0 o 6 8 o K t 0 o o o o s o i SUMMER FRUITS Until further notice we will be able to furnish our customers with the very best Black Caps Black Berries Red Raspberries a Peaches Peach Plums y And all other seasonable fruits, iresh from the vine 6 and tree r O .-. -". . . O NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE 2 Uoi. ! it and Jefferson Sts. 0. KALBTON, Prop. J WILL NOT SIGN AMERICAN TREATY Keep Cool If jou have no other way call on the and secure an Washington July 23 8ome doubt ia expressed in official olroUa whether U will be possible to obUIn China's cootentito Another treaty with tbe United titatee providing for tbe ex cluilon of Cblrese laborers from this country. The state department la war of ill feeling throughout China on the whole eubject and now that tba Immigration treat with China baa beau allowed to lapse without the ae gotl&Uoo of a new agreenieut, reports have reached here that China la In dined hereafter to refoae to alga any similar convection. Cblna'a position appeari to be that the exclusion of the Chinese citizens Iron a friendly co unty ie In Itself a disgrace, and while ahe cannot ignore the law of a foreign power providing for such exoloalon be can refuse to sanction It or become part of it by concluding a treaty in volving such restrictions, A. year ago It ia uld, It would have been ey to conduct negotiations with China for the exclusion of Chinese laborers only Now however it is understood the Chinese officials are disposed to regard the signing of snub a treaty as beneath the diguity of their government. nnonG THE CHURCHES FIRST CHURCH CP CHRISTIAN BCXKNC'B Basxinl BtiUdiag opposite FiAbJ Hotel Bandar -Mia a m Sunday BarvleCT Bervloes Wednesday. -II a .MO Beading room open dally exeapdns Bond Crocs U em tol2 m aad fromlpmlo ipsa LATTER DATSAIBTS Bund j i 1 1 ' , , Regulai Tfn .10 am -S ps Mulaai Improvement AaociattoB meets eoa- JaUUyetTJOpss CANADIAN RIFLES; ARE BARRED Bates and all prices will be explained at the office Electric Fan see t e- a ' r e ; "The man who loves his wife the most v- S Is not the one to let her roast" .2 Thee e hot days, in kitchen overheated by a sweltering etove Cutout the family wash day. Bend your laundry to us. Saves wood, time and energy. : Don't burn up a lovely disposition. Send your linen, all of it to A.B.C. STEAM LAUNDRY X PHONE j La'Graniey l85l Oregon. An Opportunity For Home Seekers 700 acres of choice Farm and Orchard Land will be sold in large or small tracts to suit purchaser. This farm is only 15 miles from La Grarde, on the Elgin branch of the O. K, & N. Railroad, and is what it known as the Heury , Riuehart Farm, and is located at the Kiuehart Spur. This farm touches the foot hills and is watered with numerous springs, and . a beaaliful spring branch of pure living water. The land may be divided into FORTY OR EIGHTY ACRE TRACTS, every one of which is supplied with living water. This splendid tract contains sufficient land to furnish homes for twenty or more families. Remember this tarm is under cultivation and every foot is a wealth producer. One tract cow has over ten acres of young bearing orchrad, which is ABSOLUTELY FREE FROM PEST. J This farm has a complete railroad and count? road con nection, and is located in a school district which is free from debt and maintains a good six months school. Address, HENRY RINEH ART. SUMMERVILLE. OREGON. Or call at the farm for full particulars, Terms and com- " '-'-; :V: pi description. Montreal, July 28. The proposed uvuvu vi um rony third regiment Dnke of Cornwall's rifles of Ottawa, to Providence, tt I. , for the purpose of participating in a celebration by the residents of-that city, hits been aban doned beoause of diffloaltlei with the authorities of the states through which the regiment would pass. The regi ment received permission from the federal authorities of the United States to cross the boundary, bat they would not be allowed to carry arms en route, as the laws of Massachusetts definitely forbid the invasion of the state by an armed body. CATflOUC CHURCH W.J. Why te, rectos Low Maaa Ult Mm, Rosary utd FrJiotioo (alio wins 10 am. .Tib .10 a BAFTXBT CHUHCH Rev. J. T. Day, pastor Sunday BchooL 10ei PROFESSIONAL CARDS Z PHYSICIANS DR. A. L RICHARDSON, Physician and Surgeon. Office over HuTs DrS Store. OuVePhoaelU Beaiaaaeere N. MOLITOR M. D. PHYSIC1A1I AND SURGEON Ooraer Adaas areaae and Depot Bt. OAMPhoaetM BfXOiH raommm WILLARD SMITH PHYSICIAN AND J SURGEON Phone 7U IlabaudlDCoppaalU Sootmer Hooae OfflM Hooia, I to 1 T to S Youag Heopla'a meeting-. TM pm Prayer Meeting .Thuradjiy Ipa Boys Cob, gatarday eeuln( at 7 JO la the church. Preaching aerrloo....,.,.,,...,.U a m and p m Yo arc eordlally Invited to oomc aad bring yoiufrleade. etrasgers made waloome. M. PEnWS EPISCOPAL CHCKCH . Upton H. Cibba, rector ' Fifth ttaaday after Trinity Holy Communion.. Sanday bebool. Morning Bwvloea... Kveotnf Berrlcea.. 8 a m ..10 a m -11 am 1 m PRESBYTIitlAH CBOBCH By. E. B.Hays, pastor Banday School.,,, ,,.. 10 Junior Knrlaaonp.... ..:,.,JZ 1 Healor Endeavor... 7:00 p m Prayer Meeting Thursday.,,,.. 8,00 p m Preaehlng """''-r a m and 8:G0 p ra Moraing-HTbe Miaaion of the Church" Evening "What the Christian should belike" Mrs 0 E MoOlung of Laorenoe Kan. will sing. The ehoras ebolr ander the direction o( Mia. Lyle. A cordial Invitation la given to aU who have no church home to attend these service BACON & HALL, t SICIANS AND SURGEONS Offlee ia Foley building, Phone 11B1. C. T. Bacon, Baaidenee Phone IMa M. K. HaUfteslaeaee 3121 THE OXFORD pin m JA:E$ FARQUHARSON, Prop. Coapiete asaortmant of WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Cold loathes and mixed drkls a specialty. Fair and impartial treatment to all. Tea are in vited to call and get acquainted - DRS. BIGGERS & BIGGERS Pnyaiciana aud SurROuns O W Blggen, M. D. Geo, U Blggers, M. O Telephones Office LEI Ileal dence 1881 Qfaoe Ralston Balldlng over J. U, Berry's Store. Resldenoe oa Madison-AVe. secood door west of fcrmer resldenea, Dr. G. W. Bigger - La GRANDE - OREGON . Prufeutoaal Calls prosipily atteaded to day or sight. Want New Treaty Washington, July 528. Germany's commercial relations with the United States will be among the most import ant subjeots to come before tba senate at the nest session of congress. . Hav ing nsgotlatsd new commercial sr. rangemeots with Belgium, Italy, Bus- sis, Boumanis and Servla, Germany is snzious to make a similar convention with the United States. The new treaties already conolu Jed become effective Maroh 1 and preliminary, no ties has been received that the German treaty with this country - will be air lowed to lapse about November 10. " A thorough understanding exists, how ever, between Walbioglon and Berlin regarding the reasons for ending - this treaty, ., : RAID ON CHI- CAGO GAAVBLERS Chicago July 28-John Collins, the newly Installed chief of police of this oity startled the gambling fraternity tonight by leading a ' comprehensive raid againat the largeat poker rooms to be found in the down ' to wo section of the city, ' Headed by Chief Collins in person, the polioe deoended upon four prominent gambling clubs arrested about 100 men and confiscated large quantities of gambling parapher nalia and destroyed all of the furniture found in the places. Chlei Collins an nounoed early in the day that he pur posed to suppress all gambling In the city and the raid tonight was the first step taken in that direction.,, . Presidential Picnic By 8crippa News Association Oyeier Bay, Joly 88. President Roosevelt and entire , family are plo nking today . at some point on the shore of ths sound Not even secret service men are inoluded In the party. No visitors are expected today, - GOOD PASTURE 800 acres floe pasture, adjoining city, Abundantly watered, Cowa In beard 11.60, dry stock and hor-ea 1.25, - per month, Btork delivered ou short notice at reaa prices : E. E. Jones, Phone 1270 La Grande Spoiled Her Beauty Harriet Howard, ( 209 W 31th sf., New York, at one time bad bet beauty pulled with akin trouble. . She writes "I had Suit Rnenm or Eorema for years, bnt nothing would cure it, un til 1 used Pucklen's Arnica Salve." A quick and sme healer for cuts, barns and sores. 25o at Kewlln Prog Co drag store j Battle paging ji London July 28 Thsoorrtrpondeot of the Daily 'telegraph at Tokio senda a report received Iront Osaka, Japan, to the iffect that a Japanese at my of many thousand men is attacking the Buseian position on the Tuman river. Greatly in Demand Nothing Is more la demand than I meditiioe whloh meets modern require menu tor a blood and system cleanser, such aa Dr. King's Kew Ufa Pills. They are just what you need to care stomach and liver troubles. Try them. At ywlln Drag Co.: drag store, 25a guatsnteed. CKHTBAI.CHUBCH of CHRIST OPPOSITE BOMMER HOUSE O.H. King, pastor, 1308 P. St. Bible BohcoU 11 Horning Worblp.. 11 am VFBOI meeting 7KX) p m Evangellstlo service-. .....-.-8K p m Prayer meeting Wedned7.-.8;00 p m Boys Club, Saturday evening In the Btedy at Ipn . . ilonilng "Preacher and Psopler Evening "Peace, wnere and how?" , Bnstneas meeting at 130 pm.Au members are requested to be present. Luuoh at aooa. A cordial Invitation to all the services. 44,000,000 Bushels Portland, Ore July 29 As a result of the hot weather of the past five days harvest will be In full blast inside of another week, and estimates made by the O B is N satistlcian Indicate that the wheat yeild of the Inland Empire of Oregon, Washington and Northern Idaho this year will " approximate 44. 000,000 bushels. Harvest has been brought on earlier than nanal by the period of very warm ; weather than prevailed for the past 10 days Damage has been suffered by spring wheat In the Palouse county estimated at Id to 15 per cent In the vicinity of (larfleld, Oakedale and St John. In the Walla Walla valley 00 per cent of the wheat le reported clear before the hot weather set In and the injury sus tained was bnt a small proportion of the crop." In the vicinity of Pendleton conditions are reported with au eetl mated yield of 40 bushels, and there will be 15 to 20 bushels In the light lands of the foothills where some damage was wrought. Music Pupils Desired Mrs, Haiti B McDonald wishes to announce to ber friends that she has been studying latest and beet methods ol teacninv toe piano to Degtnners, as a good foundation Is the most essential thlug la the study of music She will be grateful to the publlo for patronage. Jnty 30 Mm Mm J OREGOiV Take Holll iter's Rock? . Mountain Tea. 8e it exterminate the poison, feel it revitalize the blood and bring back that happy joyona feeliog of by iva. no cents, lea or Tablets. Drug Ut, rone da; Newlla DEPART Time Bctwdul - mou ' " XA GBAnUK, OR rUM . Hoi Halt Iake, Denver.. FX No I - t:H p aa Worth, Omaba, Kan- S SO a m Not aaa City, St. Uwia, Cb- No, SWa.Bi,eagoandlLasl. ., SAIpu Hat - ' Hortlaad. Diutrs. ra. ; dleton. Walla'l-alla, . N. Deytoo, Ponaeroy, tot- " .- Id a as. f"i sioaoow, Spokane, t-asm ' . "7 aid puuta entt and 9 . north via Hpokace : Kortlaad. Dalles. Pn- dleton, Umatilla, Wal- o lata, Lewbum, Coirai, No '" i Moscow, Wallace. W ar- ttXi p. U. aer, HpokaM and other 8 JO am ;.k polo U eaat and aonb ' . via Wpoaaae Ket, SI . aland City, Altai, Im- . : DUya tier mad afrin. Coa- Bo U cvt ne tioas at a.la v th Saswlay ta?e aur petals ia waU JO ass auiaaa U. aan rUeamera bstweea 1'ortlanl aad Wa Fraaoaoaavary Ivvdaya. . DENTISTS S5U iWMBSBSEaii E ns ar . gt Lnnz oaior a CHAS, AL',U!ST(Prcpridor. WINES. LIOtM' AND CIGARS Finest rnllflftirtu ,t mnH'- - 3 ! I . r. - f auimais on tu r'-r I roast. ssssMt t sseeen : REAVIS BROS. DENTISTS. Offlee Bonuaer Building Office Phone S-l ' Bestdeoee Paoae 117 C. B. Cauthorn ; DENTIST Offloo Over Hill Drug; Store) La Grande, Oregon R. L. LINCOLN DENTIST Dp stairs, Cor Adams avemu and Depot 8U Pbone$4 V VETERINARY SURGEON Blue Front Saloon E. TKCRSON, Proprivtoi. ' ; FINKBT ; WINES. LI0U0HS Imported and domestic CIGARS Hot or cold Juach aU hoars - Jefferson Avenne Opposite Depot : mnnmtMMi. ie Dr. P A CHARLTON VETERINARY SURGEON, Office at A T Hill's Drug Store La Grande, Oregon Phone 1361 Residence phone red 701 ' Farmers' line 58 eooooooeseoooooew eosta Palace Salocsi CHAS, ANDERSON, Prop. i WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Always on hand DR. W. T. DDWNE3. VBTEaiNART 80BQBON AND : DKNTI3T ; - - . . .- Leave orders at Red . BesldeoeeCor ; ' Cross Drag store 6th and 1st Thirty five rears experience, best of reference . furnished ATTORNEYS CRAWFORD & CRAWFORD Attorneys-at-Law LA GRANDE, OREGON Oftice In Foley balldlng. J. W KNOWLES Attorney and Counsellor At Law s Office ia Ralston BnUdlng Phone IM Ia QrandeOr. H. T. WlUinma : . , ! a. c. WUllams WILLIAMS BROS. ATl'ORN EYS-AT.LAW Q Oca la Ralstoa BuUding Phone 1O5S : s . V Latirande,Or. . e Jeflorson Avenne r w a Oppor.te Depot aMSaasaiBs, THE LOUVRE CHRIS WRIGHT, Prop. ' FINK ' WI5. LIQUORS Gentlemen always Welcome Mr Street L A. PICKLER . Civil, Mining Irrigation Engineering md . Surveying Estimates, Plans, and Hpeciflcallona. Offlee 1110 Adams Avenne, with John EUojgh LA OBANUS. OaCOOB ; .- Eagle SaWn ILRICH LOTOS, Prop. FINB WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS Lunches are our . specialty Jefferson Avenue, Opposite depot Lodge Directory. every Bundy niht In K ol P hall at ton? Vultlng bratheru Icitad toaiteu 1. A. Ualott, W. P. . J. B. Pollock, W. 8. r ev7 B.luIy nih- VJjJ U-g mem em eordiaily Invited to attend. Reour(ler7. "'" oQ.oe ofQty - c Robertson, N Ki H.R.Coolidse.Sea. 4TAR KNdAMPaf KNT No SL I. O. O.W saeeta every im and third Thontdava in T". oUi t. Odd fellows hall. vSuT;,1 Vtrt rehe always welcome 1. li, ct JMBMMSdBblnaon.Virtbr 1 KaSTKRS STAR OEM Hod rh.. n U m-s the fcoond and foirtnredoeJu?, ch month at 7M P as in Mamie WlT' rt UryA Waraieb,1 ffd monlha.LO.O.F. Hall. AHvialSpr ti f aaiecordWIytaviledtoiT.end: tof BeUh- Joha HalL Casrav'MJra' V' a ItrtPoaU. Brothers j.re Inn led itteni . TaTin. ...... "wna. d efTra.-rV.l.8ee Herbert PaUiaom "W" Hall 11 J. F. JORIAJl ASD J.f. ROOD. PKOP FINE WINES LIQUOR Ind the beat brun 0 " CIQ115 Always on band MU. drinks s sueotalty as .oi see If yon don tgettU TUi m . tlemen's resort and win u m; h. h-, istn . . try ; . : OLYilPflrl BEEI I FOR FAMILY USE Just thin $ for hot weather. jSOMMER HOUSE CA I Prone Main 6-1 etaVaAa-a-g-ag-- - . - . , , ' 4 i. in Oat 0 For4 medico