".assitsjfrf -f-ps.i-'it "-NaftEir ft Rutber Tiped Lead Pencils lC Ameskcag This week Apron Ginhams 5c You can Shcot Grouse AuH. 15 n 1 I ij" Mi! ! f?) i ;. - . ..7 M 1 : l E3,LccaIItEHi na li;; g ! lull . .' ( i:: 1 , L . ! ,,,, v 1. J,; fj I AGAIN SCHOOL TIME Are the Children Ready For It? You know they will need a few little Extras to start with STATIONERY, SUPPLIES, A MEW HAT OR CAP, SHOES, HOSIERY, DRESSES, SUIT, ETC. WE HAVE THEM ALL, AND AT RIGHT PRICES THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY, 1308, 1310. 1312 Adnmn JLarcjest Store- Smallest Prices Clothes Pins, Per Dozen 2c Laundry Soap. 7 bars for 25C y 3L WE WANT YOUR NAME Signed to the new suit club. Wateh this Jpice for Suit winner P. LMeyeii $35 V. Spragut $25 Suit last Saturday Two- drawing on Sat. August 12 - Come and let tell you about It. Get a nice tailor made fall suit, or an overcoat cheap AL. iVN DREWS Haberdasher and. Tailor ti t 44-f-t--f- 4-4-f'l-4-f- GROCERIES FROM THIS STORE ARE ALWAYS NICE AMD FRESH - SEEDS SEEDS Just received a Car Load of Alfalfa Seed ' ' Red Clover, Timothy, Red Top. All kinds of Grass sseda. Bulk Garden Seed, Bald Barley, Rye, Wheat and Oats JEFFERSON AVE PHONE 1571. Seasonable Goods as well as Staples always on hand. QEDDEBR2 North Fir Street Look out for your Pocketbook And save your money by buying from us. We Lead, our competitors follow. Look at a few of our bargains. New iron beds ..... .$2.90 Second hand tables $1.00 op NewYuuiYum spring 2.50 Bedsteads. . . ..... .50 up New Mattresses ..... 2.75 Bed springs 50 up NewcookBtovjB,.... 10.00 Glass front cupboard 4.00 up New extension tables 5.50 Remembej that wt have the only first new and second hancfsloro in Union couuty. The La Grande Pawnbrokers Phone, Main 4 a When you want the Best Ice Cream Mr U C Grady, who baa been visit ing Tendletoa triends, baa returned. Mm J P DeLoug of the Waodiidge, is ?lotlm of (eloo. which is (mutually painful.' '' ' Rev. Mr Mower will be in La Grand neat week and will mami the duties of the pastorate. It la reported that tbe city council of Elgin baa ordered tba enforcement of tba ordinance,, prohibiting; saloon to open on Sunday. A V Oliver la doing business in bis new stand in tba Slater boildiug and das received a ear ol sngar and; a car of syrnp from the east. - - ' ' Bpeclal agent Alexander . has re turned from the fuwpter district and ha ttatea that the forest fires In that section are now under control. . Tba large tent yon see on the hill by tbe school bouse la for the "ilotett Coon In Dixie" company, for their performance this evening. County Superintendent E. . Bragg has returned from the . fair where bo bad charge of tbe state educational exhibit. .- .:; , , The O R 4 N Co. baa a steam shovel and three gangs of men at . " work " on the extension of ' their line on tbe Elgin branch. , :' " 1 ' - ' A party consisting of Professors II J Hookenberrv. J D MM p;; p V H King are arranging to start Monday for tbe Minam on a tithing trip; September fourth. Labor day which was so popular - la thi state three year ago seem to-be 'neglected almost entirely this year. -? M li Tucker of Enterprise, Wallowa county, has jnet returned from Port land aud is visiting bis rother Prof W L Tucker, of Island City ; for a few da'8 . ... .. h. : !: The farmers in tbe vicinity of Island City are about one-half through threshing. The yield of winter wheat is excellent. Spring grain is only fair, - A. great- deal is being stored at the Island City warehouses. - J . Senator Peter ' McDonald lost one flngqr on his left hand ' one day - this week by a threshing machine: He was brought to this city for treatment and Is reported to be resting quite easy at bit bom."' -. '"'-r'-. '': The oaslug for the artlslan well, which is being driven on Senator McDonald's farm, bss arrived and work has aealo been resamod. , They are now down Sou feet. During tbe suspension the well filled up about one hundred feet from the top. .. . . Tbe Stoddard Lumber Co. oxpect their ,. electrio ' motor ' to- arrive tomorrow, f hey have Just purchased 300,000 feet of . lumber from H F Hiohardann, which in Add It loo to I heir regular atock, l aves them in position to fill all orders. - ; ' ? " ' F N Avrill of Biker City; is in the city today on busncs. 1 '"' ''f County Clerk j B d llism went-io Unii'n tbH morning on i Bio al but.i nes. . . - ... Mr and Mrs J M CUrk, who hive ben spending veversl wees at the fair returaed this morning.' , M and . . Mrs Mac Wood, - and dughtf r Lucretia, leave this evening for Portland. Mr and Mrs Manuel Snider leave in the morning 'or North Powder to vit friends for a week. " i Presiding Elder J D Gillilan and fanily have moved from tbe pran age ana are now occupying ine ie Ry residence in tba First war J. V , . H (1 Cotner returned last evfeniiig I have jus!, received a large supply of shells fresh from the lactory, the kiud that kills the game. . My stock of hunting coats, gan cases, and hunting supplies cannot be beat. Just received a large stock of shot guns and rifles, all grades and prices. I also have tent?, camp stoves, and wagon covers. If vou are going camping or hunting, call and ex amine my stock. . 1 h . 1 A M R S. " T. N; ; MURPHY, Builders' Hard wate and Crockery. ", .' -' i . ' i - - r iss Linda Bodmer ' and brother Verne, passed through the' city this morning on tbetr way to Portland from liaker.City, t Messrs Uarrey and Frank Bay re. turned tbis morning froin week's visit to the Lewis and Clark exposition Miss Helen Vehrs, has Just returned from Monmouth, where she has been attending the Summer Normal She, loaves iu a few days for Lostlne' where she will teach. ..'--v:2.. -i-.-'.'-.w - ProtS N Ayers and party bas jnet returned from tbe Minam where they trw.rt m "ua iOOO fish, also as having bad : a ' splendid oQting. Prof. Ayers Is principal of I be Iowa school which begins on tbe ath of next montb. - Tbe pleasant Grove school dlstrlot is bnlldlng an addition to I heir school houee and when school - couimenoes this year they will have two teachers Miss Carrie German is prinolpal, she will be assisted b Mrs Miles Woodell. LOST Two bolster springs, some . where in tbe southwest portion of the city or in Old Town. Reward for their retnro to thisofflce.- FOR RENT Meat market. Inqolre at the residence of Mrs. I Harris. 8 21 tf Attthe rCourtbouse la the ooonty clerk's oflluS tbe ol lowing papers were filed : J I f A demurrer was filed in tbe divorce case of Anna Messenger versus How, BrdMes'.enger J ' ' ' A dismissal of tbe aotioo of O II Finn agaiust J6hn Anthony and others wasalso filed. J ' .. ; , ' Judge rthlte of Baker county today filed an opinion in tbe case of Turner Oliver versos Joseph Wright,' dismiss ing J he aotion oh tbe grounds that the plaintiff had no caose for aotion. Th case , was brought about by . Mr Oliver in the effort to obtain possess ion of a piece of land sold under ex eontion.' . ' ,''. ' ; QUICK SERVICE in oar restaurant does not mean that the food is hastily or improperly pre- pared. Far from it. The almost cart is aku in the getting ready of all our eatables, whether yonr bill Is a dime or a dollar. Oar QUICK LUNCH means that you do not have to wslt unreasonably for,, yonr order to be filled. Therefore you may be sure you will be able to keep all appointments ; on time if you breakfast, dine or sap with os. MODEL; RESTAURANT : J. A. ARBUOKLE, Prop. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT We re., weekly Meal , Tickets Cash $150 from a two week's stay at bis miuW He iSELDER'S I CANDY STORE n Greatly in Demand Nothing la more In demand than a medicine which meets modern require ments Tor a blood and system cleanser, such as Dr. King'a New Life Pills. on Copper creek . tbove Union expects to return next week. " - ' ".' " The way tbe trains are loaded ,.iej sigbt that tbe West hai, been longing for, for years, and there will certainly be results later in increased popula tion. . : . Mies Edna Florence, ' who has been vUiliog her uncle. A A itrbert in this citjjor. tbe past few, weeks left this morning for Durkee where she will visit her uncle T W Ayrea for a few days. The Bridge Brni.Mueic&le company arrived tbis morning from ortland and will be with us several days. They made quite a reputation fur tbemselyea for the bigb olaas of musio furnished during tbe Ilabo Methodist conference recently held in Baker City. , ' ; Mrs Wra Ash who bss been epoud- J iug the past three months in Califor- nia retarned last evening, "i, Mr Ash Jer are luet what von need to care met them st Umatilla. They are no stomach and liver tronblea Try them, living i 1 tbe new honso iut com pie t- ;1 ip At 'ewlin Drag Co. drug store, 25c'ed by Colio McKeniie, on the corner guaranteed. - I ol znd ana Jtfiersoa avenue. . . , . 1 r 1! ' ' ' IM0 POISON No Spoiled Fruit By usintj Economy Jars (here is no danger from Zinc Poison, the fruit being inavacum, will keep for ever, These Jars are to be had at BAKER BROS,; Phone Main 29 j Doors J iWE BUY t l. : ' .'.?.., s i i, t ,' ' ' Sash, Lumber Shingl es i and In large quantities .direct from factories tod mills at a ytarly contract price, and while we pay the lowest price, we get the best goods, and can afford ; lo sell at figures that others buy for, thereby giv ing oar customers the benefit of wholesale puces now' & & ti ll' i Luff m n STODDARD LUABER CO. I 3 r 1 Iff if A