rifcaawj . " S D lis LUMBER -RETAILED Al- WHOLESALE PR1 ES Better Lumber and Cheaper than it io bid in La Grande. We Deliver it to vour Bllimr - r- COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS Grande Ronde Lumbeilco. PERRY, OREGON. I " When t you want GOOD PRIIflNG Call Phon No. 1371 T Printing That (TFuere is a between Satisfies k re nee Plting that "will do" i that which is the kl you' really want. I We make a ehlty of pleasing, as wfave the equipmentjith which to producod printing and prs who understand tjjrt of printing. 1 There is no ordi small or too larc receive our car attention. We print any t h Irom posters to visil cards. August Twin The various applications for county aid were granted and allowed M fol low. George May .f, 8 00 1 1 T aneaeou IS 00 D W Sowder in on John Hildeibrand 8 00 ibe petition olDrOU Bamsd.ll to change the location of certain count ruwia wa continued lor ins term. To the matter of the county road petitioned for bv B V Harrali tk. report of the county road viewers was f . . . ma on two different days of aid term and approved, and il waa ordered tbat aaid road.be opened and plaoed In repair lor travel. The county road petitioned for by Dillie Randall el al waa continued for ine term. The petition of William Miller tak ing for tlie vacation of certain street in Riverside addition to La Grande, was granted upon its being approved oj toe uounty surveyor. Tbe bonds of Ira Hart nra - - j Rinehart and Jess Spencer, supervisors of road district Mo fi. 11 and 2ft .. spectively, were approved. In the matter of tbe county road petitioned for bv J W Uninmina. ak al and il waa ordered Ibat Ihia naiur ha continued for the term, and the Another Electric Motor The 8toddard Umber Co, ordered fifteen bone power electric motor to supplant their iUm nitni ., -m - wm wttl make the change upon iU arrival. Hare ! an eiaa.pl which shows the superiority of eleotrie no... steam. With out eJoaelv an,i.in. .)-. . . : ' " ""iwnimi IB ft Cl&Inn Mm oaM be cheaper than any other power eepeciaiiy when tbe fuel used was cnie.lv tbe ehavln l r.i . L ... " " - miu. Tuoee who are mmnmUUA with the boslneaa ahll!t u. c.j M mmm DWI dard know full weU that there was aaving or he would never would hare uewuv ui coangt. Ready For Money (Borippe News AaaooUtion) Denver. Aaa. a Al Mr I. mm -'- O'clook thia mnrnino tK. ... iua Sua commercial depositore nf tbe . Denver Having Bank formed in a Hoe and by 8. folly five hnndrad ...i.i - w-.w WMMljer U opening of tb do on. Boycott Burdensome NOTICE TO WATER CONSUMERS ot ClfyWater.that on and after Aug. 7 tnat the boor far ii ,.ti . . ""i.uvu win oe trvm.ouup m until 7:30 p m A L JUOHAROSON, ) W U BOHN ENRAUp t Dated at La Gnnt m. .i . Aug. 1806. THE' OBSERVE! f -y? -.v-- ay wa - .ir ' . w a 1 I 1) You don't have to hire a Cab ... ikiu, KUU iUU Oh.fc.i m .. . fijiw. :mu iu sue naods of the die. I -- . uvyoott oi trict attorney for hi. approvaL fS L1 ?,n " b" Everybody Look and Read r Ml Nil gooaa cheaper foreaah. 6 Come mn4 claae grooeriea. Weeipect to establish our business on a purely cash bai as oon ae noaiiki u l . i , "r.uuw IDII DTIQ doing we can sell cheaper, and there. ' traae ana tberebv make a greater profit at the end of the ovunvs nere. u2aUly' W6ighl nd guaran- Crescent Seattle Grocery Co. XUND.U.W80N, The U Salle Street Station m a, in the matter of vacating a oertain portion of county road No 214. It was ordered that aaid roai h upon new route being put In repair for m 1 . - wvei on aeeaea ngbt-of.way. The bonds of the Faoifio Coast Ele vator company for storing grain were ayproved as follows: For Island City warehouse.. 13000 00 furAiioei warenouse 4000 00 For I oi bier warehouse snm nn e w w for Conley siding..' 1600 00 Warehouse licenses issued to each of toe above. Tbe petition of Ha IvArann anil IT. Farlane to sell liquor at Hilgard. Ore- gou was granted and license iaannd tn At . tum lor saia purpose. Tbe aDDlication of J H Mnrtn ..b ing that be bave until lha fli Mnn. day in October to turn over tn th. County Clerk the assessment rolls for me year luua, wae granted. The following billa war..lln yjmTK ib naunaere, M D, eeore larv CO. Board of Hlih o qc - - v fJ Sommer Bros., mdse u nar Mil o nrv 8 L Corpe, M D., servioea a. per bill on on u n ma. nura nn Dannara o nn - v er - - v e e aw wy w iavie, nursing Flfleld.. U t Webb, dennt kaaaaim.. lees , B Chaucev. same CD fluff man. aama John Graham, same J L Dunninirton. anrvlAa. Janitor Mrs. T N Murphy, mdse as per a a a Dill Hrande Ronde Fleotrie Uo tilth. tr,m Tl lOAE S M Mann, M D, examination oeneome to tbe trade of alt nations iiora iubi in nntnl ithml. m .MUIW.r ui mere here ha telegraphed to tbe dean of tbe diplomatic body at Pekln nod tbe China association ha. DU Ernest Batow, the BriUsh mlniatar. asklog them to end flavor ti n.M.j. .l. - . rwiw we voineee roraiffn Affln. -. lumnn aa prevent further Injury to trad. 1ST C00O PASTU 800 AOrM flnsa natal .Jli.i city, AbnndanUy waUred, Cow - " bmicc una hore 1.96, per month. Stock ueiivwred on hort notios at reaa El. E.JonAQ Pbont 1276 La Grande 3001 8 00 81 00 66 00 27 00 41 451 10 00 24 60 1 600 A llv -( IW VVb klUllVU in Chicago, which is" used by the trains of the Rock Island - p . rs .a system, is located in i tne very nean or tne ctv. less than a Mock from the Board nf Trnrlp? Ipcq than two blocks from the Post Urhce; within easy walk ing distance of the principal UUlClb, LIltaLltS BUU SIUIC3. You don't have to hire a cab to reach them. The ' 'union loop" ii right in front of the station. Pay J cents, get aboard the elevated, and you are whisked to any part of town you wish to reach. let me give j wn.. reason! why you should uc the RocK jsiana ayiiciu. There are lots of them. L B. CORHAM, Canaral Aent, 140 ThM St, Portland, Ore. aenerbill ea on I Gale, county fruit inBDaator 91 nn acmo estate Tel St Tel Co.. phone service Sheriff ' office 11 60 lame, Recorder's office a fin ame. Clerk's Offloe.......... Oo me, poor farm Union i. nn till a. - mam emun, witness before dlatrict attornev ' 9 on nie Thom Daon. aama oe on H MoLacblen. same s on ii.ii : - iliam KeaviB. witnnaa I. court, etate vs Vooel nn nn .. . w u tvirtley, game o 90 MALARIA UNDERMINES THE HEALTH Whetl the tTawwmai v t r , V: v Mjswni enter tu the Dloorl IB nn m.riC.J .1 VlL' Chronic So nd C T ItT . j w? i ' ,-nul8 nd "ver, Boils, ,k! 'Bd P? w4 -Pat variety o Uouble m.mfest themselves, and eoon au ciiiiir aavairaavn i as aaMaAa-i a a . the ufferer a prey to a most miaerable - vvhb VUULUUOOt 013 W. If airtrsit Of T . i.e. - w.t Mvuiiruit, jy. and r...;-v'."Jvruoi?w?.oMua nsrs I wonia h... . r5 !? yeara o. It antiraly cured m, and I have nsvar ha.n tmKiVirS. "-ntt m.r,.Sthe dl0'" TooLTd h.V. e-1 "en fi.T"?-00,npi,t nd Immediate relief and X cannot ane.k hki- i "i' is ip?)i?" in aow tikini . . - .u .rupuon or tne akin, and eeeneralrnn.dnw. ...jm.! A ? mna f wwiiiiufHuaiiureei oetter KU4SXVXT 5. -Q. afVirifaMAai J2 . a . poison from the blood and builds uo the vatem hv ita ... e.i r . itie and tonic effect. It trenethens tverv mrt incr..... v. . . Inn ltnmaih ..J A. : . .' r - I TREASURER'S CALL FOR CITY WARRANTS Notice la hereby! given that there are now fund on hatd to py all out standing warrant issued on Water Fund of U Grande City, up to and including, No, 6651 endowed June 15tb 1905. . . Interest on all warrants on water Fond from No 6168 to No 6551 inclu sive, ceases from tbia Hate. J La Orapde, Oregon, Aog 3rd, 1905. E J WALSH City Treasurer. If y.mr paper is not delivered as yoa i J u Kn..a nntifv the think it snouiu w, s.- office and tbe mistake will be rectified. ft McLaobleo, same. jC.rande Chronicle, printing 3 as per Din lera Oregon Republican. Al ... luiioaa per Dili , ,i i rrnuiiomme, same. ancey, same Or Bros., same loLacblen, constable feea if ot state vs Trlbbet. JK1 2 20 ments. Unlike most blood med icines S. S. S. it purely vegeta ble. It does not PURELY VEGETABLE, tide of mineral aT a a a:. , . . . any tna to disagreeably affect the stomach, diifes- Shim hhJ 1 - l.t . 1 " wc.b, uui Dy cieansine and strengthening the blood, puts everf part of the body in healthy condition. Book on the blood and any medical advice de- aM. VftiUWHv UlSUC T. M. STUBBLlTIELD, Boot and Shoe Maker Repairing Neatly and Promptly done. Hand sewing a specialty Lewia building it' OXFORD!;;: James FAHQi'iur.:, r. Coaaplete laaottiaautol WINES, Lir-r' , AND CIGAR: Cold lnucbes and ml, ;.; ; peclalty. Fair an , treatment to all. I ,'ri VitiWl In Mil mnA . uu sqi rvrVMrVvVVVvV vs."- IsasiassEstfflasssssass: ;i V a Hint Bile CHAS.Mk.vUIST.Pcv ! , . . i wines, iim AND CIG1E Finest collections f j animala on th coast. 5 .HtllMlHWWi: When vou want pleasant laxative that Is sasy to take and oertain to act, nee Chsmberlain's 8tomaoh and Liver UbleU For sals by Nswlin Drug Co, Good For Stomach Trouble and Constipation ' Ohamberlaln's Stomach and Liver Tablets have dona ma a an. ,.! aw. uhi oi good," uy o Towns, ot Bat Portage. Ontario, Canada. Being a mild phy elc tb after effects are not unpleasant. Safari I atata au... . v.u swumiuena inem to all who user irom atomxh di.n..i. si i i. .. ",-u,UDl tor eue wy 0wiln UtQg Co. Warninti Notice Is herehv aVlvaan tKnsN . B--wa VUS)t S1UUUO found damping refuse of sny kind on nt rt SK. A . i . - inn Grande Raal ir.i. a. ... ' asiWHIiun wsu o vigorously prosecuted. IMS Dronertv Inning.. .Is ..a .... . ... us ins Biversideand Williamson's additions w m urauus. LA GRANDE REAL ESTATE AS&'.v a mt am " w Wm. Miller, Pree't. 1 M 7 BIue ; Front c inoKSON, Pro t VIKI8T T : WINES, Liaiil Imported and a CIGAB i t ' t i Jsfleraoa Avaaae Oppo Palaco Sal I CHAJ, ANDERSON, j ! 1 'here are tnanv i-i-.rla p but we 8flll onlf :tiA kop . tnu oraer will innvjn.. -r the truth of this etatemont We K.U1 OQIV lha hARt sna.!m.n. .1 kill it correctly. Our pricea are as Josr as con- wnu toe oest quality. FIN I WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Always on hand ; Jeaeraon Avanua IX s e s i i a woei SgBBrawwaiggBBiiBWMiBwii-' ' I THE LOU 1 . CHRIS WRIGHT, Pt - riNi ' WIHE5. U(Ml Oentlemen always We;tvi ) BET" Bock & Thomas BRICK 'BRICK- Brick furnished in any quanity or any style. No contract too small or too large. See samples of our pressed brick. GEO. KREIGER. La Grande, Oregon. Hoogb. J Pfeea aama . facLachlen, same. . 8 llOUffb. J P faaa at. Taylor, urn, spec consuble feea Plough, JPieessUtevs fa ko, spec constable feu I tfOTCe. Wltneaa alata ... n, same ?erron, same, an, same "wgn.J P fees state n.., 'hlen, constable fees b?; j 00 int SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atltsts. Ga.1 5 wwm.r. 18 00 X. i 15 70 Z Eagle Saloon ULRJCH LOniS. Prop. fini : ,; wines, liquor: and CIGARS Lunches are our special;; lefferaoa Avenue, Ojpoait Cer.M " mJr U . IONS lltn... - . - - -u.w mm ui. am ftinned tomorrow 24 SO 6 06 38 00 a 800 e 06 io so I 6 00 1 70 1 70 1 70 I 1 70 6 36 S 60 1 70 1 70 CITY BREWERY ""ca.n, rroprietor. Largest Brcwuig Plant in Eastern Oicgon Ask for La Grande Beer andtgetthe Best i LA GRANDE BEER IS MADE IN TJV flPAMnn AND SHOULD HAVE THh PkEFERENCE .......... ...... i.r.ioBii!iiKij.f.ioovrr nNE.W!Hl5 AMD I lAflArr r 2 mviuuiu . Aad the beiit iMund oi 1 : CIQiH5 ? Always on head Ml. drink apeolalty A.fc ee If you don't fat It." This 1 a Wpmen's resort and wlUberuaaa .................... In olden days people wen m. Ulympus- to codi Oods regarding tbei' Today people oom. X hnmr all i ' ' bsveragesWavllDE fOR LIFE X In a cool draug. t Olympla, Give IMVN FLY Mlf .A. Phone Mai The laxative effect Stomach and Liver " able and eo natural ' realize It Is the . Vnm .r.1. -T.,t 1 :fi