nhl. city and valley' . UJa. to discovar th. -j.. 7 of thlaK. -v.n.ag. n - i . eyswoi used Is U latest sod moat practical, and aolude. all tba Uteat discoveries IA lA amsaeV nJ A a a wl wauoing mualo The chool la divided into two depart, menu: No. 1 Ufa. k-,. . miL nronj re np, and taking la tha l,t to trades. ln departnsant jopilaoomaonahonr evy dav de.ira. NoSnoUr. wHl" hf to doDotetad," "W oho Aug U Sept IS ,