1 .! ' ..v I. a Grande Evening Observer rr tET BEOS, Ediura A Pr i Enteral at tbe Poet Offlca At La Grand, Oregon, m Beeood CImi Mail Matter. Published daily except Sunday gneyear in ad ranee $650 iz months in adraaee. . . .3 60 Pei month ..........65c Single copy,...; ...6c AVlSfTlNG SQUAD20N Official notice has been given of the intended visit to Atoefl ean waters of a squadron "of Britiah war-ships. The sqjjsd- ron, it u expected, ' will consul cffoar cruisers, and will be commanded by Prince Looia Alexander of Billenberg. The squadron will risit Nev York and Annapolis, and is expected to arrive some time in October! Tuesday. July IS, 1905. ADVEOTU1VO RATES PUplay At turn aarelebeS epos application Load tmAluf aaUem ISe per llae am aaar Hoa, je per Km tut mek aafanqinal Imw KeeolaUoaa ef eeadiiUeea, y er Ux. Carte e Uub, St par Ilea, OUR WEATHER It is either unpardonable in gratitude or inexcusable stoi cism tbs t lets this flue weather pan without recognizing it by some apt words of befitting praise1 Here in Ortnde Ronde valley, half way from the equa tor to the North Pole, a half a mile above the level of old ocean surrounded by forest girdled snow capped mountain we are having sunshine brighter than Italy by day,' are over spread with a starry elorv by niaht equal in splendor to that of Cbaldea, and air to breath aro matio with the odor of bloom and refreshed with coolness from the mountain glens and shadowy foreats, The writer hereof bat wandered along the Pacific coast iu midsummer from near the Mexican line to Puget Sound without finding as pleasant days and refreshing nights as we are now having and each summer do have . in Qrande Ronde valley. . JOHN PAUL JONES I Ambassador ' Porter, some time ago, succeeded in identify ing at Paris the burial-place of the great American, admiral, John Paul Jones, who died in 1702, and the formal transfer of the remains from French soil to an American war-ship, for in terraeut at Annapolis, was made' the oocasioo, during the" ' first week afthSs month, of interest ing official ceremonies at Paris and Cherbourg. A squadron consisting of the cruisers Brook lyn, Chattanooga, Tacoma and Galveston was sent to Cherbourg unier the command of Rear Admiral Sigsbee, to escort the remains to this country. At Paris the A.nericau diplomatic and naval officers were enter tained by President Loubet and Premier Rouvier. A guard of honor esoorted the boly from Paris to Cherbourg, where it was placed on a catafalque on the Brooklyn, decorated with Russian and French ensigns an American flag, representing the threo naval services in which Admiral Jones held com missions. The Agriculturalist in not ing that Portland, Oregon, oc casionally imports a carload of eggs remarked "That to pay for those eggs will take the price of from six to nine carloads of wheat for each car of imp orted Pure Bred Poultry Parties desiring pure bred poultry can secure eggs tiom the following well known breeds at $1 per setting of fifteen Bar Ply moth Rock, White Wyn dott,, Single Comb Brown Leghorn, and Silver Lsced Wyddott ELI BA!R. . . Island Citf Oregou The man, who moves into a new country and secures . pos session of a large tract of land and does nothing to improve it, but listlessly waits , for bis neighbors, by their labor, to enchance its value, cannot be styled a public benefactor, and many people will regard him as an nndesirable citizen. Plans Wanted Notice U hereby given that tbe Dis trict 8cbool Board of Scbool District Number On of Union County, Oregon, ill receive, ep to 4 o'clock p m of Jaly 25, 1W6, plans for aa eight room sod basement brick aad stone scbool boat of tbs approximate coat of 110.- 000 not Inclading iaiide noisblug of oppetstorr. ;,- ..... Jt.n. ', Plaoe to be left with A O William.. Scbool Clerk. , Board reserves tbe rlgbt lo tejeot mUf muu ui piaue. - i La Grande, Oregon, Jaly IS, 1906. ' AC WILLIAMS. Scbool Clerk Jaly 25 .. 1 1 " - , i Teams Wanted Teams wanted to haul cord wood. Ad all summer's Job featured. Apply to John Anthony, or addreas Bos 112, La Grande, Oregon. Notice To Water Consumers All persons knowing themselves to te In arrears for elty water are bore. by n itlfled to call a the oifloe of the city Recorder and settle at one. In order that there nay be po mis under atanding we cite tbe ciukmer to the following section -' of tbe city ordinance. This ordlanoe will be la foreeJ. Section 1 Tbe water rates shall be payable in ad vanoe at the offioe of tbe water eoperintendeot on the first day of each month (eseept for meters which are payable on the fiat day of tbe succeeding month), and If not paid within the first ten days - tbe water will be ibut oV tbe premltee, as provided la Bectlona 20 and it. , j' Later ordinance provides that water rates shall be payable to City Record er I natead of Water Superintendent. There's a pretty girlio an Alpine hat A ew eter girl with aaallor brim, but the bamlaomeat gin you'll everaee Is tbe sensible girl who nets Rooky Mountain Tea. Newllo Drag Co . Sickening Shivering Fits of Ague and Malaria, ean be relieved and cured with Electric Bitten. Thil is a pure, tonic medicine; of eepeclaj benefit In malaria, for It exerts a true ooratlve influence on the dlaeaie, drlv-i log It entirely out ot the system. I Is much to be preferred to Quinine, having none of this drag's after- effect, K S Muntjay, o( Henrietta, Tel., writes "My brother was very low with mat laria fever end Jaundice, till he took' Klvotrio Blttera, which eave I bis lire.',' At Newlin Brag Co. drag store; prlct Wo guaranteed, , Croup I le a violent Inflammation of thi ol mous membrane of tbe wind plpei which sometimes eitende to tie laroys aud bronohiel tabea; and le one of the moat dangereut diseases of children It almont always comes on In the night (live frequent email doeea of Ballards Ilorehound By rap and apply Ballnrd'i Liniment eiternally to the throat 2Se, 6V, tl 00, Newllo Drag Co ) Cheerfully Recommended lor 1 Rheumatism .. i OOIllgbee, Danville, III. write Deo Z, 1001 ; u About two years ago I an laid up for four year with rbed metltTi. I tried Hallard's Snow Llni nient; one bottle cured me. I can cbeerfully recommend It to all inller Ing from like afltiction" 2.Vj, 60o,l 1.00 Newlin Drog Co j Music Pupils Desired Mre, llattie R McDuuald wlrhea to announce to her friends that she na been studying latest and beat methods of teaahiai the plane to beginners, e a good foundation la the mot eseml al ;tblug In tbi atndy of mualo. She 111 be grateful to tbe publlo for patrota ;e. July ao . , j e- io 125 Cj mW 'l Extra values for' t , xin -s-j,y r, CJilt9. 5c Sotd&L- .. Spedals . I A CRADC. OR. t .11 TREMENDOUS f . . . ear , VALtt5 in MEN'S SHIRTS 75c. 85c, $1.00 values 50c Bestqaality , and Misses Xaalityof I5CP SI,k Zcphyr CIniham laAles' lisses Ucc Uslc Cloves 15c Children's stippcrs 50o and a line of Ladies' Oxfords 50c. t t e. Sale weep Gomme 7, Ends Mon. July 31 The greatest clearing sale of the year. Because of the unusual amount of ; i merchandise tp sale will largely exceed all our previous July; Clearing Sales in volume, variety of merchandise, and in price reductions. I Ail J)rokein linV odd Jots and thoseassortments of regular merchandise ' whiclY in larger thrill wcf wisfe have been given low price marks that will U force quick selling The sale sheets will show enormous losses, but we , count losses as jnevHable during these clearing sales -part of the business. ::;!EvwJiclc: in 'the House Reduced. EXCEPT E. & W. COLLARS, W. L. DOUGLASS SHOES, SPOOL COTTON AXD BUTTERICK PATTERNS WHICH ,' ARE CONTRACT GOODS. CLEAN SWEEP ' SALE 'IN OUR READY TO AVE AR DEPTMENT M i I ..:,.A yj ' iUWU cVf, A V ; j EytJ-y arrncnt marked at a fraction , of its value : ' J ' ! ' - ! . ' -v.. ..... : , . A line of Ladies' $3, $4 arid $6 Walking Skirts for $- $1.50 VALUES FOR $1.03 2.25 . " 1.60 3.00 " 2 00 .4.00 " , 2.65 , wash,, ' '. J V ; LADIES' WAISTS Elaborately . Trimmed In the Latest Styles, all the Latest and most clever Models shown this season In silks and $ ISO 1 GARMENTS REDUCED (Yd 1 i $ .30 i.oo , , .'" ; , : :j ( .60 , 1.50 ; ." ' " ' .95 ; 2.00 . .. M''S ' " 125 : ' 2.50 " I , . " '"' 1.45 j AND OTHERS WHICH SPACE WlLt1 NOT PERMIT ' ... ) c ... CLEAN SWEEP SALE IN OUR MENS' CLOTHING Hundreds ofidollars worth of clothing that Isas'wcll made, as perfect inf it, as good in material as you can buy any " where for'doublethe money ..A wrtir.'tt mm ss NeHMawsd TWO AND THREEPIECE SUITS IN WORSTEDS, ; TWEEDS AND CHEVIOTS 1 $25.00' SUITS REDUCED TO $2o6o 22.50 15.00 12.00 10.00 17.00 11.50 9.50 .6.50 M SK 111 1 ... wil .1 BSm ; r ii "' i'i -A l uitcn tyr. I ' MtN'S UNDERWEAR' MADE OF THE FIEST QUALITY OF FRENCH BALBRIGGAN DERBY RIBBED, BEST - $1.50 VALUt FOR $1.00. ., 'I