Ml 3 N 1UI YAHDS CF CALICO FREE WITH EACH $5 CASH PURCHASE ANY TEN CENT ARTICLE FREE WITH EACH yl CASH PURCHASE You can Shoot Grouse Aug. 15 I m m m ONLY 3 MORE DAYS OF THAT GREAT SALE AT THE GOLDEN RULE STORE The goods arc going fast and you will have to hurry or miss the, Createst Oppor tunity you ever had to buy seasonable merchandise cheap. n Muslin Underwear Wash Skirts Tailored Skirts Covert Jackets Children's Hats 150 pair of shoes Summer piece goods Lawns, Dimities, etc. MEN'S TWO PIECE SUITS $8 Suits $5.34 10 " 6.75 BOYS' SUITS $1.75 Suits $1.25 2.25 " 1.50 MEN'S UNDERWEAR 25c garments 17c Men's Dress Shirts 25V OFF ME REGULAR PRICE 33i0 OFF OUR mm ii s Eft F p- REGULAR PRICE LADIES TAILORED SUITS $12.50 Suits $6.25 16.50 " 8.25 21.00 10.50 Ladies' Trimmed Hats Men's Straw Hats Ladies Waists $ .50 waists 25c 1.00 " ; 50c Odd Dishes - CAO kvn.CC o vII REGULAR PRICE A THOUSAND AND ONE ODD PIECES, REMNANTS, ETC. AT THEY MUST GO ANY OLD PRICE. Sale Closes Tuesday So Hurry, Hurry. Hurry, ,.. THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY 1308, 1310, 1312 Adams Avenue. ' : LADIES' WHITE HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS, TWO FOR 5c WE GIVE TRADING STAMPS WITH ALL CASH SALES at for Mr J t Bhodes who resides at Elaln waa a business visitor in the city tod. R O Frenoh, of Weston. U ia the city on abaeioess visit. Mr V M Clay and wife, who reside Bagtn, Neb. are visiting la La Oranda. Mr George Hanaon left this morning a abort business trip to Lime Siding. Mr J W Kennedy left this morning for Catherine creek where be will Join bli family wbo are now there, an I will remain for several dya on an outiog. Mr. Ed Carpmttr was given a tar. prise party last evening by a large amber of hie friend in honor of bli birthday. There were about tbirtr of bit intimate friends present, nd all enjoyed a delightful time. After a moat delightful time apent in nlavina games, dancing and pleasant conversa tion, the self-invited guests were treated to cool refreshments in the shape of ice cream, cake and other scliraclea of the season KjtrClaud Joues, expects to leave this evening for Portland wher be will be married to Miss Winlf Wey, of that ciUc-Toe wedding will take place at the home of the bridea parents August first. M, Jones baa host of friends in La Grande who will join with the Observer in extending congratulations 7 Miss Wey is well WE WANT YOUR ; NAME Signed to the new suit club. Watch this space for Suit ' winners N Bcivcr $35 L A Gsuet $25 Suit last Saturday Two drawings on Sat July 29 Come and let tell you about It. Get a nice tailor made fall suit, or an overcoat cheap . ANDREWS Haberdasher and Tailor ta SEEDS SEEDS Just received a Qr Load of Alfalfa Seed Red Clover, Timothy, Red Top. All kiadg of Grass gseda. Balk Garden Seed, Bald Barley, Rye, Wheat and Oata V JEFFERSON AVE PHONE 1571 Baseball Players and Foot Racers Louis J Krager. ex-obamoioa Ions distance foot racer of Germany ' and Holland, writes Oct 27 1901) "During my training of eight weeks' foot racaa at Salt Lake City, In April last, I used Bauara-a csuow Ldnlment to my great Nt satisfaction. Thurefarit. I MMm mend Bnow Liniment to 'all ' who are troubled with spralna. b'uses or. rheu matism." Zoc, 50c, 11.00 bottle. New lin Drag Co. . ; ; - , ,4 - FOR RENT-Two story honRe. " In quire at 1903 Fourth Street. . i;; --r'. -? , When you Want the Best Ice : Cream SELDER'S CANDY STORE known In this city as she resided here at - j- mmm netiTt worker lu the Batptist church where it will be remembered she sang ia the choir Mr and Mrs Jones eipeot trf return to La Qrande about the fourth of August I have just received a large t apply cf ihellg fresh from the factory, the kind that kills the game. My stock of banting coata, gan cases, and hunting supplies cannot be beat. Jast received a large stock of shot gans and rifles, all grades and prices. I also have lent, camp stoves, and wagon covers. If von are going camping or banting, call and ex amine my stock. MRS. T. N. MURPHY. Builders' Hardware and Crockery. f fa ; b toS5reB1ffliCTBg5S55Sa8taBiWi?a18Wt fECBatBESBSSa JaJGrande Boys In It This' morning DA MoLacblen and J Q 8tilsinger received notification of the fact (hat they Lad been placed on the crack rifls team of the Nation aUUawUiLlJsjtai They were iur uished transportation lo Bnebnrg where tbey will join the team and re main there Augusf, when they will go to Ba Guard, New Jersey to compete with teams from all the other sUtes. lbs winners of tbis competi tion will be sent to England to com pete io the international rifle contest: The fact that our boys were awardud a plac on tbis team which consists of on ly fifteen men and three officers, speaks well for Oomoanv L. Those who kno the boys -feel certain tbat tbey will be able to hold their own when ) oarjjes to marksmanship, and will bs surprised if they do not find a place oij the national team. ( '. New Firm Btaokland A Mo'achlen have sold their paper hanging busiuess to Stan- lels Jar man who, will conduct the business at the old stand! The gen r tlernen are both experienced workmen and expect to make this city their per manent -home. Their announcement appears In this Issue. Read it. - Mr H D Spencer of Elgin, waa visit ing in La Grande yesterday. ; Rev A Eds, returned this forsoooo from a trip to the Portland exposition. lbepatj 8tierlff Frank Fby and wife 1 1 left tbis forenoon for a short visit to iM Hoi Lake. m- Messis Obas and Felix Daarlovs, of Laramie Wyo, arrived in the city yes terday and are lookiog over the coun try. ' - MfUlrich Lottes, wbo b as been to Portland to see bis wife wbo it there under medical treatment, returned home ihu "rr'.rr. , .'.U Mr W H Bussard, who has been confined to bis bed with a slight at tack of typhoid lever, is now tble so be on tbe streets again. .. , Mr George Palmer and wife, who have been visiting Portland and tak ing in the Lewis and Clark exposition, returned home this morning. Mr Le Roy Tucker, the travelling passenger agent for the Great North ern Railway, was a bniness visitor ;n the oit) yesterday. He left this (ore noon for Baker City, Mr Ed Rogers wbo has been employ ed by the 0 R & N as brakemtn ont vl this city, left this forenoon for Salt Lake City where be goes to sooep't a position at that place. :. ' Report reaches here that the enter prising girls of Elgin hare formed what is known as a "Bloomer Girl" taee ball team, and that they will challenge and play the winners of the game at Kiglu next Sunday, which will be be tween two of the home teams. - Last night at nine thirty the fire alarm waa sounded, and the depart ment responded only to find that there was no fire. The cause of the alarm waa some burning grass on a vacant lot near the Stoddard mill. There was no damage, t " ' - -y 7 ....... . ..ln iz iuojeri ior tnis evening at tne-r. tank located at tb corner of 8th and N streets Is the "The Origin of Evil." : Why Does God Permit Bin to Con tinue? Will It Ever End?" The subject tomorrow evening is The Preoions Promises of God." Each service reoeeded by a song ser- - vice. .. ' . - Mr Geotge O Rlnehart, of Portland arrived in the city last evening on a short visit. iMore Fever Deaths : (Bcrlpps News Association) ' yjshington July 28dovernor Ms- goon, ' of thi ; Panama xone, reports three more deaths from yellow fever. Case Postponed' Boripps News Association i ' Montreal . July 28 After a lnn argument today, the counsellor Gavnor and Greene got a postponement of the habeas corpus until September 6th. J More Honor Given 4 ; By Scripps News Association " Toklo, July 23 The Minister of War today entertained the Taft party at lanobeon in the famous ' garden snr rounding the arsenal. ' The cabinet and many officers of the army and navy were present.- "Marouis Ito chanted anorginial poem composed la honor ot the visit of the Amerioans." Y IT LOOKS GOOD and tasts better.' So patrons say of the food w serve in oar restaurant. Naturally to be expeoted. We pur chase only the best In the market and our chef nnderstands his business to perfection. ; Let as tickle your tonsne with a tempting plate of flah. To'i'll smack your lips oer the first mouthful and want more Our regular dinners at j 25o are the delights of epicures. RESTAURANT J. A. ARBUOKLE, Prop. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT We seii weakly Meal Tiokets Cash $4.50 ! X SECOND HANDS GOODS WANTED Remember we pay tbe highest cash price ' for all second hand goods. Jast' phone Uain 4 and we will call. We also have the largest stock of new and second hand goods in Eastern Oregon and can make you the right prices. .. f' , , 6 Remember we are agents for the Royal and Chicago Ranges, which are the best ranges on the market, and we will sell you a range with high closet, 20 inoh oven and 15 gallon reservoir, nickle finish, for $38 We will take your stove and pay you a good price for it, and if you wish, you can pay for tbe ranga on the installment plan at $1.60 a week. Call and see them The La Grande Pawnbrokers ,.. . . Phone, Main 4, 1 Japanese Demands i Washington. D 0. July 28. It Is re ported that Japan's peace terma will approximately be an indemnity to cover the coat ot the war to date- about 81,000,000,000-tha cession . to Japan of Sakhalen, the transfer of the lease of the Liao Tang peninsula, in cluding Port Arthur, and of tbe railway as (ar aa Harbin, the recognition ot Japanese predominating lafluenoa la I Korea nd the return of Manchdria . to j Ohloa, i Another subject - the - peace I oo n fare no will have to settle wilt ba I the disposition of Bussian ships now! Im.amiajI Im nan 1 ru.J. whlnk T.n.a I undoubtedly demand, and possibly the neutralization of Vladivostok. MMOUMCEMENT .,'v.-.f Having purchased the. painting, and papering S business formerly oned by Stackland A McLachlen, $ we wish to inform the public that we are prepared to take contracts for all kinde cf painting, paperhanging $ and decorating . " We are experienced workmen and $ guarantee saUsfaction. We are here to stay and we are willing to let our work speak for workmanship and the quality for our Btock. A trial order solicited' ' nSTANIELS S. JARMAN. .-'V., ..-w. . ' 2&