PROFESSIONAL CARDS PHYSICIANS DR. A. L. RICHARDSON, Physician and Surgeon. Cflioe otct Hill's Drog Slot. Offlc Pbooe 18o4 Residence Phone SU cluck m. d. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Corner A da mi avenne and Depot 8b Office Phone VA Residence Phone 681 WILLARD SMITH PHYSICIAN AND J SURGEON Pbone.711 IieU belldlnj, opposite Bommer Hons Office Bonn, 1 to i, 7 to I BACON & HALL, YSICIANS AND SURGEONS Offlee la Foley building, phone UBL 0. T. Bacon, Besidenos Phone 119 It. K. Halt, eetdiaoe 2121 DBS. BIGGERS & BIGGERS Physicians and Surgeons O W Blggert, If. D. Geo, U Blggers, If. D Telephone! OffloalSU Keeldenoe 1681 Qffloa Ralston Building over i. M. Berry's Store. EMlrtenee on Madison AVe. aeoond door Wert of former residence. Or. a W.Blggm La GRANDS - OREGON Prof eo nil ealle promptly atteaded to day or night. DENTIST8 REAVIS BROS. DENTISTS. Office Phone 51 Besldaoee pboae UT C. B. Cautiioi'-n -' DENTIST -': Oflo Over Hill Drug! Btor - U Grande, Oregon RiL LINCOLN DENTIST . Op stairs, Cot Adam areuua and Depot Ht, ; Phone 4 ' VETERINARY SURGEON Dr. F A CHARLTON VETERINARY SURGEON, Office at A T Hill'a Drug Store La Grande, Oregon Phone 1361 ' Residence phone red 701 Farmers' line 58 DR. W. T. D3WNE3. VKTKRINARY BURGEON AND DENTIST Leave order at Red Croat Drug store Realdence Cor 6th and I it Thirty flv years experience, beat of reference furnlnhed ATTORNEYS CRAWFORD & CRAWFORD Attorneys-at-Law LA GRANDE, OREGON dice In Foley building. J, W KNOWLES Attorney and Counsellor At Law Office in Ralalon Building PhoualM La Grande Or. B. T. Williams a. C. Williams WILLIAMS BROS. ATTOKN EYS-AT.LAW QfBo. In Ralston Building Phone 1O5S 1 La Grande, Or. LA. P1CKLER Civil. Mining, Irrigation Engineering and 5urveymij Ftlimittfe, 1'Iuuh, Hiid bpvvlacatlunii. Offloo lUUAdums Avenue, wltliJohnEUough LA UHANUK, OUKliON Lodj;e Directory. H.AI.. l,h.S -lji KntUueAint) t K O h meet very' DIKhllu K ol f lull t I ;i in Vututu orvtuoiu luvited to miou, J.A. Anthill, W . J. K. Pollock, 1 1) O K- I UraniiB UiUki-, No 16 n-w.a .i, thoti hall eviry SHiurdy nint. VlnlUun mom awr fr.'.jk,.y lUTUrd to attend. t" i'- v pint can be m at ofliceoTCIt' Recorder, a W. UoberUon, N U II, fc.. i.'oo idge.t-eo. 1'AK r.NCAMPMKNT No 31, I. O. UK, Bi i rvtr) umi ud ihird TUurmliiyii In the Biouin iiM'i'u reuowe unii. vmuiug iirl arul' ii.Mui, aviiHime 1. It buook, C f. Edmond Uobtnwin, tturlbe KaKU HNKTAK OKH Hope Chapter Mo UU'iin i ( ncctiiiu itid tounn wenuemiity m luuUth t jM p lu in MisoDir Ullipl. Uortte Aidrli'U, W M ' ti v A 'AarnU'k. See M. W..- la tirHiulel'amp 770.1 mrrt en i'-t mid lluril W eitm l.iy of the niuti id l.C. O.K. Hull. All vlmtipg nulfU boi iu" . ril:hly inviU'ii to ettrtul, t. Keulcud, V,C -li I'n'.i, t'ktk. i.K.! ).!. u -li. Its OK AMKKICA iurl Meld Nil - lnt fai'h 'I hutMlny night In .;t. ) trv iuvltvtl to atleuil, 1 , I hli hatinrr. C W Itiiama. Flu, 8 i 1 to.; ilir U L 1 iktr, Juhu Mm ' nt I -.lukon Hi La Grande Evening Observer Currey Bros., Ed's and Prop. Published daily except Sunday Wednseday. Augusts 1905. Entered at the Post Office at La Grande, Oregon, as Second Class Mail Matter. One year in advance $6 50 Six months in advance... .3 50 Per month 65c Single copy 5c ADVERTISING RATES Display Ad rate tarnished npon application Local reading notice 10c per line first nser tlon, e per line for each sutweqnenl Inner- lion, ReaoluUoni of condolence, 5c per line. Card of thanks, 6c per Una. LABOR IN GERMANY Professor Sombart, N in the great ' university of Breslao, which has a library of 300,000 volumes and stands among the greatest schools of the age, in a recent article published in one of the leading magazines in the east, comparinr the condition of laborers in Germany with those in the United States says: "In New York worlmen are better and mora cheailv hotiaarl than in , . Germany. V The average American workman's family lives in five rouns, while the German family : Iha'a two, and that the AmerioaY pays a less proportion of his Vages for his five rooms than the Herman pays for his two. " Th ! AmWan wages are Wo or ' taree uiguor tuau i.lUQ , uerian. V K A I it . ' Clothing is not muh dearelm America than in Germany shoe ware is . cheaper. American workman's ; famr spends $115 a year for cloihin while families of German wor men in Carisruhe and Nurem burg spend from $32 to $54. The American workmen eat more meat, sugar, fruit, cerels, pies" and puddings than the German. Cut the German work- in. m epeads more for alcoholic iquors . The average American ainily spends $12.40 for alco holic drinks, while the parallel amily in Nuremburg, Germany spends $i!9 and in Carisruhe $54. This latter sum is 2 5 per cent of the German's income spent for alcoholic drinks while he spends only 2.6 per cent of -his wages for food. The south German workman drinks from six to ten times more beer than the American workman." When the railroad between the Cove and La Grande is built, it is quite possible that for many years La Grande will ' receive her supply of wood from the Cove. , President Roosevelt will wish the senate to note his fereut re port of his receivership in San Domingo. Collections are cock ing in nicely, thank you; just as nicely as if the sena'e had token a hand in the matter itself. The senators who helped to beat the San Domingo treaty will also note that the world did not stop when they snid whoa. Capital News. The majority of those who attended the fair are more than pleased. The few who are not, arethose who imagined that they could save a large portion of their expenses by deferring the purchase of their outfit until reaching Portland where they meet face to face with the fact that they could have saved money by buying at home. They naturally return with a had taste in their mouth. MONEY IN THE US The Circulation Statement issued by the U S Treasury De partment for August 1st 19C5, 1 awcavru vj kuo swccivct iuia morning, Aug. 9, gives the general stock of money in the U S on Aug. 1st 1905 at $?,901, 791,907 ot this $296,859,606 were held in the U S Treasury as assets of the government leaving f L',604, 902, 301 in cir culation among the people, a per capita of $31.29 to each of the 83,259,000 inhabitants estimated to be in the US. This is the largest per capita of money in circulation since the government began. ' a- ' There were enly two directors of the Commercial Club res ponded to the call last evening, to arrange for the entertainment of the one hundred Kansas editors who were to stop over here Friday. .As a result no arrangements were made and it is presumed they will not stop. VISIT THE Lewis and Clark EXPOSITION To be held at Portland, June 1 to Oct. 15, 1905. J TAKE A TRIP TO CAUF0RNI Through' the Williamette, Umpqua and Rogue Rivei Valleys, of Western Oregi pass Mt. Shasta, thro the Sacramento Valley ti many famous resorts line of the )DTHERN PAJff IC 1:0. For beautifully illustrate, booklets," descrive of Cali- brnia resortstddress, COMAGen. Passr. Agt. ptland, Or. OREGON DEPART me Brhedal BKROM L aANUK, OR . No , 8H rVe, Denier. Kt Nol 8:;0 p m WortT Omaha, Kan- lit) a m ah0 "Cl8t. LouU, Chi- No $ fciW a. m. oago tasU IM.v m toi I Portlaad Dalits, Pen- dleton. Walla Walla, No2 Dayton, Potnuroy, Col- t-M a m. f"i Uomow, Spokane, o re n m and poiuu emt and "'pra . north via Hpolur.a . Cortland. Dalles, Pen dleton. UmviUlla, Wal o5 lula, Lewi,ton, Collai, No aM Moscow, Wallace, War- Si p. m, ner, 8(okane and other 8:30 a m polnta eaat and Bonn via M.oknao S- llnd City, Alice!, Im-Dajyei- Mer and .gin. Con- No SI wpt ie tious at tlgin w tli Suidav tae lor point In Vk I- 5 SO p m :1Uju qwh. . Ur.Hn (tteainers between l ort laud aud Kiaaomco every five d iys. ' K.C. MlllK.Aint. Si YOTJ WILL -BE SAWl If your tlokota wait and Klo (Iiiui.Ip Rath., Line ol the world' : the Tkiitit tue "btenio UKOAUfeE l'tierv are ro muuv scenle alt m l rn nad Hluiur iutetvKt .lonit thii - t tween Onden and Denver fiat U( tl lu never becomes tlrenouie IfyotiBreiioliiic est. wrltelfor .afor- ss you a irliy boui4u1 wiu W C McBRIDE, Agent, 124 Third St. Portlard Oregcn 1 J. R. OLIVER. UNION. C 0 V N T Y ABSTRACTS Farm Loans a Specialty, . A Best equipi ed abstracter in Union county. Many years experiences with' the Union cour.ty records gives me a grent ad vint age, i It is folly to pur chase realfsthte without first securing a proper abstract I An abstract from my office will show the title just as it appeal on toe official reccva- ). R. OUV) " .7 ' Bdlg. TLnccn 31. Rom- it miTt tiai BCDAV19 Frcalaent J J XI V" la-" TAIN MARBLE BLUE MC RANITECO. ANDE OREGON (inMte assortment of fin garble and granit erfully furnished upon plication. leadstones and Monuments A Specialty NEW SECOND HAND STORE AH kind of second band goods bought and sold GEO. GROUT, Prop, 209 Fir St. bet. Adams and Jefferson G. L FOWLER Truck and Transfer Wood and Coal Phone 1611 All order given prompt attention. RED FRONT LIVERY BARN Wm. Smith, Prop. Sale and reliable rigs furn at all times. Special ac comodations furnished to commercial traveler?, Phone. 3-5 WM, SMITH FEED STORE Hay, Giain and feed. Free deliverv to all parts ef the citv. Mountain trade a snecialtv. Phone 1961 Horses, harness and wngons bought end sold A Grim Tragedy la daily enacted, in tliousanila of homes as Death claims, in eai-b one, annther victim ot Consumption or Pneumonia. Bat when Coaphs and Colds are prop erly treated, the trtigdy is averted. F Q Huntley, of Oakluilonf lnd, writes "My iie bad the conaumt tnQ aod three doctors gave her up. Finally she took Di. King's New Discovery lor Consumption, Coughs and Colds which cured her, and today bub is well and strong." It kills the germs of all diseases. One dose relieves.. Gutir anteed at 50c and $1 by Newlin Drug Co., diogifiet. Trial hottle Iree In the blood auses Rheu matism.Scutia, Lumbago, Neurakia and Gout. You - i r.muM j 4.l f 1 1 1 C J Kill wearing one cf our REX RHEUMATIC RINGS Manufacture.! by the Rcr Rheumatic King Co.. HarlloM. Coi. vciicuu Price $2.00 s-o Bv J. R. feMli , jn IS SI Men's two piece suits grow in favor constantly. Neither comfort nor gentility demands a vest for summer wear thermometer says w degrees, We've Coat and Trouser Suits in Single and nkun.ofi 0tvia in a varitv of patterns, you 11 und vrriT axt mmms a mere a uui a-i - i g where, while the graceful lines and natty appearance o the garments are up to our usual and excellent standard, 3 $7.50, $9.00, $10.00 and $12.50 Is the price range, accompanied by our regular guarantee ASH BROS. .... ..:ri 9jl :r.'.l. ui Viii f -! '" 500 ACRE FARM FOR SALE ; ; This farm is only 15 miles from La Grar de, on the Elgin branch of the O. R, & H. Railroad, at the. Rinehart spur. It will make several good homes, and will be sold in small tracts i! desired. There are three different young bearing orchards, and two good houses on the place. In a good school district free from debt. Terms easy. Address, HENRY RINEHART, SUMMERVILLE. OREGON. Or call at the farm for full particulars. ICE CREAM SODA It will pay you to walk a block to get the best Ice Cream Soda It costs no more. We are better prepared than ever to stop your thirst and RELIEVE THAT TIRED FEELING. We have only the best crushed fruits and pure rock candy syrups. Our ice cream is made fiom pure cream and is the best. Let us show you. A. T. H I ll Prescription Druggist LA GRANDE, OR m 14 LA GRANDE Complete Machine 0 General Blacksmith, Horse Shoeing4and Wagon Work. Manufacturer of TheTitzgerald Roller Feed Mill D. F I T x o e: a u d. n if- . hOHHIETUF Indigestion . With its romanluns, heart bum, flnttilenoe, torpidity of the liver, con. j stifHtion, palpitation of the heart, J p or biood headach' and oher net vous sj nit tous, bhIIow hklu, foul toufttie, ollitiHive breath and legion of other ai it elite, is at o.ire the must wule j t-r b i and destructive malady among j tiiii Am-rieai peoplB I'he llerbine tiH m. in will cure h'I 'hi i-e troubles. 6i t"'"le New tin ! riig To and Rooms i tie vit-itu (f I i luti i fair and m ' a torn! b aid 'ii'i lu.'iDti at reae ot. - (. ics. ia I t H Ultesa Mrs. , t olituea, , . v Uix.iU street, A ti i.i . t ti ptE SUITS Iff' of aunerfluous clotn any- I OUTFITERS TO MANKIND 4il IRON WORKS Shops and Foundry : 3 wmmmmmrx & Baseball Players and Foot Racers Louis J Kruger, ex-champion Ion?, . m uitiiHuce root raoer or uermany an llollau 1, writes Oct 27 1901: "DarinaT my training of eight weeks' foot races at t?alt Lake City, iu April last, I used Ballard's 6now Liniment to my great est satisfaction. Therefore, I recom mend 6tiow Liniment to all who are troubled with sprains, b'usies or rhea' niHtism." i5c, 00c, $1.00 bottla. New lin l)ru Co. ti TAKE NOTICE I'hoi.e tied 971, Old Town store for wood (3.1 days time given). Cheapest i and Provisions iu the city. new anti'k and full line of feed. Dated iji Grande, Ore., July 28. SePt 1. J AT1UN30V .1.. V -