La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 22, 1905, Image 4

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A Tine Lot of
I Wall Paper
Selling the Same Way
lUc per Koii
Painters, Paper Hangers and Decorators. X
Until further notice we will be able to furnish our
customers with the very best
Black Caps Black Berries Red Raspberries
A And all other seasonable
y and tree v
5 O01. l'irand Jeffereun 8ta. C. RALSTON, Prop. 4
h LARSEN & NORRIE, Props, . , J)
" tA rte'$flht , J First class turnouts fur
Bf'y ; nished day or night. '
. m .-1 .jit. , '
"'r-'jsi , .
lri7 -flra . 1
- j r 1 I' '.'
Riga furnished for psrtieB,
best carryall
fiM ss SMS S &&&&&& () &&8S
Keep Cool
If mi have no other way call on the
and secure an
Rates and all prices
will be explained at
the office
"The man who loves
Is not the one to let
Thece hot days, in kitchen overheated by a sweltering:
stove Cut out the family wash day. Send your laundry
to us. Saves wood, time and energy. Don't turn up
a lovely disposition. Send your linen, all of it to
PHONE Main 7
La Grande, Oregon.
and up
woo OOOO woxt
Peach Plums
fruits, tresh from the vine
a.,:,i 1 . :
. ,
1 commercial men.
Best service guaranteed
by day, jj
Homes boarded
week or month
funerals and picnics. The S
in the city. 5
Electric Fan
his wife the most.
her roast."
Grande Ronde Mines
Commence Operations
J. L. Gorbett Leavs With a Load of
J. L. Corbert and son Roy left this
morning (or tbe Camp Carson mining
district nrar tbe head of the Urand
Ronde river, witn a load of pro
visions atd will remain there to
develop a n amber of mining claims
Mr. Corbertt has.
A great deal of activity is about tbe
OHtnp and a great deal of work is
being done In opening op new ledges
and developing older ones.
Mr. Corbett will devote bia energies
on the Royal mine. A shaft 1C5 f eet
in depth will be driven into tbe ledge
for tbe purpose of ventilating and
preparatory to do a large amount of
atopipg. Altogether be as 1100 feet
of tunneling and other work done on
this claim. Two miles farther op he
has another very promising claim, tbe
Standard. In this claim he has 200
feet of development work.
Tbe Muir mine, which was recently
purchased by outside capital is being
shaped up ready to work on a large
acale. A treat deal of machinery
will be pot, auoh as steam hoists and
A Pleasant Party
It was a happy thought that led Mrs.
U. G. Couch to entertain tbe "Old
Folks" committee and a Jolly crowd
that chattered a hack and dnv to her
lovely home iu Island City, Friday
morning, Ang. 18 to spend the day.
Having been promised a regular "biled
dinner" tba party, naturally fasted
for some time previous and were
therefore able to do ample jnatiae to a
sumptuous repast prepared and aervei!
by Mra. Couch.
While the reporter was promised a
faithful account of the day's pro
ceedings,' he la also reminded that it Is
sometimes wiser not to tell all one
hears and sees, suffice to say thej were
deligiitluily entertained and all too
soon came tbe cry of "all aboard" for
Each bade the hostess adieu, feeling
that aha had gathered up a generous
patch of sunshine "along the way"
Those from La Grande were Mrs.
4. D. McKennon, Mrs. J. W. Sorlber,
Mrs. J. D. Slater, Mrs James
McCoy, Mrs. L. U. Reatls and Fred
Beside Mr. Couch's immediate
family, there was also pretent Miss
Hamilton and Miss Conch of Missouri,
and Mrs. Coucb of Elgin.
Scaled Bids Wanted
Notice is hereby given tbst sealed
bids will be received by the under
signet for the bar privileges for the
meeting tbia fall of the Eastern Oregon
Agricultural A eociatlon, which will
be held on tbe Association grounds
near this city forth week commencing
Out. 7. Uiils to be opened Tuesday,
August rl, UK):.. Address Fred J
Holmes, geo., card of N K West,
president, La Grande, Oregon.
FRED J HOLMES, Secretary.
LOST A brown fur ecarf, some where
on Adams Avenue. Finder will re
turn same to the lionde Valley
Hons and receive reward. tf
shed rooms for rent. Corner 1th
and main sc. F S Ivanhoe
8 18 tf
lei v,
II We are u ehe market for immediate deliveay, 500 tons
y of first-class Timothy Hay.
fei We are contracting for all kinds of produce, such as
J Potatoes. Apples, Pears and Prunes, which we are
Uj shipping in car load lots.
Wji We are buying all kinds of grain. As soon as vou
j are ready to sell come in and see us. You have the
I goods and we have the money.
Oregon Produce Company.
pumps to enable proper work to be
done. In the near future a smelting
plant will be installed In tbe district
which will enable tbe miners to do
their own redaction. The placer
claims too, are receiving a great deal
of attention.' Tba Carson Placer
Mining cjmpany has a force of men
at work and are cleaning op quite a
lot of yellow metal. J. W. Grasiy
also, ia getting good returns from his
plater despite the shortage of water
this season.
With tbe promise of tbe Grande
Ronde Lumber company running
their logging read far op the river the
mine owners of the upper district ex
peot to reap the benefit of it Cheaper
and more prompt transportation will
be afforded tbeui and witli the
material at the upper end and a ready
market at this end tbey expect to do
business on a large scale. With
plenty of ore In sight and transporta
tion tbe upper Urande Ronde mines
will equal any in the eastern part of
the state.
Cheerfully Recommended lor
O G Hlgbee, Danville, III. writes
Deo 2, 1001; "About two years ago 1
aa laid up for four years with rheu
matism. I tried Mallard's Snow Lini
ment; one bottle cured ine. I can
cheerfully recommend It to all Potter
ing from like affliction' V25o, 60c,$ L00
Newliu Drug Co
Notice ia hereby given that I will
not be responsible for any bills con
tracted by my wife, Grace E McCraken
from aud after this date. Datnd at
WaHa Walia. Auguut, 11, 1905,
Fred V MoCracken
Don't wait until your blood Is Im
rio vr tubed end you are aick and ailing,
but take liollieier'a Kosky Mountain
Tea. It will poetively drive out all
impurities. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets.
Newliu Drug Co
Good For Stomach Trouble and
"Chamberlain's Stomach aud Liver
Tablets have done me a great deal of
fcnod," says C Towns, of Rat Portage,
Ontario, Canada. "Heing a mild phy
tic the alter efleQts are not unpleasant,
and I can recommend them to all who
sutfer from stomach disorder.' For
sale bv Newliu Drug Co.
Cement Sidewalks and
Foundation work given
prompt attention.
Cellar and Cement work a
- Specialty.
Estimates cheerfully furn
ished. All work guaranteed
lo stand the test. Refer
ence furnished.
Office at Foley House.
FOB. HALK Uuom bold furniture,
oooiplete outfit. Inquire at Lai
Grands Cash Store. , A 10-17
' lie. I KstaU Loans, Any amoanta on
City and Country Real Eatau. Loana
closed promptly, aa soon aa tltla ap
WANTED A position by a competent
man. Isook keeping or clerical work
preferred. Inquire at this office, tf
A reward of 150 will be paid by the
Graude Bonde btock Growers Protect
ive Association lor the arrert aud con
viction of anyone for stealing stock in
Union county.
Signed by the Secretary
Centennial Hotel
Under new management.
Board and Room $3 per week, cash
Meala 25 eta. Hpeoial rates furnished
monthly patrons. Nor 1417 Adauia
Ave . Pbone No. 11 til
Mrs. W E MUROH1SON. proprietor.
To The Public
We take this means of publicly ex
pressing to our friends and patrons the
appreciation which we feel to them
for their patronage and many acta of
kindness which w have received at
their banda. During the four years
which we bava been in hnainM. In thta
city and county have meet with such
pleaseut recpt ion that we feel under
special obligations to the citizens of
tbe Grande Ronde Valley. Again
thanking our friends and patrona we
are Yours very truly
j Hook d Thomqs.
Dissolution Notice
.Notice is hereby given that the
partnership of J F Bull and James
Russell heretofoie existing under tbe
firm name of J F Bull & Co., baa thia
day been dissolved by mutual consent.
All bills due the firm are payable to J
H Russell who will receipt for tbe
same and pay all the bills against this
Dated at La Grande, Oregon, thia
tbe 15th day of Auguot, 1905.
Tbe District fccnool Board of H.hool
District No. One, of Union County
j Oregon, will receive op to 12 o'clock
Noon of Angust 30, ' 1905, bida for
furnishing all material for and con
struction of sn eight room school
building according to plans and speci
fications on file with A U Williams,
school clerk. All bids to be left with
.School clerk aud accompanied with
certified check for ten per cent of bid.
Building to be completed by Jan 1,
100C. Board reserves the right to re
ject any or all bids. , '
A C WILLIAMS, School Clerk.
The undersigned has sold iti Meat
Markets, and all its property in aud
about La Grande, Oregon, to Grandy
& Rnssell, who will hereafter, conduot
the same under such firm name. Fred.
M. Bock retirea from further interest
or connection with the closing up of
the old business, and G. W. Thomas
will collect all claims due or owing ths
company, and will pay all its liabil
(a private corporation,)'
By G. VT. Thomas, J
F. M. Bock aud
V. S Ivanhoe, all the
dock holders.'
Aug 15 Sept 15
The transfer man. .
He will take that trunk to the
Depjt or your home in less
lime than it takes to tell it. '
Wagon always at yonr service.
Charges moderate. DayphonV
B 531, night phone II 2. "
Contractor and Builder
IYaler in Building Material.
La Grande, Or.
Drop a line.lnaming work, and I wil
give tbe right price.
HOUSE FOE 8 ALE, 720. rive
rooms, two 30 ft corner loU, loca
ted neai new school bouw site. Half
cash. Inquire at this offio.
Notice ia hereby given that anyone
found dumping -refuse of any kind on
any of the property bslonglng to the
La Grande Real .Estate AesoclaUoii
will be vigorously prosecuted.
This property includes all of the
Riverside and Wllliamaon's additions
to La Grande.
6 13 tf Wm. Miller, Preat.
Why not ge t your painting done wall
when you tan bava it cheaper than it
takes for the average dauber to spoil
it? Get need to having . nice wood
finishing on the Inside of your dwell
ing. Egg shell and velvet gloss,
"mirror polish" etc. 8 D Kinney can
grain up your old painted rooms and
make the wood like fine, quartered
oak furniture
1433 Adams Ave. La Grande Or
Summer Schedule
The summer schedule of tbe Astoria
& Columbia River Railroad has been
inaugurated between Portland. As
toria, Gearbart and 8easide iu con
nection with special round trip excur
sion tickets to all Clatsop and Nortb
Beach points, and trains leave Union
Depot at 8:00 am, daily and run
through direct, arriving-at Astoria at
11:30 a u, Gearbart 12:20 p m and
Seaside at 12:30 p m.
The Portland and Seaside Flyer
leaves Union Depot every Saturday at
2:30 p m, arriving at Astoria 5:50 p m
and runs through direct, arriving at
Oearhart 6:40 p m and 8eaaide at 6:50
p m.
Iu connection with this improved
rervice, special round trip season ex
cursion tickets are sold fiora Portland
to all Clatsop and Nortb Beacb points
t ValA III i Oft for tha rniinri rir
good for return passage until Ootober
Special commutation tioke.s, good
for five round trips, are sold from
Portland to same points for fib. 00,
good to return until Ootober 15th.
Saturday epeoial round trip excur
sion tickets from Portland to all Clat
sop and North Beacb points on sale
every Saturday at rate of 2.60 for
round trip, good to return Sunday.
Tickets sold from Portland to North
Beaoh point are issued in connection
with tbe O E & N steamers from As
toria, and baggage is transferred to
and from depot and steamer dock at
Astoris free of charge, and all tickata
sold by the O R & N Co from Port
land to Clatsop and Nortb Beach
points, , are intercbsngoable and will
be honored on trains of this company
n either direction between Portland
and Astoria. '
Ticket sold at all O R & N stations
and passengers wishing to go to points
on Clatfop Beacb should so specify, in
order to avc id confusing this .popular
resors with tuat of Long Beacb, Wash.,
which is reached only by boat at As
toria, thus causing delays enroute. .
For additional information address
C A Stewart, Agent, 248 Alder St.,
Portland,' or J 0 Mayo, QF&PA,
Astoria, Ore., and ask for Seaside
Souvenir for 1905, containing 80 beau
tiful half tone views of Columbia river
and Clatsop Beacb scenery.
PROF. DAY, Principle.
MRS DAY. Assistant
This s onoot tbe best musical In
stitutions In ths stats. Daring tbe
year 100a there were nearly roar
thoueaud leesons siven. Tha naania
in this city and valley are liegln-
iug to aiscover tbe great advantage
of tbia school. Ths system used is
ILe latest and moat practical, and
includes all ths latest dieoo varies
in tbe art of teaching musio. The
school is divided into two depart,
menu; No. 1 is for beginners, from
S years op, and taking in the 1st to
3rd grades. In this department
pupils come one hour every day.
In No. 2 tbs grades are from 3 to
1 S. Ham thaw rrrarl n.t. 11 1 1
--. n..i.uaw. UUIIk
take one or two lessons a week a
alt - J .1 St? . mm
uir "bm. eo scnoiars will be
DMrinittad tn mmiln In .hi.
' . j ------ wis KUWI
wto do not study.
Opposite the Foley House over
the Candy Store. Phone 473.