PROFESSIONAL CARDS PHYSICIANS DR. A. L RICHARDSON, Physician and Surgeon. Cfflo or HUT Iro Btor. Offlc Phan 1&4 Baaldrae Phoa W N.MOLITOR M. D. . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Corner Adams ituu and Depot 8t Offlo Phone 4 Baldene Phone 681 WILLARD SMITH PHYSICIAN AND J SURGEON Phon711 Lewis baUdlng, opposite BoramM Hoeae - Office How, 1 to 1,7 to I BACON & HALL, YSICIANS AND SURGEONS Offlee la Foley building Phone 118L . T. Bacon, Betidenee Pnone 119. . , , , , M. tHeilf.,gsldi.oe021 DKS. RIGGERS & BIGGERS Physician and Surgeons O W l((en, M. D. Geo, l Bigger, M. D , . Telephone , Office 1321 Beldne 1881 ' Qfflee Ralaton Building over J. M. Berry's Store. Kaaldeno on Madlaon AV. second door Vest of former residence, Dr. G. W.BIggcr La GRANDE , - , : . . OREGON Profekaonal call promptly etteaded to ' . .day or night. v ' ' v utmisie REAVIS BROS. DENTISTS. ' Offle Boramer Building Offlee Phone 51 ' Besldenoe Phone 117 C. B. Cauttiom DENTIST Office Over Htll Drug Store La Grande, Oregon R. I. LINCOLN DENTIST Up (tain, Cot Adams annua and Depot 8k Phone j-4 VETERINARY SURGEON Dr. f A CHARLTON VETERINARY SURGEON, Office at AT Hill's Drug Store La Grande, Oregon Phone 1361 Residence phone red 701 Farmers' line 58 'i DR. W. T. D JWNE8. VETKHrNARY 8UROKON AND DENTIST Leave order at Red Crov Drug etore Reatdencc Cor 6th and I t Thirty At year experience, beat of reference rurnlvhed ATTORNEYS CPAWF0RD & CRAWFORD Attorneys-at-Law LA GRANDE, OBEQON tike In Foley betiding. J. W KN0WLES Attorney and Counsellor At Law Office in Balaton Building Phone 16 La Grande Or. a. T. WUUnm A. C. WUllani WILLIAMS BROS. ATTORN EYS-AT.LAW ' Qtne In Balaton Bulldlug Phone ids La Grande, Or. L A. PICKLER Civil, Mining, Irrigation Engineering and aurwyinj Etttlruute, l'luu, aud Spedflcatlona. Once 1110 Adam Avenue, with John Eliotigh La Uhamjk. Orkuon Lodge Directory. AAOLKH La UraUOe Amu t;a F O h rueet very Sunday nlxhl in n 01 1- nail ' 8 y in VUltinu bretheru invited U, aitem.. J. A. Mututt, W. P. 4. K. TollOck, W.8. I O O T La Grxuuo 'LotKt'l No is h i .u their ball every Saturday nittlit. VUHiug n.etu era cordially invited to atund. Oenilery plat can be even at ottice of City Recorder. G.w.Boberteon,NU H. E, Cootidge, beo. tJTAK KNt'AMFMt'NT No 81, 1. O. O. F, aaeet every tlm and third Tburnday In tbe BiiwiuiDUoaiemm umii. uiuuk pntri arcli" alway welcome I. K, euook, C 1'. Edruond Boblnaon. Borlbe "EaflTERH BTAR OKt Hope Chapter Wo 18 meet lh areoud aud fourth WeMiedujr oi jacb nioutn at J- p ox in Muonic Tcunile Mortie Aldrioh, W U Mary A Warniefc. fUfi M.W.A. La Gruuuet.toup ?p. 7703 meet every flret and third W cdjWFdny of the month at I. 0. 0. V. Hall. All vtattirg nelrh twr aw cordially lnvitwd iineml. t. Kcile(id, V, C John Hall, Cleric fOKEHTEitS" Ob A AlKUICA-Court Maid AUrion, tia ti iiikM Thundny uIkM In . J& oi t nail. Urtthorf InvlU-d to attend, : 1 s humid, nioi nauser. C t wluiHUifc 1-lu, See Eoanl ofTrtutcet Ur.U L BUger, John Wall andiierber Vatuaon La Grande Evening Observer Currey Bros., Ed's and Prop. Published daily except Sunday Tuesday. August 15, 1905. Entered at the Fort Offloa at La Grande, Oregon, as Second CIbm tiail Matter. One year in adyance $650 Six months in advance.... 3 60 Per month ..65c Single copy . 5c ADVERTISING BATES Display Ad rate tarnished upon application Local reading notice 10b per line 11 rat user' ' Hon, jo per line tor each autweqnenl Inser tion. Resolution of condolence, so jer Una, Card of thank, 8e per line. GLANCE AT THE FUTURE . The sudden emergence of Jap an from issolated obscurity, so far as the western world's hori- scope is concerned, has changed the panarama of the future quite as much as did the discovery of America four hundred years ago We must now look at the future lea ilitTntMMt - 4 recognise' Japan as one of the great controlling powers iu shaping the destiny of the whole humau family, with a reason able probability that in a very short time China with its 400,000,000 intelligent and industrious people will awake to a concious ness of its strength and demand recognition in the councils of the world's rulers, and a voice in shaping the affairs of this mundane sphere. With Japan and China united for the enforcement of the doc-' trine, already foreshadowed by Japan, of "Asia for Asiatics" the ambition of European powers to acquire collonial holdings in the Orient will receive a check, and England, France,, Germany, Russia and Austria will be forc ed to the unpleasant consider ation of the possibility of, in a short time, loosing their present possessions there. Strip these European powers of their pre sent possessions in the. eastern half of our globe and the com mercial advantages incident thereto and their present great ness will soon wither like irri gated fields in arid lands when the water supply is diverted, un less they change their policies. When the western world has lost the rich Orential trade, the hope of which inspired Queen Issabella to pawn her jewelry to outfit Columbus and send him forth upon the uncrossed ocean to find a nearer route therefor. or only retains so much thereof as it renders an equivolent for then the activities of Europe will have to seek new fields to mmmm owm mouse a r. H, STEWARD, The world's greatest KOLB AND DILL And Their All Star Cast 1 40 -People-40 F. rrnus California Beauty Chorus in I. o. u. OME MCIII MOM. AUC. 21 TRICES Orchestra Center $1.00 Orchestra Circle .75 Dress Circle, lialery .CO tiMitiiUAJMieMttaaAtunjau Ael exploit, aud the ambition of its rulers be turned from the gaal they have sought - for centuries. The revolution will be radicle and for the better of the masses, for then each country will cease to depend for its greatness and power upon the success of its merchants end the splendor of its cttias, but will ' be forced to become home builders and its chief a Jibition and pride will be to render it possible for more people to live in . comfortable homes of their own within its dominion than in any other country. The water situation in this city still continues to be a serious question and will so continue until such time as an additional supply is secured. As it is at the present stage La Grande is short yof water and other arrangements must be made or we will have a dry town sure enough. A million bosnei ;wneat crop and a thirty thousand ton sugar beet crop will certainly cause this valley to experience a very ' Tk. n.nU1. AJOk v.w.. Ronde valley has never exper ienced a failure iu crops but some seasons are better than others. This is of the better sort, and every man woman and child will .reap the benefit. The La Grande public schools will open Monday September the eleventh. J La Grande has reason to feel proud of its public schools and nothing which will in any way increase their value must be over looked. Every patron of the school should use every available means to encou rage the teachers aud board of directors and thereby assist in making the schools yet better. -VISIT THE- Lewis and Clark EXPOSITION To be held at Portland, June 1 to Oct, 15, 1905. TAKE A TRIP TO CALIFORNIA Through the Williamette, Umpqua and Rogue River Valleys, of Western Oregoi pass Mt. Shasta, througi the Sacramento Valley to thr many famous resorts on. the line of the "r '"''"i SOUTHERN PACIFIC I t For beautifully illustrate, booklets, descriptive of Cali fornia resorts, address, W. R. C0MAN, Gen. Passr. Agt. Portland, Or. Proprietor and Mar German Comedians 11 s it A t ' rr'" ii J sf I ; I ? -r vjLv J J. R. OLIVER. UNION COUNTY ABSTRACTS r 111 1 -:.J Farm Loans a Specialty Best equipped abstracter in Union c-juuty. Many years experiences with the Union county records gives me a great advtnt- ' age. It is folly to pur chase realfstaie. without first securing a proper abstiaot. An abstract ' from my office will show the title just as it appears v on the official record. ). R. OLIVER, LA GRANDE, OREGVN Room 31, Bommer Bdlg. EC DAVIS Preldent J H CHILDM Beo. and, Treat. BLUE MOUNTAIN MARBLE AND GRANITE CO. LA. GRANDE OREGON Complete assortment of fin est marble and gran it always on hand. Estimates cheerfully furnished upon application. Headstones and Monuments A Specialty G. L FOWLER Truck and Transfer Wood and Coal Phone 1611 All order given prompt attention. Oregon SilOITLLM' nn Union Pacific DEPART Time Hchedul LA GBANOK, OR .FROM No 8:j0 p m No 6 Halt Lake. Denier, Ft . Nol 5:50 a m No 5 worth, Onitttm, Kan aasCltv. St. Luuii. Cbi. 8:30 .m. eagoaud bau KOI Portland. Daile. Pen dleton, Wall Walla, No 3 f:05pm 60 am. fax. Uoaoow, Spokane, and point em and Davton. 1'om.roy. Col nana via apoxar.e Portland. Dalle. Pen dleton. UmHtUla, Wal- lto5 846 p. to. lula, Lewtston, t ollax, Moscow, Wallace. War ner, Hpokane and other No 8:30 am poiuu eai ana nortn via Hpokane No, 82 Daily ex cept Sunday y:14 a m Ialand City, Aitcel, Im bler and i Iifiu. Con ne tiona at tlit.u w th No 81 5;30pm ta".e lot point la U IOWU. Urean rJteamer between t'ortland and Han Kranomoo every five d . K. r voobk. Ann). if yii!r ticket rmd and Rio ( Ralli. Line ot the world" , tie IVnver tut "tirenlo 11ECAUSK .there re o man? (cenle ait -n i i snd poltitaof ktik llii "ie u. iwren Ocden and Denvtr t tat i Ik till) never becomes tlrevome If you are trains eit, write f or -jfur-niatlon and gel a pretty boo ihr.t will tell you all about It W C MCBRIDE, Agent, 124 Third St. ortlard Oregc YOU WILL BE SATISFIED TWO PIECE SUITS F Men's two piece suits erow comfort hor gentility demands a vest lor summer wear Tbe vest b s no function when the thermometer says 99 degrees, We've Coat and Trouser Suits in Single and Double Brested sty'es in a varity ot patterns, you ii una there's NOT AN OUNCE of superfluous cloth any where, while the erarefnl lines aud natty appearance of the garments are up to our usual and excellent standard $7.50, $9.00, $10.00 and $12.50 ASH BROS. f J A i A A A : A A A k A "iJt tJJA 500 ACRE FARM FOR SALE This farm is only 15 miles from La Grarde, on the Elgin branch of the O. R, & N. Railroad, at the Rinehart fr It will make several good homes, and will be sold in small tracts if desired. There are three different young bearing orchards, and two good houses on tbe place. In a good school district free from debt. Terms easy. Address, HENRY RINEHART, SUMMERVILLE, OREGON. Or call at the farm for full, ICE CREAM SODA It will pay you to walk a block to get the best Ice Cream Soda It costs no more. We are better prepared than ever to stop your thirst and RELIEVE THAT TIRED FEELING. We have only the best crushed fruits and pure rock candy syrups. Our ice cream is made from pure cream and is the best. Let us show you. A. T. HILL Prescription Druggist m m m LA GRANDE H JIilu...lljj.'L.u,.l,. ' ' 'l!m!mmmmmmrn-r-. ' ' Complete Machine Shops and Foundry General Blacksmith, Horse Shoeingand Wagon'.Work. . Manufacturer of TheFitzgerald Roller Feed Mill D. F I T x O ERALD, l-HUt'HIFTnt m Us 4 Indigestion With its compauliM, heart burn, flatulence, torpidity A the live) con stipation. paliietior ot the hrt poor blood headaoh . " 1 ohfr l.e. voaa symntons, sallow tlti , fent tonSue, otleunive broath and ici0n ()r other ailmnte, nt oi e tl . moat wide spread and destructive n,.Hlad among the Aiiurica- ,,i-rt,V '1 bo Heroine treatment will .Mit" h'I thiH troubles. 5oc bottlo New lit iiniu f .-. Boarding and Rooms IVople vivii- , wanting Koi)d I. uui ooabie piic.e . i. I K linrtlioloui' Portland ' 'hlr hfH 'I'f M -H'' . .1 , . - ii -trect in favor constantly Nefrvi' -4 OUTFITERS TO MANKIND A A A A A AAA 11 1 A A A A 4 A A A A, a. A 1 particulars. ,ia- i .Tumwmreanmsgmaa TTilTiMirflWflfBri! LA GRANDE, OR IRON WORKS Baseball Players and Foot 'timers Lonle J Kroner, ex-champion long distance foot raoer ot Germany and Holland, write Oct 27 1901; "Daring my training of eight weeks' foot races t Salt Lake City, in April last. I used Ballard's Snow Liniment to tuy great est satisfaction. Therefore, I recom mend Snow Liniment to all who are troubled with sprains, b'ases or rheu matism." 25c, 60c, $1.00 bottle. New Hn Drug Co. TAKE NOTICE Phono Red 971, Old Town store for wood (30 days time given). Cheapest Groceries and Provision in the cltr. New stock and toll line of feed, fi . Dated La Grande, Ore., July 26 J, spt. I E J ATKINSON i t.