cm . r ;. - ., gja,arMttiM!aa!38afcjat3uBsa You can Shoot Grouse Aug. 15 ECIAL PREMIUM Si :vm.-.-i. .118 f T i a 4 - m e a'- n Our great July Clearance sale was certainly a "hummer" and ue believe uill be remembered by the people of this valley. Hundreds of people secured bargains in that, sale that we are sure they appreciated. CAN DO AS WELL OR - BETTER M ,,,, . . ! ., fj t ntsl m 1 a 18 YOU We still have some good things left in summer goods, and in order to make a complete cleanup, we have decided to continue the sale on these FOR TEN DAYS WITH SOME SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN PREMIUMS For each $5.00 cash purchase, For each $ 1.00 cash purchase, For each $2.50 cash purchase, 10 yards calico FREE any 10c article FREE A DINNER FREE TRADING STAMPS WITH ALL OTHER CASH PURCHASES , THE SAME CUT PRICES ON ALL SUMMER GOODS, ODDS and ENDS, REMNANTS, ETC. ; - 1308, 1310, 1312 Adams Avenue. -; .-' t Largest Store-".'-7-' ' : ' ..V:';; - " : ; ;' Sma,,est Ptitts Wateh this ipacc for Suit winncn J. W. BicWoid , 35 H Hanhouser $25 Suit last Saturday Two drawing! on Sat ' August 5' WE WANT YOUR , NAME. . Signed to the new suit club. Come and let tell you about it. Get a nice tailor made fail suit, or an overcoat cheap AL. ANDREWS Haberdasher and Tailor 4 1 GROCERIES FROM THIS STORE ARE ALWAYS NICE AND FRESH SEEDS SEEDS I QEDDEilBRlf Just received a Car Load of Alfalfa Seed Red Clover, Timothy, Red Top. All kinds of Grass sseds. Balk Garden Seed, Bald Barley, Rye, Wheat and Oats, R.M.OL-MER . JEFFERSON AVE " PHONE I57L I fill l r : : . SUMMER FRUITS Until farther notice we will be able to furnish customers with the very best Seasonable ; Goods as well as Staples always on hand. North Fir Street When you want the Best Ice Cream onr Black Caps Black Berries Red Raspberries Peaches Peach Plums 7 And all other seasonable fruits, fresh from the vine r -.' and tree . '. 2 NEBRASKA; GROCERY STORE t) Uoi. lir and Jefferson Eta. ; ' : O. RALSTON, Prop. County Court U ia session. This ia tbe regular moating night of the city council. Mr. W U Sawyer, o( Pendleton, was a La Grande visitor yesterday. J A 8ommer U op from Flgin on a bueinese visit. . .... Barn and Bailey'a cireos la beaded tbia way. No datea yet announce I. Tbe county court ia in aesiion tbia morning wHb tbe full board pre6Dt. Mrs H CJ Grady, ia visiting friends in Walla Walla. Attorney L J Davis, of Union ia in the city tranaaotlng bnaineaa at the court bouee. Mr. Dan Sommer, of Elgin, arriTed in ma city yesterday aiiernoon on a abort bnaineaa visit. .. . Judge Sam White, of Baker City ia In the city today. . '' Ktate Superintendent of pnblio in atraction, J II Ackerroan, of Salem la here attending tbe count school insti tut;' .. , , ; . Al Andrews and Fred Swaney left tbia morning for Wallowa on a flailing trip expecting to be abaect until tbe latter part of the week . ' Attorneys L J Davis and O E Cooh ran of Union ara attending to legal raattera at the county leat today, ' U zzZ Zmrr nave juat ' Installed tbe reet of the Vault furniture in tbe court house. The Union County Court house U Dow completely furniibed. and Is one of the bent county capltola in the state. 1 '" : ' There ia no city In the Inland Em pire that ia putting In ea many blooka ot cement sidewalk aa in La Grande, , r ; Tbe attendance at tbe Lew la and Clark fair . will exceed the million mark with tbe close of 'the present week, whlon is , in excess of tbe x pecUtlon ot the management. ' ' Profeasor U J Uoskenberry delivers his lecture "The old play ground and tbe new,' in tbe Presbyterian church thia evening.- . ':-" ' Mrs Cora V Vernon, who has been in the city, the past few. weeks, 'visiting ber sister Mrs Kred S.Mike, left this morning for Portland. ! " , ' ' ' There will be no regular meeting ot the - Women's Christian Temperance Union tomorrow, as la usual v Mrs T W Ayers left last evening tor La Grande, where she will visit ber sister Mrs A A Roberts, for a few daya, after which she will jUn ber husband at Durkee. Pendleton East Oregonian. . ; ;. At a civil aervioe examination - re cently held at Boise City, Idaho, of applicants for clerk carriers in the post office, fifteen were esamined. Mra, Ellen Lindsay received 88,35 points, the highest of any, . : , The Spiritualists of Spokane have society with over 100 members, and which is very flourishing. - Mrs. Fran ces A Bheldon Is president of the so clety.-" A,' In order to assist In the work brought about by the great travel from the east to tbe fair, two conductors are placed on trains five and six. Charles Norria actios; ao assistant. Fireman W M Driaooll of tbe O R & N passenger run between Umatilla and La Grande, is in the city today, hav ing come ofor on No I thia- morning lie has been off duty (or two months with injuries received while taking water at Baker City. The tank spout crushed his leg and blood poison fol lowed and be baa not worked since June 2. . Ue will resume bis duties to morrow. Pendleton E Oregonian'. HAS ACCEPTED THE PRESIDENCY I have just received a Urge supply of sheila fresh from the factory, the kind that kills the game. - My etock of hunting coata, gun cases, and buntiug aopplies cannot be beat.. Just received a large ptock of shot guns and rifles, all grade and prices. I also have tents, camp stoves and wagon covers. If sou are going camping or hunting, call and ex amine my stock. MRS. T. N. MURPHY, , Builders Hardwaie and Crockery. County Clerk J B Gilham Dsn so far istued more hunters licences than any other efcrk In tbe state. Union county hunters are always willing to respect tbe law. From tbe number of active candl dates in the first congressional district it seems to be taken for granted that Congressman Hermann will not aeek further honors However, Mr. Her mann has not yet declared himself out of the race.' , '(.. car ot horses to Council Idaho. ' Mr Richardson, together with three men will leave tonight for Counoil,. where Mr Richardson will take charge of bis sawmill. The bones shipped today will bs osed in woik about . the saw mill. Mr Richardson states that the P & I N railway, will be built imme diately to Meadows Idaho, with pre speots of further construction this year. ;V .- ' Miss Cora Harding Miss Cora Uardiog is the winner ia the Mayvllle Cigar contest, reoeiving 8917 votes Miss Tillie Bennlng . was aecond with 6S01, and Miss Genevieve Chrlstofferson, third, with 6590. " ' Miss Harding will leave for the Lev is and Clark fair about September 2 This contest has been going on tor the paat three months an J baa been eager ly watched by many.. Mr. Mayvllle extends his hearty thanks to all patrons of the now fam one Mayvllle brands of cigars, In the benefit of home patronage.' It- shows that the smokers ot La Grande ap preciate a home made oigar. Miss Betnjce Ellsworth leaves this evening for Portland where she will visit the exposition .nd then take a few days outing at Long Beach. County Clerk J B Gilbam who has been on tbe sick list the past few days is again able to reoume his station at the court house. ' ; Mr J V Nevins, operator lor the Oregon Short Line at Weiaer, Idaho, who has been visiting tbe Lewis and Clark fair at Portland? n-" zZl today on a visit to his sister, Mis H C West. '" . SELDER'S CANDY STORE Advertised Letters Remaining at the Ialand City , poat office. . : Blanoha Lasater " L W Cntlar, card Mr. W Berton Smith , Mr. Joseph Jeffries For the month ending July 31, 05. Card of Thanks - Miss Cora Harding desires to sin oerely thsnk tbe many frlenda who gave their anpoort in the contest of whlob she was victorious. DAINTY ," t'. , t . .. Treats In eatables, so folks say who ait daily at our tables to refresh the inner man. Our restaurant will give your etemaoh a rest, because tbe foods are carefully seleoted ami onoked ncder orders of a cbeit of wide reputation Our bill of fare Is varied dally and al ways contains soma cheice tidbits Live not to eat bat eat to live and daily . dine with aa. It will be a picnic to your interior department. ' MODE L RESTAURANT J. A. ARBUOKLE, Prop. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT We sei weekly Meal . .A Tickets Cash $450 n A CAR LOAD OF NEW FURNITURE Another car load of new eastern furniture has just been received, and every piece of it is for sale at a real bargain. Old furniture taken in exchange for new. This is absolutely the Gnest assortment of erstern furniture ever brought to this city. You are invitd to call new ana nandsomo and see the The La Grande Pawnbrokers Phone, Main 4 (By Sorippa News Association) 'Basel AogUBt 2 Israel Sangwil, the well known author haa decided to ac cept the presidency ot the new Jewish Territorial League, and win negotiate witn Prime- Minister Balfour for the English offer ot a tract of land In east Africa for a colonization which waa rejected by the original congress. '.; Longshoremen Strike ' (By Hcrtppa News Association Ban Juan Aug 2 Herioua t rioting occurred ber today in . connection with the atrlke of the longshoremen against tbe Porto Rloo steamship com pany. The polioe were called font to O quell the rioter and fired Into the ( A moo anting two ana woanaing lorty, some ot whom will prove fatal. The t atreeta are now being patrolled by police armed with carbioea. The com -( pany refuaed an increase of tea eenta ANNOUNCEMENT I Having purchased the painting and papering business formerly oned by Stackland & McLachlen, we wish to ioform the public that we are prepared to take contracts for all kmJs of painting, paperhanging and decorating. We are experienced workmen and guarantee satisfaction. We are here to stay and we are willing to let our work speak for workmanship and the quality for oar stock. A trial order solicited ; STANIELS a JARMAN. V) FANNIE BROWN, PM per hoar. .