La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 10, 1905, Image 4

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1 v
1 L
Having purchased the painting and papering
, tusineea formerl oned by Stackland & McLachlen,
e wish to inform the public tbat we are prepared to
t .ke contracts for all kinds of painting, paperhanging
ead decorating. We are experienced workmen and
guarantee satisfaction. We are here to stay and we
-fcre willing to let our work speak for workmanship,
and the quality for our stock. A trial order solicited.
Until farther notice we will be able to furnish our.
customers with the very best
Black Caps Black Berries Red Raspberries X
; reaches -ch r!!T!S C
And all other seasonable fruits, fresh from the vine T
v" ana
vvJ wfrdacwa r.onrcDV cmnc
O Uoi. l'irand Jefferson 81a
Rigs furnished for parties,
g best carryall
Keep Cool
If jou have uo other way call on the
and secure an
Bates and all pricos
will be explained at
the office
"The man who loves
Is not the one to let
; .. "
t days, in kitchen overheated by a sweltering
)ut out the family wash day. Send your laundry
Saves wood, time and energy. Don't burn up
disposition. Send your linen, all of it to
A. B. C.
PHONE x85l
0. RALSTON, Prop.
First class turnouts fur- D
nished dav or nisrht.
I a i i .
- opucibi accomodation ior g
j commercial men. A
Best service guaranteed (f
Horses boarded by day, J:
week or month. J
funerals and picnics. Tht Jt
in the city. S
Electric Fan
his wife the most.
her roast"
By Bcripps News Association
Christiana, Aug 10. The Terra Nova
steamship which was sent oat on
Match last to relieve the Fiala Artie
expedition, which waa backed by the
late Zeigler, bearing rescued members
found In Frtns Laeef land, waa
sighted off Hoonigsvag. One Norweg
ian seaman died from natural causes.
Flala'i ship America was . era abed la
the toe in the early portion of the
winter of 1903 and four men were loet.
The Deep Sea Diver
The exoerienoe of those who go down
to thtf sea la nothing to tbat of a Deep
Bea Diver. Uow many are there, who
have eeen a diver at work at . the
bottom of the sea, none, w venture to
say, and yet how faalnating must be
the vocation of one who does tbat kind
of wotk. '
Deep ms divert are employed to
sink caissons In bulldog aea walla
and bridges and in submarine work
their servloea are required every
Would you Ilk to tee a'' diver at
work? It can be dorm.
Capt. Louis Boruho and hi. Ho.n u.
divers are with the 8outbern Carnival
Co., and In a huge tank faoed with
neavy plate glass they can be aeeu at
work arrayed la their regulation div
ing suits they show how sunken vessels
are raised, dead bodies recovered, and
in iaoi it ta one of the most Interest
ing eights to witness.
VPt. ooroho, lithe gentleman who
was commissioned by 1 the United
States Government ta fk
the possible cause of the disaster of
the United States battleship Maine,
which was destroyed In Havana liar-
I w. . .
oor. ii was m rough the work the
of Captain Borobo on this occasion
that2C8 bodies were recovered . and
a decent burial.
By all means see this exhibition ,
Another exhibition shut .in
... y.rooa
and amuse is the Craey Hoose, it is
wiuiuui uqddi meiunniest thing you
f Jou win see yourself in a
thousand distorted views aud you will
laugh nntil your eidea ache.
DonH take our word for It, try it.
' 1 ' T f t i '
More Licenses
As the time for grouse bunting
draws neater, the number of hunters
licenses istuwd by the county clerk
grows in number. This morning No
215 was issued and more are coming
in daily.
TLe proceeds of the licenses will be
devoted to the protection of all kinds
of game in the state. '
Insane Over Her Son
Albany Or Aug 10 Mrs Harriett L
Oonnett, ol Sweet Home, waa yester
day afternoon committed to tiro asy
Inm. MrsConnettie the mother of
Ira Coonett, the young man who was
in jail here last, summer, and broke
jail several tines belore be was taken
to the penitentiary lor larceny of a
rille. He is now in prison. The wo
man worried so muob over the short
comings ol ber boy that her mind gave
Post Office Attacked
Soripps New Association
St. Petersburg, Aug. 10. A dispatch
from Radom, Poland, says tbat the
striking mill men attacked the post
olUoe here and killed three officials.
Ten thousand men are Involved.
1 Thirty car loads of oats wanted at once.
We are ready to contract
We are receiving daily
We are in the market for first class timothy hay, and can
use adout 300 tons at market prices.
Remember we will be in the market for potatoes and
other produce as soon as they are ready for Shipment.
Cement Sidewalks and
Foundation work given
prompt attention.
Cellar and Cement work a
Estimates cheerfully furn
ished. All work guaranteed
to stand the test. Refer
ence furnished.
. Office at Foley House.
Hundreds of thousands of people
osa Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea
a a family tonic. If taken this
month it will keep the family well all
the year lfitfaila get your money
back. 35 cents. Newlin Drog Co.
Lawn Social
The ladies of the M C church will
give a lawn sooial Thursday evening,
August 10, at the home of Mrs. B W
Qrandy, corner of 4th and Adams Ave
nue. Ice cream and cake will be
served and an excellent program ren
dered. Everybody oome and have a
good time Aug 11.
We pay highest Market prices for
chickens. Want all you have got.
At oar Warehouse on Jefferson Ave.
O R Cash Co.
Summer Schedule
The summer schedule of the Astoria
& Columbia River Railroad has been
inaugnrated between Portland, As
toria, Gearhart and 8easide in con
nection with special round trip excur
sion tickets to all Clatsop and North
Beaoh points, and trains leave Union
Depot at 8:00 am, daily and run
through direct, arriving at Astoria at
11:30 a m, Oearbart 12:20 p m and
Seaside at 12:30 p m.
The Portland and Seaside Flyer
leaves Union Depot every Saturday at
2:30 p m, arriving at Astoria 5:60 p m
and runs through direct, arriving at
Gearhart 6:40 p m and Seaside at 6:50
p m.
In connection with this improved
service, special round trip season ex
cursion tickets are sold fiom Portland
to all Clatsop and North Beacb points
at rate of $4 00 for the round trip,
good for return pass ge until October
Hpecial commutation ticketx, good
for five round trips, are sold from
Portland to same points for $10.00,
good to return until October 15th.
Saturday special round trip excur
sion tickets from Portland to all Clat
sop and North Beach point on sale
every Saturday at rate of $2.50 lor
round trip, good to return Sunday.
Tickets sold from Portland to North
Beach points are issued in connection
with the O R & N steamers (rom As
toria, and baggage is trausferred to
and from depot and steamer dock at
Astoria free of charge, and all tickets
sold by the O R fc N Co from Port
land to Clatsop and North Beach
points, are interchnngoable and will
be honored on trains ol this company
in either direction between Portland
and Astoria.
Ticket! sold at all O R & N stations
and passengers wishing to go to points
on Clatr-op Beach should so specify, in
order to avc id confusing this popular
resort wilb tuat ol Long Beach, VVanh.
which is reached only by boat at As
tori a, thus causing delays enroute.
For additional information address
C A Stewart, Agent, 248 Alder St.,
Portland, or J C Mayo, Q F & P A ,
Astoria, Ore., and ask for Seaside
Souvenir for 1905, containing !0 bean
tilul half tone views of Columbia rivr
and Clatsop Beacb scenery.
for Pears and Prunes fcr
all kinds of mixed fiuits j
0LASSiriED . dvcrtiscmcnts
FOR RENT A four room house with
bath. Inquire of E A 8tephena, 1601
alxtb street.
FOUND A child's parte containing
some amall change. Call at this
oflice. '
FOR SALE The lots and buildings.
Now bringing $50.00 per month rent,
In La Grande, only $3000. Hurry.
G H POWERS, Slater Block.
HOUSE FOR 8ALE, $720. Five
rooms, two 30 ft corner lots, half
cash. Inquire at this offic.
WANTED Two full blood or high
grade jersey heifers eight to twelve
months old. No fancy prices. Ad
dress stating age and price J K
Care of Observer A-7
FOR SALE 4x5 folding Premo
camera, new tripod, printing frames,
developing trays and six doable
piste holders. Inquire Model Stadlo.
FOR HALE House hold furniture,
complete outfit. Inquire at La
Grande Cash Store. A 10-17
Real Estate IJans, Any amounts on
City and Country Real Estate. Loans
closed promptly, as soon as title ap
Spoiled Her Beauty
Harriet Howard, of 209 W 34th st.,
New York, at one time bad her beauty
spoiled with skin trouble. She writes
"I had Salt Rheum or Eczema for
years, but nothing wonlJ cure it, nn
til I need Bucklen'a Arnica Salve." A
quick and suie Dealer for cnts, burns
and sores. 25o at Newlin Drug Co
drug store
A reward of 150 will be paid by the
Grande Ronde btock Growers Protect
ive Association for the arrest and con
viction of anyone for stealing stock in
Union county.
(Signed by the Seoretary
Centennial Hotel
RATES l per day meals 25cts
Special rateB furnished monthly pa
trons. Mrs A E Murcheson and Mips
C M Garni proprietors. No
Adams Ave. Phone No 1101
Bids Wanted
The water committee has been auth
orized to receive sealed bids for 200
or more cords of wood to be delivered
at the city pumping plant. Said wood
to be four foot in length, of red Br,
pine or tamarack. Bids to be left with
the city recorder on or before 4 o'clock
p in, August 17, 1905. The committee
reserves the right to reject any and
all bids.
Water j A t JP'1
Committee j ft, V AnY
( II BulJM
1'lie transfer man.
He will take that trunk to the
Depot or your home in less
time than it takes to tell it.
Wagon always atyonr Hervice,
(Uiarge8 moderate. Day phone
U 531, night phone R j'2.
Contractor and Builder
Dealer in Building Material,
La Grande, Or.
Drop a line, naming vtotk, and I wjl
give the right price.
Mothers be csrafnl rr .. .
There i. no baby meoMU' T ge
nrd am rsiwl 1 1 n . 1 UO
" - noiiiater'a Rock
Mountain f(,a. It makes the Utile
ones strons. healthv .... ...: V"
cents. Newlin Drug Co. ,i0
Cheerfully Recommended lor
O G Hi bee, Danville. M!
, ih ; -About two years ago 1
a laid np for four years with rheu
matism. I tried Ballard's Snow Lini
ment; one bottle cured me. 1 can
cheerfully recommend it to all suffer
ing from like affliction" 25c 50c i 1 m
Newlin Drug Co .iw
.... ' " I Mil
FOR TRADE "2 Z inch wagons.
Will trade for bay, oats, potatoes or
other farm produce. Apply to J An
tbony. or address Bos 142, La
Grande, Ore.
FOR 8ALE Good second hand bagty
will be sold at a bargain Inquire at
M H Kirtleys livery barn. tf
FOR 8ALE OR TRADF Good young
driving borse. Inquire of Mrs. Gol
lithan. FOR SALE A second band self bind
er, in fairly good condition. In,
' quire of Mr. Newsome.
WANTED Two Saleman and Collect
or must furnish bond, call on F W
Neuman at J R Smiths Jeweler
store this evening. """
FCR SALE CHEAP The best family
cow in La Grande, new 10x12 test,
kitohen treasure, oopboare, 10 foot
oak table, bed steads, springs,
ruattresi, fruit jars, crooks, eto , tto
Inquire at borne of H O Thomason,
Cor. H and 4th street.
WANTED Woman or girl wanted (or
general Loose work by Mrs Wright.
U Street.
KOR RENT Good sii room house
at this office.
WANTED Fresh milch cow. Apply
at this offioe.
LOST 3 year old brown horse branded
quarter cirole C on left shoulder.
Had small rope around neok wben
last seen. Will pay suitable reward
for his return to L D Reavis La
Grande, Ore, or Dave 'Clark, Cove
$8.00 Rate To Portland Elk's Day
The Elks have secured an $8.00 rite
to Portland and return, for all who
wish to take advantage of the Elk's
excursion. Elk Day at the Fair, will
be August 10th, but all wishing to
attend'ai that time can get the same .
rate. For further pai titulars, inquire
of Guy McCully, Sec or F S Ivanboe,
Eialted Ruler, or G M Kichey, Chair
man of Elks' Day Committee.
V hy n ot get your painting done wall
when you can have it cheaper than it
takea for the average dauber to spoil
it? Get used to having nice wood
finishing on the inside of your dwell
ing. Egg shell and velvet gloss,
"mirror polish" eto. 8 D Kinney can
grain up your old painted rooms and
make the wood like fine, quartered
oak furnituie
l i:i:i Adams Ave. La Grande Ore
Notice To Water Consumers
All persons knowing themselves to
be in arrears fur it at ... i,
f " a i a UOI O-
bv notified ta nail at tli r.ffin. ti..
city Recorder and settle at once. In
uii mere luay us no IlIIHR UDder
staiidiug we cite the customer to the
following stction of the city
ordinance. This ordianna will ha in.
Section 28 The wate rates shall be
parable in ad
the water BanflrinUn.lont nn ct.
day of each month (except for meters
hich Ar A nuvnhla A But -i
- . r.. vau v vim lire - tiny
of the succeeding month), and it not
h-.. mum! me nrst ten days the
win uo sum otr tne premises, as
provided in Sections 2i and 27.
Later ordinance provides that water
rates shall be payable to City Record
er insteadot Water Superintendent
vjr MU51C
PROF. DAY. PrinciDk.
MRS. DAY. A..1.1..1
law s ononf th Ujrf i... .
wuMcai in
stitutions in the state. Daring the
n ar lam t
thousand lessons giveo. The people
.- uu vauey are begin
mg to discover th 7.
,. , sysiem nsed is
lie latest and most practical, and
includes all the latest discoveries
in the art of ti..hin.
- uiuaiu. xos
chool is divided into two dsoarU
' "or Mginnera, from
Ml All (0
Jrd grades. In thi. a
uu. inn iitim, i. ,i. ... .
he 1st to
- ueyaroneni
II m la AnntA - a.
uuo noar trrr
In niL. . '
from 3 ti
ate. FoDll
la. Here they graduate.
the delra M
a week a
v suuiiin i
permitted to remain in thU
wto do not study.
vtll b
.S?8 ....