IYil7i!'-l! Ton,sl" WLalliul i.ir.j dJ toiaorrc armev rv,c?s rr rr. n i; rr i W VOLUME IV LA GRANDE. UNION COUNTY, O'.EGON. THURSDAY, JULY 27. 1535 NUK3ER 229 mm n today 1 A -4 V I II L I I 1 fill envoys ; TO MEET AliG 6 ' (Bcripps Newa Association) . Washington, July 27. It was defin itely announced at the State Depart-, fj ment tbia morning that the fltat meet 'Jf log ot tbe Russian and Japanese peace envoys would take place on An net 6, on board the May lower, oft' Oyater Cay. Tbe President will entertain tbe envoy at luncheon, instead ol at din ner. at waa at first arranged. : , I Tbe peace D'entDoteuliaries will come to tbla place on Government warthlps on August 6 and be received by the President on board the May Flowei at one thirty In the afternoon. . '." AOMUKABEES PRESIDENT Baron Koinuia. accompanied by mlniiter Takahlra, at twelve twenty today and drove to Sagamore Hill. The afternoon will be apent In a con ference with Prsldnt Roosevelt, and they will return to New York at four .thirty.. 1 '. '. ; GREAT ZIONIST MEETING (By bcripps Nee Aeeociation) Basel. Switzerland, July 27. Tbe Seventh Zionist Congress opened at ten tbia morbing There-wera seven hundred and sixty delegates present, repreeootinu the Zionist organization ovnr tweutv coontrloa in all carts of tbe world. - Tea Venerable Shalty pre sidrd. Pr Max Nordau, of Paris, de llvered a euloity on the late Theodore Hers, the founder of the Zionist move ment. - ' -" , STRONG DEFENSE rv; i AT KYONG CHUNG' Strict Quarantines ' By Bipp New Association New Orleans Joly 27 Several new cases of yellowlever were reported te , dey unofficially, but there are r.o now xj " deaths. The quarantine is becoming CNniore, stringent. .Detention camps, amounting to about twenty, are now in operation. Oil is being put on the top of all cisterns. Yellow lever is on offlcially reported and officially denied in 8breveport. I By Rcrippa News Asaociatlon) Toklo. July 27. Military eritica pre dlot that tbe Russians will vigorously defend Kyong Chung, to tbe Booth of Tumen river, Thia town is regarded aa tbe outer line of tba defense for Vladivostok and a key to Posalett Bay. Rear-admiral Kataokar reports tbe capture of Atexandrovek on July 24 The Russians made little resistance, but fird the towns ot Munlka, Alkova Tbe Japanese sustained no losses. JAPANESE CAPTURE CONVICT TOWN ARREST TREASON 8oripps News Association Hv.trv-1. Julv 27 Tbe coart mar tial ot tbe mutineers among the crew of the Pobldonast. which waa lately held, revealed the fact that a wide an!ad oonautraov existed among the aliata of the Bleok Bea fleet and the artillerymen ot the fortress at Sebaeto ool demanding conditions from the Czar. Th conspiracy failed because tba crew ot the Knlas Potemkln acted hastily. Tbe discovery ot the conspiracy rnealted In the arrest of twenty five hundred esllors and soldiers, who will (MB) FWV w - .TTT , . ,v .'. VV ?fK- FIGHT FOR ROOM At the conclusion of the. sitting of tba' congress, ; memorial services to honor ot Hera were held in tba syna gogue. All the delegates could not get iu tbe eotranoo and a Bght ensued fnv seats. The Dolice were unable to cope with tbe fighting orowd and i brisade of tba lira department diapers ed them with bos and water. V , . vTAD IS NOT FOUN ROKER REFUSES TOTAL ADMIRAL NAMES: Report Denied (By Hcrlpps News Assooiatoln Berlin July S7 The report that Emperor William, in bis interview with the Czar, seuebt to obtain tbe consent of the latter for a Hoenzol lnrn Prince to ascend lbs tbrone of Norway, was denied today at tbe for eign office. HEARTLESS CLERK ' DENIES MOTHER By orippa News Association ' Toklo. Julv 27. Tbe Japanese have captured AleiandrovsU. the great Russian convict settlement on tbe ieland of Sakhalin. W-, " , Report Approved Bcripps News Association , Stockholm, Sweden, July 27. Both ot the houses of tbo Swedish parlia ment today approved the report ot the special cpmmittee appointed to deal with the crisis between Norway and Sweden. ' . '-: , By Boripps News Association Mew Tork July ;27-4amea Fov confidential clerk for Charles Q Gates, who o used the arrest ot bla own mother yesterday because aha stopped him while going into the Waldorf ABtorla. and beeaed him to support har. today showed no signs of relenting from what seems to be au inhuman attitude. He said : "I do not recognise her as my mother. I know ' her only aa mv father's divorced wile." us farther said that be believed that his mother was crazy and that bo did not want to be bothered with her, and that it aha oame around again, ba would have her arrested. Tba woman Uvea in a bar little room on Park Avenue, la ill and poverty stricken. By Scrlpps Newa Association) Portland. Ore., July 27. Tbe .Gov ernment introduced evidence this morning, proving that Congressman Williamson waa In Prinerills at tba time the alleged land fraud conspiracy was batobed. The defease ad bj it ted tba fact, although It waa denleJ at the previous trial Ernest Starr, tbe neph ew ot Congressman .Williamson and a wltnesa for the prosecution, who has fled, has not yet been apprehended. . w I inot W r I? , l&Biipp Newt Association London. July 27 -The Central Nea reports that a North German Lloyd liner waa totally wrooked off the West coast of Guernsey during the tog this afternoon. All the paeseogera were saved. :' v - Elaht hundred persona were aboard ths ateamer when she was w rocked. Togs and life boats have gone to the ac6na. A heavy ton prevails In tba channel.' ' The nam ot the reseel is not ktown. Two German Lloyd steam ers are at Cherbourg today, the Keiaer Wllhelm Oer Qrosee, and the fc reder iok Der Grossa. Both of these ships will sail near Guernsey. Disastrous Fire ; By Boripps News Associstion Van Coaver.v B 0 July 27-The businees portion of Pernio was burned early thla morning. Tba loss ia astl meted at on hundred thousand dol lars. Tbia lathe eeeond time In eight een months. l . By Bcripps News Association Washington Jolp S7 Two witness es. Frederick Peck ham and Hoses Hass New York brokers, were summoned before the grand jury in the cotton leak investigation today and refused to answir tbe questions asked thim.Th&y were eited to appear in court tomor row and show cause why tuey should col be punished for ooii tempt. Peck bam. it is alleged , bad a eeoiet under atandinsr with tbe assistant atatisti- cian. ttoimes. ' Whereby be obtained alvance information on the cotton re port. . Galveston Honored BOARD Fight At Macedonia Serf pps News Association Belgrade Ser via, July 27 In an en- ocunter tetween bauds of Bulgarians and the Servians near Prlsat, Maoe donla, today, seventeen Bulgarians In cluding the leader ot the band, and seven Servians were killed ' - By Bcripps News Association Wasblnaton. Julv a7.' The cruiser Galveston bsa been designated as a ronvoy to the May Flower atid Dolph in when tbey carry the peace envoys from New York to Oyster Hay, and, later, from Oyster Bay to Poitsmouth. Train Kills Six (Boripps Newa Association) Amsterdam. July 27. A New Fork Central passeuger train today ran down a gang of track hands, killing all. They were all Italians. Tbe men ban stepped aside to avoid a freight when they were ran down by the passenger. Another Fever Death By Boripps News Association Washington, July 27 Govenor Msg- oon today reports two additional cases and one death ot yellow fever at Panama. - (By Bcripps Newa Association) 8an Diego Cl July 27-The cruiser Chicago, the flng ship ot tbe Pacific squadron, with Admiral Goodrich and staff on board, arriveu In po this morning. The Admiral Immediately appointed board to investigate the explosion on the gunboat Bennington, which lass follows: Lieut, commander F W Bsrtlett, chairman, Commander A A Halstled and lleut. B C Moody. The board will colleot all the possible infof matlnn nA ,.. - t: of Inquiry which will be composed of three of the highest officials available. The sesiona of the board of Investiga tion will begin today. Paymaster clerk Metlna died last night, making tba total number of dead from the Bennington disaster amount to sixty two. G U Uallet, of Bakerefleld, Cttl., P Nieman, of Valle o, Cal., L A Urels, ot Toledo, 0., and Fred J Mllltr. a native ol Denmark, are now considered the . most serious cacee, although several others have but a fighting cbeuoe. FStVTirtXSSi. UNDERWEAE UNDERPRI ED For Friday and Satu rday CHOICE OF OUR ENTIRE STOCK Of 65c MEN'S UNDERWEAR .-',.'500 '''ST' In ribbed balbriggan, biack blue, brown and pink, and natural balbriggan, choice Friday and Saturday. ' 50c Will Boycott Banks (Boripps Newa Association) Shanghai July 27 Tbe native I bankers here are ciiling a meeting to discuss the proposed boycott of tba International Banking Corporation, an American Institution" Incorporated with offices In New York. Splendidly Treated By Scripps News Association ' Tokio July 27 Secretary Taff, Miss Roosevelt and party were guests todsy at the garden party given by minister Grisoom and tbo bankers and mer chants of Tokio. Tbey will entertain the oartv tcotitht at Maple Clob. Tba streets of the capital are illuminated and tLere will be a brilliant display of fireworks in honor of tbe Americans. Peary Sails CHILDREN'S DRESSES AT WILL NOT DUPLICATE A large assortment to make your selections from made up 'from ducks, percales fancy ginnhams.etc in all conceivable styles, priced from 25c to $1.75 H9g to $1.10 50c 77 v-:; ' 5c. Z3C ' -ini istiiimi1fr- - .i. ,mMm m r1' -'I li'lilim , " OlU fficrlDDS News AssooiatUn) . North Sydney. N 8 July 27 Lleaten ant Peary aalled at two this afternoon en his search for the North Pole. Yesterday ba bade farewell to bla wife and daughter, who are now on their way home. ' Law Upheld o By Boripps News Association ; Cleveland O Jnly 27 United States Judge Tsylor.tbis morning upheld the legality of the Chinese Exclusion act. I The deoision oame in eevsral deporta- tion eases. WRECKED STEAMER GOING TO PIECES By Boripps Newa Association , Eoreka Cal: Jnly 27 The breakup of the wrecked ateamer Trloolar began, according to reports from Cape Mendo cino, thla morning.' It is believed that the coal cargo ia dropping through the bull, whlcb waa badly punoiurea on the rocks. The steamer la shifting over on ber side, 2 and, it lightened much morr, will be ,washed turther noon the beach, where she will go rapidly to pieces. , Today's - Grain Markets (By bcripps News Association) rhl. nao. Ills.. July 25. The qooU inn. no the atock eichanife 10- d aa to the principal grains were as follows :wbeat opened at IO.B0?, and clossd at SO. 87 ; corn opened at WWt and closed at oats opened at 0.28?i and closed at 0.28. Trial Continued; 8oripps News Association New Tork July 27 Frederick Carl ton, the alleged bigamist ' and wife murderer was arraigned at the Adams street court today sad remanded back to iail until August 17th. Mrs Van Deventer, who was arrested with Carl ton, was released on five hundred dol lsrsbail. ; ' :;.:. GROCERIES FROM THIS STORE ARE ALWAYS NICE AND FRESH Seasonable Goods as well as Staples always on hand. QEDDELf BRfLf North Fir Street Passenger Collision Scripp News Assooiatom Liverpool Eug July 27 Two passen ger trsins colli led at Waterloo atation thia evening. Twenty were killed and manv Injured, IT ff'' ta"tnnp , w cam BATH REQUISITES 3 II Everything for the bath of the quality you ought to have at the price you ought to pay. We sell quantities of bath supplies, because we keep what people want, and make the prices right. ; - T-'.;.; r'l. : Sponges , Bath Brushes Toilet Waters Superb Soaps If the opportunity to choose from au ample assorment, or if the saving of money is an object5 to you, we expect to furnish you bathing supplies ; v , S 1 I il ' "Im'Sii ' ' WSiiUlmmm. ii.ii, I' -ii. -JTlj 1 1 I 1 ? s i SI i' !i : ii il'i is " w-p' i'X . ,j vvw'vaf.. i