La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 04, 1905, Image 4

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Woman at Weiser is :
Struck vitii a Bottle
E. PCLACK, Prep.
Go to tLe 'Jity Grocery and
fruits and vegetables. '
, ' '.-''' . . i ' -
Give us a call one time and you will be sure and come
again. We keep the best and freshest of everything
the market affords.
This farm is only 15 milaa from La Grarda, on the Elgin'
branch of the 0. R, & N. Railroad, at . the Rinehart spur..
It will make several good homes, -and will be sold in small
tracts if desired. There are three different young bearing
orchards, and two good houses on the place. ' In a good
school district free from debt. Terms easy.
Or call at the farm for full particulars.
Better Lumber and Cheaper than it io sold in
La Grande, .We to your Building.
Grande Ronde Lumber Co.
; PERRY, OREGON.'' "': ' ;
v' we buy : ,:
Doors Sash, Shingles and
In large quantities direct from factories and mills
at a yearly contract price, and while we pay the
lowest price, we get the best goods, and can afford
to sell at figures that others buy for, thereby giv
ing our customers the benefit of wholesale puces
V i
JULIUS ROESCH, Proprietor. ;. .
O Cargest Brewing Plant
Ask for La Grande
Bakery for groceries, fresh
irvEasiern Oregon
Beer and get the Best
Case of Mistaken Identity and Innocent
Party is Struck by Jealous Woman
Welser, An. 4. Mrt. Plei i'jone
of tblt city ilrack Mm. wmitm Nich
oil, alao a resident of tfa city, in tb
fttc tadaf With beer bottle catting
ber apper lip and chin quite eerlooily.
The ry ocourreU bout 11 o'olook
on one of the principal baeineee ttreeU
of tbe city, ilr$. Nichols was
knocked to the aMewalk od. it wae
necesinry to carry ber to the offlc pf
tbe oeftrst pbyalclan. It wai cate
of mistaken Identity. '.' , ;.. . .
About alx week cj ', Mn. Jonea'
The Red men of La Grande tboaght
that their city has not bad as good
time as it was entitled to this summer,
so they decided that a street fair and
carnival would" be In Vogue. The
committee appointed tbiiikiug ttere
was nothing too good for their friends,
got the Nat Reiss bouthern Carulval
Co., the greatest and . beet Carnival
Co. In tbe bualnees to come here for
the week of Aug. 14. There will be
something doing on that week.
- Many people know nothing about
this purely American Order so th
htzr; Umi win be in order. " The
Improved Order of Red men Is tbe old
est fraternal organization of purely
' r
. v. " f
t i (.
The (earless fire diver with the
Nat Reies Southern Carnival
, ""Company ' - '-''
Amerioan origin. It Is the lineal do
scendent of the Sots of Liberty, the
men who founded this great Republic;
It was they who were the Boston Tea
Party ; also tba Minute Men at Lex
ington, in 1833 tba Bona of Liberty
and the Knights of St. Tamany cod
solidated'and formed the present Im
proved Order of Bedmen.
Tba Redmen have always bad tha
good of the country at heart, during
tha rebellion they had many purely
Redmen regiments In the field and
during the late Bpanish-Ameriuan War
there were at least two Redmen regi
ments in the field notably the two
hundred and second New fork and
sixth Obto. The motto of this order
le Friendship, Freedom and, Charity
for all. It speaks , weU of . an order
when you say that none but honest snd
industrious men Hre permitted' to en
ter Its portals, and that there ta nn
such thing as a Redman without work
providing ha wishes it. ' 1 .
; Tha street fair committee it G (1
Kookwell, Chairman J B Gilhara,
Beo'y; Wm. Ash, Treasj Dr. L Big.
gers, Jos. ' McCrearv. Frank Brown
and A N Majvllte, Committee on En
tertalnment. Toe balance of the lodge
bas been appointed committee at laree.
Each and everyone having bis duties'
w periorm on jpecinea nights. , . 1 -?
y! General BlacksmithVlTorse Shoeiogjand Wagon Work. ?
j Manufacturer of theJFitxgerald Roller Feed Mill. bj
d. ri qr 2:
hntbaod ran away wiih a widow from
tbla city whose hnabanJ bad beea dead
bnt a tew weeki. Tbe woman returned
ber tbis morning and Mra. Jonea aa
watoblng for her. : - - - -
Mra. Nicbola and the widow rasem
ble each other considerably both as to
height and form, and drees somewhat
imilar. " ' i' ..j ',.:.' ,
. iir. Jones was left with two little
children to sopport by her heartless
husband. ' . -. -
Summer; Schedule
, . "... i . ; .. ",'. .
Tbe summer schedule of tbe Astoria
& Columbia Rivtr Railroad has been
inaugurated between . Portland, As
toria, Gearbart and 8eaide iu con
nection with special round trip excur
sion tickets to all Clatsop and North
Reach point, and trains leave Union
Depot at 8:00 a to, ' daily and run
through direct, arriving at Astoria at
11 :30 a m, Qearbarl 12 :2f p m and
Deasiue at iz;isu p tn.
The Portland, and .Seaside Flyer
leaves Union Depot every 8aturdty at
2:30-p va, arriving at Astoria 5:50 p m
and rune throuKb dirfot,., arriving
CmVuhi v:4U p m and Seaside at 6:50
p m.:'',r;;:i.,;'r;:':;' ';,'''';,;":J "!!;' ' 1
, Io connection with tbis improved
service, special round trip season ex
cursion tickets are sold fiom Portland
to all Clatsop and North Beach points
t rate of 4 00 for the round trip,
good for return passngs until Ootober
16tb. : - - :
' Ppeoial commutation tiokete, good
for five round trips, are sold from
Portland . to . same points for $16.00,
good to return until October 15tb.
8atuida epeoial round trip excur
sion tickets from Portland to all Clat
sop sod North Beach points on sale
every' Saturday at rete of 2.50 for
round trip, good to return Sunday.
Tioketa sold from Portland to North
Beaoh points are issued in connection
with tbe 0 R 4 N steamers from As
toria, and baggage is . transferred to
and from depot and steamer dock at
Astoria free of charge, and .all tickets
sold by tbe O R & N Co from Port
land to Clatsop and North Beach
points, are interchangeable and will
be honored on trains of this company
in either direction between Portland
and Astoria. ."', ' '-" V
Tioketi sold at all 0 R fe N stations
and passengers wishing to go to points
on CUtrop Beach should so specify, in
order to avc id confusing this ropulaj
resort with tuat of LoDg Beaoh, Wasli
which is reached only by boat at As
toria, thus oauaing delays enroute. -'
For additional information address
O A Stewart, Agent, 248 Alder St.,
Portlsnd, or J C Mayo, O F & P A,
Astoria, Ore., ' and ask for Seaside
Souvenir for 1905, containing SO beau
tiful half tons views of Columbia rim
and Clatsop Beach soenery.
Notice is hereby given that there
are now funds oa hatd to pay all out
standlnjc warrants issued on Water
rund or l urande Citv. no to and
including, No, 6651 endorsed June 15th
Interest on all warrants on water
Fund from No 5168 to No 5551 inclu
sive, ceases from this data, '
La Grande, Oregon, Aog 3rd, 1905.
; Jfi l WAIH .
i City Treaaurer.
Cntea dizsv anallii. tlreA fulino
strmaob, aldnsf and liver troubles!
maaes you wen ana Keeps you well.
That's what UolHatar'- Uorkv ,
tain Tea will tin S3 rani. T.
Tablets; Nawlin Drug Co.
a e r a iZ d. B
FOR 8ALJ3 A new and up to date
alx room cottage, la right location.
Cheap for cash. Modern arrange
ment, will rent for 120 per month.
For particulars address box 53 La
Grande Ore.. . . . 6-23729
WANTED Day work by a ooaipetent
and reliable woman. Leave com
munications at tbis office. Mrs L
Mangers, Hilgard Oregon. J T-A-T
tX)R SALE Tbe lots and buildings.
Now bringing 150.00 per month rent,
in La Grande, only 13000. Hurry.
G II POWER8, Slater Block.
WANTED A women to . do light
bouse work for two. OldTonn.
. - - . - M Bsker. tf.
WANTED A small neatly furnished
bouse with bath. No children. In
quire at this office. , ,St
LOST Chamois bag bound with red
ribbon, containing pearl and amy
tbeet necklace, pearl and diamond
sunburst and - a child's diamond
ring. Finder return to Hotel Foley
and receive reward. : - 1 ' .
LOST On tbe streets of the city of
La Grande yesterday, one ladles sil
ver and pearl umbrella handle be
tween Greenwood and Fourth streets.
Finder will please return same to
VTm. Grant at his offloe on Adsms
Avenue snd receive reward.
LOST In the city cf La Grande on
tbe streets, on July 31, a ladies
purse, containing eighty five cents,
a clipping from a paper ot a marriage
' and a badge from the State Giange.
Finder will please leave same at
HOUSE FOR SALE, $720. Five
rooms, two 30 ft corner lots, half
eash. Inquire at this offio.
FOR RENT Two story house. Io
quits at 1903 Fourth Street.
WANTED Two full blood or high
grade jersey heifers eight to twelve
months old. No fancy prices. Ad
dress stating age and price. ' J K
Care of Observer A-7
Keal Estate Loans, Any amounts on
City and Country Real Estate. Loans
closed promptly, as soon as title ap
proved. - - ".
Wa pay highest Market prices for
chickens. Want all you have got.
At our Warehouse on Jefferson Ave.
v ' V GR Cash Co.
Spoiled Her Beauty
Harriet Howsrd, of 209 W 34th St.,
New York, at one time had her beautv
spoiled with skin trouble. She writes
"I bad. Salt Rheum or Eczema for
years, but nothing would oure It. nn-
tll I nsed Bucklen's Arnloa Salve." A
quick and sute healer for cuts, burns
and sores. 2Qo at Nawlin Drag Co
drugstore ,
Phone Rod 971, Old Town store for
wood (30 days time given). Cheapest
Groceries and Provisions in the city.
Kew stock and full line of feed. .
Dated La Grande', Ore., July 26. '
Sept. I J " !:; , E J ATKINSON
A reward ot $60 will be inald W th
Grande Ronde Stock Growers Protect
ive Association for the arrant and con
viction of anyone for stealing stock in
Union county. , : :i
X.- t ; Signed by the Secretary
. Centennial iiotel
RATES II per day meals 25cts.
Special rates furnished monthly pa
trons. Mrs A E MorOheaon and Miss
OrM -Garm proprietors. No
Adams Ave. Phone No 1161 - -
' ' The transfer maa.
: He will take that trunk to the
; Depot or your home in less
time thau it takes lo tell , it
Wagon always at yonr service,
.Charges moderate. Day phone
B 631, night phone R 12.
Contractor and Builder
Dealer in Building Material.
; La Grande, Orl
Drop a line, naming work, and I wll
- give tha right prloa.
W by n ot get your painting dona well
when you ten have it cheaper than it
takes for the average dauber to spoil
it? Get used to having nlea wood
finishing on tba Inside of your dwell
ing. Egg shell and velvet gloss,
"mirror polish" ato. 8 D Kinney can
grain up your old painted rooms and
mska the wood like fine, quartered
oak fnroituie
- 1433 Adam Are. La Grande Ore
FOR TRADE 1 Z inoh wagons.
Will trade for bay, oats, potatoes or
other farm produce. Apply to J An
thony, or address Box 142, ; La
Grande, Ore.
FOR SALE Good seoond band baggy
: will be sold at a bargain Inquire at
M n KIrtleys livery barn. ; tf
FOR 8ALE OR TBADF Good young
driving horse. Inquire of Mrs. Gol
; litban. , ; .
FOR SALE A second band self bind-
r, U IBIll , (MAI WUUIklHUi ru
quire of Mr. Newsome.
Boarding and Rooms
People vUItlng Portland fair and
wanting good board and rooms at re as
onabla prices, call on or address Mrs.
E Bartholomew, 250 Dixon street,
Portland August 8
Notice is hereby given that anyone
found dumping refuse of any . kind on
any of the property belonging to '.ha
La Grande Real Estate Association
will be vigorously proseouted.
This property includes sli of the
Riverside and Williamson's additions
to La Grande. '
6 13 tf . Wm. Miller, Prea't .
Cheerfully Recommended lor
O G Hlgbce, Danville, III. writes
Deo 2, 1001 1 "About two years sgo 1
was laid op for four years with rheu
matism. I tried Ballard's Snow Lini
ment; one bottle cured me. I can
cheerfully reoommend it to all suffer
ing from Ilka affliction" 25o, 60o,l L00
Nawlin Drag Co ; -
Notice To Water Consumers
All persons knowing themselves to
be in arrears for city water are here
by notified to call at the offloe ot tba
city Reoorder and settle at once. In
order that there may be no miss under
standing we cite the customer to tha
following section 1 of the city
ordinance. This ordianoa will be in
forced. ' - :" - ' .
7 Section 28 Tba water rates shall be
payable in advance at tbe office of
tbe water superintendent on tha first
day ot each month (except for meters
which are payable on the first" day
ot the succeeding month), and if not
paid within" the- first -ten . days the
water will be shut oft the premises,- ss
provided in Sections 26 and 27.
Later ordinance provides that water
rates shall be payable to City Record
er Instead of Water Superintendent.
PROF. DAY. Prindnlc
mL t ....
mi is onooi the best musical In
stitutions In tba state. " Daring the
vtar 190 there n...i. L'
' : - " uvm.J A UU1
thousand lessons given. The people
In this city and y!ley' are begln
ing to discover the great advantage
of thbiaohnnl Th j
Ita latest and most practical, and
includes all the latest discoveries
in tba art Of teaahlna mn.lx - i.
m ww. im
school is divided into two dapart
menUl No. 1 is for beginners, from
5 yean up, add taking in the 1st t
3rd grades, in this
pupils come one honr j
r o., u"
. w. m ngraaesare from
ft.knnAM I
, llwrans a
week as
- 7' auuuiBrs 1
DMrmirtM its mm n 1 - i . .
LI1BV flHMira MA .nl. t
will be
wto do not study.
t upposlte tha Foley House
the Candv Btore. Phone 473
' Inrlio'fcllnn
With Its companions, hsart; bum.
flatulence, tomidit. i tt.. u " '
.,,,. , ' "er, con
stipation, palpitation ot tha heart,
poor blood beadachs and other ne, vou.
offensive breath and legion of other
ailments. ! .t .u. . man
--.--- ma most villi).
Kf among
the American people. The Uerblne
treatments m ... .L . "r",ao
fcc botUa. Nawlin Dr1'00