i,'' r-' PROFESSIONAL CARDS PHYSICIANS DR. A. L. RICHARDSON, Physician and Surgeon. Cflios OTttr Hill's Prnf Blot. Office Phoo 13c Residence Phone 5U h.KLHCF M. D.' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Corner Adams avenue and Depot BU Office Phone 234 Residence Phone 681 WILLARD SMITH PHYSICIAN AND, SURGEON Phone.,711 lls bidding, oppoklte Bommer Hooae Office Boora, I to J, T to 8 BACON & HALL, YSICIANS AND SURGEONS Office In Foley building, phone 1191. C. T. Bacon, Residence Pbone 119, M. K. Halt, tesldmoe 2121 DRS. BIGGERS & BIGGERS ruysieiana and Surgeons O W Blggers, M. D. Geo, U Biggers, II. D Telephone Office 121 Reslttenee 1681 -. QfOoe4 Rslston Bnlldlng over J. M. Berry's Store, kaildenoe on Madison AVe, second door west of former residence, Or. G W.itlggcrs Im GRANDE - OREGON Profeuional calls promptly attended to day or night. DENTISTS REAVIS BROS. DENTISTS. . Office Summer Building Office Pbone S I Residence Pbone 117 i C. B. Cauthorn DENTIST Office Over Hill Drua Store La Grande, Oregon R. L. LINCOLN DENTIST Up stairs, Cot Adams avenue and Depot BU , Pbone s- VETERINARY SURGEON Dr. F A CHARLTON VETERINARY SURGEON, Office at A T II ill's Drug Store La Grande, Oregon Phone 136 - Residence phone red 701 Farmers' line 58 DR. W. T. D3WNE3. VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Leave orders at Red Cross Drug store Residence Cor otb and I si Thirty five vears experience, beat of reference furnished ATTORNEYS CFAWrOKD & CRAWFORD Attorneys-at-Law LA GRANDE, OREGON Y tic in Foley building. J. W KNOWLES Attorney and Counsellor At Law Office in Ralston Bnlldlng Pbone 156 La Grande Or. H.T.W Minnie a. C. Williams WILLIAMS BROS. ATI ORN EYS-AT-LAW Qfflo In Ralston Bulldlug Pbone 1O5 La Grande, Or. L. A. PICKLER Civil, Mining, Irrigation Engineering tnd SurvtyinU Efetlmutea, l'liiun, mni AiieolflYallons. Office 1110 Adums Avenue, Willi Jchn E llo igh LA UKANliK, OttKUuN Lod&e Directory. auVGLtJA La (nana. Air e ,y K O h, mm'U every rtundnjr owhl iu H ot I- liall ' 8 i m Vuittnn breltieiu Icilad t- aiiuu-.. J, A. Mnlolt, W. P. J . K. 1'ollOik, W. . i O O K 1 Or.iUilo U)di', No if. n eel. l (heir ball every haturdsy niylit. VliHiug u.rui ara nirdiallv Inriled to atU'inl. (eii'iery flat cau be aeeu at ottice of City Recorder. o Robertson. N H.K. Oooi.dge.f'eo. STARKNt AMl'MKNT No SI, I. O. O. K, meet, every first and third Thursday. In the snontn In (aa reiiitw. iihu. ti.mug pmri areli always welroine I. U. buooa, C f. Kdiiiond Boblnwn. Bcrlbe EASTERN STAft OK Hope Chapcr So ISuieu liu. seouu aua lounu enne.uaf ut jacu montn at j:aup in in sionic icmpie Memo Aldrlcli, W M Mary A Wstniek. 6e M. W.A. La Oraudetaiup o. TTttt tnrrm ecry firat o third Wevlnent.iy of the month at 1. 0. 0. r. Hall. All visitu g uel. h bur. are cordially Invittsi to attend. t. KwJcnd, V, C. John Hall, yUrb. rOREMTKKH OK AM riUICA t'ourt M.ld Wuion, No SI Meets eat0 HiuMd.y night in jk of r halt. iMvlue. are luviieu u aiiena. '1 B TlllMin. t'hlel K.ncer. CD Williams, Kin. See r"' pi irutie ir.u i ittsgera, John n.i ltd Uerfcert 1 atttsoa La Grande Evening Observer Currey Bros., Ed's and Prop. Published daily except Sunday Teurseday, August 10, 1905. Entered at the Poet Office at La Urande, Oregon, y m Second Class vail Matter. One Year in advance 18 50 Six months in advance .... 3 50 Per month 65c Single copy , 5c ADVERTISING RATES Display Ad rates furnished noon application Local reading notices I0t per line first mer- tlon, ie per line fur each subsequent lnser- tion. Reaolntionsof condolence, sorer line. tar as of thanks, 5c per Una. Ihe great majority of the thousands of eastern people who are now coming to the coast are pleased witn this county and many will return, later, to mike their homes with us. The Lewis and Clark fair is now in the beginning of the bight of its glory. Those who have .nade a careful study are gratified in the results, that is, from its conception it has been a question whether or not the fair would draw people from the east to our shores. From the very opening day uutil now the percentage of eastern visitors has steadily increased aud the transportation compauies state hat September will be' a still greater attenduuce. The great majority of these tourists are h'r for the purpose of viewing the west, in which they have entertained a future hope of possibly at some time or other making their homes. The west needs more people aLd there are thousands of people who can do better in this new country thin they can in the old settled communities in the east. The opportunity for Union county to prtsent Iter resources to thousands of people who are anxiously lookiug over the west is here, not will bo. Oar exhibit at the fair is now being viewed daily by hundreds. At the begining of the fair our exhibit did not do Union county justice, from the fr.ct that unless pre parations are made the preceed ing year we have very little to exhibit during the months of June and July. From this time on until the close of the fair. which will be October 15, Union county can make a showing of her varied resources second to no county in Oregon, and while this is a strong statement it is a true one. THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES Unless all signs of the times are misleading and delusive the people aie going to be far more nquisitive into the integrity of men they vot6 for than in ti e past. A very considerable pro portion of tbe voters in all political parties areiu full sym pathy with the moral wave that is now roiling over this uiition, Bnd uot only hope, but confiden tly believe it has come to stey, aud are anxious and willing to do all that is possible to render it abiding with us permanent. Voters iu tbe future, more than in tbe past, will have to be satisfied that a pereon is honest. and has strength of character of a degree that he can be relied on, under all circumstances, r.ul in the presence of all kinds of temptations, to do the right and bouorable thing or they will uot cust their vote for him. There are inauy members in each political party that will vote for men in the party whose creed they have never endorsed, in preference to one belonging to their own party about whose integrity they have doubts. Patriotic men, no odds what party they beloDg to, feel that aa nonest man in the opposite party is far safer to the general good in a high place in our state or nation, than one of a thadowy character, though of bis own Party, and eucb will vote in obedience to tneir own con sciences and endeavor to do the best they can for the honor and good of their country. Sickening Shivering Fits of Ague and Malaria, can be relieved and cured witb Electric Bitters. Tbii is a pare, tonic medicine; of especial benefit in malaria, for it exerts a trne curative influence on the disease, driv ing it entirely Out of tbe system. It la mncb to be preferred to Quinine, having none of tbii drug's after-effects. E S Monday, of Henrietta, Tex., writes "My brotber was very low witb ms laria fever and jaundice, till he took Electric Bitters, which saved bis life." At Newlin Drug Co. drag store; price 60c gaaranUed. -VISIT THE- Lewis and .Clark EXP0SIT1 ON . To be held at Portland, June I to Oct. J 5, 1905. TAKE A TRIP TO CALIFORNIA Through the Williamette, Umpqua and Rogue River Valleys, of Western Oregon pass Mt. Shasta, througi the Sacramento Valley to th. many famous resorts on tbi line of the SOUTHERN PACIFIC 1.1). For beautifully illustrate; booklets, descriptive of Cali fornia resorts, address, W. R. C0MAN, Gen. Passr. Agt. Portland, Or. OREGOJV SUQftfTLlM aIMonPaciw DEPART Time Bchcdnl . LA GBANDK. QR I' ROM No , Hall Lake, Dener. Kt. No 1 S sOptn Worth, Omaha, Kan- SMiam No 6 sas City, Bt. Louts, Chi- No j 8:110 a. m. cago aud task tM a m Not " Portland. Dalle, Pen dleton. Wall. Walla, Vo9 1 my ton, Poineroy, Col Sum) am. fax, Momow, Spokane. oo5Dm and points erst and ' p ra north viaHpokar.e , Portland, Dalles, Pen. dleton, Umntilla, Wal So 5 lula, LewUton, folia i, No M.Kt)r, WallHce, Var- 84 p. m. ner, Spokane and other 8;30 a m point, east and north via WpokMno No. 83 aland City, Aiicel, Ini Diilly ex- hier aud . .giu. Con- No ill ceid ue tiooa at EU t: w th titiodav -ta-t lor point, in 6:30 pm 9:Uatu own. , M- Uiean Mteamen between 1 ortiand aud Sau Francisco every &e d lyn. '!. a ,1". YOU If y-fr tl.'kiMa r-ad and Klo tliiin.-, kail, Ltneol the un id ' lite rVnvcr I n '(itieiiio there are.o nmiu ,-ciilc ill' a , unit point of iimrisi lonu th le tw'i itvd. l; ;,nd IVnv. r I mt ,111 w i never beiH.ii.c tinonu- IfyoitxreKolit st, write 'or a:nr. tiiMtion and m t a u-tl bo tl.nl Hill , tell you all about 11 W C McBRlDfc, A.tnt, 124 Third Si Po-tlarri ' r r J. R. OLIVER. UNION COUNTY ABSTRACTS . .farm Loans a Specialty Bestequipjed nt-tracter in Union couuix Many years experinn with the Union count v records gives me a great advent age. It is folly io pur chase realpsttt'f without 6rst securing n proper abstiact. An abstract from my office will ehw the title just as it sopears ou tbe officio i record. ). R. OLIVER, LA GRANDE, OREG ,N Room 31, Sommer Bdlg. E C DAVIS President J H CHILDH e-ec. and Trras. BLUE MOUNTAIN MARBLE AND CRANITt CO. LA GRANDE OREGON Complete assortment of fin est marble and granit al ay s on hand. Estimutes cheerfully furnished upon applicati u. Headstones and Monuments A Specialty NEW SECOND HAND STORE All kind of second hand goods bought and sold , CEO. GROUT, Prop, 209 Fir St. bet. Adama aaJ Jefferson G. E. FOWLER Truck and Transfer Wood and Coai Phone 1611 All order given prompt attantiou. RED FRONT LIVERY BARN Wm. Smith, Prop Safe and reliable rigs furn at all times. Special ac comodations furnished to commercial traveler?, Phone. 3-5 WM, SMITH FEED STORE Hay, Giain and feed. Fiee delivery to all parts ef the city. Mountain trade a specialty. Phone 1961 Horses, harness and wagons bought and sold A Grim Tragedy isduilv enacted, iu thousands of homes as Death alms, Id each oue, auothtr vii-tim of ConBuaiption or Pneumonia. But when Uougba aud Colds are prop erly treated, tbe tragedy is averted. F G Huntley, of Oakladon, lud, writes 'My i(e bad tlie coneuniptiou and three doctors gave her up. Finally she took Di King's New Discovery for Coneurrptiou, Coughs and Colds which cured ber, and today she is well and Urouz." It kills the germs of all diseases. One dose relieves. Guar anteed at 50o and SI by Newlin Drug Co., (linguist. Trial bottle free. UftlC ACID In the blood causes Rheu matism.Sdatica, Lumbago, Neuralgia and Gout. You can remove the cause by wearing one of our " i p- V OUCI lim A-rir ssi sa-vivm I RINGS Manufactured by the Rt- Rheumatic Ring Co.. ilitttorj, Coivciicut. Prici $2.00 sco at J. R. iir;', i f itmi'trrtmif r yyi'iirrTrrr-vTTTTPi f v. -- -- -- - TWO PIECE SUITSB "Men's two piece suits grow in favor constantly. NfeWlier comfort nor gentility demand a vest for summer wear Tbe vest h s no function when the thermometer says 99 degrees, We've Coat and Trouser Suits in Single and Double Brested stv'es in a varity of patterns, you'll find there's NOT AN OUNCE of superfluous cloth anv wliere, while th jfratefnl lines aud natty appeprance of the garments are up ta our usual and ncellent standard $7.50, $9.00, Is the pric range, accompanied by our regular guarantee f ASH BROS. 500 ACRE FARM FOR SALE This farm is only 15 miles from La Grarde, on the Elgin branch of the O. R, &, N. Railroad, at the Rinehart spur. It will make several good homes, aud will be sold in sartll tructs if desired. There are three different young bearing orchaids, and tw good houses on the place. In a good school district free from debt. Terms easy. Address, HENRY RINEHART. SUMMERVILLE. OREGON. Or call at the farm for full particulars. ICE CREAM SODA It will pay you to walk a block to get the best Ice Cream Soda It costs no more. We are better prepared than ever to stop your thirst and RELIEVE THAT TIRED FEELING. We have only the best crushed fruits aad piuVV rock candy syrups. Our ice cream is made fiom pure cream and is the best. Let us show you. A. T. HILL Prescription Druggist LA GRANDE, OR I A rn A Utrvr Ltt IKUiN WUKK3 Complete Machine Shops and Foundry l General Blacksmith. Horse Shoeingiand Wagon Woik H Manufacturer of The.FiUgerald Roller pJeJ S m U Indigestion With its compauious, heart bum, flatulence, torpidity of the liver, con stipation, palpitation of the heart pior blood headacb- and other neivous symptons, sallow ekin, foul t0ngue offensive brtath and legion of other ailments, is at ojt-e the most wide spread and destructive malady among the AmtTiiao people. The Uerbine treatments will cure all these troubles. 5oc bottle Newlin Drug Co Boarding and Rooms People rUjtiDg Portland fair and wanting good b ard snd rooms at teas onable pi ices, call on or address Mrs B Bartholomew, 250 LMion street' Pcrtlau1 Augutt 8 4 1 r $10.00 and $12.50 OUTFITERS IU MANKIND g.'lBtaByi inAii . . . . Baseball Players and Foot Racers Louis J KrnKer, ex-champion Hkv distance foot racer of Germany 24 Holland, write Oct 27 1901; "During my training of eight weeks' foot races at salt Lake City, in April last, T used Ballard's Sluow Liniment to my great est satisfaction. Therefore, I reiom mend Snow Liniment to all who are troubled with sprains, bruses or rheu matism." 23c, 50c, 1.00 bottle. Mew lin Drug Co. L.Kli NOTICE x-noi.e Ked on, Old Town store for wood (30 days time given). Cheapest Groceries and Provisions In the city. New stock and fall line of fetid. Dted La Graude, Ore., July 26. l eP- 1 E J ATKLNSd 2 Y t r in 3 i i r ---h63j;;j f2? J v - I ' " ' . 1