LUMBER J. W. - KNOVLES ON DIRECT PRIMARY LAW -RETAILED AT-' WHOLESALE PRICES Better Lumber and Cheaperjtlian it io sold in la Grande. We to your Building. Grande Ronde Lumber Co. PERRY, OREGON. J When you want GOOD PRINTING Call Phon No. 1371 CP here is between Printing That Satisfies a difference printing . that "will do" and that which is the kiud you really want. We make a specialty 0! pioaaliigi aa we hare the equipment with which to produce good printing and printers who understand the art of printing. There is no order too small or too large to receive , our carelul attention. Wf print anything lroni posters to visiting cards. , ts Becoming Permanent Remains Largely with the Action Taken by the Voters of Multnomah County T. M. STl'DCLLTIELD, Boot and Shoe Maker Repairing Neatly and Promptly done. Hand sewing a specialty . Lewis, building. THE OXFORD MR JAMES FARQUHARSON, Prop, Coaaplet oitnaaut of WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Cold lunches and mixed d ricks specialty. Fair and impartial treatment to all. You are In cited to call and get acquainted w f tfw JWfwww nrvw Oregoolan Aa tha time approaobaa (or tha next state election, w hear m great deal of discussion at to tba merlta and demerit of the pre tent direct primary law. . That tba dlraot prlmaav law is Imperfect and ooold be Improved by amendment, tta moat ardent supporters admit. That it li a failure or baa " ao far proven a failara they deny. That tba distinguished and worthy Kepnblican candidate for mayor of Portland was defeated at tba recent election in that city la no mora avidenoa that tha direct primary law it a failure tnan it la evidence that the 1 city of Portland is Democratic Every one knows that local issue canted tha defeat of tba Bepubllean. candidate. The (act alto remains that the whola Republican ticket with tha exception o( tha mayor waa elected. True. George H Willlamt might not have been nominated under the convention system, but can anyone doubt that the result would bava been tha same had be been so nominated. -. uut numerous illustration In tba politloal history of this state, where candidates nominated nnder the oonvensi'in system bava been deleated tor office? Recollection presents to view aa an Illustration the state aleotion of 1902. . -Then Mr. Furnish, the standard bearer of tha Republican party tor governor, waa nominated in convention receiving almost three fourths of the votes in the convention, yet was de feated in a state that elected Judge Bean, the Republican candidate for supreme Judge, by a plurality of 17,140. Disaffection In Republican rank caused tha defeat of ForoWh for governor in 1902, and William for mayor of Poitland in 1905, and tnese defeats can la no wise be attributed to either the convention or the direct primary system cf nominating candi dates. My tbt enactment of tha dlreot primary law the political boas, wheaa principal stock in trade la his ;. an- scrnpaloasnoes and ability to manip ulate convention's and defeat the will of the people, will be relegated to ob livion Whether tba dlreot primary law bus coma to stsy will rest largely with the action cf the voters of Multnomah county. If, on account of the large rota Multnomah county will have in the Dtimarles for tba nomination of umuukisi for atat and diatrlot offioe, 1 tha ticket should oe loaded down with nominees from that county, not only will tha Republican party be In danger of defeat at tba polls next Jane, bat the people will demand the repeal of tha direct primary law. J W KNOWLE8. MEW SECOND HAND STORE All kind of second hand goods bought and sold CEO. GROUT, Prop, 209 Fir St. bet. Adams and Jefferson isaiijssiJsa&Bsaiiaisssasssasa- ? hs- Mint Saloon 1 CHAS, ML VdHT, Proprietor. WINES. LIQUORS AND CIGARS Take Notice All persons knowing 'themselves indebted to the lata firm of Bock and Thomas are requested to call at the old stand at the market where tbey will find Mr OW Thomas or Miss (Jura Harding who will make settle menta. G W Thomas. Finest collections of Btuffed animals on the' Pacific coast, . THE OBSERVER "THE HOTTEST COON IN DIXIE Tha above attraction carries in all foity colored performers, Including a Band and Orches'ra of fifteen pieces The Military Parade will be one of tha largest and most elaborate attempted by any musical organization of this nature. Only artists of not are in cluded and a full equipment of elec trical effect, together with a full Una of speoial scenery makes tha attraction the strongest and most complete of any now traveling. As an addition to the novelties with this show they use a tent theatre which will be erected opposite the High Bohool building for their engagement Friday eve. Aug. 25, Castro Would Fight New York Aug 22 Venezuela b plaoed order in Europe for torpedo boat, gon and ammunition al a cost ol I2.6UO.O0O. Ao American leturned from Venr suela is authority for the statement tbst President Gastro de clared that be was going to fight the Yankeea. Il is said that when Castro beard of the appointment ol Judge Oalbourn a special commissioner ol President Roosevelt to investigate Vem aoelan matter be announced that b would not permit him to land. An n. "' You don't have to hire a Cab The La Salle Street Station in Chicago, which is used by the trains of the Rock Island System, is located in the very heart of the city, less than a block from the Board of Trade; less than two blocks from the Post Office; within easy walk ing distance of the principal hotels, theatres and stores. Yoo don't have to hires cab to reach them. The ' 'union loop' ' I right in front of the nation. pay c centi, get aboard the elevated, and you art whiiked to any part of town you with to reach. Let m give yoo other Kaaont why you abould me the Rock Iriand System. There are lot of them. , L B. CORHAM, Caaaral Agent, 140 ThlraSL, Porta, Ore. Range War Sheep-sh voters are agiln busy io Wbf eler county and the range wars which hsve flourished in this section ! of Eastern Or gon io the past, pro mise to burst lortb sgain The 1 itest victims of range emnity are Bu It B os, who lost from 100 to 2U0 heep which were oamixd tbrre miles frjm Kecton's sawmill, about 12 mile ea of Mitchtll. Stock Of Switches wigs and toupees, switches and ponipsdours made. Switches 'made of combings. Hair dyes , and tonics for sale. Hair dyed and scalp treat ments given. 8 24 Mr A D Vaodacar, Boom U Bond VtlleyHouae. . Sickening Shivering Fits of Agu and Malaria, can be relieved and cured with Electric Bitter. This is a pur, tonic medicine; ol especial benefit In malaria, for it exert a true curative influence on tha disease, driv ing it entirely out of tha system. It is much to be preferred to Quinine; having none of thla drug' after-effect. E 8 Monday, of Henrietta, Tex., write "My brother was very low with ma laria lever and Jaundice, till he took Electric bitten, which saved hi lite." At Newlin Drng;Co. drug tore; price 50o guaranteed. Blue Front Saloon E. TtiORSON, Proprietor, FINEST WINES, LIOTJOltS Imported and domestic CIGARS 4., Hot or cold lunch all hours k Jefferson Avenue Opposite Depot Palace Salor i CHAS, ANDERSON, Prop. riNB WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Always on hand ' Jefferson Avenue Opposite Depot Tent Meetings The subject at fha tect this evening will be, "Tha Institution of tba Bab bath." For tojiotrow evening the subject will be, The Sabbath la the New Testament." Indian Children There are 87.000 children In the government Indian schon's, and upon their education the government an nually spenda between 8,00i).000 and 9,000,000. When vou want a pleneant laxative that Is easv to take and certain to act. use Chemberlaiu'a Stomach and Liver tablet. For sale br Newlin Drag Co UR5C ACID In the"blood causes Rheu matism.Sciatica.Lumbago, Neuralgia and Gout. You can remove the cause by wearing one of our REX RHEUMATIC RINGS Manufactured by tha Ren RheumaUl King Co., Hartford, Co. ciicut. Price $2.00 J. R. SMITH, Don't wait until Tour blood is Im . . i i i 1 1 noviistiea era vou are sick nnu amu, hut lake Mollis f-r's Rock J Mountain lea It will poelively drive out all impurities. 85 rents, Tea or Tablets I Newllo I'rog i;o Good Lesson The La Grande sugar factory is tha i i , i qftn nnn Clearing DOUR aia year iur for Union bounty. With that county's wheat, lumber, frnit, live stock, wool and vegetables our neighbor gives us a good lesson in diversified agricul tural and other affair Tb prosperity of the Grande Bond should be at least at 99 per cent. Pendleton Tribune. Leroy Leishman, ELECTRIC SHOP a trial se we trade. A A TRIAL ORDER MEANS A CUSTOMER ah ihai li.a Seattle Grocery Co. 4 1 w asks is that you give U6 order. If we cannot do not wsnt your satisfied customer is a pleased one and we try to please. The best groceries for the least ffll. . ...aa MJwts tl tfl money, ims is our uiumu ou a trial oder will be a . demon stration of how Veil we succeed. SEATTLE GROCERY COMPANY ' ZUNDSL A IAWSON. RED FRONT LIVERY BARN Wm. Smith,' Prop, Safe and reliable rigs furn at all times. Special ac comodations furnished to commercial trayelern, Phone. 8-5 WM. SMITH FEED STORE Hay, Giain and feed. Free delivery to all parts ef the city. Mountain trade a specialty. Phone 1961 Hone, hartuea and wagon bought and sold In Commemoration After tba regular business meeting of the Eastern Star Wed. evening Aug 2?rd., there will ba a lawn party at Ibe borne ot Mrs Frel Schilke This Is to be given by the Eastern Star In com roe mora tlon of tba birth of Robert Morris. All resident and visiting members are cordially Invited. Wire and Supplies Shop Cor. Gth and 0 i e THE L0UVRE1 CHRIS WRIGHT, Prop, .FINB V . J WIPES. LIQUORS 2 CIQAR5 Gentlemen always Welcome P E MB ij FirMreet Eagle Sa'oin ULRICH LOniS, fiof. : FINB ... ; WINES. LIQlORS and CIGARS Lunches are our specialty leflsrann Avenue, Oppoaite dfput I THE won j. r. posdah m j.w. scod. peop. CITY BREWERY JULIUS ROESCH, Proprietor. FINE WINES 22 LIQUOR J Aad lbs beat braua ol CIQflHS Alwaya on band V.- La Grande Cleaning And Dyeing Works 8ii hd ard faded garment made to look like new. Work called for and delivered. Ladies garment a special ty. All work guaranteed. Dye work on Depot Street next door to Com mercial Club. - SIMMONS it HARVEY, props La Grande. Largest Brewing Plant ' inJEasiern Oregon Ask for La Grande Beer andtgetthe Best LA GRANDE BEER IS MADE IN LA GRANDE AND SHOULD HAVE THh r-KEFERENCE Hluu drinks a avmlalty Ask aad see If you don't gt It. Thtx Is a k"- 9 Memen's resort and w III be ran miuH v ii in . ei ii S S -- - t S?!R H9iLsJ CES t Phone AUin 6-1 'NUF SAID The laxltlve effect of Chamderlain'a Stomach and Liver Tablet I so agre able and so natural that you do not realize It 1 the effect of a tuttlloine tor aale by Newlin Drug Co