I M n w M K I a e 1 i i.-. G-r.de Evening Observer lY i'ECS., Editor & Pr p L:,fcrl at tie Post Oo at La Urunde, Oregon, Second Claa Uttter. Published daily except Sunday One year in advance. ..... $3 50 fcix months in advance. . . .3 60 Fer month....;.'.....'. ... ,65c Binle cony,, 6c Monday, July 24. 1905. ADVERTISING RATfci V' Din play Ad rataa fur nU tied ipou appUcaUon reading noUoea 10c per 11 a Aral u Moo, je II u tor Mi'h SQbM4)Dent luwir- HOB. . ' j, . SlullouorfoidolfOf,5rllnB. - l' Curds oi Uiaok, 6e per 1IM. THE WHY OF Tt The Union Republican, very truly Soya; "There is not another Sta'e in the Up ion of such ureat resource as Oregon that is 80 poorely supplied with railroads.". The. why of this condition is not hard to find out The political forces of Oregon, for the last quarter of a cent uary, have been organized soley as an office securing brokeiage and . not for Stt . diww. " The railroads already built, that imperfectly accomodated a little more than oce third of the State to keep out competition, and one or two oJlbe, largest; cities iu the State" Confederate 'With tht Office brokers and the con bine has been able, to dictate who should holdall officers , iu this State, both state and uation al, from district school clerks to U 8 Seua'nrs, Neither outside cor home capital lelt safe in making investments that placed them in Antagonism with the forces that controled the State. 'The result is. as slated by the Observer sometime ago, 11) at there are now, in Oregou, fifteen Counties with a combined area of &9000 Square miles iutouchod ed by railroads, aud vast ureas in other counties that Lave no railroad facilities." ' ' ; v . Governor Mead of Washing ton and Governor Johnson of Minnesota have been engaged in a controversy over the extra dition ola fugitive. Mead ask ed for the extradition of a iran , wanted hi, Washington, but the application was refused. There upon the Washington governor wrote the Minnesota governor a letter in which he complained that bad honored a requisit ion from Minnesota and indi cated be thought . it an act of courtesy which have been reci procated. Governor Johnson has written the Washington " governor a letter which will probably fnd the coutoversy. ;; lie states extradition was re fused the requisition was de fective aud adds; I shall contin ue to perform whatever seems to be my duty wherever the re quUUion comes fro.n, without favor' or ' discrimination and . have no doubt you will do the There are many kuds of meat, but we Bell onlr he best kind. A trial order ! will convince you of the truth Of this atatemnt.vVe kill only the best specimens and kill it correctly, ,; . , i ' Our price'j are as low as "Meed will probably go away b ckand Bttdown'-States- man. SUGAR BEET INDUSTRY The Sugar Beet Industry and and Gazette of July 20th esti mates that the 49 sugar beet factories in the United States will have to work up the beets growuon 244,000 acres and that the sugar yield will be 213,462 loQg tons of sugar or 239,078 short tons.. . ,,.. . The U S census reports give me acreage in sugar beets :, in t yield of sugar JJtherefr.om at 81, 729 short tons , These figures show a remarkable growth of the sugar beet industry in the U S for the pa9t six years. Many ebUdreo Inherit eonatltaUona weak and feeble, otbera due to child hood troublei. HollUter, Rooky Moaotatn Tea will pogtlvaly cor Children end make them etroug 6 3 oeoU, Tea or Tabiete. Newlin Drog Co. y The United State now baa 12,000 men at work digging the Panama canal. In Majr tbeie war forty caaee o( rel- mk aiU two death tberefroru In Jdd there ere over tort oaaea an four deaths.; 5: v .' ..-; G I a n Notice. Having retired from the grocery bBina, I teke tbli opportunity of ex preealnj; my thank to thoae who bare extended to me their patron age. My tranaaut-ons have been with thoae o( the flrtt order only, with but few eaueptlona, and thee are excluded when Iaay that, aaide from a financial eonel leratlon, their patronage baa been full appreciated. ; i ; My office hour are from 9 a u to 6 p m , and I may be fonnd at the office ol John B Hough, o'i Adatue Avenue, any time, before Anguet 1. Keapeot fully your, ; , W MA'FAKLANE J 15-23 .; ''. Good For Stomach Trouble and Constipation . "Chamber lain'a Stomach and Liver Tableta have done me a great- deal of fcood," eays O Town, of fiat Portage., Ontario, Canada.: "Heing amlld phy Mill M s w P IV: tic the after effoote are not nnploHant, and I can recommend them to alt who Buffer from etotuach diaorder." For sale by Newlin Drug Co. ' ' . " ; It make no. difference bow many medioine have failed to cure you, if you are troubled with headache, con atipation, kidney or liver trouble, Holllater'a Rooky Mountain Tea wilt make you veil.- Newlin Drug Co. ' IN a IWRRY? THEN CAth ! i t t The transfer man. He will take that trunk to the Depot or your home in less time than It takes to tell it. ' Wagou alway s at your service. Charges moderate. Day phone B 631, night phone Ii 12. s -VISIT THE- Lewis and Clark EXPOSITIiON To be held at Portland . June 1 to Oct. 15, 1905. TAKU A TRIP TO CALIFORNIA "Through the WilUamette, Umijua and Rogue Rivei Valleys, of. Western Orejjop i. pass Mt. Shasta, througi , . the Sacramento Valley to thr many famous resorts on the ? line of the . ; SOUTHERN rAGIFIC I'i! For beautilullv , illustrate .booklets, desaiptive f Call iornia resois: aiaress. W. E: CuMAN, Gen Fassr, Ajrt Portland, Oregon. t. .1 LADIES' AD MISSES LISLE CLOVES Worth up to 50c, Clean Sweep Price at 13c per pair. An offer which ue can seldom present to cur customers ikm This tort'vClostj, at 6:30 p. jnv except J U ieao; ( . - 1- . ; At no similar sale in dur whole career liave We- ever experienced such a generous response to its announcement. We attribute our success to the wonderful values we are now offering In this GREAT JULY CLEAN ; SWEEP. SALE; Prices and values do their own talking, and further argu ment unnecessary to convince buyers of .the advantage of making their purchases now. ' Come and sec these bargains now in our window or in further, but that much you : " REDUCED EXCEPT SPOOL COTTON, BLTTERICK PATTERNS, E. & W. COLLARS, W. L DOUGLASS SHOES, Ladies' Ready to ivcar Silk Suits ; JWash Suit Skirti, etc. ' We will have some great Values in this department. ' The spleJid business we have donj so far during our sale in this ready-to-wear department argues well forvthe: values we ofer. ;'!'i:UDffiSrASnifWT8V.-t Oar entire line of $8 . suits in linens, lawns - V' 1 -J and madras, many different lai ge variety of colon . i vV. ". . ; I 'A Our line of white .; plain linen linen uiti at. k.. . ( i if . SHIRT WAIST SUITS We have many excellent values left in these popular garments. The regular 112.50 values now ..... .. .4 ...... w ..... . . . ...... $9.00 LADIES' DRESSING ; SACQUES In all sjzes and - large variety, of colors, from 4 ........... . . . 45o to $3.60 ; WASH; SKIRTS .;"' .C:; tIn coverts j linens; cotton voiles and merceris ed ginghamaV Large variety of styles to pick from. 8ah prices from . ... r. ...... .$1.05 to $2 65 Knit Underwear Mens fine colored balbrigan" shirts and drawers nicely made 60 cent goods at. .. . . . . i . . . . ; Mens fine shirts and u drawers in black and white mixd 75c '! eoods4 at;... ii ...Vi Ji... . ' Mens Japanese silk shins and', drawers in salmon pink - all sites $1X0 goods at;.,.... .V.V LadieV fine lisle ' thread vests ;hnd t crocheted yokes J pink and blue 25b gdods at. ,i . ... ' Ladies tine swiaa ribbed vests all Bbaped at waist, silk trim med 50o quality for . . . 4 ; . . I adies lisle thread pants short length 35o goods ; at.. . . ; ; JVIen'sf urnishings THESE .PRICES TALK ELO- .1 'QUENTLYJ Mens Golf shirts good qualitv with detached cuffs, made of tine Percales and Madras cloth in stiff or soft bosom 75e, 85o and $l:.C;ialiti(i pov . .... . . Men's Neckwear Shield aud band bows four in hands and teck in all colors and styles 25o and S5o values as.... ....... ....j,.,. BIG VALUES IN EMBROIDERY 10 and 12 values for. 5c Extra; Specials Saturday ) .J GREAT JULY irs sti- ' PRICES THAT Mk AND VALUES owe yourselves.' kid, All this .styles. - .tnd a $5 values ... . . " . IV.'. Ui'.MOO and . uuicn .$2.20 to $5.5C , WASH GOODS 600 yds; of light shirt ' iDg prints 60 and 6o values for, i;. 4c Cbambray " Ginghams Jftty j deeirablo ;just 1 1 uow id all "shades 15c ' quality for . . . . .' . ; i ... 12ic Percalesiu' blue and ; red regular I60 and 12Jc values. . . ... . . 9o HOSIERY Ladies fine fast black hose double soles high spliced heels 35 val ues for ...... vi 20c ' Ladies fiue Uce lisle ' thread hose in white, . bine, piuk and f browu" 60e values at: 1 , . .. , 26c Childrens lace liele hose in black, blu, piuk and white 25c ?45c 60c r ' $1.00 20o 35 c 23c 00.i 50c and 35c values, t . . . . .' Mt-nsi fiae Hale lace half hose iu all f hades aud varieties 65a 75c and 85c values.'. ..... ti 50c Mens stainless ' fa&t black hose Macs yarn iluea for. l,l-r n K.-. "iVTI" V 1 towel V "1 in 11 m tru v niurx a 1 . t in 1: r 11 INFANTS' AND MISSES' SLIPPERS 50c a pair AmonS these are many UaUold rt $L50 1 and $2.00, in black, bluefand red. Proper thing for warm weather Mum SPECIAL NOTICE All Mail Orders Given Pfompt Attention i-k TUAT CONVINCE iho tore. V?.v!!! . eM jve Extraordinary Cleanup Sale of Shoes and Oxfords r Wrf have made a big cut in ' Men's, Ladies', Misses' aud Childien's shoes as you will pee by glancing at the list below : ' Men's Oxfords in patent colt, patent vici, Eli season's make, our regular .$1.75 Men's Tan' Oxfords in veiour calf and Rus sian calf, in the newest styles, our regular $5 values .........$3.76 Ladies' Oxfords, in black, patent colt, Good year welt, vici and hand turned. $3.50 values $2.45 Ladies' Oxford Ties, in Tan, welt soli , veiour calf, regular $3 60 values $245 Ladies Dark Tan Oxfords, plain toe, r gr.lar $2 25 values . . $1.85 Two Large Bargain Counters of Men's and : Ladies' $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $4.50 shoes SALE PRICE $1,95 Men's Clothing Mens 2 piece Outiug suits, coats skeleton finished or quarter liued, trouae 3 with belt loops ' and tiernianeat turn upa. Regular price $10 Sale price . . ; V." Mens 3 piece suits iu faucy worsteds, brown, and gray mittures, regular price $12 50 Sale price Mens 3 D16C8 filllf.a rami I it $6.50 $9.50 lines in summer weight wors teds and tweeia reduced as fok . lows $25 reduced to ... . t2ft no $22 60 and $20 suita reduced $15 suits reduced'to,.,.,. .V.'." 91150 Mens summer wiight panVs m wool tweeds, and worsteds f m styliah stripea and ; ma tures regular $3 values. eo65 0MLY TOWEL WORTH A NAME; Loek,L feefaA washes;' 'and. ; : wcojb oeuer man towel inv t1.- - It TREMENDOUS VALUES IN MEN'S SHIRTS 75c; 85c, $1.00 4 values - 50c J U y G I S w r P s I! v Extra Specials consisiaut with the beBt quality Bock' & Thomas mi LA GRANDEOR.