?1 TODAY'S NEWS TODAY Tonight and tomorrow partly cloudy with possibly thunder storms. LA GRANDE. UNION COUNTY, OREGON SATURDAY. JULY 15. 1905 NUMBER 2IS la y mot traiwe ' OBSERVED VULUOTC IV ,ANEW ' TRIAL DENIED Soripps News Association I rorwamvjuiy in irefleral Judge Tl . 1 1 a . w a a . ueuaven this aiternoon denied Sena tor Mitohelf motion (or a new trial and eleo the motion to arrest juJg ment. Defendants k attorneys . gave notice that they wouM file a bill of exceptions tor appeal. Williamson Case Portland July 15 M R Biggs County oommisBloner at Prin?ille and a co defendant with congressman William' on In the land (rand trial admitted under cross examination Jthis morninS that the money received by hie office to pay filings on many alleged fraud nlent entries was in the form ot checks 8igned by the firm of Villiamson A Gesner. .. : ' , , Powder Explosion (8oripps News Association) Ottowa Ont, July IS Four men were killed and several injured by an explosion in the Dominion Cartridge 'V. Companies great arsenal at Browns . burg this morning The dead are Stephen Cruthers, John Martin, Thorn as Charlebere and Napoleon Lamarche Car Robbers Arrested By Sorippa News Association South Bend, Ind., Jnly 15. Officers have arrested 11 men charged with be ing Implicated In wholesale robberies of cars on the Grand Trunk railroad Mar titllwell, Laporte county. Mer-V'-i. ebandlse to the value of $30,000 has been taken. former Premier Dies (By Borlpps News Association) Madrid, July 15 Marquis Villa verde, former premier ot Spain, died here today. GLEARANGE OF ALL SUMMER It will pay you to get our prices--:0ur policy of l' r clearing out what is left of seasonable goods after every season's selling INSURES,-YOU NEW,. GOODS. What is left of this season's goods MUST CO NOW, WE HAVE MADE PRICES THAT WILL PLEASE YOU AND MAKE THEM CO. WRECKED TWO HUNDRED HOUSES Bcrippe News Association -Beline Jnly IS Following the anti 8emitio outbreak at Joaefow, in the Lublin Russia, a mob of three thous and attacked Ghetto, wrecking and plundering over two hundred houses. Two persons were killed and one hun dred and teo iojar.d. Lawson in Chicago (By Scrlpps Neve Association) Chicago, Jnly 15. Thomas W Law son arrived In this oity this morning at ten fifty five from Albert Lea, Minn in hia private oar Halsmere attaohed to the Rock Island train He waa zzz, wuutet uy a committee beaded by Clarence Darrow. lie wilt be the guest today and tonight ot the Jeffer son Club and will bo the pjlnclpal speaker at a banquet to be given In his honor this evening. Mayor Dunne will not be present as he left this morning for -a week's outing in Wisconsin, Lawson leaves for Boston Immediately at the oloeo of the banquet. " 1 - " ' V ' ; , ' '" H ' '('". Great Crowds Attracted By Sripps News Association Idaho Kan 15 Thirty five hundred people jammed the Grand Threater in which owing to public Interest, the trial of former congressmen Fuston is taking place. Former congressman Funston is the father of General Fan- ston. It is claimed that former con gressman advocated the dynamiting of saloons prior to the explosion which wrecked several places recently. He was arrested for distutbing the pt-sce' and for carrying conccxlrd weapons Killed at Baker City Baker City July I4-0smes Msrtin, a switchman in the yards ot the Ore- gon junniber company, was run over by a switch engine of the Sumpter Val ley railroad at noon today and instant ly killed. Martin was riding on the front of the engine and fell off, being rnn over Deoeased was a member of the Odd Fellows and leaves a wife and daughter No arrangements have been made for the funeral. Call us up on Farmers' Line. GREAT WILL NOT VISIT MOSCOW (By Hcrlppe News Aaa elation). 8t Petersburg July 15 The Ciar bad definitely decided not to go to Mosoow July 19ib to issue lb proola nation oouvokiot tbe representative usocS&lioo. ' It is understood that the change plans is das to tbs assassina tion of Count Schuvaloff at Moscow An imperial decree baa been Issued granting amnesty to ait religious ot tenders in accordance with the ukase of May 12th. Fast Train Wrecked , - . By Borlpps News Association --H:r.:i;i ZJ., am renasyl vania flyer east bound, the new eigh teen boor tula between Chicago and New York struck a w.ecked freight train while running at top speed west ot Fort Royal near this oity 1 1 five o'clock tbii morninf.Ths freight train hd buckled, ' throwing a car across .the passenger track. The flyer struck the car and burled it from tbt traok-. Tbe engineer of the flyer Jumped when be saw tbs the obiruotiM and was severely injured. The engine ot tbe flyer was considerably damaged. Presence V.;:;;,, I'i By Scrlpps News association Washington D O July 15-Tbe state ot Newbampehirehas been granted' the honor of entertaining tbe Rnssian-Jsp aneae peace plenipotentiaries during tbe period of tbeir conference at Ports mouth The envoys with their suite will be lodged at tbe Hotel Went worth. one of the most handsome ho tels in all New England, No expense will be spared to provide entertain ment for the distinguished guests. t GOODS A i - "! 1 Hohoredi By Their GOT IT IN THE NECK - Script News Association - 8n JoseCal July IS Gustsvellne Ur, a wealthy f retired ' 8n Fraceirco paint manufacturer was sbot and kil led Instant!) by his wife last night, at their oountry home above Alma Hue ter and bis wife bed quarreled and he had threatened to kill her, and praot a ahok nm the ot me oed when they retired. ) Later1; be ioK op and reached tor the gun. Bis wife drew a revolver from under the pillow anU sbot bios in the back ot the neck, died tnst-tnlly. ..' .'.,!, . ,. . He Wool Cornered 'p (By Pcrirps Nsws Association) . La Ci otie, July1 lS.Tbe Wool mar ket of . the northwest la practically oornered by 8 X Hyde and this asso ciates. Two million pounds are stored here and vast quantities . elsewhere. They bonnet every pound in Wlrnonaln and have an option on nearly the en tire supply in tbs nortwest. 1 2 Submarine Raised By Borinns News Association 'Bisertn'Tonnis July 15-i-French sub marine Faradet which sunk with Is men on board has been raised by means ot the floating dock. Tbe bodies bays not yet ben recovered. Start? ;For Washington (By Scrlpps News Association) , Ebsnghal, Jnly M.-MPokeloff, the Knsslan minister to Chins, sailed to day for Vancouver on the steamer Em press of China. He Is on his way to Washington D O, to attend the Russ ian Japaasss peaos oonferenoe. Soldiers1 Mutiny Tiflis, Jnly 14. A regiment of Ruse. Ian rappers stationed at a small1 vill age age In . the mountains near here, baa muraered ' pi Its olfloers and, it Is rumored, bai joined tbe revolution ists. iiryjfconstionar ; By Soripps News Association Little Rook, Ark., Jnly 15,-The Anti trust law which passed tbe last legislature waa today declared unconstl tutlonal by the Supreme Court. sails for : :? NORTH POLE r-;.r New Fork, July 15. Commander Peary's ship Roosevelt starts for ths North Pole at three o'olock tomorrow afternoon. Tbe- Roosevelt Intended to sail this afternoon but its depart nre was delayed py the non-arrival ot do plicate machinery. ; ' . . His Ovyn fxecutionor .Hy Scrlpps News Association Salt Lake July 15 Fearing capture Peter Oalomtv o Italian shot him- self today. Tbe man is believed to be tbe second burglar who was interrupt-1 ed while leaving tbe store at Union witb. plunder. His ,corapauion was not dead fry a hoy left to guard mm. when be showed fight yesterday morn- " Reported Mutiny (By Soripps News Association) : . Vienna July 15 Dispatches from St Petersburg say that it. is rumored tbero that a mutiny occurred among tbs crew' or the battleship Katherina, of tbe Black Be a squadron, and it is repotted that the mutineers have suok rhs veaseL V. 'At tbe contention of the National Catholic Fduoatlonal Association, Rt. Rev. Monsiguor Dennis J O'Connell, D D, Cat hollo University, Washington D C, was re-elected president ol tbe general society. : t THREE KILLED IN COLLISION Chicago, Jnly 15. A passenger train from St. Louis on the Chicago St East- m liiinois rau vay ooiuaed wan a suburban train at 8tieer, 111 , today, Jamea Lyke, engineer oi the suburb an train, George Epstein and Ferdin and Hoyn. passengers on the suburb an trrln, were killed and six others re ceived serious Injuries. An open switch caused the St. Louis train to daeu iato the. elding where the sub urban train was aUuding. SHASTA MINES SOLD OR TWO MILLIONS Sharon Pa. July 16 Tbe BaMskla gold and silver mines of 8haata county California owned by tbe late Peter Kimbetly, Fra ik Bukle ot Sharon and others bavs sold to a syndicate headed by Clarence V7 Maokay lor 12,000.000. Tbs deal was clossd this week by trustees ot the Kimbeiley estate,:.. Reinstated s- " By 8oripps News Association ' Wasbingtou July ' 15 Secretary of Navy Bouspsrte today reversed the order ol Use Secretary Morton letlre- ing CivilEogineers Walker and Harris from inspeoiion duty at the Charles ron ary uncic and sent tbe engineers bsok to duly. The men were remov ed at the instigation ot the New York continental Jewel Filterition Co. who oiaimed tbs engineers ticated the compsny unfairly. Bonaparte com plemented engineers Wslkr. aod Hairie on tbe oonsoioutious discharge of duty. In t le report on case assis ttat Beoretary Darling said the evi denote )ends tosbow that without vigor oua inspection tbe work would not be equal lht called tor in contract. LATEST IN STATIONERY Our new stock: of stationary embraces all tbe latent 1 ideas iu corresponJeace papora, all the uewegt aizes, shapes and tints. ' Oar liuo of box papers is especially ,,: noteworthy, ranging iu price from lOo to SOc n - box. We always carry "a good stock of bulk and tablet papers, just now it is unusually ample. Our prices on everything in the stationery line have been proverb . ially rea9onabe and we are now ofleriug better 'valu.'S for your money than ever. - NEWLIN 25 0 0 Reduction ON ALL STRAW CRASH HATS A I... ANDREWS Haberdasher and Tailor BOTH COASTS SHAKE By Roiipps News Association Portland, Maine, July IS.-Two alight earthquake shocks were felt here this morning at ten minutes after '! three., Heavier shocks were felt at Augusta, Baogar, Lewiatoa and .Rook Island, Reports from Tbomaston says tbs shock tlior ;;;;;; Uiiu ? duration. The tremor waa felt abort- ' ly after fire o'oluok in the morning. .. Uounes were shaken aod dishes rattled. ; Han Bernardino Cal July 16 - Th.s f afternoon a violent earthquake shook : this city. It was the moat violent ex. perienced here for years. A building on tbo corner ol 3rd fc D street crack- , ed open in seveo pi toes, and Other ' damnae is feared." Alunir the nnnn. - tains clouds of dust following the t earthquake tell ot serious landslides. , Cyclone Kill j Four ; Hcripps News Association - .-.. i Winnipeg July 15 A cyclone swept ' tbrouRh this city early this morning and as a result four puraeus were kill-, ed and six injured. The property loss ' is very heavy. ' V .. V 7 :'"v. j High brick walls of a (our story building owned . by James Conner' oratbed down upon two adjiiuirg buildings killing tie (our. inmates1' and injuring five otherr. .The dead are R Wbite, W Steinhoff and two awtr named 1 RiWy. ' The . building which collapsed was' recently gutted l): ti itad the walls bad been 'left Ste-fi-'V. ;.:r vv' v." hlo N J Uadley, ol Nowburg is in the ouy, the guest ot her daughter, Mrs J FSteinbsck tbis week. , . V STYLES M i DRUG CO. Wskh this ipict for Suit winneri CL MtUquist $35 Dr. G L Bikers $25 Suit tut Safurday Two drawings on Sat July 15 -"I... V,.- .. -r4 ..Ai-'. ,