LUMBER RETAILED AT WHOLESALE PRICES Better Lumber and Cheajier than it io sold in La Grande. We Deliver jt to your Building. Grande Ronde Lumber Co. PERRY. OREGON. When you want GOOD PRINTING Call Phon No. 1371 Printing inhere is a difference " between printing that "will do" and that which is the kiud you That Satisfies vnollw want.. We make a specialty of pleasiug, as we have the equipment with which to produce good printing and printers who understand the, art of printing. There is no order too small or too large to receive our carelul attention. Wf print anything from posters to visiting cards. THE OBSERVER You don't have to hire a Cab in ROOSEVELT MAKES STRONG SPEECH 4 . ft. . icu countries inert tu mw such suapicion leak we should inttrprtt the Monroe Doctrine in tome way tniui ..I tn thai- intaraata. Now let U DC understood onoe lor ell thsl no just end orderly government on this oobm riant hss envthinK to leu frbes as. There ere certain of the republics .nnth of us which bavt already reach ed such a point of stability, order, end oroerjeritv that they ere themselves, althoueh as yel hardly oonscioualy, among the guarantors of this doctrine. No stable end growing American rt- nnhlin ailhli tO BM IOD1I ETC at OOU- Ameiican military power eoqutre ar ritorv in ite neighborhood. It is the interest of all cl ns on this ooutinent that no such event should occur, an! in eddition to our own Bepublio there are now already renublloe in the re gions south of us which have reached a point of prosperity end power tnai enables them to be considerable factors in maintaining this doctrine which ie over, that these' corporations shell agree, with a penalty or forfeiture of their right to engage in such oommtrot to tarnish any evidence of any kind as to their trade between the Btatc when ever to required by the Department of Commerce. MAN AT THE TOP A vital factor In the eocoees of any enterprise ie the Balding Intelligence of the man at the ton, and there is need in the interest of all of ns to en eonrwe rather than to discourage the activity of the loeptlonel men who nlda average men so that their labor NOTICE TO WATER CONSUMERS i Notloe ie hereby aiveu to consumers of OHyWater.that on and after Aug. 7 that the hours for Irrigation will be from.o -J30 p d until " :30 p m A L. RHJHABDSOjj. 1 L O REAVia. V Committee W Q BOHNENKAMP. . 1 Dated at La Grande, thta 7th day of Ana. 1905. ; guide average men so was tnoir oor its j may result la Increased prodaotion of CVCrYDOdY LOOK and the kind which is demanded at the i J J Read THE v. time. Normally we help the wage- worker, we help the man of email meant, bv tasking conditions tuoh that the maa of txotptioual business ability reoeivea a exceptional toward for that ability. But while Insisting with all empha sis anon this, it Is also trot that ex perience bat shown that when there la no governmental restraint or super vision, some of the exceptional men aet their energies, not la ways that are tor the common good, bat la ways which tell against this oommoa good ; and that by to doing they not oaly ran amellar and lees able men nnt, t. ih. -dvanuue of all of us. t whether wage-workers or email pro . . . - u a -.1 . . j .v... ..j.. .n dniwi ana trnaers oui tun. um it must ds nouiniwu mmux. - circumstances will the UoWed Mates " , "rr " " " o.e the Monroe Doctrine at a cloak . fo. for territorial aggression. " ' toootst. There Is need of legislation trusts AND MONOPOLIES to strive to meet toon tbaees, The Beatils a-rooerv oomDanv is bet ter prepared than ever to cell goods cheeper (or oasa Gome an- examine our stock of first olsss groceries. We expect to establish our business on a Durelv cash basis as soon as possible. We know thsl by eo doing we can sen oneaper, ana there by secure more trade and thereby make a greater profit at the end oi tne year. Caab oounit nert. Quality, weight and serviot guaran teed. Crescent Seattle Grocery Co. ZTJNDBL A tAWSON. One of the main featarea of oar national governmental policy tbould be the effort to secure adeqaate and effective supervisory and regulatory Wiwuvt w.a a . aj - doing an Interstate business. Much of the legislation aimed to prevent the evils connected with the enormot develoument of these great torpor atlone has been Ineffective, partly because it aimed at doing to much, and partly because it did not confer on the Government a really emolent method of holding any guilty corpor ation to scoonnt. The effort to pre vent all restraint ol competition, whether harmful or bendclal, hat been ill. tariffed: what is nsedad it not to much the effort to prevent combinati on as a vigilant and effective control nf tha anmhinatione (or men. to ts to eeoore Jnst and equitable dealing on their pert alike toward the publio generally, toward their smaller com petitors, and toward the wage woraers In their employ. Under the present lawt wt htvt In the last four years accomplishsd much that i of substantial value; but the ilimnnUieitn the wav have been to great at to prove that further legisla tion is advisable. Many corporations show themselves honorably deslropa to I obey the lew; but fortnnatnly, tome corporations, and very wealthy onet tt tbat, exbsutt tvery effort which can be suggested by the highest ability, or secured by the most lavish expend iture of money, to defeat the purposes of the laws on the statute books. NO LENIENCY Society Lady T. M. STUBBLEFIELD, Boot and Shoe Maker - ftnt-f OXFORD Vfa JAMES FARQUHARSCN, Prep. Complete ottaant of WINES, LIQUORS . AND CIGARS Cold la dc bee and mixed drills specialty. Fair and Impartial ? treatment to all. Ton art In- vlted to call and set aoaualnted l "rT2i. ) 1 . t a CliAS, Mt -IMT, Proprietor. WINES.4 LIQUORS AND CIGARS Finest collections of stuffed animals on the Pacifio coast, . WMMH MMMMttww mux iium oaiuuu L THORON, Proprietor, riNEBT BSMt r7ii J i Promptly done. Mrs. Olarencs Maokay, a wealthy woman and ont of the moet bttatlfnl mm inai)tnal membara af eoeletv In New York City, waa eleoted a member ol tht school board of the district of Koslyo, Long Island, lattly. Tbit It tut flut Instanot of a toolety womsa nUrtes nolltlct in Stw York City. hnt aha entered it with t vim. In that dlatrlot school tleotlona bed tttracted no attention for years, tht vote gener ally being about 100, end tht young tit member of tht board had held office for 15 yean. Mrs. Maokay woks tht people up, beat one of the oldest m.n.h.M h ota of 2&S for her and 83 for her opponent Dr. Laye, who q00 For Stomach Trouble and WINES, LIQUOIiS Imported and domestic -CI0ABS Hand sewing a specialty LewU building Whan von want a Dleasant laxative that it tear to take end oertsin to act, naa Chamberlain's Stomaoh and Liver I tablets For eale by Newlln Drag Co, bad beta n member of 20 yetrt. . tht board for Constipation WlSumhuUln, fitnmioh ind Liver ickanintf Shivtrintf. Fits iTahiAtt have done me a (treat deal a M.i.ri. r.n ha relieved tood." says C Towns, ol Bat PorUga, ?" i.wi!i-i.i.niihH This I Ontario. Canada.' 'Being a mild phy -i a.naAi.i I .Ia the alUr effect! are not anpleasant it a port, wjuic luiuitiin , v .. - btntfit in malaria, lor itaxtrta a trat and lean recommend them to all who m a I t a - 4 Ban n amae1 AtS ' U Al .-.--.tM inflwisanrs-m An th ntaMaUwi. arlT-1 iBaer irowi wmwu UUIlllTf IMUWW-V- w-a, - - i Hot or cold lunch all hours Jeflcnoa Avbm Opposite Depot ' i I " ! Palace Salora H Teirvik) rwi-fi-rwivp - i ft . . . Fiira WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Always on hand t Jeflaraon Avenaa Ino IS antlral- ont ol tht avtttm. it la mnoh to be preferred to Quinine, having none of thle drug't alter-enecte. B Monday, of Henrietta, Tex., writes "My brothsr was Ttry low with ma. larla fevar and lanndiot. till he took . . ..... .j li. it- cieotno mttere, wniou eavwn At Newlln Drug Co. drug etore; price 50c guarantied. '' We want a carrier boy who rettdes In the OldTown to carry tht Old Town route. tela by Newlln Drng Co. 'he La Salle Street Station "hicago, which is used by trains of the Rock Island Svsrem. is located in the very heart of the citv. less than a block from the Board of Trade; less than two blocks from the Post Qffice; within easy walk ing distance of the principal hotels, theatres and stores. You don't have to hire a cab to reach them. n.iuWi lono' ' ii riiht in front of the nation. Pay e centt, get aboard the elevated, and you are whisked to any part of town you wih to reach. II Let me give, you other reason why you ahould uae the Rock Wand Syttem. There are loti of them. BL CORHAM, Canaral Agant, 1 40 Third St., Portland, Ore. TREASURER'S CALL FOR CITY WARRANTS Notice is hereby, given that there r. now funds on batd to pv all out stanoiun n t0 an,j Funa or vji-"- - Including. No. 8651 eador-dJun. 1-th 19!nterest on all wsrrBnts on water FoTfromNoSlOStoNo .551 inclu sive, cesses .mm this date City Tresauret. If yiwr paper is not delivered as yoi M .lA I-, oleaw notify the Brick furnished "in any quanity or any style. No contract too small or too large. See samples of our pressed brick. GEO. KREIGER La (Irande, Oregon , The Government htt vtry properly exercised moderation in attempting to enforce ttie criminal provisions of tbt statue; but It has beoome our oonvlc tlos that in some oaiee, suob at that of at least certain of tht beef packer! recently Indicted in Chicago, It it I noossible longer to ehow leuleaoy. Moreover If the existing law proven to be Inadequate, so tbst under establish fd rnles of evidenoe clear violation! may not be readily proved, defience of the law must inevltsb'y lead to farther legislation. '. 1 his legislation but be mort dras tic than 1 wonld prefer. It so. It most be distinctly understood that it would be because of the etubborii determina tion of some of the-great combinations in striviug to prevent the enforcement of I he law as it stands, by every devloe leaul and illeaal Very many of tusss men seem to think tbat the alternative is elm ply etween snornHtlng to the mild kind of governmental control wt advocate aud the absolute freedom to do whatever they think best. Thsy are greatly in error. Either they will have to aubmlt to reasonable super vision snd regulation by the national anthorities, or else they will ultimately have to submit to governmental action oft far more drastic typo. Personally, I think our people would be most an wise it they let any exasperation due to the sots of certain great corpora tions drlvt them into drastic action and I should oppose tuoh action. But the oorporatiom tre thtmselvae to blame it by their opposition to what i and Just they foster the popu lar feeling which tells tor saoh drastic action. UNDEit SUPERVISION It ma well be tbat we shall find that the only effective way of txtr- cising thie supervision is to require all.corporatious sngsged in Interstate commerce to produce proof satisraciory any, to tbe Department of Uommoroe, that tbey are ot partiee to any ton tract or combination or tngaged In any monopoly In interetate trtdt In violation of tht aoti trnat law, and that i heir conduot on certain other speoinsd points ie proper; and, mirt- A Grim Tragedy la datlv enacted. In thonesnds of hornet aa Death alalms. la each one. another victim of Consumption or Pneumonia. Bat whtn Coughs tnd Ooldt are prop arlv treated, tht traBsdy it averted. F Q Huntley, of Oakladon, Ind, write! My wife had tbt consumption tnd three doctors gtvt her op. Finally tht took Di. King't New Discovery for Consnmntion. Uoosht tnd Colds -hlnh enrad har. tnd today tbt it well and strong." It kills tbt germt of til diseases. One doee rtlievet. Guar anteed at 60c and SI by Newlln Drug Co., diogilsU Trial bottle free. Croup Ietvloleot .inflammation of the airirtona membrane of tbe wind pipe. which aometlmee txtendt to tbt larnyx aud brooohial tabes; and Ie one or the I most danserous dlseasst of children. It tlmoftt always oomes on in tne nignt (live freouent small doses of Ballards Horahonnd Svruo and apply Ballard's Llnsment externally to the throat iac, 50c, 11.00, Newiin Drng Co agssni 'irataianMBgi .rjacamiMBissi fBSM THE LOUVRE i CHRIS WRIGHT, Prop. I WIIJE5. LIQUORS ) 22. CIQ1R5 Gentlemen alwayi V.'clcomt aaaaii Oppor.U Devot t aaaaaka-9V Br Strut GOOD PASTURE unn aitraa Kmm naatnre. adiolnlna city, Abundantly watered, Cowe iu heard 91.60, dry etock and k.. 1 OR naa mnnth. 8to:k delivered on short notion at reas- prlcet e:. e:. Jones. Phont 1276 La Grande There are many k'uds of meat - . a .tela but we sell onl" -ne beet kina. n trial order will couvince you of the truth of this statement. We kill only the best specimens and kill it correctly. Oar Drices are as low as con sistent with the best quality. Bock & Thomas Eagle Sanj ULRJCH lOTTIS, Prop. -v. '- A FINK . "Ji wines, nQVfias! . and CIGARS I Lunches are . our specialty V i JelTeraon Avenue, OppoaiU depot i,aaaaa--aaasaasss - f r t I w.w..iwf aw m i, MOKDinsi i.f. low, mfi : CITY BREWERY JULIUS ROESCH, Proprietor. FINE WINES LIQU0RJ And tha bsat brtuids ol CIQflRS Always on band . Ulxeu drinks a spMiaJtjr Ask aeelfyou don't get 1U TbJa U a mi tleuien'a reaort and will be rot as at i Largest Brewing Pknt in Eastern Oiegon Ask for La Grande Beer and geAthe Best LA GRANDE BEER IS MADE IN LA GRANDE AND SHOULD HAVE THh IrKEFERENCE 50MMER HOUSE QA Phoiw Main '6-1 NUF SAID ' ' ' . ''i'',y re effect of Chsmbt -: I 1 Liver Tibial e Itt it ' . . l . Tbe laxative rttnmanh and aoie auu so Uttiura vuai ivu , realize It I e tbe (ffaot of 1 B ' For eale by Ntwlm Uriig Uo. h t