i i f : v: -V 0 J so n it T'. i.. rrttfiiitintinmiiii f , : J ANf.OU.VCEMENT. Having purchased the Grocery and Baker business. T formerly, owned and conducted bvW. MacFarlane, and having taken full possession of tbe same. I s would respectfully Inyite tbe public to call and meet , me and inspect my stock. Hereafter tbis store will r be known aa tbe CITY GROCERY. AND BAKERY, and Isball, endeayor, to keep at all times a full and complete stock of fancy and staple Groceries, which ,1 shall sell at the very lowest living prices. I will keep on hand at all times a complete assortment of fresh bread, cakes, pies and pastry. Soliciting a ' '; share of yonr patronage, I am, C POLACK, Proprietor. r. - -CI 1 I 't n m :t r i m - i HOOD RIVER STRAWBERRIES Received daily. Fresh vegetables Every Morning NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE 4 Got. Jb ir and Jefferson 8U. ' . 0. RALSTON. ProD. 4 V WE Doors Sasht, Shingles and Lumber J In large quantities direct from factories and mills at a yearly contract price", and while we pay the lowest price, we get tlje best goods, and can afford to sell at figures" that others buy for, thereby giv ing our customers the benefit of. wholesale prices i 0 11 ff STODDARD LUMBER CO. 3 t it' i - UJE3 DUMBER 'Detailed at. wholesale prices Better Luaber and Cheaper than it Jo sold in la Grande, We Deliver it to your- Building. Grande Ronde Lumber Co. PERRY, OREGON. MIA r.DAMnF P GmpIeteMachine Shops and Foundry General Blacksmith; Horse Shoeing and Wagon Work. FJ Manufacturer ofThetFit2gerald Roller Feed Mill O D. FJTZQ V...;h; Ji;J IhNOPRIETOF Road The Daily Observer Todays News Today esssssoeei I Gclita Gtta Coffee 0o net grind too fine, as pulverized eefTce has an e fe ll rely different flavor from the same Coffee granulated. J. A. rOLGKR a CO. Iaaarea mt flnm CwtYoe BUY IDAM linDIC m m SSI ERALD, til SI H V CLARENCE KIRK LAND IS KILLED Tbe Obeervoo U this morning la re ceipt of a noUflcatloo of tbe. death ef Clarenoe Kirkland, who iu killed lut WNk tar ' Cle . Elom, Wmo. Clarenoe lived la La Grande most of bis Ufa, and was well liked and re spooled by all who kntw biio, sad hi frieoda aad aoqaalatancH will be rained lo leu a of his eaddao deU." Tbe follovlag extract from the Ellens' borg Localizer, of July 13, te la the entire ator of bis death. Clarence Klrkland a joaag man aged 21 yean waa Inatantly killed tbu morning while at work at Wright Bros logging camp about three .miles from Cle Elom. J ... j ; i-,;-. j j In company with his aged father aad mother, Mr. and Mrs, W R KlrtUad of anla Anna Addition, he came to Ellenaborg one year and a half ' ago, bat only atayed here about two weeks, when be was employed by, - Wright Bros, and aeot to their aw mill at Cle Clam where be has twoa employed io setting oat loga newly erer eltce. Tbla morning while loading loga, his glore acoidentlr caogbt lo the book of a ebaln and before he ooald extricate himself be wat polled over tbe log and pinned between it sod another log al ready at the bottom of the akid ' lo be oaded an d ernthed. ' Be waa not lacer ated aboat the bead very maoh bat was caoght about bis breaat end so badly cruabed It la sappoaed It stopp ed the actio of the heart and he only gasped twloe after being released. . Tbe body was immediately taken to Cle Elom aod prepared for shipment te Ellenaborg and will arrite this ee- nlngon No. Itf. ' John Morrison was sent down from the saw mill at Cle Elnm - in the sad news to the aged parents. It la needleaa to any that they , are pros trated by the sadden shock. ' ; The boy was tbe youngest child of four children aod the flrat one ' to ba taken from tbe parents by. death. No arrangements hare yet been made for the faneral. : . FUNERAL TODAY The faneral of Clareooe' Kirkland who waa killed at (11a Elom yesterday morning took place tbla afternoon at 3 o'clock from tbe brolly residence, Rea U II Hilton, officiating. Mr. Kirkland was a steady, Indus trious young man of good moral char aoter and had very warm friends among bis acquaintances and will be sadly missed by bis aged parents, to whom be waa a great comfort. His untimely death la deeply regretted by all who knew him. Baseball Players and Foot Racers Loots J Kroger, ex-ebampioo long distance foot raoer of Germany and Holland, writei Oct 27 1001: "Darina- my training of eight weeks' foot races at Salt Lake City, In April laat, I peed Ballard's buow Liniment to my great est eatiafaotlon.. Therefore. I Mcom mend Snow Liniment to all who are troubled with sprains, bouses or rbeu mutism." 25c, 50c, $1.00 bottle. Now lin Drag Co. A Grim Tragedy Is daily enacted, la thousands of homes ss Death olalma, la each one, another letlro of Conaumptlon or Pneumonia. But when Coughs and Colds are prop erly treated, tbe tragedy is averted V Q Uuntly, of Oaklatlon, lnd, writea "My wife bad the conaumptlon and tbree doctors gave her on. Finallv she took Di. King'a New, DIco very lor Consumption, Congbs and Colds which cured her. and todar aha ia well and strong" It killa the germs of all diseases. One dose relieves, Guar auterd at 50c and tl by Newlin Dm a Co., diugitiat. Trial bottle free. IN A HURRY? TIIEN CALL Wn. REYNOLDS The transfer man. He will take that trunk to the Depot or your home in less time than it takes to tell it. Wegon alwsys at your Hervice. Charges moderate. Day phone 1751, night phone 1863. URIC ACID In the blood causes Rheu nutism.Sciatica.Liunbago, Neuralgia and Gout You can remove the cause by wearing one of our REX RHEUMATIC RINGS Murafacttind by tlx Rr Rhmtt King u., nvuorii. un.KtlcaL Price $2.00 e.vBt J. R. SMITH, RED FRONT UVERY BARN Wm. Smith, Prop Sale and reliable rigs furn at all times. Special ao comodationi furnished to commercial traveler, Phone. 3-5 WM, SMITH FEED STORE Hayj Giain and feed. Fiee delivery to all parte ef the city. Mountain trade a specialty. 4 Phone 1061 BonM. lurncM aod wagon ,. , bougUt nd aolil ! GOOD PASTURE 800 aorea line pasture, adjoining city. Abundantly watered. Cowe iu beard 11.60, dry atock and horaaa 1.25, per month. Stock delivered on abort notioe at reaa pricee E. EI. Jones; Phone 1276 La Grande G. L FOWLER Truck and Transfer Wood and Coal . Phone 1611 All order given fprompt V70: , atteotiou.; fJ: Ik C UA 18 fresldent Boc. and Trau. BLUE MOUNTAIN MARBLE AND GRANITE CO. LA GRANDE OREGON Complete assortment. of,fin est marble and gran it alirays on hand. Estimates cheerfully ; furnished upon application. t Headstones and Monuments' A Specialty Many people who are neglectinf symptoms of kidney trouble, noping - wiu wesr awsy" are drifting tnwarH RrinM'a TiU which is kidney trouble In one ci its worst forms. tope Irregularities, strenrtheas the urlaary organs and builds us the wora-out tissues of the kid jeys so they will perform their functions properly. Healthy kid. neys strata out the impurities from the blood as it passes through them. Disessed kidneys do not, and the poisonous waste matter ie carried by the circulatioa to every part of the body, cauiinz diuineis, backache, stomach trouble, sluggish liver, irregular heart action, etc. ; "WMyilgH of Kidney or Bladder trouble commence tak ing FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE at once, as it will cure a slight die order la a few days and prevent a fatal malarlv I I. 7, ' picasani ie) lake aad benefits the whole system. now to nnrj Out. Yoa can easny determine It your kM. rys are eat of order by eettfnf ailde poa arlalng. It npon eaamlnaHoTS Isclondyor mDkyor has a brfctdnst sediment or am alf particle, float taken atoned ow-e . B. Bwrwaaa Teatmae aftae FaMaB Vlaiaaai ipparl. lam to . tt. UyiywwBaai roleTl Kfl"! XZ IS mm owe M 100. A T HILL, Druggist Glassifed.; KOR SALE A new and np to daU aiz room cottage, In right looation. Cheap for cwh. Modem . arrange ment, will rent for 120 per wontft. For particulars addreas box 633 La n,.n,la Ora. 8-29 7-28 WANTED Day work by a eompeteat and reliable woman. Leave com mniilcatlons at tbla office. Mrs L Mangera, Hllgard Oregon. J. 7-A-7 lvid ail p Th. Inta and balldIoS Now bringing $50.00 per month ren U in U Grande, only 3000.' -Httrry. ...nnnn fit a.. DIML I - G H rUWIlsftO, OleaW JWJWala Centennial Hotel RATES tl per day meals 26cts. Hpeclal rates furnished monthly pa trons. Mrs A Mnrobeson and Miss O ' M Garni proprietors. ) No 4 Adama Ate. Phone No 1161 ' ' FOR R UN T Keren roomed bouse ooroer Adama Avenue and Oaa Inquire of B V Tait or phone UU. J3 FOR BALIS Uouae bold fronhoie, . ..It- .4 I organ, piano aua ceuo. ioiuir m residence K P Tait Cor. Adams ana Oak, or phone Black" 422.' v ' 1 ' WANTED Travelina salesman of good appearance. Mast be s hostler. Apply next door to Observer Offioe between Sand 6 pm. FOR SALE -House hold furniture complete. Moat be sold at onoe as owner Is going to learf " 'foltfi In quire at 906 Adams Avonae,v . ' I WANTED Girl for genersl house work. Moat be a good cook. Ad dress P 0 box 387. 11 tf LUMBER FOR 8A1J0 Ten thousand feet of lapsidlug for sals at a fig ore that will surprise lyou. F 8 New some, No. 309 U street, north, of the car shops. ? . " ? tf js FOUND A bunch of keys eonsistiog of keys of various size and kinds. Baid bnnoh was found in tbe road In Ladd Canyon. Owner may have same by calliug at this offlce end paying for this notice. FOUND-Onthe itreets a set of gold framed eye glasses in ' leather ease. Owner oan have aams by . calling at thlj offiraaOd pajjng for this notice. Hat Reduction Sale Every hut in the store will be re el need twenty five per cent in, price. Sale continues ten days only. tf 1 Mrs J R FORREST NOTICE We pay highest' Market; prioee .for chickens. , Want all you have got. At our Warehouse on Jefferson Ave. ' ' ' OR Cash Co. , ;i IDEAL YvASHING MACHINE Any person wlehiog to purchase an Ideal Waahinfr Machine, please leave word at Seattle Grocery Store and ths egeot will call and see you promptly.1 7 23 THOS. SIEQMUND, agent. .Warning I A Notice ia hereby given that anyone found dumping refuse of anv klod on any of the property belonging to Mie I A Grande. Real Estate Association will be vigorously prosecuted. . This property Includes all of lha Riveraiilu aud Williamson's sdditknt to La Grande.' 1 LA GRANDE KKAL ESTATE A8a . 0 13 tf Wm. Miller, Pras't, Beautiful eyes and handsome (ana are eloquent commendations. Brlcht eyes are windows to a woman's heart. Uol lister's Rooky Mountain Tea makaa bright eyes. 36 oeuta. Tea or Tablets. wewiin urugUo. ' . V i PTTV ' f JULIUS ' ROESCttL Pmnr?; J Largest BrewUig-Plant btn Otej?on Ask for La Grande Beer and Best LA GRANDP. RPKP ls - w f AND SHOULD HAVE ! . ' ' ! " f GRAINING AND . ART DECQRAING - . i . Way oat get your painting done well when you tan fcara it fneaper haa it takaeJor tbfMersdsober to spoil lit Get naed to Wvtni nlee wood flnUhlng "on M inside o) yonrTdwell- log. i:gg sneu ana"vevaj moss, "mirror pollah" a to. 8 D Kinney eai rain oDvonr old nal atad rooms and make theVood Uke-flns,vquartered oak f arnltuie - . -i : 1433 Adama Ave. La Grande Ore Good Ham Band mads hammocks for aale at from 1.2&to.$3,fiQ. Bepalrins work af Uy and qulokly adnen hammjaks arid nUiOiaU kit4s.Visa JL JACK WALKKK. T a nnla Ct, N "IM Third alrt.X. ' . J Septl f 'SWITCHES ' MADE OF a rwigtawltebeaaiSpnapMloaTaJalr dUa and toutcs. Hair rolva and oomba. Pompadour oomba. Will be at Hoada Valley bouse until Hatarday nlghl, ean X 'PP'r for klnda oT hair work at home onlot, North Powder, On Boa 85 MRS. A. D. VANDECAR FOR SALE. .... i Ninety acres of the btit land in the Grande Ronde VtAey, splend touted at bland Qty. Will sell in small tracts to suit purcheser. Inquire of , 1 t ? v j r i A HCNRY STERLING, -Ronde Valley House. Phone 36 J. L. MARS, Contractor and Builder Dealer in Building Material r La Grande, Or. . : Urop a line; naming Wki and I wil give the right price. $ Greatly in' Demand ' I Nothing fa more la demand than i!a mediclni which1 meets-modern require mente for a blood. and system oleanser, such as Dr, King's Hew Life Pills. They are just wharyoa'tissdMeore Btoms wdvev troablee. Try them. At rewlin Dreg' Co. drag store', 25a guaranteed. rrJ I s J LA GRANDE SCHOOL Ur MUSIC 4 : PROF. DAY. Principle. . , , ,MSLDAYa This is enoof the beet . mnaieaL In stitatlons In the sUte Daring (he TLBT 1S0A thara araM ra.rl nnn. thousand laaaona sIms ' ftiaiiannja In this city end ' valley are' begin. w ujwuttit uia groat aura lit age of this eohooi: The system bled is ILe latest and moat ' praot leal, mid inoludes ail toe latest dlsoovsrlea ia the art ot tesohlng snoalo; Tbe School ki 41Vld5d. inlaw tw 1u.a eoenlst No. 1 is for beginners, from 5 years. apk ead Uklnsr In tha lat t M sredes. la thU departmant iapils oome one hoar. evy 'day In No. 2 tbe grades areiroia' 3 to' 16. Here they gradeate.' Pupils taka ona ot bmn - ., ..t. ... they desire. No sobolars will be permitted to remain la tbla aebool wto donotstody. ,.,. . i. , tlPy & Feley , konae over tbe Candy Store , Phone 473. O T? XTt rr i-v w wrano ikv t a .J; uuwc sin u VjKAJNLIe. PrVfeWp aSBBBVSSKaVOBBWtavaBSsraaH it: L- VvviWVvV J.:. ' r --. -v-r;