La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 11, 1905, Image 1

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    Tonight and Tomoirow
" i
. . ., i i, . . -
ErrfSys Report now in the Hands of the
More Investigations
Scripps News Association
Wanhinoton. Anz. 11 Dr Jacob
Hollander and John Hopkine, who re
cently rttnrned from Santo Domingo
where they were tent as special oom
missioned, will visit other British
possessions to make farther iotestiga-
. . ,
tiona. They will make me rip m ma
cruiaer Gavelstou.
Transfer Convalescents
(By Scripps News Association)
Pan Dieno. ( al . Aug. 11. Definite
srranifemen'a wre made this morning
to transfer 25 o( the benulngton coo-
valeeoente to Mares' Isl the transfer
ta ha made Sunday. The report of
the board of Inquiry will be forwarded
to Washington today or tomorrow.
Scripps News Associrtion
cyrismoato, Aug. 11 it was an
tJunced this morning that there will
be no joint session of the peace envoys
today. The Rasslans will have con
ferences among themselves in their
own apartments daring the day Early
this mornluK Ambassador Rosen and
M Pokotilnf took an automobile ride
aronnd Portsmouth and vie ntty Both
seemed to be in good humor,
Unless sn agreement Is reached by
the peace envoys demands, the exact
terms will not be made public. The
only exception to this determination
will-be, in case of a completed treaty.
Tts due to a taoit understanding
'between the two governments entered
into before the election of Washington
as a meeting place was decided upon.
Russia is msnife ting a disposition to
take the public into fall confidence,
hoping bv this connection that the
rnblio opiniou will force the Japanese
to modify their terms. On the other
hand Japan la disposed to surround
to be made to Rossis if lasting peace
is io be o'oiaiued. Soiom ous etu
baraisment could follow through ex
planations that necessarily would have
to be made to the Mikado's people for
any action taken, it such concisions
were msde and the Japanese people
bad knowledge of the original demands.
It I expected now tht the Rue
sian's answer be given to tb- Jap"
tomorrow morning. All last mghl
private wires were busy sending a draft
of the term to St Petersburg and ex
cbangiog communications with the
tore'gu offio. Wjite announced this
morning that be expects 10 hear from
tbe Czsr before night. The Japs will
then be notified and the convention
called to order again
Train Wreck
I All
Chief Topic of Address is Monroe Doctrine, Which lie
Upholds Strongly
K SmIdds News Association
Columbus, Ohio, Aug 11 The Gold
ii. hl iltornnnn. The
believing it to be to the beet iuterests ( trUlcBirjed tjxty passengers, a num.
uhuu unjau - en state limited was aucueu
the peace negotiations win mystery, .
S kep ignorant of the various pluses
LUd interchanges. The Mikado's repre
leutatlves assert that in a matter of so
great deliraoy and of such grave j
moment to the bellgerent governments
it would net be conducive to a speedy
termination of the questions at issue
to make public the exact conditions oi
peace In view of the possible necessity
and desirability of making modifies
tlons in the ordinal demands, it is
recognized that concessions will have
hor nl htnh ara renorted killed. No
details are obtainable at this time.
Golf Championship
(By Sc-ripps News Association)
Chicago Aug II In the third round
ol itoH today, F C Fooes deleated
Travis ne up. D F rUwyer defeated
A L White tliree up. with one yet to
play. H 0 Egati defeated Herreschol
two with one yet to play.
Chautaqua, Aug. 11. The Presi
dential party arrived on the train at
8:9 and were taken to Hlgglns Hall
for breakfast whloh was cooked and
served bf the TouDg ladles of the
domestio science department, Govern
or Hissing was absent, ceased cv Ill
ness in Lis family. After breakfast
tbe party was driven to the enterance
of the auditorium where the President
delivered one of bis strongest ad
dresses, for manv months, of which
the following is a part.
Today I wish to speak to you on one
feature of oar uatioual foreign policy
and one feature of oar national domes
tic policy.
Tbe Monroe Doctrine is not a part
of international law. Hut It is tbe
fundamental , feature of our entire
foreign policy so tar as the Western
Hemisphere is concerned, and it has
mo and more been meeting with
vuuKg uMua oi iuis neinispnere. i willingness to show that we not ' only
H O Brown, who is In tbe county
all awaitinir the action of tbe Ootober
term of circuit court, made an attempt
to break oat of Jail last evening and
If he bad been unmolested lor a lew
hours more, would have succeeded.
There are eight men at present in
tbe cells and when deputy sheriff Tom
Johnson yesterday afternoon went in
to lock them op for tbe night, be made
the usual rounds to see if they were
all in their accustomed places Brown
and Mcbride occupy tbe same quarters.
McBride stepped inside from tbe cor
ridor to be locked op and Tom thought
be saw Brown lying on the bank as
had been his custom for tbe past sev
eral days, (the why cf it ia now easy
4- Kut' vh.k mam annnoead to
be Brown was a dummy, msde up of recognition abroad. The reaaon why
xt o
M .".'is. I : F
. '
All Good Dressers
' ' WU1 be Interested in looking at the Fall and
Winter suitings and overcoatings snown py
The Royal Tailors, of Chicago and New York. '
We have the complete assortment-nearly
five hundred different styles-something to
fit all tastes and all purses. Thesuitorover
.... vitv will he made to your measure.
'S ' ItwUlfityou. ItwulbestyhshanditwUlcost
" T you less than any other correctly-fitting.
if , rkht-in-style dress proposition that we know
V anything about. We are willing to take
' " ' your .ird and asjume all the risk of satisfy.
ing you ou these points.
Brown's clothes. He staffed his over
alls with bedding, his shoes were in
tbe proper pla e and in fact the entire
makeup was such as to deceive anyone.
However Brown at this time was biding
behind that portion of the jail which
is enclosed and tbe rear Is not visible
from the front.
. Along about eitiht o'clock in tbe
aveninir a) r. Johnson had oocaslon to
return to tbe office and upon meeting
the diputy sheriff of Wallowa county,
invited him to accompany him, and
after showing him the new court house
took him in to see the jail and In
walking around the jail, be stepped on
tome loose plaster, whloh exolted nis
suspicion and he lighted a match and
saw that three bricks bad been re
moved He was not long In making
an exsmination and Brown was not In
his cell uoither did any of bis com-
nnnlnna know here bt WBS. but 10 S
very few seconds he was discovered on
top of tbe steel jail and placed on tbe
inBide. He bad'eut one of tbe blankets
into stripe bout three Inches wide
which he would have uned later to de
scend to tbe ground had he succeeded
in Retting two more tier of brick re
moved. It didn't work however, as
deputy sheriff Johnson foiled bim, and
bla liberty as compared in the past
will undoubtedly be somewhat re
stricted in tbe future.
. -r '
ifc la m aAtlnir with this reoosnltloc Is
beosuse e have not allowed It to be
nma foiiiiized. bnt have adapted our
construction of It to meet tbe growing,
Fossiliiation, of course, means death,
whether to an individual, a govern-1
ment, or a doctrine.
It Is out of ths question to claim a
right and yet shirk the responsibility
for exeroislng that right. When we
announce a doUov snob as ths Monroe
Doctrine we thereby commit ourselves
to accepting the consequences of the
policy, and these consequences from'
time to time alter.
Lit us look for a moment at what
the Monroe Doctrine really Is. It for
bids the territorial encroachment of
non- American powers on Amtrloan
soil. Its purpose Is partly to secure
this Nation against seeing great mili
tary powers obtain new footholds la
the Western Hemisphere, and. partly
to secure to oar fellow republics south
of us the chance to develope along
their own Hoes without being oppress
ed or conquered by non-American
nowera. As we have srown more and
more powerful our advocaoy of this
doctrine has been received with more
and more respect: but what has tended
most to give the rtoctiice standing
msan what we say and are preparea
to back it up, bat that we mean to re-
oognlze our ohllsatlons to foreige
peonlea do less than ta insist upon our
own rights.
We can not permanently adhere to
the Monroe Doctrine unless we succeed
in making it evident in the first place
that wa do not intend to treat it ia
any suape or way as an excuse tor ag
grandizement on our pari at the ex
pense bl the republics to the south ot
oi; seoond, that we do not intend to
permit it to be used by any o! these
republics as a shield to protect that
republic from tbe consequences of its
own misdeeds against foreign nsiions;
third, that inasmuch as by this doc
trine we prevent other nations from
Interfering on this side of tbe water,
we shall ourselves in good faith try to
help those of our sister republics,
whiob need such help, upward toward
peace and order.
As regards the first point we must
reoogvize the fact that in South Amer-
among the nations is our growing
Continued on page 3
(By Scrlpps News Association)
London. Aug U.-Parllament pro
.nirr.ri thia momiDH after the most
ntful session held in recent years
k-ino Edward in a speech touched sev
eral important international questions.
one of which wae concerning tne
Jan war. He said: "It'e my
earnest hope that the Russian and
Japanese peace delegations which were
ineiituted under the initiative of the
President of the United States may
lead to lasting and mutually honoraoie
Ti,iT,rT ihn Norwav and Sweden
i;irna hi MnieetT said "I am
i;uiuyii""" !,.-
nnnfident that by tbe exeicise of wis
.1 mnrieratinn on both Sides
that a satisfactory settlement of their
disputes will be readied".
Everything for the bathof the quality you ought to have
at the price you ought to pay. We sell quantities of
bath supplies, because we keep what people want, and make
the prices right.
Bath Brushes
Toilet Waters
Superb Soaps
If the opportunity to choose from au ample assorment, or
if the savins of monev i& an object to you, we expect to
furnish you bathing supplies.
fWtR liMWt; WWW'S'
'"'(Scrlpps News 'Association)
ew Orloane Aug 11 It was decid
ed late last night that tbe funeral of
Arch Bishop Chapelle would be held
at nine o'clock this morning. The
- - i
city urtsd to keep up its courage
Col Blakelo is circulating bright pla
cards nrgir g cheerfulness. Tbe large
business bouses bave announced that
no employees will be lsyed off, neither
will salaries fce redooed during the
atasnation of business osased by the
nanin atrlcken people and In case of
slokness they will be given fall pay
At New (Means at one o'clock this
afternoon three were reported dead of
fever and twelve new casea.
Banana Famine
d; Aim 11 One efftct ol
th. Unw fever epidemic in New Or-
' . . ....
tpana is alresdy being iei id dui,
but it i nothing that will cause any
.nmehension. There are now no ba-1
.n.. nn the local market," and this,
u (. Shaved ia due to the yellow fever
trruble In New Orleans.
Fiend Burned
(Scrlpps News Association)
Dalles Texas Aug 11 A negro was
...Mtal burned in tbe county court
V-"' - . . . . if
bouee square at Bulpbur springs, nap
kins county, today by a moo wno
4 Wym with a criminal assault
u .I i a " " .
on a white woman.
. riir J B Gilbam Issued a
vasterdav to O t
Sanders and Miss Clara B Bell, both ot
The simple unfermented juice of choice
Concord grapes. A healthy hot Weather
Adams Avenue
Phone 29
r ,
1 v'