i .Jr 1 4 ' y GOODS WHEN YOU CO FISHING VVE CARRY A COMPUTE UNE ..i'iO BAKER BROS. IF oar rciponsibiUty of l37,0pO.0O it guarantee IF oar rate of interest Ion certificates of deposits high enough. L' . 1 'm ? " .... . . .' ' ' . -. ir our rat viiiuMiMk vu tuw u uucul IF the accomodation! we afford are satisfactory, IF von are not already a cuttomer of this bank;, " thenw UrrhVydn to rfroVme ohe ;UJ f,- V WE guarantee jou jtoaolute safety for yourtmde h iMntrusUdtoourjc.tje., , . , ... 1,;-,'n. ; HAWQ gvTenT itVri of serrloe to the Ad vancement lbs) interests of La Grande and r - 4 niow county we fell Justified in- aakbsg' far youi banking business, an we wiUxtead,Ao yon al Lio,Pco4tita,vIourl st justify fti UwisVpur loans -wiiLhretrictei . oalv-by lbe security , f ouEoffe and:th balance yov kelp: with tbJe.baik,. ,4 ' ... rf. ; : .aiBfr-f V T,.. ,e-ii- PAYMASTER IS HELD UP NJWJK1DENCES AT LA. GRANDE Birmingham. AU . Jul 17 L. D Barr. Dtrnuttr at the Klom-KkfHalil Btcel tnd Iron eoiDanv. u hKi an by twe masked highwaymen Saturday ftAroooa 00 tha railroad Letwcen Ultleton and Flat Top and ralUrad ol IMOO, wbloh waa to ba aed In paying Off tba'uan. ' "" "' 1 " 1 -" Lata than Cra nlnata attarward Da taetita Gntm EoJi-rkur. ; ' Polloamaa iosaphNix aod CbarUa PVoktrd bad abat and kUlad one of tna blffhurar. manaad raeoverad tha mooar. Tbo otbcr robbar aoapcd. r -'' r " " ' ... Hijgh Price For Wheat Uolfu. Waab Jolv 17-Tha flrai aalabtaairheato( tba . aeaaon vaa mada at LaOroaaa Saturday vban Dor- ma Bros Zarlag aold to tba NorUi .' ' an ' ' An rwi wiiwi Yvaranooaa company t u,uuu bnahala of nav blnaaUm vbeat at a 1 2 tanti mi buabal.' Tbla U for T T , .-- Ll grain lacked and deltvarad n tba wara- boiua at LaOroaaa aa aoon aa poatibla altar bariraat. "Tba aale waa made 4y Orii Dorman and K E Zarlng of' tba flrm. . 1 . I! Plana for two tSOOO roaidaaoM to ba araetcd at La Mranda; are' now ;. being prepared by Arobitaot 0 Troatroto, who retaraed froin that place ytar day. Tbey are to be build byOL Clearer and W L Brenbolts both of tue Uk Grande ttatlonal tank Eaat Oregctkian. ' Music Pupils' Desired Mra. HatUa R McDonald wiabea to announce M'ber f rlenda that -abe baa I - - lt 1 . A -fc i Ln ..4 ' ol teaobin.i tbe piano to beglnnera, aa a good foundation la tbe moat eeacntlai thing In tbe etndy of noalo. She will be grataf ol to tbe pobllo for patronage. JalyaO I " Panama Canal Tbe United State now ,ha 12,000 men at Korkdlgging the Panama canal. In Maf there war forty .caaea of yel low (urn and two; deatba therefrom. In Jane theie ere over tarty oaiea an foardaatha. I ; TWO SPECIAL BARGAINS 3, 13 acres adjoining town, can be irrigated, . Price, for cash, upon application. 420 acres near Cove, all tented, -good butsid - rantfe, 160 acres fine, for fruit or grain, . well watered. Fine place for horse ranch. ; . v i I VI I PrkeuponapplicaUon Reward 1 Foley Hotel Building jCa Srdnde Snvcstmont Co. La Grande,' Oregon "TV" m formers 1 1 - iiA' ' I vOaiWer.-1 Atai, Oalhter. ; resiaene Oalhler. 'si'" aaup ,.(irft M line (r.H-K A O It'w'uiyy'y'" get the best Ice Crcamc re better prepared than ever to atop your thirst and t 1 We have only the test brushed fruits and pure roclc candy syrups. Our ica cream is made fiom pure cream and Is the best. 4 tat us show you. ... .. .' .: ti I'm"- .". i 1 ' ' a: H I 1 Prescription Drugjist cn ""TU GRANDE, OR P If 1 s 1 1 1 . 1 ejaanww"a-B .1.11 1 ilium. 1 ' QT3FHRRF. T 'T- j 4 ClarK Operated On Sew York July 17-Benator William Clark of Montata waa operated upon for aa abac at of tba brain at bla borne la tbla: city Satoxday alwrnoon,, u la nnderakood that he la rallying ana Mating i,i eomforUbly , A , , laror able oatcome of the .eenator'a Jllneae m oapecieii, aitboagn aa i'uo vi,""u waa a wry aerlont one It will probab, ly be aerera' daja before "an ultimate reoorery ia asaoiva. . New York. July 17 -r8enator Ulark, of Moatana, who under weat a aocond operation .for niaatoldltla Saturday, epwt a oomf ortable night and la much ba proved thia morning, bat la not yet out of danger - i 1 To OiinPatrons It haa bean orronMualy reported that oar baalneu la to ,be - remoted from La Grande wblob la not tact. We have bought ponaiderable lumber uft ITnlnn anil . nthur olaaea bnt that doea not neoeealtate the remoral of our office and place of boalneaa from La Grande. STODDARD LUMBER CO. Manr ehlidren inherit constitution weak and feeble, others due to child hood troubles. Holllster.S Kooky MoanUln Tea will postlvel - care children and make them " atrong e 8 cents; Ten or TabieU. Newlln Drag Beat Estate Loans, Any amoants on City and Country Real Estate. Loana closed promptly, as aoon as title ap- proMd, ur.r.f 1 i ' LA GRANDE INVESTMENT CO. ... . - , t , Jndiwtion, :7 With tU comDaniona. heart, burn, flatulanoe, torpidity of the liver, con stlpaUon. palpitation of the 3 heart, poor blood hendaoh and other net voua symptons, sallow akin, foul tongue, effsnatvo breath and legion of other Sllmanta, Is at oboe the. , moat . wide spread and destructive malady among ths-AaMrlcai people. -. The Herbine treatments will euro all these troubles. Soe bottle NewUn DrnsCo -. i A reward of S50 will be paid by the Grande Rood block Growers - Protect- Its Association tor the arrest and eon vlction of anyode lor stealing stock in Union oounly. k , ? c v signed by J the" Secretary Cheerfully Recommended lor : ' VRheumaltsm OO BiRbee, Dantllle, III. writer Deo S, 1901 f .'MAbeut two years ago l was laid ud for lour yaars with rheu matism. 1 tried Ballard's Snow Lini ment: one i bottle--cured. me. I can cheerfully teoommend It to all 1 offer ing from IlkY affliction" 250, 60c,S 1.00 NewllDrag Co ij . : Sickening Shivering Fits of Ague and Malaria, can be relieved and cared with Electric Bitters. This Is a Dure, tonic medicine ; of especial benefit In malaria, tor It axerta a true curative influence on the disease, drlv ina It entire! t Ont Ot the i System. It Is much to be preferred to Quinine. havina none of this drug's after-effects, E S Monday, ol Henrietta, Tex., writes VMv brother was very low - with ma laria fever und jaendloe,' till be ' took Electrlo Bltters.'whloh saved bla life.',' At Newlln Drug Co. drug store ; price 60o guaranteed, " IB IN L - . . --v n :i 1 , frill ' m -,. , -n-r -- - 1 ' ' "? I In JJ 4;.-.,Mtm -...-.. ' " It5' p :VWC-4?f?C.Crotipw.'i.--;.; vr:.- Is a violent Inflammation ot the mucous membrane ot tbe wind pipe, wbloh sometimes extends to the larnyx ud bronohial tubes; and Is one ot the most"danaeraatdfaeaes" of. children It almost always oomes on in tbo night Olive treauent small doses of Ballards G..nn anil .ntj, Rllllinwl'n IIVIOU.UUU WJ.M Unsment externally to the throat 2Sc, 60c, 11.00, Kewlin Prog Co 1 1 ,v. i J OREGON TIKE RELIEF ASSOCIATION i. W. OLIVER, AQKNT, With J. T. jWilliumeon. in Foley Building, La Grande. Persons desiring a correct abstract ot titled I g will do well tp call on Qvde Rl Seitz, in the v m 1 ( -'!.l''i - tn; n . r ill! t t..a UmA .r-rc f-1' BOhnenjcamp , puucun, woo r-fi;; , 1 p ot experience in me Dusiness,. wno w to furnish !'a' true utabstfdl'il!. titled rl e Akeirorvc birtrif -i-.OsPricfts KlilKt m ABSTRACTOR raj - - - - if-a iUS.4J.M.WeUJ.. HENRY S6 CAFf R PUNEtWL DIRECTOR5 LICErUEb EnBf1L(1ER5 Lady asaiataLt. Calls answered day and night,... .- v a' Phone No. 2t. : t i . .-w . .. . ... J. 0. Henry, residence 664 M J. J. Oarr, residence 380 - - ; U La Grande Oregon H qfl a ASK n;l Slntrna ernod SJ H6W 1 WalxbPIIalliTsAie .iijBdo.franiM:at - Oapboards - $8.00. 3.150 Easy payuienta, .1 . ... 1 a9 1!. .4 IamasjI BieTcles Repaired . Bike nres ana dFP m?Tri .Tr.ii-I-Jl-. irwuiirvifd fltdtfBeDairins;. Phone.1161 4 taa -1-'-- Af -Ui. P4in'jr1 CitrhzrA 1 jtni will be sold tolarge W srnall tracts to suft purchaser. "r ' This farm is only 15 miles from La Grar de-Tdn' the Elgin branch of the O. R. & N. Railroad, and is what h known aa the Henry Rinehart ; Farm, s and is located at ' the Rinehart 8pnr. This farm touches the loot hills end is watered with numerous springs, 'and a beautiful spring Li..A.fu... lining a, at at The, lftinl tniv be divided into FORTY OR EIGHTY ACRE TRACTS, every one ohg which is supplied with living water.'" This splendid tract g contains ufficient land to; lurniun nomea ior vwcujr wr . mortf families. Remember this iarm is under cultivation nnd every foot is a wealth, prodflcer. ' One tract .rowhas ver tei acres ot young bearing ' orchrad", 3 which is ABSOLUTELY .FREE FROM PEST. . , This farm has a complete! railroad and countf road con nection, and is located in a schoo' di8tri"t which is free from debt and maintains a good six months school. ' Address. HENRY WNEH ART; ' Fr vex tv er-- w VW9 a rf a".T IT Ml T , . 5UMMIlKVlLl.il, WKCUWIN. ' Or call at" the Iarm for full particulars, Terms and com- t . -t -. t w- j ; - piete oescripiionv q LAWN MOWERS AND ; rHOSE:iNmLMBESl ; ' .; Biya Japauese Lawn Si riakler .ndyouwill not need to stand and hold the "uo-while watering . your lawn.' V;''', ,. i- ;" W. H. BOHNENKAMP, .'; HARDWARE, FURNITURE. New and DeslratsleHahd Bags. , New Style Bruster Brown Belts. . Pretty latiier FansJ " Tub Collars in a variety of style. ; j ' Street Hats $ I - :; 1 1 ! Don't "overwork In hot , weather, buy your ! Children's Underwear Ready Made, ; ; . , La Grrahde ' ! i - 5 " Orecori ; -. ! t t I- I- p. 1- r I a . I ' '' V A t ( it