Missionery Convention Convenes To-Night WATCHES? r 1 t i r '- 1 ? -a ROUGH AMD'' DRESSED' LUMBE R Mouldings, Elto. We have a large stock of Building material always on hand In the yard at our Mill. We deliver In any quanity to any place PRICE AND QUALITY GUARANTEED, Yes, of course we have watches, the very best watches made. We aleo have Clocks, and every thing in the Jewelry line J. H. PEARE. Will Continue Until August 24 in San Francisco ft r 1 Old Jewelry made to look like new Eepair work given prompt Clocki taken care ot tttentiou. ir IF our responsibility of $137,000.00 is guarantee enough, IF our rate of interest on certificates of deposits ' high enough. IF our rateJofintereet on loans low enough, . IF the accomodations we afford are satisfactory, IF you are not aiready a customer of this bank, then we invite you to become one, WE guarantee vcu absolute stfety for your funds if intrusted to our cre. HAVING given 14 years of service to the Ad- ' vancement of the interests of La Grande and Union county we fell Justified in asking for your hanking business, and we will extend to you ail the accomodations your account will . justify at all times. Your loans will be restricted only ty the security you offer and the balance you ketp with this bank. Respectfully, Uhe farmers and TJraders Tfationat 33ank fXa SranJ Orym. JobkphJPalmbb, 3. W. Sceibkr, G. E. McCuilt, President. Cashier. Asst. Cashier. TWO SPECIAL BARGAINS 13 acres adjoining town, can be irrigated, Price, for cash, upon application. -420 acres near Cove, all fenced, good outside range, 160 acres fine for fruit or grain, well watered. Fine place for horse ranch. Price upon application jCa Srande investment Co. Foley Hotel Building La Grande, Oregon wafflg7'rnflsy. ,M LiHTBfTi IRON BEDS Sanitary Steel Folding Couches and Springs direct from the factory at lowest possible prices . FOR CASH Iron Beds regular 3 0 new $2 65 Steel Coii Spring . reguler 3.50 no w 2.25 Sanitary Steel Couches rtgula? J 4.50 cow 8X0 Hard maple frame, woven springs,. . 3.00 new 195 Herd maple frame, woven cots 2 7'; now 1.75 Linoleum, only 60c per jar J Home furnishing Bargains F. D.HAISTEN, Phoue Red ,1161 Highest Prices Paid for Second Hand Goods MANY IN ATTENDANCE fan Francisco, August 16. At Al bambra thsater this evening the an nual International Missionary Con tention oths Christ lan ch arches will bo Informally opened by a cantata The Ten Virgins " AU of the prom inent soloists ot this city will take part and the ohorus will be formed ot 300 voices. Tomorrow the contention will be opened by the session of the Christian Women's Board of Missions. The hotels are rapidly filling with members ot the Cbrietlan church from all the states and from foreign lands, attracted by the noted divines who are to participate In the contention. The organizations which will con vene and their officers ate: The Christ lan Women's Board ot Missions, President Mrs. N E Atkinson, Indian apolis, Ind; Neoretary Mra. Helen O Moses of the same city. Foreign Christian Missionary Society, Presi dent A McLean : Corteaoondine- Bee retary K M Rains Amerloan Christ- lan Missionary Society, Preeident L Powell, Louisville, Kentucky, Secre tary Benjamin Lyons Smith, Cincin nati, Oj American Board ol Charities, Board of Negro Evangelization, Sec retary C O Smith. Board of Christian Expansion, President D, O Smart; Corresponding Secretary Q W ' Mock- ley . Board of Ministerial Relief, President A L Oroutt, Indianapolis, Secretary A B Pbllpatt, Indianapolis. National Benevolent Association, President 11 M Meier; Seoretery tSeo. L Snldley. National Christian En deavor Union, Corresponding Secre tary R H Waggener, Kansas City. On 8atnrday night the big rally of the convention will be held in Wood ward's Pavilion, when the Christian Endeavor will conduct a huge meet ing. The pavilion, where the rally will be held, has a varied experience. It has been the seen ot many prize fights, bat a rostrnm will supplant the prise ring. Among the prominent clergrmen who sre In the city to attend tie con vention is the Rev. Chas. Reign Boo Till ot the Metropolitan Church of Christ, Chicago. Dr. Soovllle is the most successful of all the evangellats of his denomination, end holds the record for making converts. At a re vival recently oondacted at Paril, 111., this vigorous and eloquent minister converted ten percent of the entire population. There are 7500 soufs in Paris and ot those 718 confessed relig ion during the 62 days Dr. Scoville was in that city. The conventions arc to be In session until ths 21th. n MCKINNIS BROS. Vergere Phone Summerville, Oregon Beautiful new things In FURNITURE Received today. ' A carload direct from the eastern factories at prices never 1 quoted betore on this class of goods. Writijg desks; lovely things m library, center and dining tables; mattresses that bring fairy dreams. Get married and let me fit up your home for you. Easy installments it so desired. W. H. BOHNENK AMP, Special sale on ICE CREAM FREEZERS I I Praises County's Exhibet Editor Observer, Dear Editor- I am now seated in the Union coon ty Exhibit Department at the Lewis and Clark lair, which I must say is a grand affair. The person who does not visit ths (air some time daring the summer will tniee one of the oasis in life tlut baa to be seen to be appreciat ed. It is worth all It oosts just to see the grounds and people and to study human nature and genius, to aay no thing ol ths many, many grand dis plays of everything that human gen ins can produce. Ths words simply immense, only mildly states it. From where I sit I cen look upon the Eastern Oregon Experimental Station whioh I believe is the best on ths whole grounds, and every man. woman and child from Eastern Ore gon should shout the praises of ths managemant of tbst institution. The Union county exhibit is not the worst on the ground, and many useful articles are on our tables, but we need more. I know whereof 1 speak when I ssy thai if our people will io what they can, Union county can be made to shine among the bright stars here if only each one will do a little. I am proud of what liittle we bavu here and say it is equal to any other, do friends of Union county, get a move on you and rend your stuff along. The vitcb tbst Mrs 8 E Williamson sent is the beet on the erouuds. o dou't think your little might not be worth sending, but send it along and try to get. your neighbors to do like wise. Now as to accomodations; we are now looatrd withiu two blocks of the entrance to the grounds, good rooms ready furnished for two, at $1 per day. Meals, more than you can eat for 25 cent. Lunches fiom 10 cents up So don't be afraid of being rubbed by get ting too near the firour.de. We are now having one of the best of times. There is not a m k of Hour or any mao'jtacturtd grains from our county except from North Powder, so Mr Miller get a twist ca you and fill up some of this vacaut tpsce. The pl gar company have their busi ness shown bp, from the beet as it coitus 'rem the field, to the finished product, ,v,tich bUrnte rrTcbYtun tion. More anon, CD HUFFMAN. Republican Aspirants Republican candidates and eligible! for nomination for state offices oext year: Governor Dr Andrew O Smith, fortland; Dr James Withyoombe, Oor vallis; W A Howe, Carlton; Henry E Ankeny, Eogene; O A Johns, Baker City ; L R Webster , PortUod, j T T Geei, 8alem: Robert Eakin, La Grande, H L Benson, Klamath Falls 8 a Lowell," Pendleton, W P Lord, The Dalles. Secretary of Stats Claud Gatob, Salem, P 8 Malcoln, Portland , Lot Puree, Salem; Frank Wrightmao, Salem; F 8 Fields. Mount Tabor. Q.nvo ircaauioi i juiuna ivau, Oregon City; E V Carter, Aahlsnd; E W Haines, Forest Grove, W T Wright, Union. B Alexander, Pen dleton, W H Hobson, Staytoo, J H Aitkin, Huntington, Ralph W Hoyt Portland; John M Lewis, Portland. Seate Printer J R Whitney, Al bany;, Willis S Uuniway, Portland, C W Hodson, Portland, A A Bailey, Portland .. REPRESENTATIVES IN CON OR ES8 First District, 8 B Huston of Hillsboro, W I Vawser of Medford, Walter Tocia of Woodburo, G W Wright of Albany, I H Bingham of Eugene, O B Moores of Salem, W O Hawley of Salem, E Hofer of Salem B F Mulkey of Ashland, L J Simpson of Marsbfield, Bingrr Hermann of Roseburg. Second District; Malcolm A Moody of The Dalles, Dan J Malar ky ot Portland, John L Rand of Baker City. Other offices to be filled are those of one Supreme Judge, Superintendent of Publio "Instruction, and Labor Commissioner. Eastern Oregonion. . New and Desirable Hand Bags New Style Bruster Brown Belts. Pretty Feather Fans Tub Collars in a variety of style Street Hats $1 Don't overwork In hot weather, buy your Children's Underwear ReadyJMade. E H WELLMAN & OO La Grande ' v - Oregon tatsWaWMaWSw SW-W. HENRY & CAPR FUNERAL DIRECTORS LICEPJED lEflBHflERS Lady assiataLt OaUsJaneweredday and oigbt, Phone No. 621. j J. O Henry, residence 664 J. J. Carr, residence 386 . '- - IiSvX'St ft J La Grande Oregon NOTICE We pay highest Market prices for chickens. Want all you. have got. At oar Warehouse on Jefferson Ave. OR Cash Co. Don't wait until your blood is lm- novrished and you are sirk and ailing. but take Hollieter's Rosky Mountain Tea. It will postively drive out all Imparities. So cents. Tea or Tablets. Newlin Drug Co Croup lea violent "Inflammation of the mucous membrane ot the "ind pipe, which sometimes extends to tbe larnyz and brODohiU tubes; and is one ot the most darjgeroai diseases of children. Jt aim oft always comes on in the night Give frequent small doses of Ba) lards Horehound Syrup and apply Ballard' Linsment externally to tbe throat 25c, 50c, $1.00, Newlin Drug Co Kegolatee tbe stomach and bowles, heals and soothes tbe little ones' stomachs and slves them a heatbfal and natural sleep Hollister's. Kocky Mountain Tea is ths children's bene factor. ' 3& cents. Newlin Drug Co. CATARRH A UNIVERSAL DISEASE Catarrh usually begins "with' a cold in the head, but does not stop there. Tbe mucous membranes all become inflamed tnd secrete a filthy, unhealthy matter which is absorbed by the blood and dis tributed to all parts of the body. The patient Is then continually hawking end spitting, the nose is stopped up, the ears have a ringing or buzzing noise, the throat becomes sore, and as the un healthy matter more thoroughly satu rates the blood a general feeling of des pondency takes possession of the system. I had Catarrh for about fifteen veara. and no man could liava been worna. I tried every , hinff I could hear of, but no (rood resulted. I then bnan S. S. S., and could sre a little improvement from ths first bottle, and after taking: it a short while whs cured. Thia was six years aaro, and I am aa well today as any man. I think Catarrh is a blood dis ease, and know there is nothing on earth nener xor me Diooa iimn o. a. a. .no body think inoreoiS. B. S. than I do. .Lapeer, jM.icn. in. u&ibum. Local applications cannot cure Catarrh, because tby do not reach the seat of the trouble. They allay the inflammation aud temporarily relieve the disease, but as soon as they are left off the trouble re turns. The only way to cure Catarrh is to treat it through the blood. S. S. S. soon clears the blood of all Catarrhal matter and fiurges it of all irritating poisons, checks urlher progress of the trouble and com pletely cures the disease. S. S. S. keeps trie Diooa hi per fectordersothat it can eliminate from the system all waste matter that will pro duce Catarrh. Nothing equals this great vegetable remedy in the cure of this disease. Write for our book aud any medical advice you wish, We make no cnarge tor euner. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC C0.7 Atlanta, Ga. NoticeTo Creditors Notloe ta hereby, that I tbe under signed, by an order oi the Hon County Court ot Union County, .Oregon, have been appointed administrator of the estate ot VV R Jack, deceased . And that ail persons having olslms sgalmst said estate are here by required to preient tbe tame at my office in Imbler Union County, Oregon, within six months from the data of this notice. Dated at Imbler, Oregon this 0th day of August 1905 L M JENSON Administrator oi the estate ot W It Jack, Deceased. Aug 15 PURELY VEGETABLE. Sickening Shivering Fits of Ague and Malaria, ran be relieved and cured with Electric Bitters. This is a pure, tonic medicine; of especial benefit in malaria, (dr it exerts a true curative influence on the disease, driv ing it entirely out of the system. It is much to be preferred to Quinine, having none of this drug's after effects. E B Monday, ol Henrietta, Tex., writes "My brother was very low wltn ma laria fever and jaundice, till he took Electric Bitters, whioh saved bis lite." At Newlin Drug Co. drug store; price 60c guaranteed. Spoiled Her Beauty Harriet Howard, of 209 W 31th at.. New York, at one time had her beauty spoiled with skin trouble. She writes 'I had 8alt Rheum or Eczema for years, but nothing would cure it, un til I used Itucklen's Arnica Salve." A qnick and sure healer for cuts, burns and sores. 25o at Newlin Prug Co. drun store. 1 WPUWlMtPI ffF g.T" 1 .-A mjtm -af '-- - m frail