issmm Tlif SOIvte OF OUR-: L'UiVCII GOODSrWUEN YOU; GO FISHING , WE CARRY A COMPLETE1 LINE BAKER . BO. S. Adams Avenue Phone 29 d0 V ... ' enough,1 IF our rate of lateral on certificates of. deposit high enoughs 1 ; "" ' IFIoor r&tofilnterMt oil loanalow enoogb IFAhe aceemodationa w4 aflotd Are satisfactory, IP you are not already a customer ofHtfis bank, , then we inviteod o beoome one, " ' WEigvaxanteA you, absolute safety, for yyur, funds if intrusted to our care. . nmHmiipm of t to ta Ad. , Tspeementol the interests 6f Li Grandwandu UnToofountj we 111 Justified In 'asking for i ... .; ; JourMj?rwss, and we will extend to yp U i&m&W 1 yourj aecosnt,. will; -Juatifss stall time, Yohr loans will. be MstncUaY only bf the , eecnrUy 1 4u goffer and, the balance you ketg witk tnia-bai. ; J r ' r ' '" Respectfully, Vhe farmers an& fir&dtetti l; fe ! JosjtPB!lilijiMi' .JJ. W. Binrara,! 1 G. E. McCottY, .TresidenC. AssfcXJaihier. 1 v Of1 tH . Jt will pay,iralk a iWocki ta. get the bcM Ice Cream Soda It costs' no more. We are tjettir prebatbairever totSpJ titad RELIEVE THAT TIRED FEELING. We haw'ittte&OtOro& Pure rock candy syrups.t; OTurlce cream is made fiom pure cream and i the best Let ush6w you. 115 Oil Stoves, good as new $8.00 l minut-HaUTree r 3.5S window- frames ai - Cnpborrds . W Easy payments. Bieycies BepaW:-1 Bikefllws and 8bppUeat lowest pricett UpfoUtering. romitnra and StofreSepaunog. Carpets1 Cleaned an - F D. HAISTEN, Higtit Prices PuidforStfcond HandiGoods Gulletf from County Papers I, (Cl'm NoUi). Elgla . h , bo. hkrlos soma bot ou of the, botUet d iw, 'exper ln9d Uxtb town. JW Hallgutb eommltUd toioidt ta PcrtUad llondajf twolng by. Urn Inc tba taii Ha aa,.wa)l known n tbif aaction,. baring xaaldad lnv El KleaeTaalyaarf j CIgia dataatad AHoal In tba. UU I ana la tbls city latt Uatnrday hf , arapU tq6. Tbera waa na Ufa in tbegaiBagnd, U waTary anlateteatlng to tna apaotatora. Jtigin Recorder. . i (Union Notaa) : Dr. DTK Daaring, ol Portland,) ar ritad Taaaday on a Tlait to Union. . B B Banna was om from LaQranda Ttttaday,' ahaklng baada wltb hi Un lontrlaoda. ; 1 To gat drank In tba city la bad ; to have ona'a ban ia and facw pal ii tad all tba colon ol tba rainbow and hair rubbad fall of saacilaga whl'o ona la Intoxioatad ia worae. yat eaoh waa tba aiparianea of a nan from tba country tba othar day. BapobHcan , onarga ot Wrlgbt'a Drag Btora, for- a ahortAtoa.t : . : Iba many f rlanda of Mr w illlam Andaraon will Warn, with sorrow, that n d!ad at Takoa, Jaly 11, cl baart faUofa. ; Mr. Anderaoa livadjor many feara on.Catberlna Craek a few milea aboTf Union and waa .'ona of ba iter Ung,irallabla men of the county. . J H Nlohola broke the record for re tarnaon etrawberriee- From a patch of gtooAd cpqtalnlni 70 aquare rode Mr,. Nkbqlsaold tlQO, worth, pat np eana aad auppiled tba.. Uble. three times a day for a period of five weeka,. Naturally wa aak what 8 the value ol Jand that will yield inch retarna aud boa long oan it be. bought at any ; Plans Wanted V I Notice ia hereby giren that tba Dla- trlct School Board of School Diatrlot Number One of Union County, Oregon, will receive, op to 4 o'clock p m of Jaly 25, 1900,' plana for an eight room and basement brick and' atone School bo'ute of the approximate ooat of 110,- 60 hot including inside flnliUiug of npper story;-' f' "' ' '" '' - Plans to be left with A O Williams, School Clerk: " ,4:' Board reserve the right to rejeot any and all plana. La Grande, Oregon, Jaly 13, 1906 A 0 WILLIAMS, Sohool Clerk) feiyss : f- o-' Indigestion 1 With Its' companions, heart burn, flatulenoe; torpidity of the liver, con stipation. palpitation of the heart, poos blood beadaon and other net voua aymptona, aallow. ikla,'( foul, tongue, offensive baeath and: legion of other allaMnta, 1s at o'ooa tb moat' wide spread and deatraetive malady among thai AbMrteatk people. The i Herblne treatments will ora, all these troablea. 6oc bottls . Nawlla Drug Co, , KING ON- MORGAN'S YACHT Loudon, July IS. King : Leopold of Belgium came t Dover from OaUnd today for the pnrpoee of aeelng J Pier- pont Morgan, who lunohed with his majeety on board tba former'a yacht. After a prolonged Interview Mr. Mor gan returned to London.. It le report ed that his meeting with, tba kins, of the Belgians concerned tha ' financing of important aohemea for the develop meat of the Belgian littorala. Base Ball Line Up : Tba following U . be line op of the La Grande baaa ball team wbioh will play the Elgin team la thle city to morrow afternoon. : Belgrist, oatoher Ray and 8mall, pitchers; Brookler, flret taee;Kldwell, second bate; Crawford, ahort etop; Obllders, third baaej Prow, left field j Alatott, center' field ; ' Murphy, right field.11 '" - k i The fens will notice by the above lino np that the Elgin team will know tbay have been In a game when they get through with this aggregation of fast ball playera and the general pnb lio Is assured a good game. . Notice ; Having . retired front the grocery bailners, I tek thle opportanlty of ex praising: my thanks to hoee who have extended to me their patronage.' , , .My transactions have been with those ol the flret order only, ' with bat tew exceptions, , and, theee , are excluded when I ssy that; aside from a financial ponaileratlon,' their patronage has beea fuLy appreciated, . My office' ttou're are from 9 a m to 6 p m , and I may' be. fodod at the office of John fi Hough, on Adama Avenue, any time-1 before ' Aoguet 1. Kespeot follyyuara," W MACFARLANE J 15-22 ' TWO SPECIAL BARGAINS t 13 seres adjoining town,, can be irrigated, Price, for cash, upon application. -'' r. r 420 acres near Cove, all fenced, good outside . range ,160 acres fine for fruiUor grain, .well : watered. Fine place for hone ranch. ' I ; Price upon application jCa Srando Jrivestmont Co. . . '' . . v.,- , : n o '--s . . Foley Hotel Building La Grande, Oregon v la a violent Croup :' inflammation of the mucoae membrane of the. wind pipe, wbioh aometimea extends to the laroyx aud bronohiil tnbe'at and Is one of Ilia most dangerous diseases of children It almost always oomee on in tba night Give frequent small doses ot Ballard a Horehoand Byrop and apply Ballrd'i Liniment externally to the throat 25c, BOc, (1.00, Newlin Drag Co ' ! Advertised Letters Litt 6f unclaimed letters remaining n the La Grande, Oregon, Poet OtBoe for the week ending Jaly 13, '05. Abbott Mrs. J E (2) Flack F 8 Patterson Frank J Wllllama G fi Burto N B - I2 ? Hogas A W Linditrom Anton Waterhoaset'has Wllllama Mrs. .Torn Jaoea Mies H W MohfordTH Vhlti Henry ,. flrawford Mrs. , Untoo I he above Hit will be held 14 days and than sent to tba dead letter oflloe. When called (or pleaaa say aJvertlscd 4oly 13, '05. , Q M 1UUHEY, P M ' Take Notice j Notice la hereby given tbat my wife, Grace D 8utton, having left my bed and i-oard without lust cause and of her own free wilt 'and accord. I will not be responsible for any billa she may contract front jtbia date. Dated thU fourteenth day of July, i (; R BUTTON abstract ot title the'" Persons desiring a correct will do well to call on Qvde R. Seitz, in Bohnenkamp Building, who has had years of experience In theusiness, who, is prepared r to furnish a true and correct abstrct of all titles i u - '-i i ' Abstracb Right. , ' Prices Riht R SEll 1 Wt Zu B ABSTEACTOR HENRY A im ie Mlll'l'' .4 S6 cap r y FUNERAL DIRECTOR5 i LICENJEIV EflBILnERS B Lady assis'taLt,' Calls answered day andiigbt, ' Phone No. 21. " J. 0, Henry, residence 664 J. J. Oarr, residence 386 tin?. La Grande Oregon 2 , An Opportunity For Home Seekers 700 acres of choice Farm and Orchard Lini sold , in large or small tracts to suit purchaser. 1 1 "... , f --" --..-'' ' ' ' : 1 : r w : 1 ,Tbis'farm is only 15 no ilea from La Grarde, on the Elgin branch of the O. R, & N. Railroadf and is what is known as" the Henry Rioehart Farm,, and is located at the Rinehsrt Spur. This farm tousis the foot hills end is watered with nnmerous springs, and a beautiful spring; branch of pare living water. The land msy be divided into FORTY OR EIGHTY , ACRE TRACTS, every one of which is supplied with living water: This splendid tract tontains' sufficient land to furnish homes for twenty . or 1 more families. Remember this tarm ! is under cultivation and every foot is a wealth producer. One tract cow has JoVer' ten atres of young - bearing orchrad, which ia ABSOLUTELY FREE FROM PEST. " This farm has a complete railroad and county road con nection, and is located in a school district which is free 'from debt and maintains a good six months school. ' tv Address, HENRY RINEH ART, SUMMERVILLE, OREGON. Or call at the farm for full particulars. Tcrms and com s v plete descrhioh.' : (i 1 . - " 1 LAWN MOWERS AND HOSE IN' ALL GRADES Bay ft Japanese Lawn 8 rinkler and yon will ppt,.,. need to stand and hold thV; hose; while watering " t your lawn. "-'i'S-". '','-' C ' x ' A "'.' . '- W. H. BOHNENKAMP, HARDWARE, FURNITURE. New and Desirable-Hand Bagi. , New Style Bruster Brown Belts. Pretty Feather Fans. Tub Collars hi a variety of style. Street Hats $1 'C ; ".' : V" " ti; j Don't overwork in t hot weather, buy ; your , Children's Underwear Ready Made. j s E M mM8t GO JL,a Grrtuide - " Preeoiv -a a -',5 : , tl " f ; H, - ... . JAUfe .',' v ,"