v r WATCHES? Yes,rof course we hate watches, the very bel watches made. We alio bare Clocks, and every tbing in the Jewelry line J. II. PEARL Old Jewelry made.tolook Hk new Repair work given prompt Clocks taken care of T attention. IF oar responsibility o( $137,000.00 is guarantee enough, ' ; '; : IF our rate of interest on certificates of deposits bigb enough. '' '' 'v ' IF our rate jofiinterest on loans low enough, IF "the accomodations we ""rd zzz UUMuciory, tT - IF you are not already a customer of this bank, then we invite you to become one, WE guarantee you absolute safety for your funds ; '. if intrusted to our care. ; , ) . ' HAVING given 14 years of 'service to the Ad - . -vancement of the interests of La Grande and r s..V -Union county we fell Justified in asking' for !.' V your banking business, and we will extend to I you' all,, the. accomodations your account will -' - justify at all times. Your loans will be restricted only by the security jou offer and the balance you keep with this bank. ' , J ; ; . ; Respectfully, ; X and TJraders , lationat Siank ' ' of Xa Srandt Qngon, JosephJPalmek, J. W. Scribeb, G. E. McCclly, President. . Cashier. Asst. Cashier. r';. TWO SPECIAL BARGAINS 13 acres adjoining town, can'be irrigated. ' Price, for cash, upon application. 420 acres near Cove, all fenced, good outsider range, 160 acres fine for fruit or grain, well watered. Fine place for horse ranch. : Price upon application a Sraride Snvestment Co. . Foley Hotel Building La Grande, Oregon THIS WEEK New Mattresses $2.50 Dresser '" -; 6.35 Reservoir Stoves $7.50 Tents 7.25' BICYCLE To Close Out $4 to $12.50 Easy payments. -Mnipfii1. 2.25 ; Inneir Tubes $1.00 t Carpets Cleaned and Laid. , , - F. D. HAISTcN; Phone Red 1161 2 Highest Prices Paid for Second Hand goods July Poor Month Ntw Yoik Augiisl 2 New corpora lions tuihoriied in Jul onjer the Itwi of the entern state, with t cap ita of f 1.000.000 or more, aa complied by tba Journal o( Commerce, reach a total of only $61,515,000, bf far tba amalleat amount (or any month dor log tba current year. July baa been a amall mouth lor yean, however, in matters of this kind and the month now closing la a boat even with tbe re cord for recent years. Charters for companies capitalized at lees tbao $1,000,003 aggregate $39,905,000 . J. R. OLIVER. UNION COUNTY ABSTRACTS Farm Loans Specialty Not For Swedes Stockholm Ang 2 King . Oeear has caused tbe Information to be clroulat ed In, Stockholm, Christianta . and Copenhagen, the capitals of tbe three Scandinavian ooantriea, that Emperor William made no proposals to bint at tbe Gefle meeting of tbe two nion&rcbs which Involved the least menace to tbe tranquility of northern ' Europe. This general atatement le understood to mean that Germany Is not trying to draw tbe Scandinavian countries Into any plan lor closing the Keltic to tbe warships of the world, or anv arrange ment which would have tbe appearance of an entangling allianoe from a Scan dinavian point of view. , Must Feed Cattle f: Th "'rj-ii .i o egrtcoltnre ' baa prepared tn Insiitate snlt against the railroods of the coootry, including ell. the big western and eathera lines foir riolatlona of the law which provides that cat'Je in transit from one state to another, after tbey have teen In tbe j oars tor twenty eight houra, most be nnloeded, watered and reeled .for at least five boars. Tbe penalty for vio lation. Is a fine of from 1100 to 500 and the government will seek to have the maximum penalty Impoaed. Many of tbe roads want to compro mlee by paying flnea In some few cases and having the othere dismissed and all of them have promised to obey tbe law hereafter. To do this some of the roads will run cattle trains on pas. 1 eager train schedules to get them to their destination within the 28 boar limit.. , Others are patting oa large si able cars, la which tbe cattle can eat drink and rest. ,. The operation , of these can Is now being investigated. Summer Schedule7 The summer schedule of tbe Astoria fe Columbia Eiver Railroad has been inaugurated between Portland, . As toria, Oearbart and Seaside in con nection with special round trip exoor sion tickets to all Clatsop and North Beaoh points, and trains leave Union uepoi at b:w a dj, at!y ana ran through direct, arriving at Astoria at 11:30 a m, Gearbart 13:20 p m and 8easide at 12:30 p m. . ; ; ;The Portland and Seaside Flyer leaves Union Depot every Satnrday at S :30 p m, arriving at Astoria 5 :50 p m and rune tbroagh direct, arriving at Gearbart 6:40 p m and Seaside at 6:60 ' In connection with this improved service, special round trip season ex cursion tickets are sold fiom Portland 16 all Clatsop and North Beach points at rate of $4.00 for the round irip, good for return passage until October 15th. 1 ::S. ' i ppecfal commutation tickets, , good for, five i round trips, . are sold from Ponland to same points for $15 00, olwi fn return nntil f)nnkr lRlh o' " Saturday special round trip excur sion tickets from Portland to all Clat- op'aod North Beaoh points on sale every 8atarday at rate of $2.60 for round trip, good to return Sunday. Ticketa sold from Portland to North Beaoh points are issued in connection With tbe OB&X steamers from" As toria, and baggage is transferred to and from depot , and steamer dock at Astoria free of charge, and ail tiokets sold by the O R A N Co from Port land to '. Clatsop and v North pleach points, . ere interchangeable and wilt tn honored on trains ol this company in either Direction between Portland and Astoria. ' , ; Ticket! sold at all O R fc N stations and passengers wishing to go to points on Clateop Beach should so specify, in order to av id confusing tbis popular resort with tuat ol Long Beaoh, Wer-b, which ie reached only by boat . at Ae toria, tbos causing delitys enroute. f For additional information address O A Stewart, Agent, 243 Alder St. Portland, or J O Mayo, G F 4 P A, Astoria, Ore., and ask for Seaside & ovenir for 1905, containing 90 beau tiful ball tone views of Columbia rivfr andj Clatsop Beach scenery. ; Cores dizzy spells, ' tired feeling, strmacb, aldney and liver trout lea. Makas you well and keeps yoo well. That'e what Uolliater's Rocky Moan tain Tea will no. sa cents. Tea or Tablets. Newlln Drag Co. ' Best equipped abstracter in Union county. Many years . experiences with the Union county records gives me a great advant age. It is folly to pur chase realestate without first securing a proper ahstiaoU An abstract from my ofMce will shnw the title nst as it appears -on the official record. ). R. OLIVER, LA GRANDE, OREQJN Room 31, Sommer Udg. v v ' V T t I V r i TWO PIECE SUIT I p . : Ml A It K E c Davis . rrealdeat J H CHII.m Beo. and Iku t'lrtfyUUL. ' BL11F MAIJWTA.a, AND GRANITE CO. LA GRANDE OREGON Complete assortment of fin est marble and gran it tJaays on hand. Eetimates cheerfully furnished upon application. Headstones ind Monuments A Specialty - -Men's two piece suits grow in favor, constantly. Neith-'' comfort nor gentility demands a vest tor summer wear Tbe vest h 'Sno function when the thermometer tnys p9 degrees, We've Coat and Troueer Suiia in Single and . Double Breeted styles in a , varity of pattern you'll hud cioth anv- etundaru $7.50; $9.00, $10.00 and $12.50 Is the price range, accompanied by our regular guarantee there's WOT AN'OUNCK of superfluous wnere, wciiaine gracelul iine-;::y ::,-Z f;ucuie are tip to our usual and eicelleut ASH BROS. OUTFITERS TO MANKIND WSH SECOND HAND STORE AU kind of second hand goods bought and sold CEO. GROUT; Prop, 209 Fir St. bet. Adams and Jefferson G. FOWLER Truck and; Transfer Wood and Coal Phone 16ii, ; All order -' given -prompt attention. .i-Wi; ' New and Desirable Hand Bags. New Style Bruster Brown Belts' Pretty Feather Fans, Tub Collars hi a variety of style. Street Hate$ii J: Don'tloveruork In hotweather,: buy Children's Underwear Ready Made. your a E XI WELLMAN & QO t JLa Grrande Oregon arfiM djsif efl5swe, jsapfWejawsreex jsflhei Mb mm&ikmlkMk. RED FRONT LIVERY BARN i Wiru Smith, Prop, f ; Safe and reliable riga Turn at all times. ' Special ac comodationi furnished to commercial traveler, Phone. 3-6 WM, SMITH FEED STORE IIay, Gtain and feed. Free delivery to all part ef the city. Mountain , trade a specialty. Phone 1061 - Bonaa. lurnoM and wagons - - oougnt ana soia Li ri FUNERAL: DIRECTOR5 LICEI'JEb EJ1B.LMER5 r. l I: I t mm tt tm 4im&tmA ,.. . Lady assiatatt, Oallsanawered day end night, -'v'V: ' :-:'.:.',. Phone No. 621. .? J. 0. Henry, residence 6Q4 ' v ' VI-'4; l J. J. Oarr, residence 388 : La Grande Oregon - : - ; A Orim Tragedy is daily enacted, la thousands of homes as Death slalms, la each one, another victim ol Consumption or Pneumonia. Bat when Uoaghs and Colda are prop erly treated, the tragedy ia averted. F Q Huntley, of Oakladon, Ind, writes "My wife bad tbe consumption and three doctors gave her np. . Finally she took Di. King's New Discovery lor Consumption, Uooghs and Colds which cared bar, and today abe ia well and stroni." It kills tbe germs of all diseases. One dose relieves. Guar anteed at 50c and II by Newlin Drag Co., diQRslat. Trial bottle free. UkilprAOID " in the blood causes Rheu- f cJ 1 Neuralgia and Ctout. : You wearing One of our s . UmV RHEUMATIC 5 i'1" klnr Co.. Hwtfort, Cot Vcilcut. 4e Piica $2.00 ' ' atsp n J. R. ISUITII, IClpEAMS , It will pay you to walk a block to get the best Ice . Cream . Soda It costs no more. .We are better prepared than ever to stop your thirst and RELIEVE THAT TIRED FEELING. ' We have only the best crushed fruits and pure ' rock candy syrups. Our ice cream is made fiom pure cream and h the best. Let us show you. HI LA GRANDE. OR i v Prescription Drutfgijt LA uKAlNUtl IKUIN WUl - 0mplete Machine Shops andjFoundry General Blacksmith, Horse Shoeingand Wagon Work. Manufacturer of The.Fitzgerald Roller Feed Mill D. RI X 2 G E R A L D. J i ' : - FiOPRIETOF1 hrJaj.nm.-iMH rials f .tisi,' ; ami, ai aft ejraf, - eai h r mi a ami r ajam. r f n aa si ejaw Mursam aaa aa... m '' r ' ? $ : I- , t; 1: My I a '. Ir it- n u 1 1