La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 25, 1905, Image 4

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A fine Lot of 1
Selling the
10c per Roll
Painters, Paper Hangers and Decorators. q
. 0000600 C OOO 323 oooooooo OOOO
Until further notice we will be able to furnish our 4
customers witfi the very best V
Black Caps Black Berries Red Raspberries
Peaches I "C
And all other seasonable fruits, iresh from the vine
' , .' and tree " . " , ' .
Wok l'irand Jeffereun 8ta. 0. RALSTON, Prop, $
f) LAK5EN & NORKIE, Props.
21fciWJ First class turnouts: fur- f
furnished for rartiew.
. o r
) . V"",B
; Kefep Gool
." I. ' i i '
If.jou havejiio other way call on the
end get ure an
Bates aud all pricus
will be explained at
the office ,
'The man who loves
Is not the one to let
Theietiotdayr, in kitchen overheated by a swelterino;
stove Cutout the family waU day. Send your laundry
tc us. Saves wood, time and energy. Don't turn up
a lovely disposition. Send jour lint u, all uf it to
:a. B. C. i
PHONE Main 7 j
La Granie. Oregon. - J
'"-",- al
Same Way
and up
Peach Plums
... j e----
ihl accomodation for v
commercial men.
Best service guaranteed (f
. Ilorses boarded by . day,
week or month.
, . . O
funerals and nicnica. The 5
' f ' ni
rv"J" cp
Electric Fan
his wife the most
her roast."
Awaiting for TurnitureuOnly Before Insti
v . tution is Thrown Open.
Within tD days or two weeks La
Uraale' will have a swell equipped
hospital within the city limits to care
lor the sick Mrs M. Joel and her
sister, Mrs. OJ Goo-lman have built
two story frame building on the west
end ol Adams Aveuae nd when their
furniture air ires they will be ready to
oare (or patients.
Mis. Goodman Is a trained nurse
who has resided In this oity for a
number of years and is well known
for ber skill. Mrs. Jol is not a
trained nnrse bnt will assist in the
care of patients.
On the first floor of the building is
the reception hall, kitchen, dining
room and operating room. . The latter
is a large, well lighted appartment and
will be fitted up with all modern
applUnoes. On the seoond floor are
Why Not Here?
The addition of a-business donrae,
incinaing typewriting, ooonseepiug
and other features to the public school
course in Pendleton will attract do
os of useful, earnest young men and
women to the schools of this city in
the future. This phase of an educa
tion can be converted into rroneyat
ones, and as many are seeking an ed
noatloc solely as a means of support,
it will appear particularly to them A
useful, thorough education can now be
secured In Pendleton and the money
which hat been going to on'nide "nasi
ness schools should now jemaln here.
East Oregonian, : ' " .
Reduced Rates
Agent E. C. Moore this morning
received, announcement for tienera)
passenger agent A. L. Craig that
commencing on September 1st., that
thirty day tickets from La Grande to
Portland would be reduoed from one
and one-third to one and oiielenth.
This means that after September 1st,
thirty' day tickets to Portland and
return will be reduced tot 110.05, a
saving of 12.10 which will certainly be
appreciated by the public.
Correction v
In chronicling . the contest cars
being heard in the Land OtBoe Toes
day the artiola should have read John
J. Ll((ht versos Jack W. Mpencer,
instead of Jack Hpenier verms John
J. Ltybt as Mif. Light brounht theoon'
tet case end wns not the defendant.
. . h i,
Nude Joke.
The Portlands police ' 'Joked, six
hoys who were n swimming in the
Willamette b stealing thir clothes
and taking the garmenta to police
headquarters, leaving the owners to
Hod their way home naked.
Quite an Army
, There are 7000 pushcart peddlers in
New York city
"Hottest Coon in Dixie."
"Tha Hottest Coon in Dlile" to
night, Pendleton and Walla Walla
twople were well pleased with the
entertainment. " .
i. ,....,) .V. 1
J.03T A brown fur fcarf, some whre
on Adsms Avenue. Finder will re
turn same to the Itonde Valley
Hous and receive reward : tf
We are u thi market for
aI C.l .1 T! 1L.. L9
vi uiM'iidH iimotny nay,
VC ar rnnlri rlind tnw all
. ......viiukvuiijivi an
Potatoes. Applej. Pears
shipping in caf load lots. V
We are buying all kinds of grain. As soon as you S
are ready to sell come in and see us. ' You have the , ml
goods and we have the money. -( . . . ' .
Oregon Produce Company. ,
four bedrooms, two rf which are large
eiiongb for several rots and will bo
used as wards if the occasion demands
it. 1 -..
All the physicians la. the city with
the exception- of one, who maintains
his own operating room and rooms,
have expressed themselves' willing to
assist in the building op of tbe institu
tion, and while there are some serioui
oases ' that demand the ettsntion of
city specialists, there sre hundreds
that may be treated at a home hospital
with as good result as if they wero
taken to Portland
The name of the Institution has not
yet been decided upon as Mrs
Goodman is out of the city, but ss
soon as she returns a title will be
selected aud announced to the public.
Take Notice ;
Sit MHffltl- frnJ1ln- fth. TMMltH
indebted to the late firm of Book and
Thomas are requested to call at the
old stsnd at the market' where ihey
will Bud Mr O W Thomas .or Miss
Cora Harding 'who will make settle
menta. : , , '
G W Thomas.
Spoiled Her Beauty
- Harriet Howard, of 209 W. 31th. st.,
New York, at One time had her beauty
spoiled with skin trouble. She writes
"1 had Salt Rhenm' or Eczema for
years, bat nothing would oare It, un
til I need Jiucklen's Arnica 8alve.M A
quick and sure beaier for cuts, barns
and sores. 25o at Nswlin Drug Co,
drag store .
Notice is hereby givn that I will
not be responsible for any bills con
tracted by my wife, Graoe & MoOraken
from and after this, . date. Datod at
Walla Walia. August, 14, 1905.,
ed V MoCrackea
Sealed Bids Wanted
Notice is hereby Riven thst sealed
bids will be received by the under
signet for the bar privileges for r the
meeting this fall of (he Eastern Oregon
Agricultural Association, which , will
be held on the Association . grounds
near this oity for the week commencing
Oct, 7. iiidsto be' opened Tuesday,
AngUBt 22, 1905. Address Fred J
Holmes, Peo., card of N K West,
president, La Grande, Oregon. '
' t'KKD J HOLMES, Secretary.
I' HAGiiR i&'-kEltH;
Cement Sidewalks and
Foundation work Jjiven v
"prompt attention. .
Cellar and Cement work a
Specialty. .
Estimates cheerfully, furn-.
ished. All work guarauteed
to otand the test, Refer
ence furuiued.":. , -
.. Office at Foley, House.
immediate At Hvf av 4nft fnn r
. " J " "
' . i
. , c : jgj
Lirl. v( J.. L.
ninu." vi pivuUCC, SUCH fl rgj
and Prunes', which We ar. ra)
. .- El
I QLASsiriED dvertisMents
Heal EiUte I)ans, Any amoonts on
City and Country Real Eatate. Loans
closed promptly, as soon ss title ap
proved. - '
WANTED A position by a competent
man. tlookkeeplng or clerical wor
preferred. Inquire at this office, tf
FOR SALE White PomerrnieD Pup
pies at Hotel Foley ftarber shop.
WANTED llooeekeeper immediately.
Apply at tlie office of the Western
Union Telegraph Co v ! J J ; '
. Parties hsviog a good fresh milch
cow to dispone of may Und a bnyer by
calling at tbto bfBce.
FOR BALE Brick veneer house on
t'toond street, t'o- lots. Inqulie F.
K. ICoordhoff, 2107 Second St 8-2tf
FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping
rooms In snits of two, three and
four loquire, pboDa U'ack C01.
r , NOTICE -v.i -
We pay highest Market prioea for
chickens. Want all you have got.
At oar Warehouse on Jefferson Ave.
. . i IjRCaebCo. '
' If your paper is not delivered as you
think it should ber please notify the
ffice and I be mietske will he rectified.
shed rooms for rent. i: Corner 1th
and main st -
'!.. i i - ;8 18 tf
A reward of 150 will be paid by tha
Grande itonde Stock Growers Protect
ive Association for the arrest and con
viction of anyone for atealing stock in
Union connt v. . : ;
J Signed by the Secretary
i Centennial Hotel
, 1 ......
Under new management.
Board and Room $5 per week, cssh.
Meals 26 cts. Kpeolal rates furnished
monthly patrons.. No. 1117 Adams
Ave Phone No. 1161
Mrs. W E MURCH1SON. proprietor.
To The Public
We take this means of publioly ex
pressing to our friends and patrons the
appreciation which we reel to theni
for their patronage and many acts of
kindness which ws have received at
their bandar During tha four ' years
which e hsve been in business in this
ity and county have meet with such
ploasenf reel ption that we feel Under
special obligations to (be citizens ol
the , Grande " Ronde ' Valley: ', Again
thai. king our friends and patrons we
are. Yours very truly "" "
Oock '(tThoinaa.
I Dissolution Notice
Notice is hereby given that the
partnership of J F Bull and .'James
Russell heretofoie existing under the
firm name of J V Ball & Co., has this
day been dissolved by mutual consent.
All bills doe the firm are payable to J
H Russell who will receipt for the
same snd pay all the bilis against this
tirm. ,;( . . J' . ; ,.y
Dated at La Grande, Oregon, this
tha 16th day of August, 1905.
Mitrw .w J e BULL..
The District School Board Of Pchool
DlsUlct No. One, -of Union County
Oregon, will receive op to 12 o'clock
Noon of 'August 30, 1005,' bids for
famishing all material for and: con
struction'; of aa eight room ' school
building according to plans and sped,
flcatlons on file with A O Williams,
school clerk. , AlLbids to be left with
School clerk and accompanied' with
certirltd cbetk'lor ten percent of bid.
Building to be completed by Jan 1,
1900. v Board reserves tha right to re
ject my or all bids. -'
A C -WILLIAMS, School Clerk.
m r i
i'i'i, Notice :
the undersigned has aold ; it- Meat
Markets, and all itr property In and
aboat La Grande, Oregon, to, Grsudy
4 Russell, who will hereafter' conduct
the same andersruh Arm name. ? Fred.
M. Bock retiree from further Interest
or connection with the closing up of
tha old besines, and G. W. Thomas
will collect all claims due or owing the
company, and a III pay all its
ities, .'-..; a f . .
, (a private corporation,)
Ji w By Q. W Thomas,
, i -,' . 4, a S lvanhoe, all the '
stock holders.
Augl5Bep; 15 mmy,-
HOUSE ;FOR 8ALE, $720. Fiva
rooms, two 30 ft corner lots, loca-
- ltd oeai new school bouie site. Half
cssh. Inquire at this offic.
Notice is hereby given that anyone
found dumping refuse of any kind on
any of the property belonging to tha
La Grande Real Estate Association
will be vlgoroncly prosecuted.
This property Includes all of i.'ie
Riverside and ' Williamsoa's additions
to La Grande.
6 13 If Wm. Miller, Prest.
Why not ge t yoor painting dona wall
when you can bave It cheaper than it
takes for the average dauber to spoil
It? Get used to having nice wood
finishing on tha inside of your dwell
ia : EKS aball and velvet gloss,
"mirror polish' ate. ! 8 D Kinney can
grain op your old painted rooms and
make tha wood like fine, ' quartered
oak fnrnitaie
- -1433 Adams Ave La Qranda Ore
The summer schedule of the Astoria
& Colombia River Railroad has been
inaugurated between Portland, Astoria,-Gesrhart
and Seaside iu con
nection with special round trip excur
sion tickets to all Clatsop and North '
Beach points, and trains leave Union, '
Depot at 8:00 a m, daily and run
through direct, arriving at Astoria at ,
11 0 a m, Gearhart 12:20 p m and
Seaside at 12:30 p m.'
'the, Portland and Seaside Flyer
leaves Union Depot every Saturday at
2 :30 p m, arriving st Astoria 6:50 p m
and runs through direct, ariivipg at
Gearhart 6;40 p m and 8easids at 6:50
p m. ., .
Io connection' with tbia improved,
rervioe, specisl round trip sesson ex
cursion tickets arc sold fiom Portland
to all Clatsop and North Beach points
at rale of 11.00 for tha round trip,
good for return passage until Ootober -15tb.
', 't
Special commutation tickets, good
for five round trips, are sold trout
Portland to same points for 1 16.00, -good
to return until Ootober 15th.
" Saturday special round trip excur
sion tickets from Portlsnd to all Clat
sop and North Beach points on sale
-.very Saturday at rate of $240 for
rt.und trip,' gpod to return Sunday.
' .Tickets sold from Portland to North
Biach points are issued iu connection
With the OEiN steamers from As
toria, and baggage is transferred to
and from depot and stesmer dock at
Astoria tree of charge, and all tiokata
sold by the O R A N Co from Port
land to Clatsop and North Beach
points, are intercbkogeable and will
te honored on trains of this company ;
in either direction between Portland
and Astotia.
Ticket! sold at all O R A N stations
and passengers wishing to go to points
on Clatrop Beach should so specify, in
order to avi id confusing this popular
resort with tiiat oi Long Beaob, Waab.,
which is reached only by boat at As
toria, thus causing delays en route.
For additional information address
O A Stewa'rt, Agent, 248 Alder St.,
Portlsnd, or J O Mayo, OP4 P A,
Astoria, Ore., and ask for Seaside
Souveuit for 1905, containing SO bean.
tuul half tone views of Colombia river
ana uiataop Beach scenery .
PROF. DAY, Principle-.
. MfiS, DAY, Ajsbianl
Tbia is ono of the best musical In
stitutions In tha state. Poring tne
year UM there were nearly f our
thousand lessons given. The people
in this city and valley are begin
ing to discover the great advantage
of this school. The system used Is
ILe latest and most practical, ' and
includes all the latest discoveries
in the art of teaching mnsto. Th
ichoolU divided into two dspart
mnU No. 1 is for begicoen, fron
3 years op, and taking in the 1st U
3rd grades. ' In this department
jo pi Is corns one hoar every day.
In No, 2 tha grades are from 3 fc
1ft. Ilerw they . graduate. Pnp,
take one or two teeeone week a
they desire. No ecnolars will b
permitted to remain in this wboo
wto do not study. ...
Opposite the' Foley IJoune over
the Candy Store. Phone 473. : --