La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 26, 1905, Image 1

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Fair tonight
tod tomorrow.
, if. 3
f! ? A
rio Gut Off From
World for Fear of
" r Fever
alnn Nam Association . ,.,
Carlo III Aog W-Tht ntw qnaran
tint c regulations burring . tbe oity
against th world went Into effect to
day .All traffic la practically dead.
. ..
new ui liana Aug zo xuiriy inree
oaaee and no deatba wara reported at
throe Velook tbit afternoon.
Williamson'a caia la expected to
coma up for Investigation on Monday,
nntil wbl-b time niany.of tbewitneaaea
who will appear bate been exenaed.
Ernest Starr, who created a senratlon
at the laet trial by taking reuch
leave" and fleeing to tbe Cascade
mountains, baa not yet been disobeyed
by tbe Government from aervloeand la
atill held in Portland, where be la
wanted both aa a witness before the
grand jnry and in the coming William
eon trial Telegram. . '
Fire Controlled
Elgin Ore Aug 2d Tbe fire whioh
threatened to aaeep Cricket flat, wai
gotten under control lat night and
only a lew atobble flelda were burned
Tbe powder bouse wbiob wa in the
way ol tbe fhmea waa elo saved.' Tbe
a will amount to but a amall nm.
Tbe effloient help rendered by tbe re
aidenta of both' Elgin and the fi t
li ved tbe property of many farmers
and timber' holders wbo were in tbe
patb. :3 . '
Children Innocent
(Bcrlpps News Association)
Wooater Aug 26 Tin judge
nounoed today that In tbe Taggart
trial testimony would be admitted to
ahow - bow either parent oared ' for
tbe obllJreo. Tbe judge itated that
tbe prinotpala oould take care ol
themselves bnt whatever tbey were
guilty of. the obildren are Innocent
Predicts Eruption
Mexico City Mei Aog 26 Prole
sor Elwell, of Stanford Univemity wbo
baa been atudying condition! of tbe
cratec ot ' itt rzy-""'"n Pooooatapeti
aayi that tbe removal of accu
mulated there wdl, after two years
probably bring on an eruption on ec
eounl' ot tbe water collected in the
crater bding brought into contact with
a stratum of burning aulplittr. Tin
result ; would be thai the volocano
would become sotive, as waa tbe caee
under similar oonlitious on Mount
Etna. '
Russia Holds Off With Hopes that
Japan Will Moderate Her
Fire in Hotel
Scripps News Aaaoclation
Reedfield, Me., Aug 20. Three
persons lost their Uvea early thla
morning in Are that dvetroyed tbe
Marandoook hotel at Lake Marandcook
Five otheri mere borned or otberwiae
injured. Tbe hotel . management
oenevea mat cue inree Dojiea wete
Mrs. A Mart'n and children of Boaton
Over four eoore usN and employee
narruwly escaped burning ly leaping
from the wtndowa in tbelr night attire.
Deport Young Girls.
. Sorlppa Newa Aaaoclation.
Seattle, Aug. 36 Tne vol lea have
unearthed a plot to deport young glrle
from thla oily to Alaska (pr immoral
purposes. J. W. Marvin, tmieloiao,
Robert MoNell, aaloon keener have
been arretted and more will follow.
Fire girls, all under Rge were found
by tbe palioe, locked up In a die
reputable lodging bouse where tbey
were being held nntil tbe next steamer
sailed. It is claimed that scoria of
girls have already been aent north by
Seattle procurers.
Lrmondale Wins
Scrippe Neta Aaaoclation
Sheepahead Aug 26 Tbe race track
dried out and waa in better condition
than expected when tbe futnrity waa
called today.' Ormondnle won, time
1 :11 1-5, Tltnb r second and Belmont
Newa Association ! Dot believed that Japan w
4 w iw.. J. I-"- - -- -"
anvoya and membera of tbelr alalia
were up early thla morning ard were
receiving tbe final messagea from their
governments preparatory to tbe meet
ing today. Russia'a answer to Japan'a
laat proposition ia likely to be pre
tented. Tbe session la expected to be
abort, at one ot tbe Japanese com
missioners will receive tbe Russian
answer and than propose adjournment
until next wek, probably Toeeday to
allow time for tbe transmission of it to
Toklo. , . '. ; ; v
Portamoutb, Aug.' 26 Wltte tald
just afternoon today, "It all depends
upon Japan and' whether ahe will
make . conceits ions. We do not
anticipate any favorable reaulta from
today's meeting and are anxlona to get
away.". -' I v , i
Sato waa Informed of 'A'ltte's atate
meat nod eeid, "All right we can ant
accordingly then." . It la feared that
Japan may call Ruaaia'a bluff by
breaking off the negotiations,
and that be would
their beat benefit.
decide the case to, third.
I ln
There was practically no belt-
Portsmouth, Aug. 20 It it believed
that three special propositions are
embodied In Boiala'a answer wbioh
waa presented to Japan tbla afternoon.
They are the reiteration and
determination on Russia's part not to
pay cash uuder any circumstances, the
refusal to purchase one bait ' of
Sakhalin and the willingness to
reimburse Jepau for ibe . rare of
prisooera for reaaonable charges. It
Commencing Monday, August 28
f Another opportunity offered to the public to
purchase good staple merchandise at very
low figures for one week we will place on
Our bargain counters our stock in black,
colored, plain and fancy silks.
$1 50
$1 50,
$1 50
36 iuch Black Taffeta, regular
f Special .....
il iocb black ' Taffeta,- regular value 00 cents
c Special
45 inch black Gremwliues, regular value'
and $1 75. Sp'eci l .... ..............
24 in Satiu Di'dieso, . tegulitr value
Special I ..... ..... . - .
21 inclt" black Satin Ditches?, regular
Spec al ............. ' ....
24 inch black Satiu Docheis, regular value $1 25
.Special . . . .
19 inch black Satin Duchess, regular value fl.OO
23 inch Pe an De Soie, regular value $1.50
20 inch Peau De Sole, regular value $1 . 10
V Special ,-....
19 inch Peau De Soie, regilar value $1.00
, Special v
19 inch Colored Taffeta Silk, in all the leading
" shade, regular value 85 cents. Special ......
Fancy silks in all the most wanted patterns for
shirt wiists and shirt waist suits, regular
values, 11,00 and $1.25, Special
600 vards of all silk extrw quality Messeline. satin
TaffeU. and tbe wanted
wide. Special pries
hoft effects, 6 Inches
ill accept
ill break
offuegotiationa. - u
It it thought that Japan will un
doubtedly find tome reason for con
tinuing the conference. Tba two
governments are undoubtedly - nearer
together than when they y last
adjourned. It it believed that Russia
ill become reconciled to the lost of
Sakhalin aa tbe present aim seems to
be to beat dowu the Japanese demands
for easb.
Fight Short Day ,
. Boripps News Aaaooirtion
Chicago Aog 26 Tbe city today be
came tbe center of a atruegle bttween
the employing prlntert throughout
the country and the Typographical
Union to defeat tbe latter'a attempt to
procure an eight hour day. Open
shop notioea have been posted In tour
of tbe largeet ahopaand nnmber of
strikes art expected to follow
fit. Petersburg, Aug 20. Tbe atate
ment was made today at the foreign
office that the governnent entirely
agreea with Wittt that a compromise
abould be offered to Japan .; The only
qneation la whether the Japanese will
reduce tba demand for money, r It ia
believed hero that . peace will be
deolarad ejon
St. Peteraburg, Aug 26 The Amer
lean consul Myer, today had a confer
toe with Count Lamsdorff ln regard
to tbe situation at Portamoutb. '
Three Blackmailers
Secure Two Thous
and Dollars
By 8crlppa News Aaaoclatioa)
Cleveland Aug 25 Upon a state
ment to tbt polioa by the Reverend
Father Bendlet Rotlnski,1 aOstbolio
pnees oi o o ;rr,f
that he had been held a prisoner lor
24 hours without food and water and
loroed to sign two nates tor $500 each, '
besides two obeoks lot like amounts,
snd aftet waids robbed ' of $39 and
soma jswelry, two raea and a woman
were arrested tod ay ; w t ' .
Rosenakl aayt that be reoaived a
telegram message Thursday evening
urging blin to eall upon Jennie
Oeinsyi, .on Cedar Avenue, ; Jnan
Taszvintki rnshed in and declared
himself to be the woman's flnaoeer
and demanded that tbt priest give ep
By Sorlppa News Association I 100 lor tbt alledged allaatloa of bar
WrahlnRton, . Ang 2(1 -General o"on- Tnazvloskl waa with Lao
Barea, acting aecret.ay of war, leaned wnicowaai wno aasisitd nim in rellev
the denial of the report that the brad. ,n tD li,, ot hit money and
Quarters of the Northern division ..f lly. the two DoUa. Tbrtt
tbe army waa to bit transferred from
Crew Turned Over
. .jotlppa Newa Association
Uaahlngton, Aug SC. Tht atate de
partment waa informed today that the
ateamer Australian, which bad . been
seised ty tbt Japaneae had been aent
to tht prizt court. Tht Yokohama
authorities bavt turned the crew over
to tbe American oonnstl general. The
captain say t the officers and crew have
no money..
Denies Report
hundred and nine teen dollars wart -
London, Aog 26 It It reported at
8t. Petersburg that tbt Russian gov
ernment will moblllxe a million men
to be sent to tbe fiont In Manohnria
in tbt near fnture.
London Aug 26 A dispatch from
Moscow aaya there ia a rumor on the
exchange that tbe treaty of peace has
been aigned.
Escape Suffocation
Bcrippa News Association
Erie Pt Aug 20 'Jantain Patrio Mo-
V ebon of tbe yacht Myatlo, waa burn
ed to death and eighteen people al
most eutfccatel iu a Ore that atarted
oo tba third floor of the Cbarlea Uock
block early this morning. Wb-tn the
Hreireo arrlyed I her found tht 18
oeonpahta asleep and almoat dead from
aoffocatioo. ' '
Eddie Bojd and
William Cottier
were broujiht betora Recorder fnook
thla morning on a complaint ol t'bina
(feorge, propiielor of the Chinese
noodle Joint, oiiarged with creating a
disturbance. City Attorney Ivanhoe
appeared for the city and in bit ad
dress to the court atated that aucb
conduct bed rn going on for aome
time and that tbe officers bad refrained
from dolnt their duty because of tbe
agt of tba boys and thalr parents, and
it waa hoped that tbey would desist
In this oast however be thought that
tbe floe ahonld be anfBcient to aervt
aa a warning that aucb aotioua muat
ceat. Tht bora plead guilty and
were fined 125 each. It it to be hoped
that thla will tervt aa a warning aa
these are not tba only boys that have
taken more llbertiee than their better
judgment ahould have let them
Yacht Burned
(Sorlppt News Association)
Mobile Ang 26-Tbe .yacht of Titro
dore Shoots, the oanal commissioner,
was burned at Carrebetle, Florltla,
being completely destroyed.
Ht. Louis to Chicago.
found nnder Ibe carpet In tht woman's :
Another Capture
ftcripps Ntiwa Association '
Yokohama, Vug 26 Tht American
steamer Montana, bound lor Petroliav
leiiokl, waa captured. by tbe Japanese
iu t'.t Itehring see on August 23. '
Chicago Market
" By Bnripps Nawa At'ooiation
Chicago, Ang 20. Wheat closed
here today a little lower than - yeater
day, .78'8. Corn at I.W.'i, and oats
at $.20.
Watch Maneuvers
Korlpps New Asioolntion
Oyatnr Hay, Aug 2(1. The President
add Mrs Hoosevelt end a tarty ot
friends watched the tnnoeuvere ot tht
aubmarlna boat from Sylph tils morn
Ing. " '
A heavy wind blew at Twin Falls for
about four hours laat night, doing
tome damage, A number vl houses
were nnioofed, and considerable loose
lumber was strewn abont. - The wind
took oa none of the oharaottrlatloa of a
"Kansas twiatar," bnt waa elmply a
stralgbt-away blow. - .' "
Meet at Carlsbad.
Scripivt News Association
Htockholo. Aug . 20-Tbt eommltsioa
whldh baa been appointed to negotiate
in reference to tbe dissolution ot tba
union bet w sen Norway and Seetdso
leaned tbe statement today that thalr
first meeting would be held oo August
SI, atCarlab d - ! '
After Postals
Postal inspectors are condaoting an
invcatlgation of highly colored and
suggestive postal oardt wbiob art trana
mitted through tbt mailea by peraona
tacking la fine distinct loo It baa
been previously announced that eucl
carda will bo bald op by tbt postotfioe
and tbe person addressed will invari
ably fail ot receipt of each missives.
Mr. G Moolden, wbo baa been
vting ivlatlvea in tht Willamette
valley lor the paat two , months ' 1
returned. .
There are so many little itoius that the scholar require that it's almost irap sai
ble to ;hink of them nil. If you will look over our ample and complete stock of
school requisites you will he sure to find tunny necessary srticle3 aud also a splen.
did variety of minor things which m.iy not be absolutely necessary, but will make
: the school work easier and the reeul a much more satisfactory. A partial list
which we give may help you to think of something you'll need at the beginning of
the term 'I : . ' '
' Composition Paper
.Writing Paper
; Writing Tablets '
; Pencils ,
Drawing Pencils
Pens .
Pen holders
InKs . '
Rulers ,
Drawing Paper
Sponges "
Drawing Inslrumens
Students' Compinicns
Etc v
'1 You are sure to find everything you need in our stock. U would be herd for any
' body to name au article in schcol supplies we do not carry. The values are eg
ceptienally good and the savings you make in purchasing of Uf worth considering 1 :
At the beginning of the school year parents with large families often have to do
some close figuring to be able to equip their children wilh necessary school books
With big siok of second hand books books complete aud in perfect condition ..
we are prepared to help you out in a maimer that will make your money go far--titer.
These books repr sent all the different ones used in the schools in thig
vicinity and will answer all the purposes of new books which will cost you more.