La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 11, 1905, Image 4

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: 0 O
Having pnrchased the painting aud papering
business formerl oarned by Stackland & McLachlen,
we with to inform the public that we are prepared to
take contract for all kind cf painting, paperhanging
and decorating. We are experienced workmen and
guarantee satisfaction. We are here to stay and we
are willing to let oar work speak for workmanship,
and the quality for oar stock. A trial order solicited.
Until farther notice we will be able to furnish our
customers with tTie very best
Black Caps Black Berries Red Raspberries
j Peaches Peach Plums . , '
Q And all other seasonable
. ' and
MPODAClf A r.nnrcnv cmnc
fa ni-uirtjin . vivvi.ii o i Vint. a
p (Joi. Kir and Jefferson Sta. 0. RALSTON, Prop. 4
pC R!gs furnished for parties, funerals and picnics. The Ji
best carryall in the city. S
C&8 S855ewft&M &SSSSS
Keep Cool
If you have no other
and secure an
Bates and all pricua
will be explained at
the office
"The man who loves
Is not the one to let
These hot days, in kitchen overheated by a sweltering
stove Cut out the family wash day. Send your laundry
toua. Saves wood, time and energy. Don't burn np
a lovely disposition. Send your linen, all of it to
A. B. C.
La'Granie, Oregon.
fruits, fresh from the vine
LAKicN & NORKIt, Props. )
. e)
First class turnouts fur- D
rushed dav or nio-ht. J
j 0 .
a : , 1
ycuiai nicuuiuutttiuu jur
VVlUUiVluai UlvUi
Best service guaranteed (f
Borses boarded by day, f
week or month, V
way call on the
Electric Fan
his wife the most.
her roast"
Sensational Extreme
There U no limit to what some peo
ple will do to. excite tbe public, and
Iba poblio like to witnsss sensational
exploit, With tba 8ontbero Carnival
Co who open a weeka engagement in
tbia city Monday, August 14, there ia
a yoong man wno calla bimaelf
Dia?oIo, and io troth if bis act counts
for anything, be U tba greateat dare
devil in tba world. Twice daily he
takee hia own life in bia hands and
loope-tbe-loop on a bicycle Starting
on a ruoway he eomea down at break
neck apeed, eirelea the awinl apiral
loop, and aboold be swerve an iota, it
meana inaiant death. Diavelo, aa be
oalla himself, abakea dioe with death.
In fact ao haatrdous. ao periloaaie
bia act, that no Insurance company
will grant him insurance.
Tbia ia what the Seattle Poet Intel
ligencer bad to aay of bia act. -
"I he sensation at the carnival laat
night waa Diavolo' loop-tbs-loop ride.
The ureal crowd that wilneased it
were horrified to aee tba ictrepid rider
leave the apiral track and awerve clear
off the track bead foremost,' the heavy
wheel following the rider. Fortunate
ly h landed in a net that flanka the
track on the aide from whioh ha fell,
or there wonld be no rider to attempt
the daring exploit tonight.
Diavolo explained the accident aa
due to faulty angle of tba runway.' It
waa not auffioiently irclined, he aaid,
to give bim the requiaite apeed to en
circle the donble loop. He will aee
that the incline down which he rides
I to ih. lnnn .HI . r'.r if l,
tonight." , , . , -
Diavolo loops-the-loop twice daily
in tba Stadium, where beddes hia act
there are to be aeeu Harumet & Stone
eyele whin riders, Tan St 8i Fnkine,
foot and bead postures and 10 other
big circua -cts.
Wheat Sales
Pendleton Ore Aug 11 The local
wheat market wa active beta today
aud it ia estimated that 50,000 buahela
changed hands, at 60 and 61 centa.
Within the past week local quotations
have dropped 3 cents, but farmers
were not inclined to sell until today,
hoping that tbe market would become
stronger. . Oeclining quotations have
cauaed farmers to aell portiona of their
oropa to meet actual expen-es, and aa
long aa the present market oonditiona
obtain it ia not believed that much
wbeat for export will be sold. Local
millers have been ' paying 65 ten Is for
club and have already sufficient new
wheat on hand to last several months.
Aged Preacher Dies
Dayton Wash August 11 John B
Chamberlain aged 80 years, died yes
terday of senile deoay, at Ironside,
Malheur county, Oregon. Annually
he bad gone from Dayton to the Ore
gon county named to preach to coun
try people living many miles "from a
railroad, and on tba occasion just end
ed be died at tbe post of duty. , "
The body was carried by wagon to
Baker City, where it waa embalmed
for shipment to Dayton. Funeral
services will be held Friday at tbe
Methodist Episcopal Church 8outb,
under tbg auspices of the Masonic
oraer, :
; Warning
Notice la hereby given that anyone
(onnd damping refuse of any kind on
oy of the property belonging to 'he
La Grande Real Kstate AasouiatK'ii
will be vigorously i roaacuted.
Tbia property inolodea all of the
Riverside and Williamson's additions
to La Grande.
8 13 tf Win. Miller, Prea't .
1 i m
M Thirty car loads of oats wanted at once.
W We are ready to contract for Pears and Prunes for
futuae delivery.
lei '
We are receiving daily all
U We are in the market for first
jj . UM dout 300 tons
Remember we will be In the
jj other produce as'soon as they
Cement Sidewalks and
Foundation work given
prompt attention.
Cellar and Cement work, a
Estimates cheer full r furn-
ished.fcAll work guaranteed
to stand the test,
ence furnished.
Office at Foley House.
tiundreda of thousands of people
im Holllater'a Rocky Mountain Tea
aa - a family tonic. If taken tbia
month It will keep tbe family well all
tbe year If it (at la get your money
back. 35 oanta. Newlln Drag Co
Lawn Social
The ladiea of the M church will
give a lawn social Tharsdsy evening,
August 10, at tbe home of Mra. B W
Grandy, comer of 4tb and Adama Ave
nue. Ice cream and cake will be
served and an excellent program ren
dered. Everybody come and have a
good time Aug 11.
We pay highest Market prioea for
cblckena. Wadt all yon have not.
At oar Warehouse on Jefferson Ave.
OR Cash Co.
Summer Schedule
ine summer schedule of tbe Astoria
& Columbia Rivtr Railroad haa been
inaugurated between Portland, As
toria, Gearbart and Seaside in con
nection with special round trip excur
sion tickets to all Clatsop and North
Beach points, and trains leave Union
Depot at 8:00 am, daily and run
through direct, arriving at Astoria at
11 :30 a m, Gearbart 12:20 p m and
Seaside at 13:30 p m.
The Portland and Seaside Flyer
leavea Union Depot every Saturday at
2:30 p m, arriving at Astoria 5:60 p m
and runs through direct, arriving at
Gearbart 6:40 p m and 8easide at 6:50
P la
in connection with this improved
service, special round trip season ex
cursion tickets are sold ftom Portland
to all Clatsop and North Beach points
at rale of 14.00 for tbe round trip,
good for return pass ge until October
Special commutation tiokecs, good
for five round trips, are sold from
Portland to same points for $15 00,
good to return until October 15th.
Saturday apecial round trip excur
sion tickets from Portland to all Clat
sop and North Beach points on sale
every Saturday at rate of $2.60 for
round trip, good to return Huuday.
Tiokets sold from Portland to North
Beaoh points are issued in connection
with the OE&N steamers from As
toria, and baggage ia traimferred to
and from depot and steamer, dock at
Astoria free of charge, and all tickets
sold by tbe O R & N Co from Port
land to Clataop and North Beach
points, are interchangeable and will
be honored on trains of this company
in either direction between Portland
and Astoria.
Ticket! sold at all 0 R & N stations
and passengers wishing to go to pointa
on Clatrop Beaoh should so appeify, in
order to av id confusing this popular
resort with tuat of Long Beaob, Waoh.
which ia reached only by boat at As
toria, thus causing delays enrouttt.
For additional information ad'res
0 A Stewart, Apt-n 218 Alder .Si
Portland, or J 0 Mayo, G F & P A,
Aatoria, Ore., and ask for Seaside
Souvenir for 1905, containing JO beau
tiful bait tone views of Columbia riwr
and Clatsop Beach scenery.
kinds of mixed fruits
class timothy hay, and can
at market prices.
market for potatoes land
are ready for Shipment, f
FOR REST A f onr room house with
bath. Inquire of B A 8tepheoa, 1601
aixtb atreet.
FOUND A obild'a pnrae containing
soma small change. Call at tbia
FOR SALE The lota and buildings.
Now bringing $50.00 per month rent,
in La Grande, only $3000. Hurry.
G H POWERS, Slater Block.
HOUSE FOR 8ALE, $720. Five
rooms, two 30 ft corner lota, half
cash Inquire at tbia offic.
WANTED Two full blood or high
grade Jersey beilera eight to twelve
montha old. No fancy prices. Ad
dresa atating age and price J K
Care of Observer A-7
FOR SALE 1x5 folding Premo
camera, new tripod, piloting frames,
developing trays and six donble
plate holders . Inquire Model Studio.
FOR HALE House hold furniture,
oomplete outfit. Inquire at La
Grande Cash Store. A 10-17
Real Estate Loans, Any amoanta on
City and Country Real Estate. Loans
closed promptly, aa aoon aa title ap
Spoiled Her Beauty
Harriet Howard, of 209 W 34th at.,
New York, at one time bad ber beauty
spoiled with skin trouble. She writes
"I had Salt Rheum or Eczema for
years, but nothing wonld cure it, un
til I used Kucklen'a Arnica Salve." A
quick and auie healer for cuta, burna
and aorea. 25c at Newlln Drug Co
drug atore
A reward of $50 will be paid by the
Grande Ronde btock Growers Protect
ive Association for the arreptand con
viction of anyone for atealing stock in
Union county.
Signed by the Secretary
Centennial Hotel
RATES-ll per day meala 25cta.
Hpecial rates furnished monthly pa
trons. Mra A E Moroheaon and Miss
O M" Garni proprietor. No
Adama Ave. Phone No 1161
Bids Wanted
The water committee has been auth
orized to receive sealed bids for 200
or more cords ol wood to be delivered
at the city pumping plant. Said wocd
to be four foot in length, of red fir,
pine or tamarack. Bide to be left with
the city reoorder on or before 4 o'clock
p m, August 17, 1905. The committee
reserves the right to reject any and
all bids.
Committee L D REAVIS,
committee w BjUN'ENKAMp
The transfer man.
He will take that trunk to tbe
Depot or your home in less
time than it takea to tell it.
Wagon alwayB at your Hervice.
Charges moderate. Day phone
B 531, nigbt phone R 12.
Contractor and Builder
Dealer in Building Material.
La Grande, Or.
Drop a line, naming woik, and I wil
give tbe right price.
iw i uuu 01 ?our children.
There ia no baby modi- it.e in the
world aa good ae Holllater'a Rocky
Mountain Tm. It mhke. the little
I ....
..ut iiraiuiy ana aativn
cents. Newlin Drog Co.
(Cheerfully Recommended lor
O G HiK bee. Danville. Ill -,.u
.... ' ""WW
" S 'wi ! "About two years ago 1
aa laid up for tour year with rheu
matienj. 1 tried Ballard'a Snow Lini
ment; one bottle cured me. I can
cheerfully recommend it to all snffer
ing from Ilka affliction" 2'kj, 60c i 1 uo
Mawlin Drng Co '
dvcrtisi:mcnts J;
FOR TRADE J Z inch wagons.
Will trade for bay, oats, potatoes) or
other farm produce. Apply to J An
tbony. or address Boa 142, La
Grande, Ore.
FOR BALE Good aeoond band busgy i
will be sold at a bargain Inquire at i
M H Klrtleya livery barn. 'l
FOR 8ALE OR TRADE Good yoong
driving horae. Inquire of Mra. Gol ,
11 than.
FOR SALE A eecond hand aelf bind
er, In fairly! good condition. In.
quire of Mr. Newaome.
WANTED Two Saleman and Collect
or must furnish bond, oall on F W
Neuman at J R Smltba jeweler
atore !hle evening. .
FOR SALE CHEAP Tha beat famtlyV
. oow in La Grande, new 10x12 tent,
kitchen treaaure, oupboare, 10 foot
oak table, bed ateada. aprings,
roattreaa, fruit jara, crooks, etc., eta
Inquire at borne of H O Thomason,
Cor. H and 4tb street.
WANTED Woman or girl wanted for
general Louae work by Mrs Wright.
D Street.
KOR RENT Good six room bouae
on aizth atreet, In old town. Inquire
at this office. i il
WANTED Freeh milch cow. Apply "VM
at tbia office.
LOST 3 year old brown horse branded
quarter circle O on left shoulder.
Had small rope around neck when
laet Been. Will pay suitable reward
for bia return to L D Reavia La
Grande, Ore, or Dave iOlark, Cove
$8.00 Rate To Portland Elk's
The Elks have aecured an $8.00 rata
to Portland and return, for all who
wlah to take advantage of the Elk'w
excursion. Elk Day at the Fair, will
be August 16th, but all wishing to
attandjat that time can get tbe aama
rate. For further particulars, inquire
of Guy MoCnlly, Seo or F 8 Ivanhoe,
Eialted Ruler, or G M Ricbey, Chair
man of Blue' Day Committee.
V hy n ot get your painting done well
when you can hava it cheaper than it
takea for the average dauber to apoil
it? Getnsed to having nice wood
finishing on the Inside of your dwell
ing. Egg ahell and velvet glosa,
"mirror polish" etc. 8 D Kinney can
grain np your old painted rooms and
make the wood like fine, quartered
oak furniture
1433 Adams Ave. La Grande Ore
Notice To Water Consumers
All persons knowing themaelvea to
be in arrears for city water are her.
by notified to call at the offlna nf th.
city Reoorder and aettle at once. In
order that there n,ay be no miaa under
standing we cue tbe customer to
following section 'of tbe
ordinance. This ordlanoe will be
Section 28 The water ratea shall
payable in advance at the oflW of
the water superintendent on tha fir.fc
day ot each month (except for meters
woico are payable on the flrot
or ine succeeding month), aud if
m a
paid within the first ten riava
water will be shut otf the premises,
proviaea in Mectiona 36 and 27.
Later ordinance provides that water
ratea Bhall he payable to City Record
er instead ot Hater Superintendent.
v-r MUSIC,
PROF. DAY. Principle
Tbia of the beat mualcal ln
titutlona In the state. Daring the
yoar 1904 there were nearly Four
thousand lessons given. The people
n this city and valley are begin-
"a .uiecovertliegreat advantage
oftblahool. Tbe.eystem needle
u.a latest and moat praotlcal, and
includes all tbe latest dlacorerlea
in the art ol .
cbool ia divided into two depart.
mental Vm. 1 l.i . .
, 4 Ior oegmnera, from
a year up, and taking in the 1st to
d arades. In thi. a . - .
- - uvyvuneni
illtU .hm. . 1
r vow wis nonr evary
lsNn-itb.rrmdMM from
3 to
, " uy graduate.
t&ka nna n.
Put II.
: vi wu HMini m
week a
ZZJZX?- "in b
Ontmal Ik. c.i.
th. n.arB7" "on our
' ruoos ix
'..A. -4fC
" '1