La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 09, 1905, Image 4

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1 s
v1 t PRCFE'
x ) c
' TT
ving purchased the painting and papering
bus: g former! otned by Stackland & McLachlen, ? q
we h to inform tbe public that we are prepared to
tab mtracta for all kinds of painting, paperbanging
and 'corating. We are experienced workmen and
gua.lteeBatiefaction. We are here totayiand we
are llling to let our work speak for workmanship,
rfuulje quality for our stock. A trial order aolicited.
For Union
Until further notice we will be able to furnish
customers with the very best
The Grande Roode Eleotiio Com
tanv bave placed tbe order for tbe
necessary eaulpmenl to furnish light
end power to Union. Work is expect
ed to commence within ten days end
the system eoropleted withia tbe next
90 days. . When, Union U connected,
tbie will make Cote, Hot Lake, Island
City, La Grande and Union all reced
ing light and power from tbie one
company. Ten yean ago, who would
bate thought of little Gove creek mov
ing the wbeeii nearly all over tbe val
ley. Within sixty days however, the
Morgan Lake power will come to tbe
rescue with an additional Wt borie
nnwr. and when thii is exhausted
the Minatn will be' called upon with
nntimitad tower to meet future de
J W Cook In City
Cement Sidewalks and
Foundation work given
prompt attention.
Cellar and Cement work
Estimates cheerfully furn
ished. All work guaranteed
" V; ,i Black Caps Black Berries Red Raspberries j A
:'- Peaches Peach Plums -O
to stand tbe test, iieiei
ence fumisbed.
Office at Foley House.
bath. Inquire ot
sixth street.
00m booae with
8tepbena, 1C01
FOUND A obild'i
tome amall chsi
office .
bane containiit
Call at tbie
Now bringing
in La Grande,
i and bolldlnts,
per month rent,
13000. Horry.
US, Slater Block,
tx-nA 11 ntVor cMcrmaMp fruits, fresh from the vine'
i&U4 HI WfcAW. w-' J
' a .
. ts . ana ncc
Ojoi. Fir and Jefferson Sta. , O. RALSTON, Prop.
a ' I . Y.
W Jll aWI. bl f tall ' -
Firtt class turnouts fur-1
niaVtnrl rlav or night. i
w o
J W Cook, president and manager
of the Wallowa Valley Railway 00m
pany, waa in the city last evening
having oorae up on sue naiu nu j
ana returned ui woi-mug vu
earn train, being In tbe city on bual-
neaa connected with hla propoeea line
Mr Cook feeli oonndsnt tbat nia
auit with the O, B. & N. for right ol
way title will result in a victory for
him when they oome to trial and that
hli road cannot help but go tnroogn
Lr Jmanh nroDoaed. No date haa
vat been eat for tbe bearing but all!
nndonbtelr come up before the court!
in the nettr future and the true owner
nf tha rlaht of WAV In diBUUte will DO
Hnnnmli of thousand! ol people
ose Holllater'a Rocky Mountain Tea
a family ionic.
month it will keep tne lamiiy won
tbe year 11 it lane gei juur j
baok. 30 cenia. pewim iu v.
Lawn Social
The ladiea of the M church will
give a lawn eoolal Thnraday evening,
Auguat 10, at the borne ot Mra. B W
Grandv. corner of 4th and Adama Ave
nn. 1m nraam and cake Will OB
served and an excellent program ron
AnJ P.DorwKnrlv now 1 end hBVO a
uvi w. 4 j
Boodtime Aug 11.
U7a mr klirhiiRt Market orices for
cbickena. Want all you have got
At onr Warehouse on Jefferson Ave.
HOUSE FOE ILE, f 720. Five
rooms, two 301 corner lots, half
nigh. Inautrelthis otflo
grade jersey
months old.
dress stating
1 1 blood or high
rs eight to twelve
fancy prices. Ad-
I and price J K
Observer A-7
as, Any amounts on
Real Estate. Loans
i soon as title ap-
ntion for
i"""" . 7 I
commercial men.
Best service guaranteed
Horses boarded by day,
week or month.
Rigs fumisbed for parties, funerals and picnics. Tbe
ry , oem, carry an iu tuo vij.
An Extra
Keep Cool
If you bave no otber way call on tbe
and secure an
There Is a general demand throngb
out tbe eastern section of thla state
that Hnrlnff the rnah to the fair at
least, that the O R & N Co, put on
local between Huntington and Port
land. This would relieve not only
the travel but through traffio as
well. Several of tbe commercial or
ganiiation along tbe line have taken
the matter ud with 'the railroad and
action from the La Grande Commer
cial olub would certainly be in order.
Large Motor
The fifteen horse power eleotrio
motor which has been ordered for sev
eral days for tbe Grande Ronde Cash
Go, is expected to arrive soon. Here
is another case where electricity has
supplanted steam, and this firm will
have their feed mill in readinese for
the new crop.
1 l t Vv .
Bates and all prices
will be explained at
the office
Electric Fan
"The man who loves his wife the most
Is not the one to let her roast"
L 4 i. J ' '
iA 4 hot davs. in a kitchen overheated by a sweltering
M. ,.V. iaG . , ., , , a.l ..- 1, .. . . .i
vei ti.M ,.nd .Cut out the family wash uay. aena your isunury
iktmut .. HtiHiijrif a.Tes wood, time and
Summer Schedule
The summer schedule of tbe Astoria
& Columbia River Railroad has been
inaugurated between Portland, As
toria, Gearhart and Seaside in con
nection with special round trip excur
sion tickets to all Clatsop and North
Beach points, and trains leave Union
Denot at 8:00 am. daily and run
through direct, arriving at Astoria at
11 -3d m. Getrhart 12:20 D m and
Seaside at 12 :30 pm.
The Portland and Seaside Flyer
leaves Union Depot every Saturday at
2:30 p m, arriving at Astoria 5 :&U p m
and runs through direct, arriving at
Gearhart 6:40 p m and Seaside at G:b0
n m.
In connection with this improved
service, special round trip season ex-
oorsion tickets are sold fiom Portland
to all Clatsop and North Beach points
at rate of $4 00 tor tbe round trip
good for return passage until October
Special commutation tiokeis, good
for five round trips, are sold from
Portland to same points for fib 00,
good to return until Ootober 15th.
' Saturday special round trip excur
sion tickets from Portland to all Clat
sop and North Beach points on sale
every Saturday at rate of $2.50 for
round trip, good to return Sunday.
Tickets sold from Portland to North
Beach points are issued in connection
with the O R & N steamers from As
toria, and baggage is transferred to
and from depot and steamer dock at
Astoria free of charge, and all tickets
sold by the O R & N Co from Port
land to Clatsop and North Beach
points, are interchengoable and will
be honored on trains of this company
in either direction between Portland
Heal Estate
City and Coun
closed prompt!
LA OR a:
Harriet Uo
New York, a
spoiled with
'I had 8alt
veara. but
til I need Itf n's Arnica Salve." A
nnick and siueaier lor cnu. burns
nd sores. latNewlin Drug Co
drug store
Her Beauty
I, of 209 W 34th Bt
time bad her beauty
trouble. She writes
leum or Jozema for
ig would core it, nn-
A rewarp" will be paid by the
fimnilft Rl Stock Growers Protect
ive Assoc!" for the arrest end con
viction olfne for stealing stock in
Union c
Igned by the Secretary
ennial Hotel
RATlV par day meals 25cts
Hpeoialp furnished monthly pa
trons. A t Moroheson and Miss
O M n proprietors. No
AdamtJ Phone No 1101
be transfer man.
take tbat trunk to tbe
or your home in less
liau it takes to tell it.
always at your nervice.
lea moderate. Day phone
nigui pnone it VI.
No Bread
By Scrippa News Association
New York Aug 9 A bread famine
in the Jewish district is threatened
by a strike of Hasher bakers which
has become general. Numerous dis
turbances are reported.
FOR SALE 4x& folding Premo
camera, new tripod, printing frames,
developing trays and six double
piste holders . Inquire Model Studio.
ractor and Builder
ller in Building Material.
La Grande, Or .
. line, naming work, and I wit
give the right price.
Jiim H,i!l, Cl,
disposition. Send your linen, all of it to
Don't burn up
I r 1 i tt t .: I .U
A.B. C.
lj Thirty car loads of oats wanted at once.
We arc readv to contract for Pears and Prunes fc
futuae delivery.
ji We are receiving daily all kinds of mixed fruj
1 '
M We are in the market for first class timothy hay, and
In use adout 300 tons at market prices.
M Remember we will be in the market for potatoes
(C-l ii it . CKinr
jgj omer proauce as soon uy ib imj
anu aoii. i. . .
Ticketi sold at all O R A N station 'CKening ihivenng Fits
and passengers wishing to go to pointlne and Malaria, can be relieved
on Clattop Beach should so spicily, iifMired with Electric Bitters. This
order to avt id confusing this ropul1ure. nic medicine; of especial
resort with t'uat of Long Beach, W aHlJat ln malaria, for it exerts a true
which is reached only by boat at Ar,ve lnceon the disease, driv-
toria, thus causing delays enroute. t ""t,,, on of system, it
i jj lucn be preferred to Quinine
For additional Wormatur Ad'U none of Ibis drug's atte.euct.
O A Stewart, Agent, 21 I Alder j MaDlUyf otUmtJ T
Portlsod, or J O Mayo, Q F & Ply brother was very low with ma
Astoria, Ore., and ask for SeaJa fever and jaundice, till he took
Souvenir for 1905, containing i?0 bfictric Bitters, which saved his life."
tiful half tone views of Columbia rjNewliu Drug Co. drug atore; price
. . n . a ffflArnnt.1
anri ciatann KAicn soenerv. m
r -
la a violent 'inflammation nf tk
lucous membrane of tbe wind pipe,
Tilob BOinetinina aitanil. f a h i
vw i a I ii y A
id bronchial tubes; and is one of the
ost dangerous diseases of children,
t almost al
,.u ,u ui,;
lve freaiient anmll H.noi n un i
lorehound Syrup and apply BalUrd's
luouiPQi fiiernaii? to toe throat 25c
ir 1 1 nn K.Diii. '
' uu uruj w)
FOR TRADE ? inch wagons.
Will trade for bay, oats, poUtoes or
otber farm produce. Apply to J An
tbony, or address Boa 142, La
Grande, Ore.
FOR BALE Good second band buggy
will be sold at a bargain Inquire at
M n Klrtleya livery barn. tf
driving horse. Inquire of Mrs. Gol.
11 than.
FOR SALE A second band Belt bind
er, ln fairly; good condition. In,
quire of Mr. Newaome. '
WANTED Two Saleman and Collect
or most furnish bond, call on F W
Neuman at J R Smiths Jeweler
store (his evening. --
FOR SALE CHEAP Tbe beat family
oow in La Grande, new 10x12 tent,
kitohen treasure, onpboare, 10 foot
oak table, bed steads, springs,
mattress, fruit jars, crooks, etc., etc
Inquire at borne of H O Tbumason,
Cor. H and 4th street.
WANTED- Woman or girl wanted lor
general Louse work by Mrs Wright.
U Street.
KOB BENT Good six room bouse
on sixth street, in old town, inquire
at this office.
WANTED Fresh milch cow.
at this office.
L08T 3 year old brown horse branded
quarter oirole C on left shoulder.
Had small rope around neck when
last seen. Will pay suitable reward
for bis return to L D Reavis La
Grande, Ore, or Dave ;Clark, Cove
$8.00 Rate To Portland Elk's Day
The Elks have secured an $8.00 rate
to Portland and retnrn, for all who
wish to take advantage of the Elk'e
excursion. Elks Day at the Fair, will
be August 10th, but all wishing to
attendjat that time can get tbe same
rate. For further paiticnlars, Inquire
of Ouy MoCnlly, Seo or F 8 Ivanboe,
Eialted Ruler, or G M Riohey, Chair
man of Elks Day Committee.
Why n ot get your painting done well
when you tan bave it cheaper than it
takes tor the average dauber to spoil
it? Getnsed to having nice wood
finishing on the inside of your dwell
ing. Egg shell and velvet gloss,
"mirror polish" etc. S D Kinney can
grain up your old painted rooms and
make the wood like fine.
oak furnitme . i
1433 Adams Ave. La Grande Ore
Notice To Water Consumers
All persons knowing themselves to
be in arrears for oitr water
by n itifled to call st the office 'nf tha
city Recorder and settle at once. In
order that there n.ay be no miss under
stauding we cite the customer to the
following section !of tbe cltv
ordinance. This ordianoe will t tn .
Section 28 The
payable in advance at the office ot
the water superintendent on tha n..f
dav of eaoh month (except for meters
which are payable on the firBfc .lo
ot tbe succeeding month), and if not
pia within the first ten days the
water will be shut off the premises, as
provided in Sections 20 and 87.
Later ordinance provides that water
rates shall be payable to Clly Record
er instead ot wBter Superintendent
(Cheerfully Recommended lor
U U UlKbee. Danvil a. Ill
- - vet IbCB
weo z, ivui; -About two years ago I
was laid up for four tutb a ik .i.
ruatism. 1 tried Mallard's Snow Lini
meut; one bottle cured me. I can
cheerfully recommend it to all suffer
ing from like alIllction"l25ol 50c, l.oo
Newlin Drug Co '
Mothers be careful of your children.
There is no baby medkine in the
world good as liolllster's Rocky
Mountain fee. It makes the little
ones strong, healthy and active. 35
eenta. Newlin Drug Co.
PROF. DAY. Principle.
MBS. nAV A..:.... i
u., onoor cue best musical in
stitutlona In tbe state During the
TlJir IQfU ! "
. , """" ny roar
thousand lessons given. The people
in this cit and ..ii rf
" muvj mi oainn.
iug to discover th. .a 7
of thi. k. mir. " -"
t .m need is
lie latest aud most praotical, and the Utest discoveries
u mi ui ajsHinin(S) mm-i-
school is divided into two depart
ment; NO. 1 lS fllr hAolnn.
years no. and takino i. . . .
, - a in llt tQ
3rd grades. In departm4n,
Itnn 1ft Anm. . -
In Nn. a th. - '
is ifL I u" "om 3 to
Jo. Here they graduate Pnr.ii
Uke one or twS leeW.wi?kp,J!
tbey desire. No scholars will
Derm tlx! l 7l , "7. will br
WU doTot .tady" "W Khoo
OniKMliU th. CI
'V. .... , , l.
V..; - , i.. rVjX