mm mi today MMlllUl UirauJ warmer HQ .At VOLUME IV lacha?:: i':;:on coiwh. Oregon. Friday, july 2s. 1535 NUMCER 230 V ' . ill ; : Si CHIEF MOORE RESIGNS 1 i3orippa News Association) Washington, July 28. The reslgna- Uod of George T Moore, chief phyl eoologlst of the Department of Agrl culture, wm tendered to Secretary Wilson today. It was Immediately ac cepted. The aot taken waa a mult of the cbareea that Moore bad ex plotted "Ditro cutlure" aa a fertilizer for bla individual profit. Accompany ing the reaignatlon waa a lengthy atatement In which Moore defended hit otflolal conduct. CALLS BOYCOT BUGABOO (By Porlppa News Association) . Victoria, B O., July 23.-Tbe threatened boycott of American goods in China ia a "bugaboo,! according to Dr. Morrison, thePekio correspond ent of the London lime, who arrived here from the Orient thla morning He aaya that the agitation ia of com paratlvely em 11 proportions . DR. VAN GESiNtK ON WITNESS STAND COMMITTEE WANTS REFERENDUM VOTE FIGHT "YELLOW FEE fiocn DIDKP HANG By Scrippe Mews Association Portland, Ore July . 28 Van Geai ner the partner and co defendant Con gressman Williamson, took the stand In bla own behalf today and made a oouiplete denial of tha alleged land fraad conspiracy. , ' - (By Xcrlpps Newt Association) . Christiana, Nor wBy, July 28. The apecial committee of the storthing, to which waa referred tie government's proposal for a referendum on the dis solution of the onion , with Sweden, unanimously decided to recommend an acceptance of the proposal. . - NEW GOVENOR IS APPOINTED . ' rJciipps News Association .: Moscow July 28 M burnovo, the former preaident of the municipality of 8t Petersburg, hat been appointed Oovennr General of ' Moscow, to auo ceed General Easloff. The new Gove- nor is a believer in the extension of elf government by the Russian people The appolntement of M Durnovo gives general satisfaction, ) Russians Kill Jews By 8crippa News Association) Vienna, Austria, Jnly 28th-Tbe perteuatlon of the Jews ia spreading In Western Russia . At Vllna, thirty - two Jewa weoehot, and at Czenttchau be army reservists lynched thirteen Today's Grain Markets (By Scrippe News Association) Chicago, Ills., July 28. The quota tions on the - stock - exchange . to day as to the prinoipal grains were' as follows : wheat opened at $0.86 and oloaed at $0. 85 J ; core opened at 0.62 and closed at W.52f; oats 10.28. Scripps News Association ; New Orleans, La., Jnly 26r Govern or Elace'.iard baa returned to the state capital to perfect tha state orgaolza- flon to combat the yelloa fever and tha mosqultos, In aocordanoe with the snggtationa of the medU-al authorities. Beginning thla morning, tha ward or ganizations of the city began a con ported movement to ittmp cut the dread disease. Fvery new case will be isolated and all the physicians ia the City nv t4f:i.A'- committee bat attested every business man in tba city, according to bla com merelal rating, and none have refueed to promptly respond. The yellow fov er hospital ia sow filiod with patieftt and oew oases are being " received f as fast aa thsy develop. The quarantine is apparently vary effective. ', . STATE QUABAKTiSS r The atate board of health decided to quarantine the atate agalnat tha city of New Orleans this morning. Two tuspto'oue cases were discovered In tha American quarter, and the houses were immedt.ieiy '.quarantined. The main hoaptlal service today be gan aa examination of all steamboats. MANY ATTEND, FUNERAL Visit Sea Bridge By Scripps News Association ' ; . Coney, Island July 28th The Pie stdent and Mrs Roosevelt paid a noon day visit to Bea Breeze, the home institution for the treatment of aurgi oal toberciiloeU. They made the trip on the Invitation of Jaoob ReU. . Free From Fever H (Scripps News Association) Mooile Ala., July 23 -Dr Wasdin. of the marina service hospital has 'Just completed an investigation in this city and reports that there is no yellow fever here. - ''.' , , . By ftoripps News Association !5aa Dlegj, Cal.. July 23. The funeral of ensign Newman K Perry, the only commissioned officer "killed In the Bennington explosion, waa held at 6t. Paul's Episcopal church this morning. The services were attended by Admiral Goodrich and all the sur vlvora, together with lha officers and crews of the Chicago and ot'.er war thlpa in twr - , clV- ' oounty officials alto attended In a body, and Mrs. Perry, ber mother and alster wr present, The remains will be tent to 8tookbrlilge, Miss., for burial. There are no new deaths reported the hospitals this morning. - Hli OWN AVOTHER ZIONISTS REFUSE . - .-.:- f t - -.( 9 .- . J t BRITISH LANDS .Bj forippa ,ews Ataooiation Basel Bwilierland Joly 28 At to day's session of tue Zionigt Congress Leopold Greenburg of London, Eng land, presented a report of the expe dition sent to East Africa to explore the country offered by the British gov eminent for tba ' colonisation b( the Jews. The report stated that, while the country was rich and would easily support one hundred and fifty thous and, it waa inacessible and surround ed by dangerous tribes. .The execu tive committee reeomtnendeJ thai the projeot be not undertaken. '. Men's Suminer UNDERWEAE UNDERPRICED For Friday and Saturday CHOICE OF OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF 65c MEN'S UNDERWEAR : 50c Scripps News Associatotn Chicago, Ill , July 2S.-At the eleventh hour, Jchaon Uooh, convnt ed of wife mnrder, and alleged arch bigamist, received a ray of hope that he wonld not be executed for tha mnr der of bis wife, Marie Walker Hoob. Ha was scheduled to hang today be tween ten o'clock and two, but the march to tha scaffold will b delayed as long as possible, pending the result of tha k ll u,a inendr to obtain the aix hundred dollars needed and seoes;ary to make an appeal to tba Bupreuie Court. . i ', RAISED TliE MONBT Dr. L II Montgomery, a well known .L-t.I - .3 w - m etma pojaicmu, ana aire, nay niiaov, I 1 1 1 tCT x CI mil ADT woman of wealth, called at the iail ftiUjI jUrrUKI at ten thirty thla morning and an nooncad that they had raited , the amouot needed by Iloch to take an ap peal. States attorney Head; Informed them that ha wonld communicate with tha Governor,' Dr. Montgomery Is takiog an interest In the case from: a clentiflo point of view, aasertlng his opinion that the analysis was Incorrect and that Hooh could not have com mitted the crime. - -;': r, ASSURANCE OF BE8PITE ' At elt-ven thirty this morning (loch's attorney was assured by tele phone that the Governor would issue another reprieve, providing tbe effort to obtain the money for tha appeal waa made in good faith - - . " -GOVERNOR REPRIE VES ; I At twelve forty five this aftrrnooe Governor Deneen reprieved Iloch nntil August 25th. .. . : HOOH TA13S WUh soaroely mora than two " hours to spare before time - aet for his ox ecutlon, Johann Hocb, convicted of wife mnrder, was reprieved by Gover nor Denaen until August 25tb. Fif teen minutes prior to the announce ment, Hoob aald j--"Thew efforta" to aave me from tbe hangman's noose are the natural outcome of tbe faota In tba case" : ' " '' - Hooh further aald : 'I hare put my trust In Godr and know that ha will treat ma right. I am ' innocent and will prove It before the highest trthu nal V. With tbe exception of a alight attack of nasna early, this morning. Hooh waa la excellent spirits np until the hour tot for tha hanging whan ha learned that tha money bad been jraised to pay for hia appeal. Ha then Mailed for another cigar, placed hit feet upon the table and aald: 'Thia proves my contention that I will not lung.' Tha death watohea say that Hop Is tha icameet man they aver atood watch over. , - ' MISS WILSON HELPS Attorney A Q Thorn peon furnished 1500 of tbe neoeaaary 91100 for tha ap peal of llooh'a case. Miss Cora Wil son, who also came to Hoch't aid, Is known to some of the prisoners in the jail aa 'the angel." Hhe doea much work of charity among the friendless. MAKES aw r r v CHARGES " (Scrippt News Asaocialion) Washington, July 28. Upon the charge that commissioner Kichsrda of tbe General Laud Office bud played into tbe bands of the Mormona in opening to settlement the Uintah In dian reservation, the Gentiles of Utah have demanded bit removal. It is asserted that tbe statement of com miafionar R "CCJ.'uiUi-y a proclamation anid that the land was practically worthless, nd thla was used by the Mormons to discourage the Gentiles from takiog up tha lamia. In ribbed balbriggan, black blue, brown and pink, and natural balbriggan, choice Friday and Saturday. - 50c CHILDREN'S DRESSES AT PRICES WHICH THE MAKERS WILL NOT DUPLICATE A large assortment to make your selection) from made up from docks, percales fancy ginnhams, etc. in all conceivable styles, priced from 25c to 41.75, 19cto$U0 50 c COYS' . WAISTS v 25c in, '50c ivies' ' Waists By Scrippt News Association New Yyrd July 28 James Foye, the confidential clerk ol C'larletGater, who bad his mother arretted b;oause tha beeged money of him to keep her from starving, left today lor 9t.ratoga Thie afternoon oisgUtrate Orane" is sued a tunmoas leqoiring Foye ti ap pear Monday and pay the three dollars per week as ordered by Magistrate Barlow. Foye will nave to pay or go to Jail. -i'-r Three Girls Drowned (Scripps News Association) Vancouver, Wash Ju'y 28-L111U and. May Zlgler, aged respectively twenty two and and eighteen, and Edna Fisher, aged nineteen, of Fisher's Landing, drowned ' laat nlpbt while bathing in tba Columbia river at Gov eroor'e talana. Xbe bodies were re covered. . - ;' . Mr O D Kelrmer of 8ummerrllle was a La Orande visitor yesterday 1 GROCERIES FROM THIS ARE ALWAYS AND FRESH STORE NICE iwrkpt? P'TQ If - Seasonable Goods as well as Staples always on hand. QEpbEJ BR2J" 'North Fir Street ' ' BATH REQUISITES Everything for the bath of the quality you ought to have at the price you' ought to pay. We sell quaulities ot "bath supplies, because we keep what people want, and make the pricet right. : . Sponges Bath Brushes Toilet Waters Superb Soaps Ming Good; Effort By Bcrlpps Newt Atsoolattorr Dover Eug July 28 T W- Bargees this morning atarted to swim the English channel. At two thirty this aftemeon be waa half across, and there ware good prospects of his finish Ing the 1 ng awim. Notc(l inventor Dcdt (By Hcrippa News Asaooiatoln Philadelphia, Penn. July 28 John Carbutt, a wall known photographer and Inventor of tha Cartott dry plate, which revolutionized . photography, died at his home,io this, city today. Ha was seventy three years of age. PIot'Agamst-Sultan ' 8cripis Newt Association London July 28 Advioes from Bucharest, Itoomania, say that a plot again't tba lifs of the Sultan ol Turk ey hat been .dltoovered at . Knstloje, and a quantity of arms and explosive If the opportunity to choose from an ample assorment, or if the saving of money ia an object to you, we expect to furnish you bathing supplies.' NEWLIN DRUG CO. ., , .4. "- . WATCHES? Yes,5of course- we have watches, the very beat watches made. We also have Clocks, and every thing in the Jewelry line' J. II. PEARE Old Jewelry'.look Ilka new Repair work given prompt Clocks taken oara of attention.- : f ' has been seiuV-,. ft - '?,v.;.- r-'Ar)r-r'-M y 'it'