La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 25, 1905, Image 1

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Tonight and tomorrow threaUalc;,
with possibly thander showsrs.
Cricket Flat Below
Elgin a Mass of
Scrip p Newe Association
Chicago Ang 25 Inspector Hoot,
io charge ol tbe detectives seeking the
murderer ol Mm F E Miza of Hyde
Park, declared this afternoon that be
ta the track of tba crininal and
tbat tba name of a prominent cit ten
o Hyde Park wilt be involved. He
(aid the unearthing .of the crime will
create a great aenaatinb.
Observer Special
Elgin, Ant 25. A Br started tbia
afternoon one mile below :ihis plate
on Cricket Hat and with a strong wind
blowing ia spreading northward
towards Wallowa bridge.' Owing to
fee drjneaa of the flat both the timber
and the grain fields are on fire. ; Every
available man in this city and fioin
the adjacent conn try baa been tailed
oat and are flghthg with all tr.eir
might to stay the flames.
- The powder house belonging to the
Elgin : Forwarding company, . which
tends oi the top ot the hill, la in
imminent danger and efforts are being
made to keep the flames from read
in it. Everything movable ia b3lng
taken oat of the fire cone and the
residents ( the flat are working like
demons to save what they can,
The origin of the firs is not known
although it ia likely that it ia start, d
from embers or some ol tbe numerous
small fires that have been burning for
several days. Tbe fields and woods
Are M dry -a tinder as there has not
been a rain (or week. The existence
oftaawind makes the fire doubly
dangerous and reinforcements will be
sought from every section to assist iu
saving the property in the path ot the
Seem to be no Nearer Settlement Than
at First and All May be for
For an Aeriaf Race
By Bcrippa News Association
New York, A ug 26. Leo Stevens, of
tbe Baldwin Airship oompany, and Roy
Knabenshae bare arranged for an air
abip race over t!.is oity within t ren
weeks time.
Steamship Seized.
Sorlpps News Association .
Washington, Aug 25-It is aald tbat
the department has bean notified by
the connsul general at Yokohoma that
the steamship Australia, owned by the
Spreokles ot Ban Francisco has been
aniMd bv the Japan as : No reason or
any details of tbe seizure were given
Big Tule Hre
A fire, whiob for a time tbreatenel
to burn tbe buildings at Hot Lake,
caught from sparkr from a passing
engine and burned over a large area of
tales and grass. A number of section
men were taken from this oity out on
a switch engine and after hard fighting
tbe fire was gotten under control.
Tbe report was current on th
streets last night that tbe hotel was on
fire but that proved without founda
tion. vw . -
Germans Oo To Mexico
BySoiipps News Association
Los Angelas Aug 95 Twenty-fife
Gerrrao families leave here next week
for Mexico where a colony will be es
tablished at Tta Jnnana Ensensada
August Heck, the father of the pro
ject owns 1600 seres of the very heft
sugsr beet land and will give five acres
to very householder. The Mexican
government promisi a ht of the ce
oeesary fund, to build a sugar beet fac
tory and a handsome bounty for evsrv
pound of r agar producd.
- Cl... 1.T
Purchase Shop
Paul Rohr and Clint Brooks, both of
whom who have been employed by the
former firm ot book & Thomas, have
purchased the butcber shop of the late
I. Harris on north Fir street and will
open up for business on Monday
morning.' Both young men are well
known In the oity and will no doubt
receive a large patronage.
Water Works Complete
Athena, Or, Aug 25. The new
gravity water system at Athena - has
been completed and water tnrned into
tbe pipes The cost ot construction
vae . S1G.0OO. The supply is
brought from springs three miles from
tbe otty, and it is said will be suffio
for all demands tor a Ions time to
I come, Contractor Millor ol Colfax
I Installed the system.
Portsmouth, Aug. 25. A hitch ot
such gravity has booured iu tbe peaoe
negotiations tbat the proposed - meet
ing to have taken plaoe Satorday may
be postponed. There are various
views in regard to what has transpired.
Some say the negotiations will con
tinue despite what ia apparently an
adamant petition taken by both
nations. Other high ' diplomats
declare that the settlement is farther
off than ever. Joerestovioh announced
this morning that it has not been
definitely settled that the. meeting
would taka plaoe Saturday, Bui," be
added "Unless the Japanese recede
from their position there will be a
meeting Satorday and that will be
the last one. There is always a
possibility of mediati in by tbe powers
or some move by the president. Sato
thinks differently saying ' that the
mealing will be held as scheduled
and tbe others will follow.
'But Japan, "Sato said, "Has said
the last word about Sakhalin." The
envoya are in constant communication
with their governments.
Last night Sato and Komura want
to Manchester and today are guests of
that city. They will visit . the
factories there today.
- aan a&u dais uciAUtiwn :
Oyster Bay, Aur 25. Kaneko re
turned from Sagamore Hill in good
humor and upon being asked if it
would be peaoe or war, declared em
phatlcally 'A deadlock I should say.
Japan will make no more o ncessions.
The war has coet her nine hundred
million dollars to date A lew papers
say that we have offered to make peace
for six hundred millions. We will
make peaoe If Russia wants it with
justice to Japan and honor to Russia."
Kaneko said he did not bring any
communication from tbe -government
at Toklo and sarcastically told tbe
newspaper men that they had "the
power to make peace or war.
i Soldiers Are Discharged
ficripps News Association
Salt Lake Aug 25 As a result of
internal distention In the first battery
field artillerv of Utah. , frnncnl ArHsra
were Issued today by the adjutant
Boat Stopped to Get
Wood -Is Quarantined.
from good service Tor, vi dating tbe 82d
article ol war.' Tbe resignation of
two officers was forced lor the eami
ason. ' ' .. '
Oyster Bay, Aug 25 Kaneko visit
ed tbe President this morning and In
quired of him what the outlook for
pe ce was. The President replied,
Like the weather," as be glanced np
at the clouds. "What do you think ot
Lamsdorif s statement tbat Russia
will not pay nor cede territory?"
asked Kaneko. . "I think he is making
a mistake but tbat seems to ' be an
official guess and . we will have to
swallow it," replied the Ptesident
The conference lasted an hour. ,
Portsmouth, Aug 25. Practically
all of Komura'a suite accompanied him
to Manchester, At the last minute
Takiharl decided not to go. It is be
lieved that Important peaoe develop
ments detained him, Fn route to the
station Ko in ore's automobile broke
down. The train was b eld for htm.
Big Shirtwaist Sale ";
Owing to a very heavy purchase of Shirtwaists our
stock is much too large lor this Season of the year,
therefore we will continue the sale for ..."
... - .: -V . ' -'- -
. . -. . . , 1 t '' ....... .,. ., ( r
Per : Ct
Portsmouth. Aug 23 Witte this
afternoon had received no definite In
structions from St : Petersburg ; but
ad untie J that there is a probability
that Russia will modify her position
on the question of reimbnrs ng Japan.
Manchester, Aug 25. Komura's
party while here were tbe guests ot
Herman Shaw, When they visited
the cotton mills they were escorted by
Governor MoLane and other officials.
They will return
to Portsmouth to
London, Ang 25. The diplomats of
tbia city think that peace ia aakursd.
Sim Sm
1-' ,'... Lrssis:: :,T'"zz
Capture Robber
By Scripps News Association)
Chicago Aug 25 Tbe police this
morning oaptuted a man who bad
just robbed and shot at Mrs R M
Lowensteio a few -minutes before. It
wa in tbe asms manner Mrs F E Miss
wa' murdered last Tuesday. Tbe de-
ecription of the mo captured tallies
with tbat of tbe Mix murderer. The
man capture j claims to have been a
deputy sheriff rJurine the strike. 1
St. Petersburg. Ang 25. Iu regard
to the statement published In America
yesterday attaching to Lamsdorff the
saying tbat Rubsia will not pay In
demnity or cede territory, Is emphut
ically denied by . him. The oorres
pondent says no snch ste-tement wss
issued, . . ; .' . ,
Colorado Cloudburst
.. s Bcrlppa News Association
Denver Aog 25 The latest reports
of tbe oloudburet at De'agua canyon,
are that 16 people lost their lives and
18 bouses were swept away. All com
munication is out :ff.
(Scrlppa News Association)
fit Lonla. . An 95 Tb . UnlUd
States soldiers stationed at the Jsfler
son barracks, this morning cptnred
tbe steamer Fva Lma whloh was said
to be carrying yellow fever refogtes.
The crew and passengers were quaran
tined eleven miles below the oily.
Denver Aug 25 The Trinidad ooro-
uer was notified that five bodiea had
been reooveird 'rom the flood and
that all are mostly foreigners. Joieph
If. I. a a ...
vtity, nil win ami onudren are
among tbe known drowned. Com mo
nioation will be restored by tonight.
6t Louis Aug 25 The Eva Alma
was teieased alter close inspection.
The craft started to a tow beat up
tberWer, when it ran short of eoal
and had to lie up to tbe band and eul
wood. Report spread from tne near
est village that they were fever re
fugees and no town would allow them
to land and no one would go near
enough to speak to the officers or
crew Only six passengers were
aboard and they all bad health certifi
cates. ': . ;: ; '" ! ; :'' "
Toklo, Ang. 25 A long conference
was held this afternoon- lietween
Premier Katzura, secretary genetal of
China, and Marquis Ito, Tbe latter
declared that the conference had a
bearing on tbe Portsmouth con feienre.
E. POLACK, Prop.
Qo to tbe 'Jity Grocery and Bakery for groceries, fresh
fruits and vegetables. ' ;
Give w a call one time and you will be eure and come
again. We keep tb'e best and freshest cf everything
th market affords.
Haas Surrenders
8ci:pp News Association
' I.. OR M . II...
who waa accused of irregularities la
connection with tbe cotton toandal in
the atastical department, surrendered
this afternoon and will stand invest!
gation. '
There are so many little items that the scholar requires that it's almost impossi
ble to .hink of them al'. If you willlook over our amnle and complete stock of .
" school requisites you will be sure to find many necessary articles aud also a splen
did variety of miuor things which may not be absolutely necessary, but will make
tbe school work easier and the resul s much more satisfactory. A partial list
which we give may help you io think of something you'll need at the beginning of
the term .
Composition Paper
Writing Paper
Writing Tablets
Drawing Pencils
Pen holders
Erasers .
Drawing Paper
Drawing Instrumens
Students' Companions
Chicago Next Place
Scripps News Association .
. Buffalo, Ang 26. Chicago was se
lected for the nezt annual convention
of the order of foresters ia the con
vention today.
You 8re sure to find everything you need in our stock. It would be bard for any.
body to name au article in schcol supplies we do not carry. i Tbe values are ei
ceptionally good and tbo savings you make in purchasing of u worth considering
At the begiuuing of thfvfchool year parens with largo families' ofteu have to do
some close figuring to h able to equip their children wi h uece8iry school books t
With a big sto k of second hand books books omple'.e and in perfect condition
we are prepared tn help you out in a manner that will make your money go far
ther. These books represent all the different ones used in the schools i a this "
vicinity and will answer all the purposes of new books which will cost you mire.