WEATHER Tonight sud tomorrow fair eud warmer A- T?,!Q) VOLUME IV LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY. OREGON FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1505 mm IMS TODAY A A i f '" V I ; t A I ; LLOW FEVER ON THE INCREASE Four Deaths and Seventeen Mew Cases Quarantine Restrictions ''vl- IS Engineer Drowned ' (By Mcrlpps Nawt AMOoiaiioD) Bayonne, N J.t Aag. s.A Jersey Central paaseuger train struck a mit cUood switch at Haekensack rlvar bridge tbia morn log, going into the river, drowning tbe engineer. The coachM remained on the brtdga. ) Lindsay Arrested By Soiippi New Association Mobile Aag 4--Dr J. M Lindsay, the bead of tbs national ' qoarantina ae sociaUou of Nashville waa arretted ' at (lull Port Mississippi by qoarantina oBee while getting off at New Orlesns and waa esut to abip island, aboard ol the revenue cotter Winona. Youths Run Away : By Bcripps News Association New Orlesns Aug 4 Nothing bas been done yt to set enide tbs qoaran tina wbiob exists between the Rapids and Celcaaou parishes which have shut out all train, thos tieicg h.Uh aha Tvni and Rnnthnrn raii"-i:;.'o mail has been reoeived Irom Texas snd northern Louisiana fj-aoinis today and all transcontloental Baker City Aog '4 Wesley ; CUna and Joseph Duffsy, two youths aged respectively 18 and 17 years, were ar rested this morning by the police when they alighted front the west bound freight. The tays claim they arc being held here until information train through tba ptri'nes ai a nign can t obtained from lost place with rate of speed with no stops. , v i regard to tnair story, x bey only pos FOURDEATII8 eessad the sum of Ave eenta between. N.w Orleana An. a-flOlMlOfflolal ,M . .v.... I worrr them in I ho V repuru lauw tuur uiuun .nun ur - . - , new eases In the fever section Crown Prince ' (Sorlppt News Association) Copenhagen Ang 4 Tba Sweedisb crown prince, Gustavo arrived on visit to king Chrlatian to discaas the Norwelgian situation. -: JURY: D SAGREE E-SECON Stood Six to Six. Third Trial Set the 20th Before Judge Hunt for Jlyoints today and all tn traffic is at a standstill. The Louisiana soldiers on the state Una spent en uneventful night last night. Commander Bostock, of tbs naval reserves, will seise all Missisair pi boats caught trespassing tn Louis iaoa waters. Trouble is expected momentarily and the tualitia U held in readiness On the other band Mis aissippi it making warlike demonstra tion. This state has no naval malitia - but has soldier, ard Governor Yards on8 bas called out more troops to do -4tj along the ooat. Over one hun dred men are there now, It is likely that the Mississippi bo!, Graoe, will - he seired today and tha crew arretted. Sheriff Long says ha will follow in ttruolions of Blanobsid to the very letter. . " New Orleans Aug 4 Pour v desths . and 17 new oases of Yellow (aver were reported officially at noon today. All below caoal street and in the Italian ie . garter. -JDr Richardson searched the Maoderloin this morning but found no fever. This afternoon tne Calcasieu and Rapids parish official backed down and permitted trains omytog mail to paas through. When tbr New Orlesns trains, arrived, the Caleash n en cine hauled tbe dototched ma 1 nr. . " ,!! ;"ms(OI and' x some new cases have not been made pabuc. INCREASING' Newr Orleans, Aug. 4 At three o'clock this afternoon tha official re port elves tba camber of twenty new eases of fever and fever deaths. At present the outlook is that record of many new cases will be hung op tomorrow. . QUARANTINE SPREADING New Orleans, Aog 4 Tha quaran tine regulations are becoming much tighter throu about tne state of Miss losippl, Alabama, Texas, Tennesee and Arkansas. 8hor. gun methods sre the order of the day and the militia has been ordered ont in the majority of the states. Work Is progressing nicely towards clesning the streets. AT JACKSON . - Jackson, Miss., Aog. 4. No new oases of vellow fever are reported to tha health board today. , The Vlcka burg company of national guards were ordered oat this morning to reinforce the troops on the coast. The New Orleans nsval reserves this afterroon captured a Mississippi patrol boat at Rigoleten in the Louisiana waters. Frank Howard, who was ai rested by Deputy Sheriff. Tom Johnson charged with stealing goods from tba O R & N freight oars, was arraigned before Justice John Hoogh this afternoon snd held in the sum ol $500 in default of whiob ha was taken to Jail to await the action of tha October term, of the Seventeen non union operators have olrouit oaurt vA r. r ..-.!.!! for the west. Bound Over Strike Bound ; By Sorippa . Jtews A'-LLtr. ot rsul Ang 4 Tha striking tele graphers undoubtedly have the North Pacific and Great Northern roads se rioosly crippled today. Tha Northern Psoifio pateoger train No 4 has been annulled, running at No 22. President Perbam says all. passenger trains are from seven to fourteen hours lata and that the freight traffic is paralysed. No violence or accidents are reported (Scrlppt News Association) Portland . An . oaing ' out Kwriy forty four boors, the Jury in the second trial ot congressman Will lamson and his co defendants, accused ot oontpiracy for .suborn perjury, to trsudulenty acquire government lands, lM 'JL ait could riot agree and were discharged. The thiid trial of the caaa was set tor August 28, before Judge Hnnt, of Montana. Tba jury stood seven tor . conviction on the first three ballots and six for acquittal ths ensuing 11 ballots DISCOVER ;!Ibo1b -. lit '., , - ; . FACTORIES Gen. Corbin's Opinion Boripps News Assoclt tlon Washiugtod Aug 4 Philippine ad- i vises quote Oenersl Corbin as stating that Wood nor any other offloer of the army would ever b) made governor of the Philippines, as the place is purely a civil position aud the appointment of any army officer would bs hurtful HUNTINGTON CASE IS APPEALED By 8orlpps News Association Odessa Aug 4 Tba Russian govern ment was thrown into a state ot great excitement when it became generally known in offi 3ial circles ot the discov ery of three bomb factories here, with slxtv-tevjen finished bombs and 200 un finished missals. Twelve' parties im plicated are ondei arrest and a speedy execution is expected to follow. The government has already suffered from these murderous - attacks, an? fully realize the uncertainty ot their day. The defendants in the' cast of Baker County against the sureties on A H Huntington' tax bond bavo retained liars & (Smith as their attorneys in thsir appeal to the supreme court from the Judgement obtained by the plain tiff in Umatilla county last June, and steps ar now being taken to perfect the appeal. Celebrated Mass ; By Boripps News Association Ktw York Aug 4 Before leaving lor Oyster Bay for the peace conference, Witte's suite atteuded tha ureeit orthodox church. Archbishop Hovitsky celebrated mass blessed W'ltte and prayed tor success to the mission WUte ato d at the altar during tba ceremonies. Visits President : J Boiipps News Association Oyster Hay, Aog. 4.-The Russian peace plenipotentiary, Witte, was In troduced to the President this after noon. The giant envoy arrived at 12:20 accompanied by the Russian ambassador Karon Rosen. 'Ibe . Count comes merely to get acquainted with tba President", exp'ained tba ambassador, and baa nothing to say ' f or publication. Convicted M F Galliger of the steamsr Plant, was fined fo5 for violating tha local option law ot Curry county by selling liquor on the , steamer within the county limits. . ' - "1 f Infanta Maria - By Scripps News Association) "Ssn Babastlna, Aug. 4. Infanta Maria Alfomo, son ' of Princess of Austria and aistar ot Alfonso, belr presumptive to tba throne of Spain, I died this morning of consumption; Ha I waa born In 1903 'f TV THE BAKGMN FEAST GROWS And our great sale gathers Increased momentum everyday. Not a day passes but that it brings forth some new bargains which over- . shadows- if such a thing were possible-those of previous days. Come Early Come Often Something New every day And please remember these offerings are Strickly new and this season's goods DRESS SKIRTS 1 - SUMMER The Mae pencil man has made some extra ordinary inroads into the prices of aumioer Bklrtsof all kinds, wool, linen and . pique skirts all included. ' . J; ; PIQIE SKIRTS, regular $2.50 values everywhere but here. ALL LADIES' WASH SUITS AT ' SHARP PRICE REDUCTIONS Tbese gaits iu large assortment made from tbe newest and most popular ' summer ma terial, all at KEDUCED PRICES . - UDIES' SILK SUITS Are now offered for your, choosing at less prices tban the makers quote. $12.50 suits for S 8.00 20.00 "M 14.75 vH 22.50 " "16.50 fc Calico 4c I5c Qvadriga Cloth 10c Apron Gingham 4c Johnson Percale 8c , 65c Men's Underwear 50c - 50c and 75c Straw Hats 25c 50c Ladies'. Lace Hose " ':" 33c a MA 60c and 75c Oil Window Shades ' :'-:': 39c Aitchell Herman Putcr (8orlpps Newa Association) Portland, Au 4 The lund conspir acy ease against United. Statss senator MltchHll and congreAtmen Herman, 8 A. O, Puter et al haa been set for trial September 5. This case Involves the alleged payments ot 82000 by Put er to senator Mitchell lor ' expidltlng claims to patent. , BATH REQUISITES Everything for tbe lath of the quality you ought to have - at ihe price you ought to pay. We sell quantities of bath 'supplier, because we keep what people warn, and make the prices right. Sponges Bath Brushes Toilet Waters Superb Soaps AN INJUNCTION AGAINST MORMONS $1.25 Children's Slippers 79c r-.;v ZL'lii'iSI'ii ill '.""'i'i'i'i'"'"' i" Salt Lake Aug 4 A temporary in- unotiou was isuied . by Judge Arm' strong in the Third district court to day, restraining three Mormon mem bers of the city council from votlug tor or against a proposed franchise to tha Utah Light fc Railway company now pending before the counoil. ine tnree members restrained are Roton 8 Wells, W J tuddenbam and A 8 Barnes. Wells is one ot the pres. idents of tbe seventies add. tha other two tnn hold minor church offioec. Tba ground on which' tha restrain ing order Is issued It that these thrss men, by virtue of their membership in tha Mormon church, are interested in tba : proposed " frsnchlse, as the church owns stock in 'the Utah Light k Railway company, and the presi dent of tha corporation, Joseph f Smith, it elto president of the Mor mon chuich. : . . , " The corporation hat a monopoly on tltret railway trsnsportatiou and elec trie lighting in this City, The pio osed frsncbiaa is designer) to eot solidate snd titend exittins franobioea h -Id by tba cooipaoy. If the opportunity to choose from an ample assortment, or if h saving of money is atr object to you, we expect fut uioh you bathing supplies . f to i 'lNEWLIN DRUG Ca eatMgey wtSHHH wmiife';asiBasBtM. : Mrs, Thos. Phort and daughter, Miss llattie, ste In Portland visiting Irelnds ICE CREAA SODA It will pay .you to walk a block to get the best Ice Cream Soda It costs no more. We are better prepared than ever to atop your thirst and " RELIEVE THAT TIRED FEELING. We have only the best crushed fruits and pure rock candy syrups. Our ice cream is made from , pure cream and is the best. Let us show you. ;.:;::.:A.-T.':;HI Prescription Druggist LA GRANDE, OR 5 . t ', 'it ' . and enjoying tha exposition.