1 I a Grande Evening Observer t IKY BROB., Editors th pi at Um Port Office at La Uranda, Oregon, a Baoond Claaa Mail Matter. Published daily except Sunday One year in advance $6 50 Biz months in advance. . . .8 50 Pet month 65c Single copy 5c Thursday, July 20. 1905. ADVERTISING KATKH Dlaplay Ad rate tarnished apoa application local reading notloee 10s per line Bret near' Uon, c per line tor each Hutweqaenl KeaoiaUoni of eoadolenoe. 50 per Una. Carda of tnaaka, 6e per Una. EXPENSIVE DIGNITY According to the U S census there were in Baker couuty Ore gon io 1900 children between 4 and 20 year of age, 4419. The Baker City Democrat of July 18 gives the number of persons of school age now in that county at 5,34 H. This indicates a gain of 929 iu five years, an increase of 21 percent in the five years, or a little over four per cent per year TUim im m nnnA I.,. f..- . - . -..-. m county whose principal emyloy ments aro gold mining and slock raising on the ranges But our neighbor should rem ember, that by the annexation of the Panhandle, since the census wss taken in 1900, Baker Oounty acquired 1,681 Union county people, about 450 child ren of school age which explains the seemingly large increase of children in a county where bachelors abound, and so little encouragement is held out for the immigration of marriageable misses that while maje school teachers are paid, an average of $62.75 per month, female teaeh ees are paid but $48.47 per month for the same service, and it is a safe assertion to make, that the women do better work than men do. Baker county how ever is not the only connty in Oregon that recognizes the pre rogative of breeches, and pays the wearers thereof some $19 a month mere than is psid for the same service to class of workers that can keep their faced clean without the aesif tance of a bar ber and do not have to wear forked garments. The only reason for this discrimination against the women teachers is that man's dignity is so lacking in the quality of self sustainauce that he ha to expend about $20 per mouth to Weep it noticeable. The query is, of what value to the cause of education is this masculine dignity? . Is it necessary that there be paid out of the common school fund of Union and Baker coun ties something like $900 per mouth to keep alive the notion, we have inherited from our savage anteitors iu the woods of Germany or oaves of England that mau has a larger stock of dignity to keep up than women, If the wearers of breeohers feel that there is a necessity for having our boys taught that they have more natural daguity than girls, it would be much G. L FOWLER Truck and Transfer Wood and Coal Phone 1611 All order given .prompt attention. ebeaper to send them to some Indian reserve, and place them under the instruction of Indian chiefs, where theory, of "big Indian me" can be taught ia sll original vigor and illustrated by practice, showing all its beau ties and influences. If we must retrograde to the ideas of savagery let us take the cheap est route and go directly to the savages for onr instructors. But it is claimed that it costs a man more to live than a wo meu. The truth is that it uoes cost many meu more to live than it does most women. The cause of this difference is not that it costs a man more to keep up a manly dignity than it does a woman to maintain a womanly deportment but the difference in the expense of man from that of a woman in making her own living is be cause a large number of men have expensive habits that wo men do not bave. Franklin remarked a long time ago that "That i r nnara iviam Ia oinriAr a w uara iu ua v i nu''lll t me vice than to raiss three children". It is man's vices, not his dignity that makes him on a general average a more expen sive being than woman. The Fish and Game Associa tion have placed a deputy in the field to protect the game birds in this vicinity, and it is sate to say that any person found shoot ing birds out of season will ha e a few things to explain before they will have an opportunity to enjoy the fruits of their ill gotton game. It will be a part of the duty of this officer to ask to see the license of all persons found hunting. Music Pupils Desired Mrs, I Initio R McDonald wishes to announce to her friends tlmt she baa been studying latest and beat methods of teaobin the piano to beginners, a a good foundation ia the most essential thing in the study of music. She will be grateful to the public for patrouage. July at There's a pretty girl in an Alpine hat A ew eter girl with asallor brim, Hut the handsomest girt you'll everaee Is the senslbla girl who uses Kooky Mountain Tea. Newliu Drug Co Sickening Shivering Fits of Agna and Malaria, ran be relieved and cured with Klectric Hitters. This ia a pure, tonic medicine ; of especial benefit in malaria, (or it exerts a true curative influence on the disease, driv ing It entirely out of the system, it is mnoh to ba preferred to Quinine, having none of this drug's after-effects. I1'. 8 Munday, of Henrietta, Tex., writes "My brother was very low with ma larla fever and jaundice, till be took Klcetriu Hitters, whiob saved his life." At Newlin Drug Co. drug store; price rOo guaranteed, Croup Is a violent Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the wind pipe, whioh sometimes extends to the larnyx aud bronchial tubes; and is one of the most dangereuR diseases of children. It almost always comes on iu the night t iivc frequent small doses of Mallards liorehound Syrup and apply Ballard's Mnsment externally to the throat 25c, Mc. $100, Newlin Drug Co Cheerfully Recommended lor Rheumatism O G Uigbee, Danville, III. writes Deo 2, 1901; "About two years sgo I was laid up for four year- with rheu matism. I tried Mallard's Hnow Lini went; one bottle cured mo. 1 can cheerfully recommend it to all putter ing trom iiks affliction" 25o, 50c, 1.00 Newlin Drug Co IN A HURRY? THEN CALL Wfl. REYNOLDS The transfer man. He will take that trunk (o the Depjt or your homo in lens lime t linn it takes to tell it. Wagon always at your aer vice. Charges moderate. Day phone 1751, night phone 1863. .necFc ci ippfrs 50c a oair . o.vtcc NFANIS AND miooLo LADIES AND MISt5 Liaix uw.te . $2 An offer which wt n sektae present U ncastomer. In Mack. Mue and red. Proper twasi THE CHICAGO E STORE This Store Closes at 6:30 p. m. except Saturday SPECIAL NOTICE All Mil Orders Given Prompt Attention I r iss II n J U y Clean c i e GREAT JULY Sweep Sale PRI0ES THAT TALK AND VALUES THAT CONVINCE At no similar sale in our whole career have we ever experienced such a generous response to its announcement. We attribute our success to the wonderful values we are now offering in this GREAT JULY CLEAN SWEEP SALE. Prices and values do their own talking, and further argu ment is unnecessary to convince buyers of the advantage of making their purchases now. Come and see these bargains now in our window or in the store. We will not urge you further, but that much you owe yourselves. EVERY ARTICLE IN THE HOUSE REDUCED EXCEPT SPOOL COTTON. BUTTESICK PATTERNS, -E. 8. W. COLLARS, W. L. DOUGLASS SBOES, n Ladies' Ready to wear Silk Suits Wash Suits, Skirts, etc. We will bave some great values iu this department. The s pie J id business we bave don so far during our sale in this ready-to-wear department argues well for the values we offer. LADIES' WASH SLITS Oar entire line of $$ suits in 1 linens, lawns and madras, many different styles end a laige variety of colore $4 00 Onr line of white plain linen and anion linen seits at $2,20 to $fi.6C SHIRT WAIST SUITS We have many excellent values left in these popular garments. The regular $12.50 values now ...... s w P $9.00 LADIES' DRESSING SACQUES In all sizes and e large variety of colors, from 45c to $3.60 WASH SKIRTS In coverts, linens, cotton voiles and merceris ed ginghams. Large variety of styles to piek from. Sal prices from $1.05 to $2 65 Extraordinary Cleanup Sale of Shoes and Oxfords W j have made a big cut in Men's, Ladies', Misses' aud Children's shoes as you will nee by glancing at the list below Men's Ok lords in patent colt, patent vici, Eli kid, All this season's make, our regular $5 values . $1.75 Men's Tan Oxfords in velour calf and Rus sian calf, iu the n'e west, styles, our regular $5 values . . . . ... ..... ... . .$1.76 Ladies' Oxfords, in black, pateut colt, Good year welt, vici and hand turned, $3".50 values $2.45 Ladies' Oxford Ties, in Tau, welt e j , ft lour calf, regular $3 50 values .............. $2 46 Ladies Dark Tau Oxfords, plain toe. i gi-.lar - -$2 25 values . . ..; . $1.85 ' : . ;V 283 ' " Two" Large Bargain Counters of Men's and Ladies $3,00, $3- $4,00, $4;50 shoes SALE PRICE $1,95 S I Knit Underwear Meos fine colored belbriggan shirts and drawers nicely made 50 cent goods at , ... 45c Mens fine shirts and drawers io black and white mtxd 75c goods at 60c Mens Japanese silk shirts and drawers ia salmon pink ell sixes $1.60 goods et $1.00 Ladies fine lisle thread Tests hand crocheted yokes pink and bine 25c goods at 20c Ladies fine ewiss ribbed vests all shaped at waist, silk trim med 50c quality tor 35o I adies lisle thread pants in short length 35c goods at.t.. 23c Men's furnishings THESE PRICES TALK ELO QUENTLY Mens Golf shirts good quality with detached cuffs, made of fine Peroales and Madras cloth in stiff or soft bosom 76c, 85c aud $1 quelitiee now 50c Men's Neckwear WASH GOODS J , f I j -t' 500 yds, of light shirt- : ing prints 6o and 6jc values for , .... 4c Chambray Ginghams-' very desirable just 0 now in all shades 15c quality for . . ."c. Percales in blue and red regular 16c and ''-' 12jc values 9c HOSIERY Ladies fine fast black, ' -hose double soles high spliced heels 86 c val- '? ue for 20o ' Ladies One lace lisle thread hose in white, blue, pink and brown 66o valuss at. 25c Childrens lace lisle', hose in black, blue, ' . : piuk and white 25c . and 85c values Mens fiue lisle lace half hose in all .-hades and varieties 65c 76c and 85c values. . ,..y. Mens stainless fast black hose Mace yarn loo values for lb ;Men's Clothing 6.60 $0 50 Mens-'2- piece. Outing-' stills, coals skeleton finished or . r quarter, -lined. . trousers with . vjf bek ibqps. xnd ' i.TevmHueai. .f. turn-Ops. Regular price ,410. Sale price. iyrfM Merjs 3 piece suits'- tn 7wcy. .wowtedn, Brown, and gray mixtures, regular price J2.50 ST5r1fe.;..;..;;. .., .feus .3 apiece1 suiU 1 rumlu iiuffcrai'su'nuner w'e'ight or-. Hedsa'nd tweeds reduced 'fal-, -Ipwe m rlced. Vo ; . 1 , , $20 00 $2260-ahff$20'il8 '"reduced - to:. '.':;. ......... $17,00. 16 auHs reVlfr&dlo . 7. .... ,$ U 60 Mn Sifrrfuie.r.'Veig'llt pant's NaooPtwerae, end woraleds in stylish stripes a,l m: ":'' 5iWPgnbM" $3 vsloes...-iij kut JOKk Wk. Blr JEtr JBt&r bk IBS ONLV TOVyPLORTH A AME , Lpoke, iaele, wasties, ,md Tny other wejuabaWer than' f Shield and band bows four in I m. . II 1 1 , - V .11 l II U !;..! m a nauos ami im-a in an colors aiaiuiess lafcl i . , . r and styles 26o and 35o values at 20c too values for lOc 111 II ' - ... , L RIC VAI liFS IN I La. 'M - "iSS .. -.' ' I LA GRANDE, ok. . l-. , 5Qc J 'NaWBaH HMiBB BHBI''aiMSMaia TREMENDOUS VALUES IN MENS SHIRTS 75c, 85c, $1,00 J u y c i n S w P S X a, WSMh wiiwi 'iaa.aiiM BMm