, , w. ... PROFESSIONAL CARDS PHYSICIANS DR. A. L. RICHARDSON, Physician and Surgeon. Office ever Hill's Drug Btore. Office Fhone 126S Beaideacs Pboa HI I . I.0L1TOR M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Corner Adams eveaae and Depot 84. Offloe Phone 24 - Beefdenee Phone 681 WILLARD SMITH PHYSICIAN ANfy SURGEON PtXMM-TU iavala bedding, opposite Soamer Boom Offloe Honrs, I to 4, T to S : La Grande Kvening Observer Currey Bros., Ed's and Prop Published daily except Sunday Friday, August 4, 1905. Entered at the Poet Office at La Urande, Orsjoo, m Beoond Class Mail Matter. One year In advance. ... ., $3 50 tux mont&s in advance.... 3 50 rer month.. ..PJwt Single copy . . . .......... ,6c The crop to far threshed in dicates a 'good yield and a splendid quality. A prominent Wallowa coun'y resident Gtated lh5 morning that their crop of railroads at this time seems to be most promis ing. n BACON & HALL, YSICIANS AND SURGEONS Office U Foley banding, Phone UBL C. t. Bacon, Keeidenoa Pbone 11 . I '". U. 1C Halljjesldtaoe 1121 , ADVJCETlsisa mrm Display Ad rates famUIied a:cn application nocai reaaiog notices lOe per line first a uoa, s per line fur aack auUequetU loeer- tloa. ReaolaUona of eoadolonea. u nar Una. Carda of thanka, fie per Una. DKS. DIGGERS & DIGGERS Phyeleiana aad Sarwona OW Blggen, M. D. Geo, L. Blggers, U. D leiepnonea ' Offloa 1!C1 Healdanea IMU Office KaUlon Building over J. U. Berry'i own. Keuaeuco oa Haaiaoa AVe. second aoor went or 'ormu reeldenoe, lr. U W. Bigger uuunuii i - -, OKKGON .. rYoteuioaal ealla ptompiljr alteaded to ; . day er eight. DENTISTS REAVIS BROS.' . 1 DENTISTS. ' OfOe. Bummer Building ' Offloe Phone frl Kealdence Phone 111 e aiAeeaavj aa -r ' WERE THEY MISTAKEN? . The Jargeno8s of therstate debj of Oregon, and' thYnoVmou's aggregate of the county indebt edness of the several countTesTn tnis state are evidence that far some reason or other Sections 1 and 10 of Article' XI of the con. stitntion of Oregon .has not bad the effect the people thoueht they would have when, by their votes they adopted it at the elec tion held Nov. 91857 at which 7,195 of the voters declared for its adoption and 3,195 declared DENTIST Offlue Ovar Hill Drug Store U Grande, Oregon ' ; R. L. LINCOLN DENTIST Up tUlri, Om Adaina arocu. and Depot HU Phone H VETERINARY SURQEON If the strike on the Great Northern and Northern Pacifio continues the travel over the Union Pacifio and O R & N wil tax these companies W their ut most.: ... ! I If. It certainly lookslike the O R & N Co., mejufibusiness.' Thev nave letthe contract for the buildjrfg of " eighteen miles of road from Elein into the i ? aud the contractors are now-n 'lJ. - vue grouna makmgarfang ments for, immediate eonstrao ! SicKenlnfi - ihiverin Fits of Aga and Malaria, can ba reUeved a n .t a J IlL T,t . ..... ' - vuiw vua liiwiiu Uillera. Tnl is a para, tonic medicine j of eipeoia) Nneflt in malaria, for it aiarta a iFn. oaraure manencaon tha dUeage, drlv ins It entirely out of tha is muob to be preferred to Qoinlno. having none of this drog'a altor-effecta. E S Monday, of Henrietta. Ta . arit.. "fy brother wag verr loar with ' ma. larla fever and jaondloa, till he took Electric Blttera. whioh aava.l hi. nr. At Nwlin Drog Oo. dragttore; price J. R. OLIVER. i UNION COUNTY 'abstracts OOOO OOOO 0X4 ti'Z fiOOO 00 O O C'O v AiW'OUNCEMEiJT I Farm Loans a Specialty Vilest equipped abstracter . in. Union ounty, . Many yeara experiences with the Union connty records gives me a great adyant- age. it is tolly to pur feliase realestate withont first aecnririfr a nroner ,i o r - r . astraot. . An abstract . from mv office will, ahuw vibe title just as it appears on ' the nfliciat remriij : li . . . i ; , ; -.,- 1 .:.. . , . . .. ;J. ; R. OLIVER, .'LA GRANDE, OREO ON , ; Room 31, Sommer Bdlg. O O O , TTarfrnr nnrrhased the raintinff and. parerin? O ..-c r . . . . ; business formerly oned by Stackland & McLachlen, we wish to inform the public that we are prepared to q ( take contracts for all kinds cf painting, paperhanging S lnT-utinrT Wa air a ATDrincfid workmen tmrl O i UU UVVUl eu J7 ' . JL q guarantee satisfaction. We are here to stay and' we A are willing to let our work speak for workmanship, j kui iLeqnalit for oar atoci. -A lri&l order ohejted. v - STAMELS & JARMAN. s EC DAVIS' Frealdeat. . Bee. aad Treaa. J)r. P A CHARLTON VETERINARY SURQEONr Office at A T Hill's Drug Store u uranae, Oregon rnone 136 xtesiaence pnone red 701 Farmers' line 58 DR. W, T. DJWNE8. VBTEttlNABY BUttUBON AND DENTIST ' ' Leave order at Rd ReildenecCor Croaa Dtag a tore - , ; 6th aad 1 at Thirty ava'yaara experience, beat of reference lurnuned tlt ATTORNEYS CFAWF0RD & CRAWFORD Attorneys-at-Law LA 0 BANDS, ' OBKQON nice In Foley balldlng. J. W KNOWLES Attorney and Counsellor ' At Law Office is Ralaton Batldlag Phone 1M Ia Grande Or. itLWIIllnma A C, Wllllanu WILLIAMS BROS. ' ATl'OIlN EYS-ATLAW . QOio la Kalatoa aalkUug Pb.ine.0sS , U Urande, ur. L. A. PICKLER Ovil. Minina. Irrigation Enlnerlni and surveying Kxtlniatoa. l'litna. aud rT.wnlfWii.ini Offloa U10 Ada ma A venae, with John K Uough UKAUDB. UBKUUN Lodge Directory. ltAGLr-U UrDd Airi ijq f O K meU f my ouauay aii(it JU n. W r UaUl au I p BD munx vivuivru uvitm m, MlHIZlUa J, js. ruiiock, w. a J.A. WaloU, W. P. tOO 14 Ornde Lodge, Mo w ttU .1 Oieir ball every tuuurday uiglit. VitlUug a,aa ewe eontially luviled to atteind. ; Oemlary plat cau be aeeu at oOioe ofClty Keoorder, ',... W.Boberiaon,NU U.R. Ooolidge, Ben. ...... t A u tul'ibvu k' .j ' u- .i aMaueveryanNaiidlhlrdTburadaye In h NIVUMI IH VW, V VIIUWV .1.11, VHIilHI PaiTfl arclie alway wekwiaa I. H. Haouk. U K , Kdinoad Boblnaou. Bertbe BA8TEKMBTAR OEM Hone Chapter No ID niM the eecondeud Court b Wartucaday ol cb auoath at i& p u In Muoaic Temple atarue Aldrkih. W at Mary A Waraiok. M. W.A. La OiaudetHiop Mo, 7703 mMU every flntt and third W.dnedy of the roonihaiJ.O. O.K. Hall. All vlalUng nelh bore are cordially invited to attend. aKdUead.V,a Joba Hall, Clerk. , XIREHTERH Ur Aata-lUCA-Ormrt Maid ' Markia, No U tnaeta eaelt Xbundey Sight la K off null, Brtithar are IovIUhI to alleud. ' X 81lllHm,l hlel fcaum. V " JBWIHiania1!lu.Bee Board orTruereei-rrr.CI L Biagrra, Joha Wall ad Herbert Pabiaoa . of Article XI Oregon constita- tion reads as follows: Sec, 7 "The legislative assemh ly shall not loan thecredit of the state, nor in any, mauner create any indebtedness or liabilities, which shall bingly aggregate with previous debts or uaDUUies exceed the sum of fifty thousand dollars, except in case of war, or to repel invasion, or to suppress insurrection: and every contract of indebtedness Thefe M many kinds' of "meat. entered into or aisumed bv or Dr,we Mil only ihe best kind. A onbehtlfof the statel when a11 rer W1 1.C0DVln" 7 it. Iiar.llin..ari aL " irlQ. iwa statement: We u.b niuuuiii .Kill nn v iha h.ui n n : . i to said sum, blull be void and of kill it cor recti v. . a.i . . I 'r.. - uu vuvci.. ..v , .... . I uur pnoea are as Jot as eon. Section 10 of said Article XI "f ieni wuu ine D8 quality. reads as follows: j r ' a I Hrf ? tjocK c iiQrnas ... 1 .. I I BLUE MOUNTAIN MARBLE l'. AND GRANITE CO. ,, . LA GRANDE OREGON Complete assortment of fin est marble , . and gran it always on hand. Estimates cheerfully, furnished upon aDDlication. , .. , Headstones and Monuments i A Specialty J.EW! SECOND h nAiD STORE - v r : . - r. AU kind of "second riand goods bought and sold GEO. GROUT. Prop, 1 209 Fir St. bet. AdamsADd Jefferson r GOOD PASTURE H00 aorea Una naatura.' aillntninri city, Abondantly watered, Cowe u beard tl.ftn. An .nu- horaee 1.38, per month. Stouk aeiirered on abort notioa.at reaa. prnaja. i i E. E.Jones. Phone 1276 La Grande MALARIA Sec. 1J "No county shall create any debts or linbilitiea which shall singly, or in the aggregate, exceed the sum of five thousand dollars, except to sup press insurrection, or repel in- vasion; but the debts of anv county, at tue time this consti tution takes effect, shall be disre garded in estimating the sum ta which such county is limited." I be constitution of Oregon containing the sections quoted UNDERMINES THE HEALTH ut-oame enecuve, February 14. 1 !mM r . tfifco .i. . . ' I 'w5 the rma of malaria enter tht 1859, the (late on Which the .i0, thf.el" health ia affected, and it act of Congress admitting Ore- TXcaZJtt&S nr... TT! I Stiver bniotrlioa fh.lla IT n -" (,vu iuiu vurj union was an l i V' r u ' crer' uous, j l . i I Achei nd Paina, and a treat variety ol proved by the President of the tflle manifest themselves, and soon IIUoA o.: i . I .Tc en"re yn w tinderm ned, leavino United States, and no subseaueut ufferer a ty to a mostmihu8 ..1. it. . . . 1 . I Weak and tiervnua mnr1iin atioyoi tue peopie oi uregon I i - ... uovo vuaugeu or amenaett said rer....., '7:":-"""'-rf.v sections and they are" in full SU&SJ&a lorce. ir sectioi seven did not. i.VW.aka?B.aP. .nrl U. ... i:. . . I ow oottiea: thla wil abont ai x.oo v jrt., llinu our Slate I f8"f o- It entirely cured me, and 1 Xi a Va Han. Waal Kaa a A ma LI a - J I .1 Vl . . . " . "" "VUOITO III G. E. FOWLER Truck and, Transfer i. ' 4 M ' r . Woodland Coal ' Phone 1611 ' All order given prompt attention. lH: 3 ,fi .! RED FRONT LIVERY BARN I Wm. Smith. Pi od. Sffe and reliable rigs furn at all times. Special ac comodations furnished tn commercial traveler", v j i ,. Phone. 3-5 , WM.' SMITH' FEED STORE Hay, Giain and feed. Free delivery to all parta ef the city." Mountain trad a a specialty. f.Phone 1061 Horaea, harness and wagona ; bought and add . for its adoption. l v. j I ""V" never Deen troubled alnoe. I am nuebtedness, except UDOn con-l !lJ"nootl,ernd'0'ee'uldhavea;lven -. .. .. . I oump.eie ana immediate relief. anions mat nave never occured, fcpYrMra o filty thousand dollars, and if ZXItiF&l&h .V.? aeouon ten aoes not limit county I kiiTtii-e indehlednfiaa in fiw K jIi . I. BHAPOFF. dollars, tha men wm orlnn ul ' & ? ounteractg and drives all the uoiiars, tue men WUO adopted it I poison from the blood and builds up the were very mtich mistaken aa tn I !B:,lem " y ' i.t fine purifyinir qnal- .u . , , I me and tonic effects. It strengthens "-(, iuci vuicu I "vi j luuoaa iuc appeuie, Helps P.- J .! I UieatOliiach Bflrl rlirmof w 1 plying the body with rich, pnrw blood! j " ii uuagrccauie au , meniA Unlike most blood med- 1 . ! r . ' mines o. a, . ts purely vegeta J. ble. It does not - contain a par araa mra r a'avaeaa a ate aa . i m runui vibxiABLtv ucieoi mineral f 1 . aisatrreeaulv affect tin. atnm.ot. i.: l' . . . v,.KW iun auu ooweis, out dj cleansing and the vacancy caused bv the tpbSo-. bf the bod in ho.uh. ;I.eryt? naUou of Judee Cotton. M.1?0 .an.d r mediaa Jlc d- " . i wim wiiuuui cuam. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO , Atlanta, Ga. According to Attorney Gener al Moody, United States District Attorney Francis J.IIenny will practically dictate who will be appointed United ' States judge for the district of Oregon, to fill v5, A Grim Tragedy ; la daily enacted, in tboussnda of homes ea tsatn olalma, la each one, another victim of Consumption or Pneumonia Bat when Ooogha and Colds are prop erly treated, toe tragedy . la averted. F G Huntley, of Qakladon, Ind, writes "aiy win nad the oooanmptloa and tores aooiors gave her 1 up. Finally aha took Dx. Kina'a New ni aaiVsVata for ConaampUon, Coaghi and Coldi woun coreu ner, ana today she ia well and atronz." It kills tha cerma of all diabases. One .dose . relieves. Goar- aateed at 60o and f 1 by Newlin Drag uo., aiaiRisv. ,1 rial bottle: Tree. It ia annarpnt 'tliat ' it.. ..J -a I? -rr tun DUU 11 1 I I the land f raude in this state is rZKSK IIITO!1. not yet in eight by any means J.!luJ.,u,,,,tr, .Rlk Mountain mm - i vi anHfitii wai v rnraa iaaiiraamaaainaa. - h question is, where will thev "Wion .nd' JISZZSU0 endT f " , , fjnTeaor TableU. Newllo Drug " V . I V. ..- ,. .1, URIC ACID 111 me uiuuu causes Kneu matism,Sciatica,Lumbago, Neuralirii and Gout. You liSVrCan remove re usc by Yti - " -o r REX RHEUMATIC RINGS AUnufeetufed by the Ren Rheunatti king Co., Hartford. CocVtloit. '" Pmcc $2.00 ' m J. R. .SMITH, ffl W av. tSW A ..1. . , . Jk. SUMMER FRUITS Until further notice vt will be able to furnish our customers with the very best I,,-. .. .... . : ' ' . Black Caps Black Berries Red Raspberries Peaches Peach Plums And all other seasonable fruits, fresh from the vine and tree NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE W Coi.iir and Jefferson Sta. ' 0. RALSTON, Prop. j : 1ST. LOUIS LIVERY AND FEED STARI F 2 l : .. LARSEN & N0RRIE, Props, First class turnouts fur- V nished day or night. v ) 8pecial accomodation for S ' . commercial men. Jt C) fA Co pSS ttet lervire guaranteed (J raa 0, Rigs furnished for " parties, funerals and picnics. The best carryall in the city. HorHen boarded bv week or month day, &y Keep Cool r If jou have no other wa call on the ' LA GRANDE LIGHT AND POWER CO. . . . and secure an Rates ur.il all prices will be explained at the office Electric Fan I Mt.i.lHMII.,aMtlMtt ' a "The man who loves his wife the most Is not the one to let her roast.1',; '., . .-'at 9 . The,e hot days, in i kifeben overlived by a e weltering I ' tove-Cut out the family wash day. Bend your and F to us Sayes wood, time and; energy. rWt I a lovely disposUion. Send your linen, all of it U I AeB.Ce I j STEAM LAUNDRY I PHONE eft x85i LalGranJe, Orr v. 'i 'J. j I ... ... I w9..mm mm9mn W'.'i!J.J.Y.r.v.Ml"1 "1 ' (! 1 aaaiaiai