i i ; HOOD RIVER STRAWBERRIES Received daily. Fresh vegetable! Every Morning. NEBRASKA g Uoi, J ir and Jefferson 8ta. --------- -n 1 .- .' WE BUY H .- : .1 Doors Sash, Shingles and Luniber In large quantities direct from factories and mills at a, yearly contract price,! and while we pay the lowest brln. W j the tiit guoue, and cap afford to aell at figures that others buy for, thereby giv ing our customers the benefit of wholesale pi ices STODDARD LUMBER CO. LUMBE 4PnT ATT cn A T-m WHOLESALE PRICES Better Lumber and Cheaper than it io soli in La Grande. We Deliver it to your Building. Grande Ronde Lumber Co. PERRY, OREGON. '.. c ' lA GRANDE IRON WORKS Complete. Machine Shops and Foundry General Blacksmith Iloree Shoeing and Wugon Work. Manufacturer of The Fitzgerald Roller Feed Mill D. Ft TZG ERAL D. M I'hOPHIETOf Jgg 'EDKBtFTBrjiS TD)17AE80S Many people who are arilting towards Bright' s Disease, which is ii Golica Ccte Coffee U W Do net gHnd too fine, as pulverised coffee hit an en tirely different flavor from the Hint eoffite granulated. J. A. FOLGllR a CO. 9m freneteco laprrt f Fin Coffee GROCERY STORE v 0. RALSTON, Prop. 'SIM R " " ml neglecting symptoms of 1 Y t.u. o)Bl BUM 1 stops Irregularities, strengthens the urinary organs aid builds vi uic auuncys so cney wm penorm tneir xunctions property, tteaicny ucuieys strain out the impurities from the blood as it passes through them. Diseased kidneys do not, and : the poisonous waste matter is carried by the circulation' to every part of the body, causing dizziness, backache, stomach trouble, sluggish liver, irregular heart action, etc If you have any signs of Kidney or Bladder Trouble commence taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE at once, as it will cure a slight disorder in a few days and prevent a " fatal malady. It is pleasant to take and benefits the whole system. How to Find Oat. You can easily determine if your kidneya art) out of order by aetting aside for 34 koura bottlo of the urine passed upon arising. If opon examination it ia cloudy or milky or baa brick-dust aedlment or email particlea float bout in it, your kidneys are diseaaed, and FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE ahould be takes at once. Two Clzes. 50 Cents end $1.C3 SOLD O RECORDED BY After Twenty Five Years Mr E Younte former liden ol tbit valley, bat now a resident of the state of Coloiado, , ia in tba city this week vieitiog old aecoea and abakiog tba banda of old time friends. Mr Youut ia a oaUve born ton of tbia val ey, having firat received bit to trod ue ion to tbe things of tbia world upon what ia now known aa tba Geckler farm, which waa at that time, 1866, Ida father's property. It baa been twenty five years since Mr Yonnt laat aaw tbia valley, bat yesterday be spent tbe day viewing tba old familiar land scape and aaya tbat though of conraa many changes ttave taken place, there ia id rich to remind bim of the daye "before ta railroad struck tbe valley, I ill, vfi The greatest cle merchandise to i Clp.arinU Sales it Hnrnaftiir tlia Jantnitaji. In all .'i ' vices will be clotoed in khaki. Tbe oflioere wilt be 'dhtfngaished front the men only by theii eboulder atrapa. BahKWWalioiva A K Stuenenberg, a banker and oapitaliat of Idaho, will etart a bank at Wallowa. A new atone building will be erected (or the bnaineaa. It waa reported in Elgin that 0 T McDnkl will hold tbe position of Cashier Elgin Recorder. Teams Wanted Teams wauted to haul cord wood. An all aummer'a Job assured. Apply to John Anthony, or addreaa Box 14'2, La Grande, Oregon. Keal Eatate Loana, Any amoonta on City and Country Real Katate. Loana oloaed promptly, aa aoon aa' title ap proved. LA GRANDK INVESTMENT CO. Baseball Players and Foot Racers LouiaJ Kruger, ex-obamploQ long distance foot raoer of Germany and Holland, wrltea Oct 27 1901; "During my training of eight weeka' foot racea at Salt Lake City, In April laat, I naed Ballard'a Suow Liniment to my great eat satisfaction. Therefore, I recom mend Snow Liniment to all who are troubled with epraliia, b'usea or rheu matism." 25c, 60c, $1.00 bottle. New lin Drug Co. , A Grim Tragedy la daily enacted, in thouaanda of bomaa aa Death Jaim.. In each one, another victim ol Conaumption or, Pneumonia, tint when Cougha and Colda are-prop erly treated, tho tragedy ia averted. V G tluntley, of Oakladon, Ind, wrltea "My wife bad the oonaumptloa and three dootora gave ber . up. Finally she took Dx King'a New Discovery (or Consumption, Congha and Colda which cured her, and today aha ia well and strong." ' It killa tbe gernte of all diet-aeee. One doae relievea. Guar antei d at Wo and $1 by Newlin Drag Co., iliutgUt. Trial bottle free. kidney trouble, hoping "It kidney trouble in one of vi l ri iv rnxm 1 Ammonrfj MaTaVHMaBMaWBBM G. O. Burt ana Testifies After Four Years. G. B. Burhaaa of Cajliale Center, N. Y., writes: , "About four jrMreaf trot )ro atating that I bad baa aottraly nrd ef amr fcUkwy traobla ht taking laa thaa two bottlaa of ' Folay'a Kldnef Cor. It aatiraly .topped tha bricksluat aedameot and riln and amptoaaa of Udaar dto diwppaarad. 1 am f lad to My that have nava. had a ratura af an af ihoaa aymptoms durlne tha four Kara that hava alapaad, and I am avidntly curad toatay cured, and arrll rceamiaaad Falav'a KUdo.y Cure to ea eoa auffartac fan . hjdoey or Maddar trouWa.1 Music . Pupils Desired Mra. Haitie R McDonald wishes to announce to ber frlenda that abe baa been atodying lateat and beat methods ol teacbiat tba piano U beginners, aa a good foundation la tbe tuott eearnuai thing In tbe atady of maaic. She will be grateful to tbe public for patronage. Jaly 29 ......... Eastern Star Notice There will be no meeting of tbe Eastern Star thla evening. All mem ber a will pleaae take notice. MABY WAENICK, 8eo. To Our Patrons It baa been errontoualy reported tbat our buslneea la to be removed from La Grande which la not a fact. We have bought oonaiderable lumber t Union and other "places bat that Joea not neceaaitate tbe removal of our fflce and place of business from l.a fSraode. STODDARD LUM BER CO . Many children inherit constitutions weak and feeble, others due to child hood trouble. Holllster.a Rocky oontain Tea wUI poatlvely care bildren and make them atrong 5 3 cents. Tea or Tablet. Newlin Drag tlo. RED FRONT LIVERY BARN Wm. Smith, Prop, Safe and relibble rigs furn at all times. Special ac comodations' furnished to commercial traveler?, Fbone. 3-6 WM. SMITH FEED STORE Hay,' G tain and feed.' Fi'ee deliver? to all parts ef the city. Mountain trade a specialty. Phone 1961 Bonn, haroeu and wagons bought nd sold GOOD PASTURE B00 aorea fine pasture, adjoining city. Abundantly watered, Cowa lu beard 21.50, dry stock and hortea 1.25, per' month, Stock delivered on ahort notice at reaa prlcea . -E. E.Jones, Phone 1276 La Grande G. E. FOWLER Truck and Transfer Wood and Coal Phone 1611 All order given prompt attention. EC ruvis freiildvnt J H CHILPH ' Beo. und Treu. BLUE MOUNTAIN MARBLE AND GRANITE CO. LA. ' GRANDE OREGON Complete assortment of fin est marble and gmnit always on hand. Estimates cheerfully furnished upon applicali u. Headstones and Moruments A Specially will wear away." are its worst forms. up the worn-out tissues, n f' Classified V? ' f f ' j f r ' - ' I ' : . fUR SALE A new and np 'to' data alz room cottaga, in right looawon. Cheap for caeh. Modern arrange ment, will rent for 120 par month. For partlcnlara addreaabox 633 La Grande Ore. 6-29 7 29 WANTED Day work by a eompetaat and reliable woman.,, Loava com monioationa at tbia offloe. Mra L Mangera, Hilgard Oregon. J FOR SALE Tbe lota and building Now bringing 150.00 per month rant, in La Grande, only'VMOO.Harryj" G H POWfiRflrSlaUr Blool. Centennial hotel RATES fl per -day meala 35cta. Hpeclal ratea farniebed monthly pa trona. Mra A E Mnrohegon and Miaa O M Garni propVietors. ,No . AdamaAva. Phone No 1161 f V FOR KKNf Seven roomea1 boaae corner Adama A venae and Oaa. ; Inquire of R P Tait or phone HU J3 FOR 8ALE House bold fruniture, organ, piano ana cello, inquire at residence R P. Tait Cor. Adama and . flak n.nhnnW RI111.V I'M J f L. WAN TED Traveling aaleaman of good appearance. Moat be a buatler, Apply next door to Observer Offioe , between 5 and 6 pm. FOR SALE House hold furniture oomplete. Muat be sold at onoa owner ia going to leave city? In quire at WAdaniB AvenaV, ? WANTED Girl for general bouee- work Muat be a good cook. Ad dreaa P O box 387 11 tf LUMBER FOR 8AIJ' Ten tboaaand feet of lapsiding for Bale at a - flgtra tbat will lurpnaa ou. ' F : 8 New acme, No. 309 U atreet, north of tha car abopa. . tf FOUND A bunch of keya consisting of keya of varioua size and kinda. Baid bunch waa found In tbe road in Ladd Canyon. Owner may have same by calliug at . this ofBoa anc( paying for: tbia notice FOUND-Onthe atreeU a aet of gold frati.ed eye glaasea in . leather , ease. Owner can have same by calling at thlj Office arid paying for thli notice. Hat Reduction Sale ivery out lu tne store wm bm ra- daced tentj Ave" tfer 'cent in ice. Sale continues ten daya only. tf Mrs J B FORREST notice - rV We pay highest ' Market' orloea for thickens. Want all yon have got. At our Warehouse on Jefferson Ave. GR Caeh Co. IDEAL YvASHING MACHINE Any person wlshina to Darchaaa an Ideal Washing Machine, please leave word at Beattie Grocery btore and the agent will call and Bee yon promptly. 7-Z3 . THlKi. SIKdMllNn .m. ; ; Warning Notice ia hereby given that anyone found dumping refuse of any kind on any of the property belonging to Iih IA Grande Real Estate Aaaoi-.tation will be vlgoroQely prosecuted. v : This properly Includes all of the Riverside and Williamson's additions to La Grande. LA GKaNDK RKAL ESTATE A8-1 ' G 13 If Wm. Miller. Prea't Beautiful fyes and liandaoine face !llG AlrnilPlift oriiinkib.i.lA.: n .... .... ... i.iuicu.iaiiuiiv. orign. ejee are windows to a womau's heart, liolliater's Rocky MonotaluTea makee bright eyes. " 35 cents, Tea or'fableU. 1 Niulin Mr,.. r . ! 1 I : ; D 4- v Largest i Ask for La Grande y J LA GRANDE BEER IS ,AND SHOULD HAVE vetiscmcnts ORAlNiNG'AND ART DECODING Why aol fet yoVr.balntlnjr doae well whan you lao.navajt cheaper than it UIW lor aue areroKa .wi w FK"- It Get uW to giving Jnfce ood. finishing on tba inside of yoor dwell" lng Ejtf "ahell and reivet ,loaa, mfrrof polish" to. 8 D Eldaey can grain op your old painted rooms and make the .wood Ilk 'fin, quartered oak farnltuie v - ' 1433 Adama Ava. La Grande Or Good Hammocks Band made hammock -for aale'.at from 11.25 to 13.60. Repairing work aaatly and qulokly done on ham iKoeka and nets of Mr kiiMk. - Call M W; VACK''WALKGB, U Granda, Or., No. 2112 Third atreet Beptl " " ' f SWITCHES MADE OF COMBINGS I .'WiitWllbhas ama pampadsara, hair ; M.dbd tailM iMfy rait and omba. Pompadour comba. Will be at Honda Valley houat until Saturday nlcbl. can itpbty lor all klnda of hair work at home offloe, North Powder, Or. Box 5 vAKDtiUAtt FOR SALE. Ninety acres of the best land in the Grande Rohde Va'llcy, splcnd located at Island City. Will sell in small Iracis to suit purcheser. Inquire of . ...... 4 "; HENRY STERLING, Ronde Valley rlouse. ' Phone 36 jJ-iJU MARS, 4 Contractor and Builder Dealer in Building Materials! 'iia Grande, Or, OrOp a line, amingVork; ind 1 irll give the right prloa' 3 Greatly, in Demand jNo(hfp fog is'inbra in demand than a maaicina wmon meets modern require' menta for a blood and aystem cleanaer, snckraaDr, King'a Now Ufa Pflla. Thay-tra juat what yon need to oar atomach and liver troubles. Try. them. At Newlin Drag Co. drag atore. 26o guaranteed. ' ' 3 UA GRANDE SCHO0L OF MUSIC PROF. DAY. Principle. i rmDAY.AaiUaoi this is ono of toe beet musical Ia stitatlons ia tha sUta Daring the ytar 1904 there, were nearly Foot thousand lessons gtvearTbe'paople in tbia city and' valley W)glh ing to discover tbf groat advantage of ttlaWUool.' Tha stenrniad i Ika lateat and moat jpraotlcal, and inoludee all tie' latest diaooverlei in iba artbt ttauhrng mftsloi ''The school la divided ' into two depart mental Nd. 1 la for beginherat from 5 irear) no.' and tiklni rn if.a tat! tn 3rd "gntJe. 'lnu tWa Vfepattment uptiaooma one hottr 'fcvjry (day In NO. i tlia itMii are from ,:! to 15. Here they graduate. PnpiU take one or two laaaona a weak as they desire. Nd acholare will be permlttad to retnala lb thla aohooi wto do not study. . , ,, ,, Opboaita tba Foley House "over the Candy Btore Phone 473. KJtt W Ii K Y ervi ...... ;.) ; Betr and get the , Best : MADE IN U GRANDE I ' THk 1-kEFERENCE I A 7 H IT- f ,X I i U G O I ST