A. B. C. STEAM LAUNDRY J PHONE UGranJc YOU Should come when in NEED WASHING WE DO IT RIGHT MHNI Keep Cool If jou hare no other way oall on the LA GRANDE LIGHT AND POWER CO. and secure an - Bates and all prices will be explained at the office CHICKEN DINNERS We nearly always have a supply on hand aa we are bnying and shipping all the time We allow yon to take your pick. All chickens sold for cash. Grande Rondc Cash Company Press Lewis Dean Crowe Phone 1801 New warehouse on Jefferson Avenue HAY. GRAIN. COAL. WOOD. wd The Anti-Trust Market Market Al One Place Why visit a half dozen place when your entire household from on place I bar added a complete Una of srocarlaa to mv business and now . can not only f Ornish you with the very best In mast, and alio wit1, staple and fancy groceries aad vege table as well. A general market means everything for the table. 1 have lb stock and h means of taking oar of it and it is all for sal, aad yea will find that I bav struck tb secret of business suc cess. The secret is simply this. Good goods st the lowest prices . A tiial or der will oonvinot you that I do busi ness upon this plan . Do not forget my oold storage plant. Tb very beat refrigerator in the city. All green gro ceries kept on ice. Always fresh and always oold and crisp. Try on of our water melons just off tha lee. Berries and poultry kepi on ice Watch (bis spaee lor prices. Corn and tomatoes ten cents per can. The Anti-Trust Market. C HARRIS There are many k'ads of meat, but we sell onl" .be best kind. A trial order will cou viuce you of the troth of this statement We kill only the best specimens and kill it correctly. Our jfrHcea are aa low as . . .a a a la consistent witu tne oeai quality 4 ft Tf DOCK Ot 1 n01TsSi I85i Oregon. to ooi laundry of anything from smile to clean liueo pleasant ia oor business Electric Fan IT PAYS TO PAY CASH We sell for Caah, therefore can sell on a closer margin than the Credit merchant. or line of groceries is oom and call and ee for your self Wo ran oar own delivery wagon and know that oor good era properly de livered. We carry tha famous monopole bread whtcb is a sufficient guarantee All errors cheerfully corrected. Crescent Seattle Grocery Co. ZUNDKL A LAWSON. Tb laxative effect of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablet le so agree able and so natural that yon do not realize It I the effect of a medicine For eale by Nswlln Drug Co It make no difference bow many medicines bav failed to oar you, if you are troubled with headaohe, eon stipation, kidney or liver troubles. Holllater'a Hooky Mountain Tea will make you well. Newlin. Drag Go, Notice. Having retired from tha grocery basinets, I take tbis opportunity of ex pressing my thank lo those who have extended to me their patmnsge. My transactions bav bean with tboee of tbe Brat order only, with bat few exceptions, and these are excluded when I ssy that, snide from a financial oonsi leration. their patronage bas been fulty appreciated. My office hours are from Dints p m , aad 1 may he found at the office of John M Hough, en Adams Avenue, any time before August 1, Respect fully yours. W MAOFAKLANE J 16 22 Good for Stomach Trouble and Constipation 'Chamberlain's Stomach and Livsr Tablets have done me a great deal Kood," any C Towns, of Bat Portage, Ontario, Canada. "Saing asalldahy sic the altar effect ars not unpleasant and I can recommend them to all who suffer from stomach disorder." For - Newlin Drug Oo. Reinstated 8ml of ths treJatuen of Um 0 K N diseWged last tMk throng Um report of spotter, bat dmo rein stated. Uoodoetor Dickinson, of tee Let Grand freight division, baa bean givea bte old position aad two bnfct mea discharged at Um ma Um beta wean taken back. It m sapeld that wry Maa discharged aa a nralt of Um report of Um spotter will ba rain -stated wltnlo s faw days aa it has been found that most of Um ebanas vara untros. Tbs Dallas Chiooicle. Northwest News Archibald Gagoeo has basD rescued nearly (tarred, after bat ax lost 11 day la Um forest nasr Boaaland, H U. Lieutenant Governor Maitland, of Dead wood, 8 O , has refused $2,000, 000 far his nine holdings ia tha Black till Nesr Kioaa, Washington, It aa ap ple tree yielding aa early red Jane apple. It baa averaged 15 boxes per seeaoc for aaral yean, at aa a box. M f Meat and Dan Oabllt, who ware injured near Bnmpter by the ax plosion of a box of giant osps, will both raooTsr la good shape, and with unimpaired eyesight. Near Cheballs, Wash., Jos Itonuett was murdered by his skull being arusbed with a dab. II had bsd a row with Joe Star book. Tony Moko- akl sad Johnny Pa Ell. All are Poles. Ths Eugene woolen mills, which were purchased by Wright and Wilbur, of Union, will not be removed from htagene, bat will be pat In operation October 1 . Prom 75 to 100 people will be employed . A.! il i ivi est 1 1 S itja S VHMU The Powder VsUsy Eoho published at North Powder, Union ooun ty says r i mi l l . - . ana money oraar Dosiness transact d by the poat-offio here for the mouths of April Hay sad Jan of tbis year show an increase of M169 over ama period in 1904. The figures a furnished through the oourtesy of postmaster O D Tbomlison are as fol lows. April May June 1904 14347.76 April May June 1906 94610.46 Railroad Accidents Accident bulletin No. 16 just issued by the interstate commerce com miss ton, giving so account of railroad ac cidents in tb United Bute daring tb oath of January, February and March, 1905, shows that during the quarter there were 28 passengers snd employes killed and 1661 psseeu gars snd J0U2 employes Injured In train accidents Other aooident to passengers and employ not tb re sult of collisions or derailments briog i total number of oasaatlties up to 909 killed and 14,897 injured. To Hold Autopsy Sorlpps News Association New York July 19 The body of Mrs E B Carlson was taken from tbe grave at Osvsliy oemetery tbis morn log for tbe purpose of holding an au topsy to discover tbe causa of ber death. May Raise Postage Washington July 19 Increase of postage oo second olass mall matter may bi urged at tb coming session of congreee as a mesas of wiping out tbe dfioit in the postal service. Re presentative OverHree; of I diana, chairrran of the home committee of poatnffieee and poet roads, is atrongly in favor of tbis plan. Indigestion With Its companions, heart burn, flatulence, torpidity of the liver, con - stipation. palpitation of tbe heart, poor blood headaob- and otber net voue syrup tons, Hallow skin, foul tongue, offensive breath and legion of otber ailments, Is at ojo the most wide spread and destructive malady among the American people. Tbe Heroine treatments will our all these trouble. So bottle Newlin Drue (Jo WANTED A position as cook by sober, reliable person. Inquire at this office. tf FOR RENT A small bouse near Adam avenue, west. Inquire at Mewlia'e Drag Store. Tb United Statu now ha 12,000 men at work digging the Panama tanaL In May there were forty ease of yel low frver and two deaths therefrom, la June there a ere over forty oasss an four death. HOLLISTER'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Buy Msdidas for Busy People. aVtsgs Golden Health aad Renewed Vigor. A spsejee tor Constipation, Indigestion, d Kidney Trouble. Plmplea, Ecxema. Impure Kxi, Ba4 Breath, augslali TSoirels, Header-h and Backache. IPs RcST Mountain Tea hi rati let form, M cents a boa. Orniiioe made by Hobuersa Daoo Company, Hadlsrm, Wla. OtOEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLS -VISIT THE- Lewis and Clark EXPOSITION To be held at Portland, June 1 to Oct. 15, 1905. TAKE A TRIP TO CALIFORNIA Through the Willianette, Umpqua and Rogue River Valleys, of Western Oregon, pass Mt. Shasta, through the Sacramento Valley to the many famous resorts on the line of the For beautifully illustrated booklets, descriptive i f Cali fornia resols: aaaress. W. EsCOMAN, Gen. Passr. Agt. Portland, Oregon. fmta,&t W S aM M tmu euixaajvim -JJL.A AS DEPART TimsHchtdul LA (ihAXOg, OR r'KOM No 1 Not Nos tMtpm 8:50 p ra 40 6 I ... ... , UUUHM, IS II b:ju a. m.raago ana asst. MO I Portland- Dalle Pen dleton. Walla Walla, No I ;0ftpm Dayton, romeroy, col fax. Wssoow, Bpokans. aad points erst and north viaBpokacs 6:50 ra. forUaad. Dallas, Pen dlaton. UntaUlla. Wal OS 80Jp.ni. lala, LevUtoo, Oolrai, Moscow, Wallace. War ner, Spokane aud otber No ,H:X a m poiuu obh auci norm via Mpoaaas N0.&2 Oiillj ex cept Bandar MS am lalaud City, Aiicel, Im bier and t ;gtu. ton ne lions at Klgiu w'th ta-.e for points In V a U iiowa. Holl SjBOp m Urtan HI earners between Portland aad Has Pranoiaco every five d ya. tasuoiK. aasat YOU WILL SATISFIEI If your llekets rtsd oer the Denver aadRloUiaiKteKatlt Lie "Hoenin 1.1 im ot tbe world" H EGA US t'aere are so many aoenle all a l W snd polutsof luterest .long tbn rie if tween Oaden and Denver i iat ilu u ip never becomes tiresome If you are going east, write for line, matton and get a pretty book iliat will tell you all about It W C MoBRiDE, Agent, 124 Third St. ortlard Oregc When von want a pleasant laxstive that ia eaay to teke and certain to act, use Cbemberlsin's Stomach and Liver tablets. Kor eale by Newlin Drag Co, Administrator's Notice Notice Is hereby given to all whom It may concern, that the undi rslgnrd baa been duly a: poluted administrator of tbe Katate of Sarah Oowen deceased, by the County Court of Union County, Oregon, and all perxnus having claims against taid estate arc hereby not I (led to present the same to tbe undersign ed at the office of "his attorneys Crawford .. Crawford In la Grande, Oregon, duly verllled within hi x montba I rem this dale. Dated at La Oraudc, Oregon. June 21st IV05. a 8. COW UN Administrator. Administrator's Notice Notice Is hereto given to all whom It may oonrern, that the undersigned baa been duly appointed anwlnlslrator of the estate ofj W Cowea, d censed, by ths Cnualy Court of Un ion County, Oregon, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present ths same to tbe undersigned al the Office of bis attorneys Crawford & Crawford In La Grande, Oregon, duly verified, wit h i n sis months from this date. Dated at La Grande, Oregon, June 21 at, Ittuu. 4wkj U. S.COWEN, Anmlnlslrator. Notice to Creditors Notice la hereby given tb at Otho Kckersley has been appointed by tbe County Court ot Union County, Stats of Oregon, sdmlnlatrutor oftbseatsMS of WllUans J Hboemaker, de ceased, and all persons having claims sgalnal satd estate are hereby notified to present the same with pioper vouchera to the said Otho Kckersley at his residence In Cove, Oregon, or to Lin attorney, J D Slater, al La Grande, Ore gon, within sis months from dale of this no tice. Dated st La Grande; Oregon, this 7tb day or july.ADUOS. OTHO KCKEKMLKY, Aduiinlitrati.r. st weekly SHOJajaym: PROFESSIONAL CARDS PHYSICIANS DR. A. L RICHARDSON, Physician and Surgeon. over Bill's Drat Mar. Feoaesn I . WO LIT OR. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Career Adams avsaaa and Depot at. PuonaSM BeaMeoetPaoaeMl WILLARD SMITH PHYSICIAN AND, SURGEON PhODe.TU Lete balldlax, opposite Somtaer Boom Office Hoars, 1 to 4,7 to S BACON & HALL, YSICIANS AND SURGBONS offlee la Poley building , Psoas UL 0. T. Baeoa, Residence Phone lis M. K. HallyJjUilisil 111 DKS. BIGGERS & BIOOERS Physicians and Surgeon a W Blssers, M. D. Qeo, L. Bigger, M. O Telephone. Office 1XU Kesldenoe 1881 Offine' Ralston Bonding over J. M. Berry's Store. keeldenoe on Madison AVe. aetoi door westoforiuar residence. Dr. Ci. W. Bigger La OR AN UK - OKBUON Professional sslli promptly al leaded to day or night. DENTIST8 REAVIS BROS. DENTISTS. Office Horn roar Building Offloe Phone r l Kealdenoe Phoae UT C. B. Cauttiorxi DENTIST Offioa Over Htll Drug'. Store) La Grande, Oregon R. L. LINCOLN DENTIST Up stairs, Oor Adams avenue and Depot at. Phone yS VETERINARY SURGEON r. p A CHARLTON TERINARY SURGEON, Office at A T Hill's Drug Store La Grande, Oregon Phone 1361 Reaidenoe phone red 701 Farmers' line 58 DR. W. T. DJWNE8. VBTBalNARY SUBaSON AND DKNT1ST Leave orders at Red Cross Drug store Residence Cor 6th and I st Thirty Ave years experience, heat of referenoe furnished ATTORNEYS CKAWF0RD & CRAWFORD Attomeys-at-Law LA Gil AND ft, OBKQON OSlos lo Foley balldlng. J. W KN0WLE3 Attorney and Counsellor At Law Office in Ralston Building Phone U6 La Grande Or. U. T. Wlllinms A. C. Williams WILLIAMS BROS. ATTORN EY8-AT-LAW Qftlca In Ralalon Building Pbone iOjH La Grands, jr. L A. PICKLE R Civil, Minim;, Irrigation Engineering snd Surveying Estimates, Plans, aud Mpeelflcatlons. Office 1110 Adama Avenue, with John E Uoagh La Gbanub, ontcooN Lodge Directory. AAOLKS La Itrandc Alrio iw f O K every Hunday nlht In K ol V hall a i meeu iuiunn oreinern ic iiea v. aiion-i. w! l A. Mi, toll, r, J. K. Pollock, W.B. 1 0 0 9 La Grande Lodge, No 16 n tela ji 'heir bell every riaiurday night. Vial ling n.em era oordiallv invited to attend. Cemtery plat can be seen at office of City xworuer. O. W. UoberUion, N G H. E, Coolidge, Hoc 1TAK KNUAM I'M ENT No 31. I. O. O. K. neeu every Srst and third i'hurudays in the non th In Odd Fellows hall. VUltiug patrl trcbs always welcome I. 11. guook, C V. Udinond Hobiaaon. gcrlbe EASTERN HTA K OKH Hope Chaptor No ia mseta uia Seooaa sua rourtu weaucanay is .i.li month at 7dr0p ru In Masonic 'l'cmpie Mertie Aiarlch, W M Mary A Warniok, fee M. W.A. La Grande limp Ao. v;u3 inrai every first and third Wednesday of the month ai 1. O. O. V. Hall. All visttn g neleb burs are cnrdlally invileil to attend. K. ReMeud, V. O. John Hall, Ckrk. VGRKHTKRH OF AMEKiCA Uonrt Maid drlon, No 22 meets each Thursday sight In k or I nan. nrouin are inviieu lo aiiena. X B Ttllson, Chief Sanser. U S Williams, Fin. See Hoard of Trustees -ITO I. blggers, John Mail ana uerocr, muiwn BRICK BRICK Brick furnished in any quanity or any style. No contract too small or too large. See samples of oar pressed brick. GEO. KREIGER. La tirande, Oregon. THE OXFORD PAR JAMES FARQUHARSON. Prop. WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Oold lnnibae aad, mixed drinks a specialty. Fair and impartial treatment to all. Yon are in vited to call and gat acquainted I BJBJ 1 int. Salooa CHAS, ML UlST, Proprielnr T.TftlTaU J -- sv a aaf d a a - - CIGARS , e -SV. a aw)w AND Finest colloetiom of atuffed animals on tbe Pacific coast. Blue Front Saloon E. TH0RS0N, Proprietor. FIKBBT WINES, LI0U0RS Imported and domestic CIGARS Hot or cold lunch all boars Jefferson Avenue Opposite Depot Palace Sal o mmm 1 CHAS, ANJE2M)N FINK WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Always on band Jeflersoo Avenue Oppo t U-.ot THE LOUVRE CHRIS WRIGHT. Prop. KINK WINE5. LIQUORS CIQ1RS Oenllemen arwsyi Welcome Rr Street Eagle Saon UUUCH LOTUS. Prop. pin a WINES, LIQliOtlS Lunches are onr specialty Jeffomoo Avenue, Opposits depot IitaUsftuI SSSSSSISeMSS((SSIS ITUE BRUNSWICK it. mm i tool, rttop. FINE WINES 2 LIQUOfU Aad tbe best brands ol CIQfMS Always on band Sflxeu drinks a specially Ask and see If you don't get it. Thin la a aou tlemen'a resort and will be run aa suh f e a